def fetch_url_using_pac(pac, url): try: proxy_string = pacparser.just_find_proxy(pac, url) except: sys.stderr.write('could not determine proxy using Pacfile\n') return None proxylist = proxy_string.split(";") proxies = None # Dictionary to be passed to urlopen method of urllib while proxylist: proxy = proxylist.pop(0).strip() if 'DIRECT' in proxy: proxies = {} break if proxy[0:5].upper() == 'PROXY': proxy = proxy[6:].strip() if isproxyalive(proxy): proxies = {'http': 'http://%s' % proxy} break try: sys.stderr.write('trying to fetch the page using proxy %s\n' % proxy) response = urllib.urlopen(url, proxies=proxies) except Exception, e: sys.stderr.write('could not fetch webpage %s using proxy %s\n' % (url, proxies)) sys.stderr.write(str(e) + '\n') return None
def getDefinedUrlResults(): print("getDefinedUrlResults ->") pacparser.init() ret = [] # get pacparser response for url in defurls: # print(url) try: res = pacparser.just_find_proxy("latest.pac", url) except: res = "pac file not found" finally: print # print(res) # print ret.append({ "url": url, "res": res }) print("end for defurls <-") pacparser.cleanup() # print(ret) print("getDefinedUrlResults <-") return ret
def fetch_url_using_pac(pac, url): try: proxy_string = pacparser.just_find_proxy(pac, url) except: sys.stderr.write('could not determine proxy using Pacfile\n') return None proxylist = proxy_string.split(";") proxies = None # Dictionary to be passed to urlopen method of urllib while proxylist: proxy = proxylist.pop(0).strip() if 'DIRECT' in proxy: proxies = {} break if proxy[0:5].upper() == 'PROXY': proxy = proxy[6:].strip() if isproxyalive(proxy): proxies = {'http': 'http://%s' % proxy} break try: sys.stderr.write('trying to fetch the page using proxy %s\n' % proxy) response = urllib.urlopen(url, proxies=proxies) except Exception, e: sys.stderr.write('could not fetch webpage %s using proxy %s\n' % (url, proxies)) sys.stderr.write(str(e)+'\n') return None
def getDefinedUrlResults(): print("getDefinedUrlResults ->") pacparser.init() ret = [] # get pacparser response for url in defurls: # print(url) try: res = pacparser.just_find_proxy("latest.pac", url) except: res = "pac file not found" finally: print # print(res) # print ret.append({"url": url, "res": res}) print("end for defurls <-") pacparser.cleanup() # print(ret) print("getDefinedUrlResults <-") return ret
def find_proxy_for_url(self, url): """Ask the PAC file for the proxy to use for the given URL.""" self.update_pacfile() proxies = pacparser.just_find_proxy(self.pacfile, url) if proxies: for proxy in proxies.split(";"): proxy = proxy.strip() if proxy[0:6].upper() == "DIRECT": return None if proxy[0:5].upper() == "PROXY": return proxy[6:].strip() sys.stderr.write("No proxy offered for %s\n" % (url,)) return None
def fetchurl(pac, url, headers): try: proxy_string = pacparser.just_find_proxy(pac, url) except: sys.stderr.write('could not determine proxy using Pacfile\n') return None proxylist = proxy_string.split(";") proxies = None # Dictionary to be passed to urlopen method of urllib while proxylist: proxy = proxylist.pop(0).strip() if 'DIRECT' in proxy: proxies = {} break if proxy[0:5].upper() == 'PROXY': proxy = proxy[6:].strip() if isproxyalive(proxy): proxies = {'http': 'http://%s' % proxy} break try: sys.stderr.write('trying to fetch the page using proxy %s\n' % proxy) ''' using urllib: response = urllib.urlopen(url, proxies=proxies) ''' ''' using urllib2: ''' #srh = rTool.SmartRedirectHandler() proxy = urllib2.ProxyHandler(proxies) handler = urllib2.HTTPHandler() handler.set_http_debuglevel(1) cookie = urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor() opener = urllib2.build_opener(handler, proxy) urllib2.install_opener(opener) request = urllib2.Request(url, None, headers) response = except Exception, e: sys.stderr.write('could not fetch webpage %s using proxy %s\n' % (url, proxies)) sys.stderr.write(str(e)+'\n') return None
