Exemple #1
    def test_move_with_fks(self):
        # Moving should carry along files and FK'ed items that
        # point to it.

        p = Page(region=self.sf)
        p.content = "<p>A page with files and a map in SF.</p>"
        p.name = "Page With FKs"
        # Create a file that points at the page.
        pf = PageFile(file=ContentFile("foo"), name="file.txt", slug=p.slug, region=self.sf)
        # Create a redirect that points at the page.
        redirect = Redirect(source="foobar", destination=p, region=self.sf)
        # Create a map that points at the page.
        points = GEOSGeometry("""MULTIPOINT (-122.4378964233400069 37.7971758820830033, -122.3929211425700032 37.7688207875790027, -122.3908612060599950 37.7883584775320003, -122.4056240844700056 37.8013807351830025, -122.4148937988299934 37.8002956347170027, -122.4183270263600036 37.8051784612779969)""")
        map = MapData(points=points, page=p, region=self.sf)
        # Add tags to page
        tagset = PageTagSet(page=p, region=self.sf)
        tag = Tag(name="tag1", region=self.sf)

        move_to_region(self.oak, pages=[p])

        # Check to see that the related objects were moved.
        p = Page.objects.get(name="Page With FKs", region=self.oak)
        self.assertEqual(len(MapData.objects.filter(page=p, region=self.oak)), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(p.pagetagset.tags.all()), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(Redirect.objects.filter(destination=p, region=self.oak)), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(PageFile.objects.filter(slug=p.slug, region=self.oak)), 1)

        # Check to see that version history was moved as well
        self.assertEquals(p.versions.all().count(), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(MapData.versions.filter(page=p, region=self.oak)), 1)
        for pts in p.pagetagset.tags.all():
            self.assertEqual(pts.versions.all().count(), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(Redirect.versions.filter(destination=p, region=self.oak)), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(PageFile.versions.filter(slug=p.slug, region=self.oak)), 1)

        # ..and that the page is no longer in the SF region
        self.assertFalse(Page.objects.filter(region=self.sf, name="Page With FKs").exists())
Exemple #2
    def test_move_with_existing_file(self):
        p = Page(region=self.sf)
        p.content = "<p>A page w a file.</p>"
        p.name = "Page With File"
        # Create a file that points at the page.
        pf_sf = PageFile(name="file.txt", slug=p.slug, region=self.sf)
        pf_sf.file.save("file.txt", ContentFile("foo sf"))

        # Make the file already exist on oak
        pf_oak = PageFile(name="file.txt", slug=p.slug, region=self.oak)
        pf_oak.file.save("file.txt", ContentFile("foo oak"))

        move_to_region(self.oak, pages=[p])

        # The file shouldn't have been moved because it already exists at the
        # destination.

        pf = PageFile.objects.get(slug=p.slug, region=self.oak)
        self.assertEqual(pf_oak.file.name, pf.file.name)
Exemple #3
    def test_page_rename(self):
        p = Page()
        p.content = "<p>The page content.</p>"
        p.name = "Original page"

        p.rename_to("New page")

        # Renamed-to page should exist.
        new_p = Page.objects.get(name="New page")
        # new_p should have the same content.
        self.assertEqual(new_p.content, p.content)

        # "Original page" should no longer exist.
        pgs = Page.objects.filter(name="Original page")
        self.assertEqual(len(pgs), 0)
        # and a redirect from "original page" to "New page" should exist.
        Redirect.objects.filter(source="original page", destination=new_p)

        # Renaming to a page that already exists should raise an
        # exception and not affect the original page.
        p = Page()
        p.content = "<p>Hello, world.</p>"
        p.name = "Page A"

        self.assertRaises(exceptions.PageExistsError, p.rename_to, "New page")
        # p should be unaffected.  No redirect should be created.
        p = Page.objects.get(name="Page A")
        self.assertEqual(p.content, "<p>Hello, world.</p>")
        self.assertEqual(len(Redirect.objects.filter(source="page a")), 0)

