Exemple #1
    def plot_frame(self, ax, X, true_detections, id_colors, frame, with_gt,
        """ plots the frame with its true detections
        Y = utils.extract_eq(true_detections, col=0, value=frame)
        X = X[frame]


        for _, pid, x, y, w, h, score in Y:
                        'facecolor': 'red',
                        'alpha': 0.5

            bbX, bbY = utils.bb_to_plt_plot(x, y, w, h)
            ax.plot(bbX, bbY, linewidth=2, color=id_colors[pid])

        if with_gt:
            Y = utils.extract_eq(gt_bbs, col=0, value=frame)
            for _, pid, x, y, w, h in Y:
                bbX, bbY = utils.bb_to_plt_plot(x, y, w, h)
                ax.plot(bbX, bbY, 'g--', linewidth=4)

# -------------
def get_visible_pedestrains(Y_gt):
    """ return people without distractors
    #Y_gt = utils.extract_eq(Y_gt, col=0, value=frame)
    Y_gt = utils.extract_eq(Y_gt, col=7, value=1)
    Y_gt = utils.extract_eq(Y_gt, col=8, value=1)
    return Y_gt
Exemple #3
    def simplify_gt(Y_gt):
        simplifies the GT data to only contain
            [frame, pid, x, y, w, h]
        from sensible detections only (Pedestrian + Static person)
        Y_ped = utils.extract_eq(Y_gt, col=7, value=1)  # Pedestrian
        Y_sta = utils.extract_eq(Y_gt, col=7, value=7)  # Static person
        Y = np.vstack([Y_ped, Y_sta])
        Y = utils.extract_eq(Y, col=6, value=1)  # is visible
        Y = utils.extract_eq(Y, col=8, value=1)  # is visible

        return Y[:, 0:6]
    def __init__(self, root, target_w, target_h, video="MOT16-02"):
        mot16 = MOT16(root)
        self.target_w = target_w
        self.target_h = target_h
        X, _, Y_gt = mot16.get_train(video, memmapped=True)
        Y_gt = MOT16Sampler.get_visible_pedestrains(Y_gt)  # only humans
        n_frames, h, w, _ = X.shape

        self.lookup = {}
        self.pid_frame_lookup = {}
        self.X = X
        self.n_frames = n_frames
        self.frames_with_persons = []
        self.pids_per_frame = {}

        for f in range(n_frames):
            Gt_per_frame = utils.extract_eq(Y_gt, col=0, value=f)
            n = len(Gt_per_frame)
            pids = Gt_per_frame[:, 1]
            left = Gt_per_frame[:, 2]
            top = Gt_per_frame[:, 3]
            width = Gt_per_frame[:, 4]
            height = Gt_per_frame[:, 5]
            valid_persons = 0
            valid_pids = []
            for pid, x, y, w, h in zip(*[pids, left, top, width, height]):
                # only take bbs that are 'big' enough
                if w > 50 and h > 100:
                    pid = int(pid)
                    if pid not in self.lookup:
                        self.lookup[pid] = []
                    H, W, _ = X[f].shape
                    x_left = max(0, int(x))
                    y_top = max(0, int(y))
                    x_right = min(W - 1, int(x + w))
                    y_bottom = min(H - 1, int(y + h))
                    self.pid_frame_lookup[pid, f] = \
                        (x_left, y_top, x_right, y_bottom)

                    valid_persons += 1

            self.pids_per_frame[f] = valid_pids

            if valid_persons > 1:

        del_pids = []  # (pid, frame) remove all pids who are only visible once
        for pid, visible_in_frames in self.lookup.items():
            assert len(visible_in_frames) > 0
            if len(visible_in_frames) == 1:
                del_pids.append((pid, visible_in_frames[0]))
        for pid, frame in del_pids:
            self.pid_frame_lookup.pop((pid, frame))
            valid_pids = self.pids_per_frame[frame]
            self.pids_per_frame[frame] = [p for p in valid_pids if p != pid]

        print('(MOT16) total number of bounding boxes:', len(self.pid_frame_lookup))
Exemple #5
def remove_duplicates(X, score_fun):
    """ this function runs over the data and selects the "best" (according to the
        score-function) for each frame per class

