Exemple #1
def render_page(user_id, isin, user, days=None, token_type_id=None):
    _TMPL = template_lib.get_template('pages/wordle.mustache.html')

    if days == None:
        days = -1 #all

    days = int(days)

    #set selected
    for item in _DAYCOUNTS:
        item['sel'] = True if item['days'] == days else False
    _DAYCOUNTS[-1]['islast'] = True

    cur = message_data.get_token_histogram(user_id, days, token_type_id)

    biggest = 0

    #calc proportional font size
    words = []
    isfirstrow = True
    for row in cur:
        if isfirstrow:
            biggest = row['total']
            isfirstrow = False

                int(round(float(row['total'])/float(biggest) * _MAXFONTSIZE))
    data = {'words':words}
    data['divclass'] = global_atoms.MESSAGE_DIV_CLASS
    data['divid'] = global_atoms.MESSAGE_DIV_ID_OUTER
    data['daycounts'] = _DAYCOUNTS
    data['url'] = urls.TOKENS__URL
    data['opt_id'] = wordle_atom.Form.OPT_ID
    data['x'] = 'x.mustache'

    return common.sp(pystache.render(_TMPL, data), isin, user)
Exemple #2
import pystache

import urls

import lib.db as db
import lib.html as html
import lib.loc as loc

import data.location_data as loc_data

import pages.common as common
import pages.template_lib as template_lib
import pages.location_atom as loc_atom
import pages.global_atoms as global_atoms

_TMPL = template_lib.get_template('pages/place.mustache.html')

def render_known_places(isin, sn, u_id, p_id=None):
    #print 'places:render_known_places'
    print "places:render_known_places:p_id", str(p_id)

    if not isin:
        yield common.sp('You are not logged in.', isin, sn)
        data = loc_data.do_get_places(u_id, p_id)
        for page in common.yp(_get_place_gen(u_id, p_id, data), isin, sn):
            yield page

def render_unknown_place(isin, sn, u_id, descr, lat, lon, prox):
Exemple #3
# Copyright 2014 The Moore Collective, LLC, All Rights Reserved

import pystache

from pages.global_atoms import MESSAGE_DIV_CLASS, \
from pages.invite_div_atom import TO_UID, FROM_UID, PROFILE_SWITCH, \
from pages.profile_atom import U_ID
from pages.template_lib import get_template

_TMPL = get_template('pages/invite_div_tmpl.mustache.html')

def render_html(data):
    return pystache.render(_TMPL, data)

def do_test_render_html():
    return render_html(do_test_get_data())

def do_test_get_data():
    data = {
        'u_id_atom': U_ID,
        'header_class_atom': MESSAGE_HEADER_DIV_CLASS,
        'class_atom': MESSAGE_DIV_CLASS,
        'id_atom': MESSAGE_DIV_ID_OUTER,
        'msg_head_id_atom': MSG_HEAD_ID,
        'action_atom': ACTION,
        'accept_action': ACCEPT_ACTION,
Exemple #4
# Copyright 2014 The Moore Collective, LLC, All Rights Reserved

import pystache

import pages.template_lib as template_lib

_TMPL = template_lib.get_template('pages/messages_tmpl.mustache.html')

def do_render_html(data):
    return pystache.render(_TMPL, data)

def do_test_render_html():
    return pystache.render(_TMPL, do_test_get_data())

def do_test_get_data():
    data = {}

    data['url'] = 'messages'

    message_types = [{
        'id': 1,
        'descr': 'mood'
    }, {
        'id': 2,
        'descr': 'invite'
    }, {
        'id': 3,
        'descr': 'yo'
Exemple #5
# Copyright 2014 The Moore Collective, LLC, All Rights Reserved

import pystache

import pages.profile_atom as profile_atom
import pages.template_lib as template_lib

