class TestIntentContainer: def setup(self): self.container = IntentContainer() def test(self): self.container.add_intent('hello', ['hello', 'hi', 'how are you', "what's up"]) self.container.add_intent('buy', [ 'buy {item}', 'purchase {item}', 'get {item}', 'get {item} for me' ]) self.container.add_entity('item', ['milk', 'cheese']) self.container.add_intent('drive', [ 'drive me to {place}', 'take me to {place}', 'navigate to {place}' ]) self.container.add_intent( 'eat', ['eat {fruit}', 'eat some {fruit}', 'munch on (some|) {fruit}']) self.container.compile() assert self.container.calc_intent('hello')['name'] == 'hello' assert not self.container.calc_intent('bye')['name'] assert self.container.calc_intent('buy milk') == { 'name': 'buy', 'entities': { 'item': 'milk' } } assert self.container.calc_intent('eat some bananas') == { 'name': 'eat', 'entities': { 'fruit': 'bananas' } } def test_case(self): self.container.add_intent('test', ['Testing cAPitalizAtion']) assert self.container.calc_intent( 'teStiNg CapitalIzation')['name'] == 'test' def test_punctuation(self): self.container.add_intent('test', ['Test! Of: Punctuation']) assert self.container.calc_intent( 'test of !punctuation...')['name'] == 'test' def test_spaces(self): self.container.add_intent('test', ['this is a test']) assert self.container.calc_intent('thisisatest')['name'] is None self.container.add_intent('test2', ['this has(one|two)options']) assert self.container.calc_intent( 'this has two options')['name'] == 'test2' assert self.container.calc_intent('th is is a test')['name'] is None self.container.add_intent('test3', ['I see {thing} (in|on) {place}']) assert self.container.calc_intent('I see a bin test')['name'] is None assert self.container.calc_intent('I see a bin in there') == { 'name': 'test3', 'entities': { 'thing': 'a bin', 'place': 'there' } }
class PadaosFileIntent(IntentPlugin): """Interface for Padatious intent engine""" def __init__(self, rt): super().__init__(rt) self.container = IntentContainer() def _read_file(self, file_name): with open(file_name) as f: return [i.strip() for i in f.readlines() if i.strip()] def register(self, intent: Any, skill_name: str, intent_id: str): if not isinstance(intent, DynamicIntent): file_name = join(self.rt.paths.skill_locale(skill_name), intent + '.intent') intent = DynamicIntent(intent, self._read_file(file_name)) self.container.add_intent(intent_id, def register_entity(self, entity: Any, skill_name: str, entity_id: str): if not isinstance(entity, DynamicEntity): file_name = join(self.rt.paths.skill_locale(skill_name), entity + '.entity') entity = DynamicEntity(entity, self._read_file(file_name)) self.container.add_entity(entity_id, def unregister(self, intent_id: str): self.container.remove_intent(intent_id) def unregister_entity(self, entity_id: str): self.container.remove_entity(entity_id) def compile(self): self.container.compile() def calc_intents(self, query): return [ IntentMatch(intent_id=match['name'], confidence=1.0, matches=match['entities'], query=query) for match in self.container.calc_intents(query) ]