        X: {np.array} data with shape (n,m): n is the number of data points,
                m is the data dimension. The first element is the frame number,
                the second one the id. The rest is the data term

                e.g.: [
                    [frame, pid, ...DATA...],

        score_fun: {function} gets a single data point and evaluates a score. The
                data point with the largest score is kept while all others are

        returns {np.array} with the same structure as X but with only a single
                id per frame.
    last_frame = int(np.max(X[:, 0]))
    first_frame = int(np.min(X[:, 0]))
    assert last_frame > 0 and first_frame > 0 and last_frame >= first_frame

    X_result = []
    for frame in range(first_frame, last_frame + 1):
        X_frame = utils.extract_eq(X, 0, frame)
        if len(X_frame) > 0:
            lookup = {}
            for x in X_frame:
                pid, score = x[1], score_fun(x)
                if pid in lookup:
                    if score > lookup[pid][0]:
                        lookup[pid] = (score, x)
                    lookup[pid] = (score, x)

            for pid, x in lookup.values():

    return np.array(X_result)
Exemple #6
def get_visible_pedestrains_det(Y_det, frame):
    Y_det_frame1 = utils.extract_eq(Y_det, col=0, value=frame)
    return Y_det_frame1
Exemple #7
def get_visible_pedestrains(Y_gt, frame):
    Y_gt_frame1 = utils.extract_eq(Y_gt, col=0, value=frame)
    #Y_gt_frame1 = utils.extract_eq(Y_gt_frame1, col=7, value=1)
    #Y_gt_frame1 = utils.extract_eq(Y_gt_frame1, col=8, value=1)
    return Y_gt_frame1
Exemple #8
def evaluate(Gt, Hy, T, calc_cost, debug_info=False):
    """ Runs the Multiple Object Tracking Metrics algorithm

        Gt: Ground-truth: [
            [frame, pid, ..DATA.. ],

        Hy: hypothesis: [
            [frame, pid, ..DATA.. ],

        T: cost threshold after which pairs cannot be
            connected anymore

        calc_cost: {function} that gets the ..DATA.. term
            as parameter: e.g. for points it could calculate
            the distance, for aabb's it could calculate IoU..

        debug_info: {boolean} if True we get the actual Gt-Hy pairs
            that created FP, FN and MME

            fp: List<Integer> of false-positives
            m: List<Integer> of misses
            mme: List<Integer> of mismatches
            c: List<Integer> of matches
            d: List<Double> of distances beween o_i and h_i (summed)
            g: List<Integer> number of objects in t

            all lists have the same length of total number of
    global HIGH_VALUE
    first_frame = np.min(Gt[:, 0])
    last_frame = np.max(Gt[:, 0])
    assert floor(first_frame) == ceil(first_frame)  # make sure the
    assert floor(last_frame) == ceil(last_frame)  # values are integers
    first_frame = int(first_frame)
    last_frame = int(last_frame)

    number_of_frames = last_frame - first_frame + 1

    fp = [0] * number_of_frames
    m = [0] * number_of_frames
    mme = [0] * number_of_frames
    c = [0] * number_of_frames
    d = [0] * number_of_frames
    g = [0] * number_of_frames

    M = MatchLookup(first_frame, last_frame)

    if debug_info:
        FP_pairs = []
        FN_pairs = []
        MME_pairs = []
        Gt_local2global = LocalFrameIdToGlobal(Gt)
        Hy_local2global = LocalFrameIdToGlobal(Hy)

    # ----------------------------
    # "t" is the true frame number that can be any integer
    # "t_pos" is the respective integer that starts at 0 ...
    for t_pos, t in enumerate(range(first_frame, last_frame + 1)):
        Ot = SingleFrameData(extract_eq(Gt, col=0, value=t))
        Ht = SingleFrameData(extract_eq(Hy, col=0, value=t))
        g[t_pos] = Ot.total_elements  # count number of objects in t

        # ----------------------------------
        # verify if old match is still valid!
        # ----------------------------------
        is_empty = True
        for (o, h) in M.get_matches(t - 1):
            oid, hid = o[0], h[0]
            if Ot.has(oid) and Ht.has(hid):
                o_cur = Ot.find(oid)
                h_cur = Ht.find_best(hid, o_cur, calc_cost)
                cost = calc_cost(o_cur[1:], h_cur[1:])
                if cost < T:
                    # the tracked object is still valid! :)
                    M.insert_match(t, o_cur, h_cur)
                    is_empty = False

        if is_empty:
            M.init(t)  # to allow frames with no matches!