        # Renaming should carry along files and FK'ed items that
        # point to it.
        p = Page()
        p.content = "<p>A page with files and a map.</p>"
        p.name = "Page With FKs"
        # Create a file that points at the page.
        pf = PageFile(file=ContentFile("foo"), name="file.txt", slug=p.slug)
        # Create a redirect that points at the page.
        redirect = Redirect(source="foobar", destination=p)
        # Create a map that points at the page.
        points = GEOSGeometry("""MULTIPOINT (-122.4378964233400069 37.7971758820830033, -122.3929211425700032 37.7688207875790027, -122.3908612060599950 37.7883584775320003, -122.4056240844700056 37.8013807351830025, -122.4148937988299934 37.8002956347170027, -122.4183270263600036 37.8051784612779969)""")
        map = MapData(points=points, page=p)

        p.rename_to("New Page With FKs")

        new_p = Page.objects.get(name="New Page With FKs")
        self.assertEqual(len(MapData.objects.filter(page=new_p)), 1)
        # Two redirects: one we created explicitly and one that was
        # created during rename_to()
        self.assertEqual(len(Redirect.objects.filter(destination=new_p)), 2)
        self.assertEqual(len(PageFile.objects.filter(slug=new_p.slug)), 1)

        # Renaming should keep slugs pointed at old page /and/ copy
        # them to the new page.
        self.assertEqual(len(PageFile.objects.filter(slug=p.slug)), 1)

        # Renaming with multiple files.
        p = Page()
        p.content = "<p>A new page with multiple files.</p>"
        p.name = "Page with multiple files"
        # Create a file that points at the page.
        pf = PageFile(file=ContentFile("foo"), name="file.txt", slug=p.slug)
        pf = PageFile(file=ContentFile("foo2"), name="file2.txt", slug=p.slug)
        pf = PageFile(file=ContentFile("foo3"), name="file3.txt", slug=p.slug)
        p.rename_to("A page with multiple files 2")

        p = Page.objects.get(name="A page with multiple files 2")
        self.assertEqual(len(PageFile.objects.filter(slug=p.slug)), 3)

        # Reverting a renamed page should be possible and should
        # restore files and FK'ed items that were pointed at the
        # original page.  The renamed-to page should still exist
        # after the revert and should still have its own files and
        # FK'ed items pointed at it.
        p = Page(name="Page With FKs", slug="page with fks")
        # get the version right before it was deleted
        v_before_deleted = len(p.versions.all()) - 1
        p_h = p.versions.as_of(version=v_before_deleted)
        p = Page.objects.get(name="Page With FKs")
        self.assertEqual(len(MapData.objects.filter(page=p)), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(PageFile.objects.filter(slug=p.slug)), 1)

        p2 = Page.objects.get(name="New Page With FKs")
        self.assertEqual(len(MapData.objects.filter(page=p2)), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(PageFile.objects.filter(slug=p2.slug)), 1)

        self.assertEqual(len(Redirect.objects.filter(destination=p2)), 1)

        # Renaming a page and then renaming it back.
        # 1. Simple case
        p = Page(name="Page X", content="<p>Foobar</p>")
        p.rename_to("Page Y")
        self.assertEqual(len(Page.objects.filter(name="Page X")), 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(Page.objects.filter(name="Page Y")), 1)

        p_new = Page.objects.get(name="Page Y")
        p_new.rename_to("Page X")
        self.assertEqual(len(Page.objects.filter(name="Page X")), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(Page.objects.filter(name="Page Y")), 0)

