Exemple #1
def _load_state_dict_from_save_inference_model(model_path, config):
    # 1. load program desc & construct _ProgramHolder
    programs = _construct_program_holders(model_path, config.model_filename)

    # 2. load layer parameters & buffers
    with fluid.dygraph.guard():
        persistable_var_dict = _construct_params_and_buffers(
            model_path, programs, config.params_filename, append_suffix=False)

        # 3. construct state_dict
        load_param_dict = dict()
        for var_name in persistable_var_dict:
            load_param_dict[var_name] = persistable_var_dict[var_name].numpy()

        # if *.info exists, we can recover structured_name
        var_info_filename = str(config.params_filename) + ".info"
        var_info_path = os.path.join(model_path, var_info_filename)
        if os.path.exists(var_info_path):
            with open(var_info_path, 'rb') as f:
                extra_var_info = pickle.load(f)
            structured_para_dict = dict()
            for var_name in load_param_dict:
                structured_name = extra_var_info[var_name].get(
                    'structured_name', None)
                assert structured_name is not None, "Cannot find saved variable (%s)'s structured name in saved model." % var_name
                structured_para_dict[structured_name] = load_param_dict[
            load_param_dict = structured_para_dict

    return load_param_dict
Exemple #2
def load_dygraph(model_path, **configs):
    :api_attr: imperative
    Load parameter state dict from disk.

    .. note::
        Due to some historical reasons, if you load ``state_dict`` from the saved 
        result of `paddle.static.save_inference_model`, the structured variable name 
        will cannot be restored. You need to set the argument `use_structured_name=False` 
        when using `Layer.set_state_dict` later.

        model_path(str) : The file prefix store the state_dict. 
            (The path should Not contain suffix '.pdparams') 
        **configs (dict, optional): Other load configuration options for compatibility. We do not 
            recommend using these configurations, if not necessary, DO NOT use them. Default None.
            The following options are currently supported:
            (1) model_filename (str): The inference model file name of the paddle 1.x ``save_inference_model`` 
            save format. Default file name is :code:`__model__` . 
            (2) params_filename (str): The persistable variables file name of the paddle 1.x ``save_inference_model`` 
            save format. No default file name, save variables separately by default.

        state_dict(dict) : the dict store the state_dict

        .. code-block:: python

            import paddle
            import paddle.fluid as fluid


            emb = paddle.nn.Embedding(10, 10)

            state_dict = emb.state_dict()
            fluid.save_dygraph(state_dict, "paddle_dy")

            scheduler = paddle.optimizer.lr.NoamDecay(	
                d_model=0.01, warmup_steps=100, verbose=True)
            adam = paddle.optimizer.Adam(
            state_dict = adam.state_dict()
            fluid.save_dygraph(state_dict, "paddle_dy")

            para_state_dict, opti_state_dict = fluid.load_dygraph("paddle_dy")
    # deal with argument `model_path`
    model_prefix = model_path
    if model_prefix.endswith(".pdparams"):
        model_prefix = model_prefix[:-9]
    elif model_prefix.endswith(".pdopt"):
        model_prefix = model_prefix[:-6]

    para_dict = None
    opti_dict = None
    params_file_path = model_prefix + ".pdparams"
    opti_file_path = model_prefix + ".pdopt"

    # deal with argument `config`
    config = _parse_load_config(configs)

    if os.path.exists(params_file_path) or os.path.exists(opti_file_path):
        # Load state dict by `save_dygraph` save format
        para_dict = {}
        if os.path.exists(params_file_path):
            with open(params_file_path, 'rb') as f:
                para_dict = pickle.load(f, encoding='latin1')

        if not config.keep_name_table and "StructuredToParameterName@@" in para_dict:
            del para_dict["StructuredToParameterName@@"]

        if os.path.exists(opti_file_path):
            with open(opti_file_path, 'rb') as f:
                opti_dict = pickle.load(f, encoding='latin1')
        # check model path
        if not os.path.isdir(model_prefix):
            raise ValueError("Model saved directory '%s' is not exists." %

        # check whether model file exists
        if config.model_filename is None:
            model_filename = '__model__'
            model_filename = config.model_filename
        model_file_path = os.path.join(model_path, model_filename)

        if os.path.exists(model_file_path):
            # Load state dict by `jit.save/io.save_inference_model` save format
            # NOTE(chenweihang): [ Compatibility of save_inference_model save format ]
            # The model saved by `save_inference_model` does not completely correspond to 
            # the information required by the `state_dict` under the dygraph. 
            # `save_inference_model` not save structured name, we need to remind 
            # the user to configure the `use_structured_name` argument when `set_state_dict`
            # NOTE(chenweihang): `jit.save` doesn't save optimizer state 

            # 1. load program desc & construct _ProgramHolder
            programs = _construct_program_holders(model_path,

            # 2. load layer parameters & buffers
            # NOTE: using fluid.dygraph.guard() here will cause import error in py2
            with guard():
                persistable_var_dict = _construct_params_and_buffers(

                # 3. construct state_dict
                para_dict = dict()
                for var_name in persistable_var_dict:
                    para_dict[var_name] = persistable_var_dict[var_name].numpy()

