Exemple #1
    def put(self, playsound_name, **options):
        playsound_name = PlaysoundModule.massage_name(playsound_name)

        if not PlaysoundModule.validate_name(playsound_name):
            return (
                    "error": "Invalid Playsound name. The playsound name may only contain lowercase latin letters, 0-9, -, or _. No spaces :rage:"

        post_parser = RequestParser()
        post_parser.add_argument("link", required=True)
        args = post_parser.parse_args()

            link = args["link"]
        except (ValueError, KeyError):
            return {"error": "Invalid `link` parameter."}, 400

        with DBManager.create_session_scope() as db_session:
            count = db_session.query(Playsound).filter(Playsound.name == playsound_name).count()
            if count >= 1:
                return "Playsound already exists", 400

            # the rest of the parameters are initialized with defaults
            playsound = Playsound(name=playsound_name, link=link)

            return "OK", 200
Exemple #2
    def playsound_create(playsound_name: str, **options) -> ResponseReturnValue:
        # Create playsound
        playsound_name = PlaysoundModule.massage_name(playsound_name)

        if not PlaysoundModule.validate_name(playsound_name):
            return (
                    "error": "Invalid Playsound name. The playsound name may only contain lowercase latin letters, 0-9, -, or _. No spaces :rage:"

            json_data = request.get_json()
            if not json_data:
                return {"error": "Missing json body"}, 400
            data = CreatePlaysoundSchema().load(json_data)
        except ValidationError as err:
            return {"error": f"Did not match schema: {json.dumps(err.messages)}"}, 400

        with DBManager.create_session_scope() as db_session:
            count = db_session.query(Playsound).filter(Playsound.name == playsound_name).count()
            if count >= 1:
                return "Playsound already exists", 400

            # the rest of the parameters are initialized with defaults
            playsound = Playsound(name=playsound_name, link=data.link)
            log_msg = f"The {playsound_name} playsound has been added"
            AdminLogManager.add_entry("Playsound added", options["user"], log_msg)

            return "OK", 200