        # 2. If we have FKs pointed at the page this shouldn't be
        # totally f****d.
        p = Page(name="Page X2", content="<p>Foo X</p>")
        points = GEOSGeometry("""MULTIPOINT (-122.4378964233400069 37.7971758820830033, -122.3929211425700032 37.7688207875790027, -122.3908612060599950 37.7883584775320003, -122.4056240844700056 37.8013807351830025, -122.4148937988299934 37.8002956347170027, -122.4183270263600036 37.8051784612779969)""")
        map = MapData(points=points, page=p)
        # Create a file that points at the page.
        pf = PageFile(file=ContentFile("foooo"), name="file_foo.txt", slug=p.slug)

        p.rename_to("Page Y2")
        p_new = Page.objects.get(name="Page Y2")
        # FK points at the page we renamed to.
        self.assertEqual(len(MapData.objects.filter(page=p_new)), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(PageFile.objects.filter(slug=p_new.slug)), 1)

        # Now rename it back.
        p_new.rename_to("Page X2")
        p = Page.objects.get(name="Page X2")
        # After rename-back-to, FK points to the renamed-back-to page.
        self.assertEqual(len(MapData.objects.filter(page=p)), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(PageFile.objects.filter(slug=p.slug)), 1)

        # Renaming a page but keeping the same slug
        p = Page(name="Foo A", content="<p>Foo A</p>")
        p.rename_to("FOO A")

        # Name has changed.
        self.assertEqual(len(Page.objects.filter(name="FOO A")), 1)
        # Has the same history, with a new entry for the name change.
        p = Page.objects.get(name="FOO A")
        p1, p0 = p.versions.all()
        self.assertEqual(p1.name, 'FOO A')
        self.assertEqual(p0.name, 'Foo A')
        self.assertEqual(p0.content, p1.content)

        # Renaming a page twice (A -> B -> C) and then revert A to
        # an existing state.
        p = Page(name="Bar A", content="<p>Bar A</p>")
        p.rename_to("Bar B")
        p = Page.objects.get(name="Bar B")
        p.rename_to("Bar C")

        p = Page(name="Bar A", slug="bar a")
        p_h = p.versions.as_of(version=1)

        # Renaming a page back and forth and reverting.
        p = Page(name="Zoo A", content="<p>Zoo A</p>")
        p.rename_to("Zoo B")
        p = Page.objects.get(name="Zoo B")
        p.rename_to("Zoo A")
        p = Page.objects.get(name="Zoo A")
        p.rename_to("Zoo B")

        p = Page(name="Zoo A", slug="zoo a")
        p_h = p.versions.as_of(version=1)

        # page A, rename to B, then create new A, rename B to C,
        # rename C to B, then revert C to first version
        p = Page(name="Mike A", content="<p>A</p>")
        p.rename_to("Mike B")
        new_a = Page(name="Mike A", content="<p>A new</p>")
        p = Page.objects.get(name="Mike B")
        p.rename_to("Mike C")
        p = Page.objects.get(name="Mike C")
        p.rename_to("Mike B")

        p_c = Page(name="Mike C", slug="mike c")
        p_h = p_c.versions.as_of(version=1)
Exemple #4
    def test_page_rename(self):
        p = Page()
        p.content = "<p>The page content.</p>"
        p.name = "Original page"

        p.rename_to("New page")

        # Renamed-to page should exist.
        new_p = Page.objects.get(name="New page")
        # new_p should have the same content.
        self.assertEqual(new_p.content, p.content)

        # "Original page" should no longer exist.
        pgs = Page.objects.filter(name="Original page")
        self.assertEqual(len(pgs), 0)
        # and a redirect from "original page" to "New page" should exist.
        Redirect.objects.filter(source="original page", destination=new_p)

        # Renaming to a page that already exists should raise an
        # exception and not affect the original page.
        p = Page()
        p.content = "<p>Hello, world.</p>"
        p.name = "Page A"

        self.assertRaises(exceptions.PageExistsError, p.rename_to, "New page")
        # p should be unaffected.  No redirect should be created.
        p = Page.objects.get(name="Page A")
        self.assertEqual(p.content, "<p>Hello, world.</p>")
        self.assertEqual(len(Redirect.objects.filter(source="page a")), 0)