        # ----------------------------------
        # match not-yet corresponding pairs
        # ----------------------------------
        Ot_ummatched = Ot.as_list()  # the already matched elements
        Ht_unmatched = Ht.as_list()  # were removed
        count_o, count_h = len(Ot_ummatched), len(Ht_unmatched)
        C = np.ones((count_o, count_h)) * HIGH_VALUE
        for i, o in enumerate(Ot_ummatched):
            for j, h in enumerate(Ht_unmatched):
                cost = calc_cost(o[1:], h[1:])
                C[i, j] = cost if cost < T else HIGH_VALUE

        row_ind, col_ind = linear_sum_assignment(C)

        for i, j in zip(row_ind, col_ind):
            o_cur, h_cur, cost = Ot_ummatched[i], Ht_unmatched[j], C[i, j]
            if cost < T:
                M.insert_match(t, o_cur, h_cur)
                if M.has_mismatch(t, o_cur, h_cur):
                    mme[t_pos] += 1
                    if debug_info:  # only do this if we want debug infos
                        MME_pairs.append((Gt_local2global.get_true_idx(t, i),
                                          Hy_local2global.get_true_idx(t, j)))

        # ----------------------------------
        # handle unmatched rest
        # ----------------------------------
        c[t_pos] = M.count_matches(t)
        fp[t_pos] = Ht.elements_left
        assert fp[t_pos] >= 0
        if debug_info:  # only do this if we want debug infos
            for _, leftovers in Ht.lookup.items():
                for leftover in leftovers:
                    item = [t]

        m[t_pos] = Ot.elements_left
        assert m[t_pos] >= 0
        if debug_info:  # only do this if we want debug infos
            for _, leftovers in Ot.lookup.items():
                for leftover in leftovers:
                    item = [t]

        # ----------------------------------
        # calculate cost between all matches
        # ----------------------------------
        cost_sum = 0
        for (o, h) in M.get_matches(t):
            cost_sum += calc_cost(o[1:], h[1:])
        d[t_pos] = cost_sum

    # ----------------------------

    if debug_info:
        return fp, m, mme, c, d, g, \
               np.array(FN_pairs), np.array(FP_pairs), np.array(MME_pairs)
        return fp, m, mme, c, d, g
Exemple #9
def remove_short_tracks(X, min_length):
    """ very short tracklets are usually a sign of noisy detection and should
        be removed to get more stable results.
        ATTENTION: this function assumes that X has no duplicates! Please
            remove all duplicates prior to using this function

        X: {np.array} data with shape (n,m): n is the number of data points,
                m is the data dimension. The first element is the frame number,
                the second one the id. The rest is the data term

                e.g.: [
                    [frame, pid, ...DATA...],

        min_length: {Integer} inclusive threshold after which a tracklet is being
    last_frame = int(np.max(X[:, 0]))
    first_frame = int(np.min(X[:, 0]))
    assert last_frame > 0 and first_frame > 0 and last_frame >= first_frame

    get_pid = lambda x: int(x[1])
    get_pid_from_tracklet = lambda lst: get_pid(lst[0])

    X_result = []

    # count the length of the current tracklet per id
    # structure:
    #       KEY:    pid
    #       DATA:   (occured {Boolean}, data {list})
    pid_tracklets = {}

    for frame in range(first_frame, last_frame):
        X_frame = utils.extract_eq(X, 0, frame)

        # reset the 'occurence' flag on all tracks
        for pid in pid_tracklets.keys():
            pid_tracklets[pid][0] = False

        if len(X_frame) > 0:
            lookup = set()
            for x in X_frame:
                pid = get_pid(x)
                assert pid not in lookup, "Frames MUST NOT have duplicate ids"

                if pid in pid_tracklets:
                    pid_tracklets[pid][0] = True
                    pid_tracklets[pid] = [True, [x]]

        # check if a track was lost: if so see if we need to drop it or add it
        # to the True results
        drop_pids = []  # keys that will be dropped from current tracking
        for occured, tracklet in pid_tracklets.values():
            if not occured:
                if len(tracklet) > min_length:
                    X_result.extend(tracklet)  # the tracklet is long enough

        for pid in drop_pids:
            del pid_tracklets[pid]

    # finish up all left-over tracks
    for _, tracklet in pid_tracklets.values():
        if len(tracklet) > min_length:

    return np.array(X_result)