def __init__(self):


        # some default
        self.ip = ""
        self.port = 2468
        self.password = ""

        # read config
        if config.has_option("daemon", "ip") and config.get("daemon", "ip"):
            self.ip = config.get("daemon", "ip")
        if config.has_option("daemon", "port") and config.get("daemon", "port"):
            self.port = config.getint("daemon", "port")
        if config.has_option("admin", "password") and \
            config.get("admin", "password"):
            self.password = config.get("admin", "password")

        # These are used to catch startup errors of the asyncore server
        self.startError = None
        self.startedEvent = threading.Event()

        if sys.platform != "win32":
            signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, self.sig_usr1_handler)
    def connectToDb(self):
        # FIXME:
        # set-variable=max_connections=500
        # set-variable=wait_timeout=200

        logging.debug("Connecting to database...")
        db = None

            if config.get("database", "type") == "mysql":
                logging.debug("Using MySQL driver")
                db = DB.connect(
                    host = config.get("database", "host"),
                    port = config.getint("database", "port"), 
                    user = config.get("database", "user"), 
                    passwd = config.get("database", "password"), 
                    db = config.get("database", "database") )
                logging.debug("Using Firebird driver")
                db = DB.connect(
                    host = config.get("database", "host"),
                    user = config.get("database", "user"), 
                    password = config.get("database", "password"), 
                    database = config.get("database", "database") )

            logging.debug("Connected to database")
        except DB.DatabaseError, exc:
            logging.error("DB connection: " + str(exc))
Exemple #3
    def sendCrossDomain(self):
            Crossdomain generated file
        strcross = "<cross-domain-policy>"
        cd = config.get("crossdomain", "alloweddomains")
        domains = cd.split(" ")
        for domain in domains:
            if len(domain) > 3:
                strcross += "<allow-access-from domain='"+domain+"' to-ports='"+config.get("daemon", "port")+"' />"

        strcross += "</cross-domain-policy>"
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self):

        self.pidfile = config.get("daemon", "pidfile")
        self.daemon = config.getboolean("daemon", "startdaemon")
        if not self.daemon:
            signal.signal(SIGINT, self.sig_handler)
from palabre import config, logging, version, escape_string
#from util import generateSessionId, safeClose
from util import *
from Message import mtypes

from err import ERRORS

SilentCheckInterval = 3 # seconds

DB_MYSQL    = 0
DB_FIRE     = 1
dbtype = -1

if config.get("database", "type") == "mysql":
    import MySQLdb as DB
    dbtype = DB_MYSQL
elif config.get("database", "type") == "firebird":
    import kinterbasdb as DB
    dbtype = DB_FIRE
    raise Exception("Unknown database type in config")

from datetime import datetime

from palabreClient import PalabreClient

class PalabreServer(asyncore.dispatcher):
    channel_class = PalabreClient