Exemple #1
def useBabelStrings():
    for contextId, context in (
            ('DrawBot', DrawBotContext()),
            ('Flat', FlatContext())):
        W, H = pt(1000, 300)
        M = pt(100)

        EXPORT_PATH = '_export/UseBabelStrings-%s.pdf' % contextId
        # Create a page and set y on top margin.
        context.newPage(W, H)
        y = H - M
        cs = context.newString('Context: %s' % contextId, style={'textFill': color(0, 0, 1), 'fontSize': 36})
        context.text(cs, (100, y))
        y -= 20

        # Create formatted string, with default settings of font, fontSize and textFill color
        bs = context.newString('This is a formatted BabelString')
        context.text(bs, (100, y))

        # FIXME: solve for Flat.
        # Add string with formatting style dict
        bs += context.newString('\nAdd an other string with color/size format',
            style=dict(textFill=color(1, 0, 0), fontSize=20, leading=em(1.4)))

        y -= 50

        context.text(bs, (100, y))
Exemple #2
def getContext():
    if DEFAULT_CONTEXT is None:
            #import ForceImportError # Uncomment for simulate testing of other contexts/platforms
            import AppKit  # Force exception on non-OSX platforms
            from pagebot.contexts.drawbotcontext import DrawBotContext
            DEFAULT_CONTEXT = DrawBotContext(
            )  # Test if platform is supporing DrawBot:
            # MampView.build exports in MAMP folder that does not commit in Git.
            MAMP_PATH = '/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/'

        #except (ImportError, AttributeError, ModuleNotFoundError): # Python3
        except (ImportError, AttributeError):
            #import ForceOtherError # Uncomment for simulate testing of other contexts/platforms
            from pagebot.contexts.flatcontext import FlatContext
            DEFAULT_CONTEXT = FlatContext()
            # MampView.build exports in MAMP folder that does not commit in Git.
            MAMP_PATH = '/tmp/MAMP_PATH/'  # TODO: Where is it located for Linux?
            raise NotImplementedError('Cannot decide on the platform context.')
Exemple #3
        style = self.style.copy()
        instance = self.f.getInstance(style['location'])
        style['font'] = instance
        bs = c.newString(self.sampleText, style=style)
        tw, th = bs.size
        c.text(bs, (self.w / 2 - tw / 2, self.h / 2 - th / 8))  # /8 vert

        style['fontSize'] = style['location']['opsz'] * 4
        style['font'] = instance
        bs = c.newString('%s %dpt' % (self.sampleText, style['fontSize']),
        tw, th = bs.size
        c.text(bs, (self.w / 2 - tw / 2, self.h / 4 - th / 8))

c = DrawBotContext()
W, H = 1360, 1020  # Type Network banners

# Claire: for now, add your Fit-Variable_1.ttf to your /Library/Fonts and it can be found.
font = findFont('AlliumMediumVARGX_hyphen')
# Fit axes to select from: here we are showing the optical size.
# Define tag list for axes to be part of the animation as sequence
sequenceAxes = ['opsz']
sequenceLength = 3  # Seconds per sequence
sequences = len(sequenceAxes)  # Amount of sequences, one per axis
duration = sequenceLength * len(
    sequenceAxes)  # Total duration of the animation in seconds
framesPerSecond = 8
#     P A G E B O T
#     Licensed under MIT conditions
#     Supporting usage of DrawBot, www.drawbot.com
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#     testBabelStrings.py
# Test BabelString both under DrawBotContext and FlatContext
from pagebot.contexts.drawbotcontext import DrawBotContext
from pagebot.contexts.flatcontext import FlatContext

testContexts = (
    (DrawBotContext(), '_export/testFlatString.pdf'),
    # TODO: Get this to work with Flat
    #(FlatContext(), '_export/testDrawBotString.pdf'),
for context, path in testContexts:
    # Create a new BabelString with the DrawBot FormttedString inside.
    style = dict(font='Verdana', fontSize=50, textFill=(1, 0, 0))
    bs = context.newString('This is a string', style=style)
    # It prints it content.
    print bs
    # Adding or appending strings are added to the internal formatted string.
    bs += ' and more'
    print bs
    # Usage in DrawBot by addressing the embedded FS for drawing.
    context.text(bs, (100, 100))
Exemple #5
    view.showFrame = True
    view.showPadding = True
    view.showNameInfo = True

    # These values can be changed in the Variable window,
    # when in DrawBot context.
    view.showOrigin = ShowOrigins # Show origin alignment
                                         # markers on each element.
    view.showDimensions = ShowDimensions
    view.showElementInfo = ShowElementInfo # Show boxes with element info

    return doc # Answer the doc.