        # Renaming should carry along files and FK'ed items that
        # point to it.
        p = Page()
        p.content = "<p>A page with files and tags</p>"
        p.name = "Page With FKs"
        # Create a file that points at the page.
        pf = PageFile(file=ContentFile("foo"), name="file.txt", slug=p.slug)
        # Create a redirect that points at the page.
        redirect = Redirect(source="foobar", destination=p)
        # Add tags to page
        tagset = PageTagSet(page=p)
        tag = Tag(name="tag1")

        p.rename_to("New Page With FKs")

        new_p = Page.objects.get(name="New Page With FKs")
        self.assertEqual(len(new_p.pagetagset.tags.all()), 1)
        # Two redirects: one we created explicitly and one that was
        # created during rename_to()
        self.assertEqual(len(Redirect.objects.filter(destination=new_p)), 2)
        self.assertEqual(len(PageFile.objects.filter(slug=new_p.slug)), 1)

        # Renaming should keep slugs pointed at old page /and/ copy
        # them to the new page.
        self.assertEqual(len(PageFile.objects.filter(slug=p.slug)), 1)

        # Renaming with multiple files.
        p = Page()
        p.content = "<p>A new page with multiple files.</p>"
        p.name = "Page with multiple files"
        # Create a file that points at the page.
        pf = PageFile(file=ContentFile("foo"), name="file.txt", slug=p.slug)
        pf = PageFile(file=ContentFile("foo2"), name="file2.txt", slug=p.slug)
        pf = PageFile(file=ContentFile("foo3"), name="file3.txt", slug=p.slug)
        p.rename_to("A page with multiple files 2")

        p = Page.objects.get(name="A page with multiple files 2")
        self.assertEqual(len(PageFile.objects.filter(slug=p.slug)), 3)

        # Reverting a renamed page should be possible and should
        # restore files and FK'ed items that were pointed at the
        # original page.  The renamed-to page should still exist
        # after the revert and should still have its own files and
        # FK'ed items pointed at it.
        p = Page(name="Page With FKs", slug="page with fks")
        # get the version right before it was deleted
        v_before_deleted = len(p.versions.all()) - 1
        p_h = p.versions.as_of(version=v_before_deleted)
        p = Page.objects.get(name="Page With FKs")
        self.assertEqual(len(PageFile.objects.filter(slug=p.slug)), 1)

        p2 = Page.objects.get(name="New Page With FKs")
        self.assertEqual(len(PageFile.objects.filter(slug=p2.slug)), 1)

        self.assertEqual(len(Redirect.objects.filter(destination=p2)), 1)

        # Renaming a page and then renaming it back.
        # 1. Simple case
        p = Page(name="Page X", content="<p>Foobar</p>")
        p.rename_to("Page Y")
        self.assertEqual(len(Page.objects.filter(name="Page X")), 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(Page.objects.filter(name="Page Y")), 1)

        p_new = Page.objects.get(name="Page Y")
        p_new.rename_to("Page X")
        self.assertEqual(len(Page.objects.filter(name="Page X")), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(Page.objects.filter(name="Page Y")), 0)

        # 2. If we have FKs pointed at the page this shouldn't be
        # totally f****d.
        p = Page(name="Page X2", content="<p>Foo X</p>")
        # Create a file that points at the page.
        pf = PageFile(file=ContentFile("foooo"), name="file_foo.txt", slug=p.slug)

        p.rename_to("Page Y2")
        p_new = Page.objects.get(name="Page Y2")
        # FK points at the page we renamed to.
        self.assertEqual(len(PageFile.objects.filter(slug=p_new.slug)), 1)

        # Now rename it back.
        p_new.rename_to("Page X2")
        p = Page.objects.get(name="Page X2")
        # After rename-back-to, FK points to the renamed-back-to page.
        self.assertEqual(len(PageFile.objects.filter(slug=p.slug)), 1)

        # Renaming a page but keeping the same slug
        p = Page(name="Foo A", content="<p>Foo A</p>")
        p.rename_to("FOO A")