                # if *.info exists, we can recover structured_name
                var_info_filename = str(config.params_filename) + ".info"
                var_info_path = os.path.join(model_prefix, var_info_filename)
                if os.path.exists(var_info_path):
                    with open(var_info_path, 'rb') as f:
                        extra_var_info = pickle.load(f)
                    structured_para_dict = dict()
                    for var_name in para_dict:
                        structured_name = extra_var_info[var_name].get(
                            'structured_name', None)
                        assert structured_name is not None, "Cannot find saved variable (%s)'s structured name in saved model." % var_name
                        structured_para_dict[structured_name] = para_dict[
                    para_dict = structured_para_dict
            # load state dict by `io.save_params/persistables` save format
            # TODO(chenweihang): [ Now only supports loading parameters seperately ]
            # If users save all parameters as one file, the [ variable.name -> variable ]
            # mapping info will lost, so users need to give variable list, but users build 
            # variable list in dygraph mode is difficult, we recommend users to use
            # paddle.static.load_program_state in this case

            # Try to load all the files in the directory in VarBase format, 
            # the file name is used as the name of VarBase
            load_var_list = []

            # 1. load file names
            var_name_list = []
            for root, _, files in os.walk(model_path):
                for filename in files:
                    file_path = os.path.join(root, filename)
                    tmp_var_name = os.path.relpath(file_path, model_path)
                    var_name = tmp_var_name.replace("\\", "/")

            # 2. create and load VarBase
            with guard():
                for name in var_name_list:
                    new_var = _varbase_creator(name=name, persistable=True)
                        outputs={'Out': new_var},
                        attrs={'file_path': os.path.join(model_path, name)})

            # 3. construct state_dict
            para_dict = dict()
            for var in load_var_list:
                para_dict[var.name] = var.numpy()

    return para_dict, opti_dict
Exemple #3
def load_dygraph(model_path, config=None):
    :api_attr: imperative
    Load parameter state dict from disk.

    .. note::
        Due to some historical reasons, if you load ``state_dict`` from the saved 
        result of `paddle.io.save_inference_model`, the structured variable name 
        will cannot be restored. You need to set the argument `use_structured_name=False` 
        when using `Layer.set_state_dict` later.

        model_path(str) : The file prefix store the state_dict. 
            (The path should Not contain suffix '.pdparams') 
        config (SaveLoadConfig, optional): :ref:`api_imperative_jit_saveLoadConfig`
            object that specifies additional configuration options, these options 
            are for compatibility with ``jit.save/io.save_inference_model`` formats. 
            Default None.

        state_dict(dict) : the dict store the state_dict

        .. code-block:: python

            import paddle

            emb = paddle.nn.Embedding([10, 10])

            state_dict = emb.state_dict()
            paddle.save(state_dict, "paddle_dy")

            scheduler = paddle.optimizer.lr_scheduler.NoamLR(
                d_model=0.01, warmup_steps=100, verbose=True)
            adam = paddle.optimizer.Adam(
            state_dict = adam.state_dict()
            paddle.save(state_dict, "paddle_dy")

            para_state_dict, opti_state_dict = paddle.load("paddle_dy")

    # deal with argument `model_path`
    model_prefix = model_path
    if model_prefix.endswith(".pdparams"):
        model_prefix = model_prefix[:-9]
    elif model_prefix.endswith(".pdopt"):
        model_prefix = model_prefix[:-6]

    para_dict = None
    opti_dict = None
    params_file_path = model_prefix + ".pdparams"
    opti_file_path = model_prefix + ".pdopt"

    # deal with argument `configs`
    configs = config
    if configs is None:
        configs = SaveLoadConfig()

    if not os.path.exists(params_file_path) and not os.path.exists(
        # Load state dict by `jit.save/io.save_inference_model` save format
        # NOTE(chenweihang): [ Compatibility of save_inference_model save format ]
        # The model saved by `save_inference_model` does not completely correspond to
        # the information required by the `state_dict` under the dygraph.
        # `save_inference_model` not save structured name, we need to remind
        # the user to configure the `use_structured_name` argument when `set_state_dict`
        # NOTE(chenweihang): `jit.save` doesn't save optimizer state

        # 1. check model path
        if not os.path.isdir(model_prefix):
            raise ValueError("Model saved directory '%s' is not exists." %

        # 2. load program desc & construct _ProgramHolder
        programs = _construct_program_holders(model_path,

        # 3. load layer parameters & buffers
        # NOTE: using fluid.dygraph.guard() here will cause import error in py2
        with guard():
            persistable_var_dict = _construct_params_and_buffers(

            # 4. construct state_dict
            para_dict = dict()
            for var_name in persistable_var_dict:
                para_dict[var_name] = persistable_var_dict[var_name].numpy()
        # Load state dict by `save_dygraph` save format
        para_dict = {}
        if os.path.exists(params_file_path):
            with open(params_file_path, 'rb') as f:
                para_dict = pickle.load(f) if six.PY2 else pickle.load(
                    f, encoding='latin1')

        if not configs.keep_name_table and "StructuredToParameterName@@" in para_dict:
            del para_dict["StructuredToParameterName@@"]

        if os.path.exists(opti_file_path):
            with open(opti_file_path, 'rb') as f:
                opti_dict = pickle.load(f) if six.PY2 else pickle.load(
                    f, encoding='latin1')

    return para_dict, opti_dict