if __name__ == '__main__':

    context = DrawBotContext() # May contain NoneDrawBotBuilder if not running on a DrawBot platform
    d = makeDocument(context)
    # Make interactive global controls. Only works in DrawBot context. Otherwise ignored.
        dict(name='ShowMeasures', ui='CheckBox', args=dict(value=True)),
        dict(name='ShowDimensions', ui='CheckBox', args=dict(value=False)),
        dict(name='ShowElementInfo', ui='CheckBox', args=dict(value=False)),
        dict(name='PageSize', ui='Slider', args=dict(minValue=100, value=400, maxValue=800)),
    ], globals())

    # Export in _export folder that does not commit in Git. Force to export PDF.
    EXPORT_PATH = '_export/AlignElements.png'

    # FIX: F L A T
    #context = FlatContext()
Exemple #6
def getDrawBotContext():
    from pagebot.contexts.drawbotcontext import DrawBotContext
    return DrawBotContext()
Exemple #7
def makeDocument():
    """Re-generate the original Type3-PeopleInType chapter as PDF output."""

    context = DrawBotContext()

    # Create new document with (w,h) and fixed amount of pages.
    # Make number of pages with default document size.
    # Initially make all pages default with template
    # One page, just the cover.
    doc = Document(w=W,
                   title='Type Magazine #3',
                   autoPages=endPage - startPage + 1,

    # Get the current view of the document. This allows setting of
    # parameters how the document is represented on output.
    view = doc.view
    view.w, view.h = W, H
    # Set view options. Full list is in elements/views/baseviews.py
    view.padding = 40  # Showing cropmarks and registration marks
    # need >= 20 padding of the view.
    view.showRegistrationMarks = True
    view.showCropMarks = True
    view.showFrame = True
    view.showPadding = True
    view.showNameInfo = True
    view.showMetaInfo = False
    view.showTextOverflowMarker = True
    view.showOrigin = False  # Show origin marker
    view.showElementOrigin = False  # Don't show the origin of other elements.

    view.showGrid = [GRID_COL, GRID_ROW]
    view.showBaselines = True

    view.showSpreadPages = True
    view.showSpreadMiddleAsGap = False

    # PageBot article
    _, backgroundHeight = context.imageSize(BACKGROUND_PDF)
    backgroundIndex = 0
    for pn in range(startPage, endPage + 1):
        page = doc[pn]
        setPageStyle(page, backgroundIndex)
        backgroundIndex += 1

    if 1:
        page = doc[startPage + 2]
        t = Typesetter(context, styles=styles, imageAsElement=True)
        galley = t.typesetFile(CONTENT_PATH, e=page)
        composer = Composer(doc)
        targets = dict(composer=composer,

        composer.compose(galley, targets=targets, page=page)

    date = now()
    if EXPORT_PDF:  # Export as PDF
        exportPath = EXPORT_PATH_PDF % (date.year, date.month, date.day,
                                        date.hour, startPage, endPage)
    if EXPORT_PNG:  # Export as PNG without cropmarks for mapping purpose
        doc.view.padding = 0
        exportPath = EXPORT_PATH_PNG % (startPage, endPage)
Exemple #8
#     Licensed under MIT conditions
#     Supporting DrawBot, www.drawbot.com
#     Supporting Flat, xxyxyz.org/flat
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#     74-91-Type3-PeopleInType.py
#     Proof of concept to re-generate the existing InDesign layouts as PDF.
import os
from random import random  # Used for random color palet.

from pagebot.contexts.drawbotcontext import DrawBotContext
context = DrawBotContext()

# Create random title and names
from pagebot.contributions.filibuster.blurb import blurb
from pagebot.toolbox.color import color, blackColor
from pagebot.toolbox.dating import now

# Get function to find the Roboto family (in this case installed in the
# PageBot repository).
from pagebot.fonttoolbox.objects.family import getFamily
from pagebot.fonttoolbox.objects.font import findFont
from pagebot.toolbox.color import noColor, blackColor
# Creation of the RootStyle (dictionary) with all
# available default style parameters filled.
from pagebot.style import getRootStyle
Exemple #9
#     testBabelStrings.py
# Test BabelString in both DrawBotContext and FlatContext

from pagebot.contexts.drawbotcontext import DrawBotContext
#from pagebot.contexts.flatcontext import FlatContext
from pagebot.fonttoolbox.objects.font import findFont

W, H = 800, 220
M = 100

font = findFont('Roboto-Regular')
bold = findFont('Roboto-Bold')

testContexts = ((DrawBotContext(), '_export/testDrawBotString.pdf'),
                #(FlatContext(), '_export/testFlatString.pdf'),

for context, path in testContexts:
    context.newPage(W, H)
    # Create a new BabelString with the DrawBot FormttedString inside.
    style = dict(font=font.path, fontSize=40, textFill=(1, 0, 0))
    bs = context.newString('This is a string', style=style)
    # It prints its content.
    # Adding or appending strings are added to the internal formatted string.
    # Adding plain strings take over the existing style.
    bs += ' and more'
    # Reusing the same style with adjustments