def getproxyserver(pac, url): try: proxy_string = pacparser.just_find_proxy(pac, url) except: sys.stderr.write('could not determine proxy using Pacfile\n') return None proxylist = proxy_string.split(";") # Choose first proxy server while proxylist: proxy = proxylist.pop(0).strip() if 'DIRECT' in proxy: break if proxy[0:5].upper() == 'PROXY': proxy = proxy[6:].strip() if isproxyalive(proxy): break return proxy
def get_proxy_from_pac(pac, url): try: proxy_string = pacparser.just_find_proxy(pac, url) except: sys.stderr.write('could not determine proxy using Pacfile\n') return None proxylist = proxy_string.split(";") proxies = None # Dictionary to be passed to urlopen method of urllib while proxylist: proxy = proxylist.pop(0).strip() if 'DIRECT' in proxy: proxies = {} break if proxy[0:5].upper() == 'PROXY': proxy = proxy[6:].strip() if isproxyalive(proxy): proxies = {'http': 'http://%s' % proxy} break return proxies
def checkProxiesForUrl(self, pac, url): """get proxy for the given url""" try: proxy_string = pacparser.just_find_proxy(pac, url) except: sys.stderr.write('could not determine proxy using Pacfile\n') return None proxylist = proxy_string.split(";") proxies = None # Dictionary to be passed to urlopen method of urllib while proxylist: proxy = proxylist.pop(0).strip() if 'DIRECT' in proxy: proxies = {} return proxies #break if proxy[0:5].upper() == 'PROXY': proxy = proxy[6:].strip() if self.isProxyAlive(proxy): proxies = {'http': 'http://%s' % proxy} return proxies
#!/usr/bin/env python import pacparser,sys print sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) >= 3: pacfile=sys.argv[2] print "use: ", pacfile else: pacfile="proxy.pac" pacparser.init() pacparser.parse_pac(pacfile) proxy = pacparser.find_proxy(sys.argv[1]) print proxy pacparser.cleanup() # Or simply, print pacparser.just_find_proxy(pacfile, sys.argv[1])
#!/usr/bin/python2.5 import pacparser pacparser.init() pacparser.parse_pac("wpad.dat") proxy = pacparser.find_proxy("") print proxy pacparser.cleanup() # Or simply, print pacparser.just_find_proxy("wpad.dat", "")
print(stat) except Exception, e: # When couldn't download pac, return error page. error = "Pac file not found. Check your pac in `/app/` and correct access rights." return render_template('index.html', defpacs=defpacs, error=error) else: url = "" opt = "http://your-company/test.pac" # get pacparser response pacparser.init() try: res = pacparser.just_find_proxy("latest.pac", url) except: res = "not found" finally: print print(res) print pacparser.cleanup() # get defined check urls defres = getDefinedUrlResults() return render_template('index.html', url=url, opt=opt,
print(stat) except Exception,e: # When couldn't download pac, return error page. error = "Pac file not found. Check your pac in `/app/` and correct access rights." return render_template('index.html',defpacs=defpacs, error=error) else: url="" opt="http://your-company/test.pac" # get pacparser response pacparser.init() try: res = pacparser.just_find_proxy("latest.pac", url) except: res = "not found" finally: print print(res) print pacparser.cleanup() # get defined check urls defres = getDefinedUrlResults() return render_template('index.html',url=url,opt=opt,res=res,stat=stat,defpacs=defpacs,defres=defres)
#!/usr/bin/env python import pacparser, sys print sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) >= 3: pacfile = sys.argv[2] print "use: ", pacfile else: pacfile = "proxy.pac" pacparser.init() pacparser.parse_pac(pacfile) proxy = pacparser.find_proxy(sys.argv[1]) print proxy pacparser.cleanup() # Or simply, print pacparser.just_find_proxy(pacfile, sys.argv[1])