Exemple #1
def find_proxy(url, host=None):
  Finds proxy string for the given url and host. If host is not
  defined, it's extracted from the url.
    if host is None:
        m = _URL_REGEX.match(url)
        if not m:
            raise URLError(url)
        if len(m.groups()) is 1:
            host = m.groups()[0]
            raise URLError(url)
    return _pacparser.find_proxy(url, host)
Exemple #2
def find_proxy(url, host=None):
  Finds proxy string for the given url and host. If host is not
  defined, it's extracted from the url.
    if host is None:
        m = _URL_REGEX.match(url)
        if not m:
            raise URLError(url)
        if len(m.groups()) is 1:
            host = m.groups()[0]
            raise URLError(url)
    return _pacparser.find_proxy(url, host)
Exemple #3
def find_proxy(url, host=None):
  Finds proxy string for the given url and host. If host is not
  defined, it's extracted from the url.
  if host is None:
    m = url_regex.match(url)
    if not m:
      print('URL: %s is not a valid URL' % url)
      return None
    if len(m.groups()) is 1:
      host = m.groups()[0]
      print('URL: %s is not a valid URL' % url)
      return None
  return _pacparser.find_proxy(url, host)
Exemple #4
def find_proxy(url, host=None):
  Finds proxy string for the given url and host. If host is not
  defined, it's extracted from the url.
    if host is None:
        m = _url_regex.match(url)
        if not m:
            print('URL: %s is not a valid URL' % url)
            return None
        if len(m.groups()) is 1:
            host = m.groups()[0]
            print('URL: %s is not a valid URL' % url)
            return None
    return _pacparser.find_proxy(url, host)