        # Name has changed.
        self.assertEqual(len(Page.objects.filter(name="FOO A")), 1)
        # Has the same history, with a new entry for the name change.
        p = Page.objects.get(name="FOO A")
        p1, p0 = p.versions.all()
        self.assertEqual(p1.name, 'FOO A')
        self.assertEqual(p0.name, 'Foo A')
        self.assertEqual(p0.content, p1.content)

        # Renaming a page twice (A -> B -> C) and then revert A to
        # an existing state.
        p = Page(name="Bar A", content="<p>Bar A</p>")
        p.rename_to("Bar B")
        p = Page.objects.get(name="Bar B")
        p.rename_to("Bar C")

        p = Page(name="Bar A", slug="bar a")
        p_h = p.versions.as_of(version=1)

        # Renaming a page back and forth and reverting.
        p = Page(name="Zoo A", content="<p>Zoo A</p>")
        p.rename_to("Zoo B")
        p = Page.objects.get(name="Zoo B")
        p.rename_to("Zoo A")
        p = Page.objects.get(name="Zoo A")
        p.rename_to("Zoo B")

        p = Page(name="Zoo A", slug="zoo a")
        p_h = p.versions.as_of(version=1)

        # page A, rename to B, then create new A, rename B to C,
        # rename C to B, then revert C to first version
        p = Page(name="Mike A", content="<p>A</p>")
        p.rename_to("Mike B")
        new_a = Page(name="Mike A", content="<p>A new</p>")
        p = Page.objects.get(name="Mike B")
        p.rename_to("Mike C")
        p = Page.objects.get(name="Mike C")
        p.rename_to("Mike B")

        p_c = Page(name="Mike C", slug="mike c")
        p_h = p_c.versions.as_of(version=1)
def grab_images(tree, page_id, pagename, attach_to_pagename=None,
    Imports the images on a page as PageFile objects and fixes the page's
    HTML to be what we want for images.
    from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
    from pages.models import slugify, PageFile

    robot = get_robot_user()

    # Get the list of images on this page
    params = {
        'action': 'query',
        'prop': 'images',
        'imlimit': 500,
        'pageids': page_id,
    req = api.APIRequest(site, params)
    response = req.query()
    imagelist_by_pageid = response['query']['pages']
    # We're processing one page at a time, so just grab the first.
    imagelist = imagelist_by_pageid[imagelist_by_pageid.keys()[0]]
    if not 'images' in imagelist:
        # Page doesn't have images.
        return tree
    images = imagelist['images']

    for image_dict in images:
        image_title = image_dict['title']
        filename = image_title[len('File:'):]
        # Get the image info for this image title
            image_info = get_image_info(image_title)
        except KeyError:
            # For some reason we can't get the image info.
            # TODO: Investigate this.
        image_url = image_info['url']
        image_description_url = image_info['descriptionurl']
        quoted_image_title = page_url_to_name(image_description_url)
        attach_to_pagename = attach_to_pagename or pagename

        if PageFile.objects.filter(name=filename,
            continue  # Image already exists.

        # For each image, find the image's supporting HTML in the tree
        # and transform it to comply with our HTML.
        html_before_fix = _convert_to_string(tree)
        tree = fix_image_html(image_title, quoted_image_title, filename, tree,

        if _convert_to_string(tree) == html_before_fix:
            # Image isn't actually on the page, so let's not create or attach
            # the PageFile.

        # Get the full-size image binary and store it in a string.
        img_ptr = urllib.URLopener()
        img_tmp_f = open(img_ptr.retrieve(image_url)[0], 'r')
        file_content = ContentFile(img_tmp_f.read())

        # Create the PageFile and associate it with the current page.
        print "Creating image %s on page %s" % (filename.encode('utf-8'), pagename.encode('utf-8'))
            pfile = PageFile(name=filename, slug=slugify(attach_to_pagename))
            pfile.file.save(filename, file_content, save=False)
            pfile.save(user=robot, comment="Automated edit. Creating file.")
        except IntegrityError:

    return tree