Exemple #1
def test_ozkurt():
    Test PAC function: Ozkurt
    1. Confirm consistency of output with example data
    2. Confirm PAC=1 when expected
    3. Confirm PAC=0 when expected
    # Load data
    data = np.load(os.path.dirname(pacpy.__file__) + '/tests/exampledata.npy')
    assert np.allclose(
        ozkurt(data, data, (13, 30), (80, 200)), 0.07658, atol=10 ** -5)

    # Test that the Ozkurt PAC function outputs close to 0 and 1 when expected
    lo, hi = genPAC1(phabias=.2, fhi=300)
    hif = firf(hi, (100, 400))
    amp = np.abs(hilbert(hif))
    weight = (np.sqrt(len(amp)) * np.sqrt(np.sum(amp ** 2))) / np.sum(amp)
    assert ozkurt(lo, hi, (4, 6), (100, 400)) * weight > 0.98

    lo, hi = genPAC0()
    assert ozkurt(lo, hi, (4, 6), (100, 400)) < 0.01
Exemple #2
def test_ozkurt():
    Test PAC function: Ozkurt
    1. Confirm consistency of output with example data
    2. Confirm consistency of output with example data using iir filter
    3. Confirm PAC=1 when expected
    4. Confirm PAC=0 when expected
    # Load data
    data = np.load(os.path.dirname(pacpy.__file__) + '/tests/exampledata.npy')
    assert np.allclose(
        ozkurt(data, data, (13, 30), (80, 200)), 0.07548, atol=10 ** -5)
    assert np.allclose(
        ozkurt(data, data, (13, 30), (80, 200), filterfn=butterf), 0.07555, atol=10 ** -5)

    # Test that the Ozkurt PAC function outputs close to 0 and 1 when expected
    lo, hi = genPAC1(phabias=.2, fhi=300)
    hif = firf(hi, (100, 400))
    amp = np.abs(hilbert(hif))
    weight = (np.sqrt(len(amp)) * np.sqrt(np.sum(amp ** 2))) / np.sum(amp)
    assert ozkurt(lo, hi, (4, 6), (100, 400)) * weight > 0.99

    lo, hi = genPAC0()
    assert ozkurt(lo, hi, (4, 6), (90, 110)) < 0.001
    # Test that Filterfn = False works as expected
    datalo = firf(data, (13,30))
    datahi = firf(data, (80,200))
    pha = np.angle(hilbert(datalo))
    amp = np.abs(hilbert(datahi))
    assert np.allclose(
        ozkurt(pha, amp, (13, 30), (80, 200), filterfn=False),
        ozkurt(data, data, (13, 30), (80, 200)), atol=10 ** -5)
Exemple #3
def test_ozkurt():
    Test PAC function: Ozkurt
    1. Confirm consistency of output with example data
    2. Confirm PAC=1 when expected
    3. Confirm PAC=0 when expected
    # Load data
    data = np.load(os.path.dirname(pacpy.__file__) + '/tests/exampledata.npy')
    assert np.allclose(ozkurt(data, data, (13, 30), (80, 200)),

    # Test that the Ozkurt PAC function outputs close to 0 and 1 when expected
    lo, hi = genPAC1(phabias=.2, fhi=300)
    hif = firf(hi, (100, 400))
    amp = np.abs(hilbert(hif))
    weight = (np.sqrt(len(amp)) * np.sqrt(np.sum(amp**2))) / np.sum(amp)
    assert ozkurt(lo, hi, (4, 6), (100, 400)) * weight > 0.98

    lo, hi = genPAC0()
    assert ozkurt(lo, hi, (4, 6), (100, 400)) < 0.01