_TMPL = template_lib.get_template('pages/profile_tmpl.mustache.html')

def do_render_html(data):
    return pystache.render(_TMPL, data)

def do_test_get_data():
    sharing_levels = [{
        'value': 0,
        'descr': 'private',
        'sel': False
    }, {
        'value': 1,
        'descr': 'intimate',
        'sel': False
    }, {
        'value': 2,
        'descr': 'trusted',
        'sel': True
    }, {
        'value': 3,
        'descr': 'known',
        'sel': False
Exemple #6
# Copyright 2014 The Moore Collective, LLC, All Rights Reserved

import pystache

from pages.relationships_atom import OTHER_U_ID

import pages.template_lib as template_lib

_TMPL = template_lib.get_template('pages/relationships_tmpl.mustache.html')

def do_render_html(data):
    return pystache.render(_TMPL, data)

def do_test_render_html():
    return pystache.render(_TMPL, do_test_get_data())

def do_test_get_data():
    data = {}
    data['other_u_id_atom'] = OTHER_U_ID
    data['relationships_url'] = '/relationships'
    data['user_search_url'] = '/search'
    data['profile_url'] = '/profile'
    data['sharing_level_url'] = '/relationships/sharinglevel'

    athena = {
Exemple #7
import copy

import pystache

import urls
import lib.html as html

import data.location_data as location_data

import pages.template_lib as template_lib
import pages.location_atom as loc_atom

from pages.common import yp, sp

_TMPL = template_lib.get_template('pages/visit_history_rollup.mustache.html')

def render_html(data):
    return pystache.render(_TMPL, data)

def render_page(isin, screen_name, u_id):
    loc_hist = location_data.do_get_visit_history_rollup(u_id)
    top_places = [dict(x) for x in list(location_data.do_get_top_places(u_id))]

    for place in top_places:
        url_data = \
            {loc_atom.PLACE_ID:place[loc_atom.PLACE_ID], loc_atom.PROXIMITY:0}
        url = html.urlencode(urls.PLACE__URL, url_data)
        place['place_url'] = html.hyperlink(url, place[loc_atom.DESCR])
Exemple #8
# Copyright 2014 The Moore Collective, LLC, All Rights Reserved

import pystache

from pages.global_atoms import MESSAGE_DIV_CLASS, \
import pages.template_lib as template_lib

_TMPL = template_lib.get_template('pages/yo_div_tmpl.mustache.html')

def render_html(data):
    return pystache.render(_TMPL, data)

def do_test_render_html():
    return render_html(do_test_get_data())

def do_test_get_data():
    ret = {
        'class_atom': MESSAGE_DIV_CLASS + ' ' + MESSAGE_HEADER_DIV_CLASS,
        'msg_time':"2013-10-11 13:34",
        'msg_body':"hey, let's connect on Spriggle!",
Exemple #9
# Copyright 2014 The Moore Collective, LLC, All Rights Reserved

import pystache

import pages.template_lib as template_lib

_TMPL = template_lib.get_template('pages/mood_form_tmpl.mustache.html')

def render_html(data):
    return pystache.render(_TMPL, data)
Exemple #10
# Copyright 2014 The Moore Collective, LLC, All Rights Reserved

import pystache

import pages.user_search_atom as user_search_atom
import pages.template_lib as template_lib

_TMPL = template_lib.get_template('pages/user_search_tmpl.mustache.html')

def render_html(data):
    return pystache.render(_TMPL, data)

def do_test_render_html():
    return pystache.render(_TMPL, do_test_get_data())

def do_test_get_data():
    data = {}
    data['url'] = '/search'
    data['invite_url'] = '/message/invite'
    data['profile_url'] = '/profile'
    data['action_atom'] = user_search_atom.ACTION
    data['input_atom'] = user_search_atom.INPUT
    data['u_id_atom'] = user_search_atom.UID
    data['u_sn_atom'] = user_search_atom.USN
    data['search_text'] = 'zeus'

    athena = {'screen_name':'athena', 'u_id':'a-uuid-0000-34-aldsf'}
    eros = {'screen_name':'eros', 'u_id':'a-uuid-1111-34-aldsf'}
    zeus = {'screen_name':'zeus', 'u_id':'a-uuid-2222-34-aldsf'}
    hephaestus = {'screen_name':'hephaestus', 'u_id':'a-uuid-3333-34-aldsf'}
Exemple #11
import copy

import pystache

import urls
import lib.html as html

import data.location_data as location_data

import pages.template_lib as template_lib
import pages.location_atom as loc_atom

from pages.common import yp, sp

_TMPL = template_lib.get_template('pages/visit_history_detail.mustache.html')

def _render_html(data):
    return pystache.render(_TMPL, data)

def render_page(isin, screen_name, u_id, visit_date=None):
    clust_hist = \
        location_data.do_get_visit_history_detail(u_id, visit_date, visit_date)

    data = {}
    clusters = []
    last_entry_date = None
    temp_dict = None
    for row in clust_hist:
        entry_date = row['entry_date']