Exemple #1
def U_theta(theta, n, depth):  
    :param theta: dim: [n, depth + 3]
    :param n: number of qubits
    :param depth: circuit depth
    :return: U_theta
    # 初始化网络
    cir = UAnsatz(n)
    # 先搭建广义的旋转层
    for i in range(n):
        cir.rz(theta[i][0], i)
        cir.ry(theta[i][1], i)
        cir.rz(theta[i][2], i)

    # 默认深度为 depth = 1
    # 搭建纠缠层和 Ry旋转层
    for d in range(3, depth + 3):
        for i in range(n-1):
            cir.cnot([i, i + 1])
        cir.cnot([n-1, 0])
        for i in range(n):
            cir.ry(theta[i][d], i)

    return cir.U
def U_theta(theta, N):

    cir = UAnsatz(N)
    # ============== D1=2 ==============
    cir.ry(theta[0], 2)
    cir.rz(theta[1], 2)
    cir.cnot([2, 1])
    cir.ry(theta[2], 2)
    cir.rz(theta[3], 2)
    cir.cnot([2, 1])

    # ============== D2=2 ==============
    cir.ry(theta[4], 1)
    cir.ry(theta[5], 2)
    cir.rz(theta[6], 1)
    cir.rz(theta[7], 2)
    cir.cnot([1, 2])

    cir.ry(theta[8], 1)
    cir.ry(theta[9], 2)
    cir.rz(theta[10], 1)
    cir.rz(theta[11], 2)
    cir.cnot([1, 2])

    return cir.state
def Encoder(theta):

    # use UAnsatz to initialize the network
    cir = UAnsatz(N)

    for layer_num in range(cir_depth):

        for which_qubit in range(N):
            cir.ry(theta[block_len * layer_num * N + which_qubit], which_qubit)
            cir.rz(theta[(block_len * layer_num + 1) * N + which_qubit],

        for which_qubit in range(N - 1):
            cir.cnot([which_qubit, which_qubit + 1])
        cir.cnot([N - 1, 0])

    return cir.U
def Encoder(theta):

    # 用 UAnsatz 初始化网络
    cir = UAnsatz(N)

    # 搭建层级结构:
    for layer_num in range(cir_depth):

        for which_qubit in range(N):
            cir.ry(theta[block_len * layer_num * N + which_qubit], which_qubit)
            cir.rz(theta[(block_len * layer_num + 1) * N + which_qubit],

        for which_qubit in range(N - 1):
            cir.cnot([which_qubit, which_qubit + 1])
        cir.cnot([N - 1, 0])

    return cir.U
Exemple #5
def U_theta(initial_state, theta, N, D):
    Quantum Neural Network

    # Initialize the quantum neural network by the number of qubits (width of the network)
    cir = UAnsatz(N)

    # Use in-built template (R_y + CNOT)
    cir.real_entangled_layer(theta[:D], D)

    # Add a layer of R_y rotation gate
    for i in range(N):
        cir.ry(theta=theta[D][i][0], which_qubit=i)

    # Act quantum neural network on initilized state
    final_state = cir.run_density_matrix(initial_state)

    return final_state
def U_theta(initial_state, theta, N, D):
    Quantum Neural Network

    # 按照量子比特数量/网络宽度初始化量子神经网络
    cir = UAnsatz(N)

    # 内置的 {R_y + CNOT} 电路模板
    cir.real_entangled_layer(theta[:D], D)

    # 铺上最后一列 R_y 旋转门
    for i in range(N):
        cir.ry(theta=theta[D][i][0], which_qubit=i)

    # 量子神经网络作用在给定的初始态上
    final_state = cir.run_density_matrix(initial_state)

    return final_state
Exemple #7
def U_theta(theta, Hamiltonian, N, D):
    Quantum Neural Network
    # Initialize the quantum neural network by the number of qubits (width of the network)
    cir = UAnsatz(N)

    # Use built-in template (R_y + CNOT)
    cir.real_entangled_layer(theta[:D], D)

    # Add a layer of R_y rotation gates
    for i in range(N):
        cir.ry(theta=theta[D][i][0], which_qubit=i)

    # Act QNN on the default initial state |0000>

    # Calculate the expectation value of the given Hamiltonian
    expectation_val = cir.expecval(Hamiltonian)

    return expectation_val
Exemple #8
def U_theta(theta, input_state, N, D):

    cir = UAnsatz(N, input_state=input_state)
    for i in range(N):
        cir.rz(theta=theta[0][0][i], which_qubit=i + 1)
        cir.ry(theta=theta[0][1][i], which_qubit=i + 1)
        cir.rz(theta=theta[0][2][i], which_qubit=i + 1)

    for repeat in range(D):
        for i in range(1, N):
            cir.cnot(control=[i, i + 1])

        for i in range(N):
            cir.ry(theta=theta[repeat][0][i], which_qubit=i + 1)
            cir.ry(theta=theta[repeat][1][i], which_qubit=i + 1)
            cir.rz(theta=theta[repeat][2][i], which_qubit=i + 1)

    return cir.state
def U_theta(theta, n, depth):
    :param theta: dim: [n, depth + 3]
    :param n: number of qubits
    :param depth: circuit depth
    :return: U_theta
    cir = UAnsatz(n)

    for i in range(n):
        cir.rz(theta[i][0], i)
        cir.ry(theta[i][1], i)
        cir.rz(theta[i][2], i)

    for d in range(3, depth + 3):
        for i in range(n - 1):
            cir.cnot([i, i + 1])
        cir.cnot([n - 1, 0])
        for i in range(n):
            cir.ry(theta[i][d], i)

    return cir.U
Exemple #10
def U_theta(theta, Hamiltonian, N, D):
    Quantum Neural Network

    # 按照量子比特数量/网络宽度初始化量子神经网络
    cir = UAnsatz(N)

    # 内置的 {R_y + CNOT} 电路模板
    cir.real_entangled_layer(theta[:D], D)

    # 铺上最后一列 R_y 旋转门
    for i in range(N):
        cir.ry(theta=theta[D][i][0], which_qubit=i)

    # 量子神经网络作用在默认的初始态 |0000>上

    # 计算给定哈密顿量的期望值
    expectation_val = cir.expecval(Hamiltonian)

    return expectation_val
def U_theta(theta, input_state, N, D):  # definition of U_theta
    :param theta:
    :param input_state:

    cir = UAnsatz(N, input_state=input_state)
    for i in range(N):
        cir.rx(theta=theta[0][0][i], which_qubit=i + 1)
        cir.ry(theta=theta[0][1][i], which_qubit=i + 1)
        cir.rx(theta=theta[0][2][i], which_qubit=i + 1)

    for repeat in range(D):
        for i in range(1, N):
            cir.cnot(control=[i, i + 1])

        for i in range(N):
            cir.ry(theta=theta[repeat][0][i], which_qubit=i + 1)
            # cir.ry(theta=theta[repeat][1][i], which_qubit=i + 1)
            # cir.ry(theta=theta[repeat][2][i], which_qubit=i + 1)

    return cir.state