def _add_lane2bullet(self, middle, width, length, theta, lane: Union[StraightLane, CircularLane], lane_index): """ Add lane visualization and body for it :param middle: Middle point :param width: Lane width :param length: Segment length :param theta: Rotate theta :param lane: Lane info :return: None """ segment_np = NodePath(LaneNode(BodyName.Lane, lane, lane_index)) segment_node = segment_np.node() segment_node.set_active(False) segment_node.setKinematic(False) segment_node.setStatic(True) shape = BulletBoxShape(Vec3(length / 2, 0.1, width / 2)) segment_node.addShape(shape) self.static_nodes.append(segment_node) segment_np.setPos(panda_position(middle, -0.1)) segment_np.setQuat( LQuaternionf( numpy.cos(theta / 2) * numpy.cos(-numpy.pi / 4), numpy.cos(theta / 2) * numpy.sin(-numpy.pi / 4), -numpy.sin(theta / 2) * numpy.cos(-numpy.pi / 4), numpy.sin(theta / 2) * numpy.cos(-numpy.pi / 4))) segment_np.reparentTo(self.lane_node_path) if self.render: cm = CardMaker('card') cm.setFrame(-length / 2, length / 2, -width / 2, width / 2) cm.setHasNormals(True) cm.setUvRange((0, 0), (length / 20, width / 10)) card = self.lane_vis_node_path.attachNewNode(cm.generate()) card.setPos( panda_position(middle, numpy.random.rand() * 0.01 - 0.01)) card.setQuat( LQuaternionf( numpy.cos(theta / 2) * numpy.cos(-numpy.pi / 4), numpy.cos(theta / 2) * numpy.sin(-numpy.pi / 4), -numpy.sin(theta / 2) * numpy.cos(-numpy.pi / 4), numpy.sin(theta / 2) * numpy.cos(-numpy.pi / 4))) card.setTransparency(TransparencyAttrib.MMultisample) card.setTexture(self.ts_color, self.road_texture)
def __init__(self, pg_world: PGWorld): if is None: return self.aspect2d_np = NodePath(PGTop("aspect2d")) self.para_vis_np = {} # make_buffer_func, make_camera_func =, pg_world.makeCamera # don't delete the space in word, it is used to set a proper position for i, np_name in enumerate( ["Steering", " Throttle", " Brake", " Speed"]): text = TextNode(np_name) text.setText(np_name) text.setSlant(0.1) textNodePath = self.aspect2d_np.attachNewNode(text) textNodePath.setScale(0.052) text.setFrameColor(0, 0, 0, 1) text.setTextColor(0, 0, 0, 1) text.setFrameAsMargin(-self.GAP, self.PARA_VIS_LENGTH, 0, 0) text.setAlign(TextNode.ARight) textNodePath.setPos(-1.125111, 0, 0.9 - i * 0.08) if i != 0: cm = CardMaker(np_name) cm.setFrame(0, self.PARA_VIS_LENGTH - 0.21, -self.PARA_VIS_HEIGHT / 2 + 0.1, self.PARA_VIS_HEIGHT / 2) cm.setHasNormals(True) card = textNodePath.attachNewNode(cm.generate()) card.setPos(0.21, 0, 0.22) self.para_vis_np[np_name.lstrip()] = card else: # left name = "Left" cm = CardMaker(name) cm.setFrame(0, (self.PARA_VIS_LENGTH - 0.4) / 2, -self.PARA_VIS_HEIGHT / 2 + 0.1, self.PARA_VIS_HEIGHT / 2) cm.setHasNormals(True) card = textNodePath.attachNewNode(cm.generate()) card.setPos(0.2 + self.PARA_VIS_LENGTH / 2, 0, 0.22) self.para_vis_np[name] = card # right name = "Right" cm = CardMaker(np_name) cm.setFrame(-(self.PARA_VIS_LENGTH - 0.1) / 2, 0, -self.PARA_VIS_HEIGHT / 2 + 0.1, self.PARA_VIS_HEIGHT / 2) cm.setHasNormals(True) card = textNodePath.attachNewNode(cm.generate()) card.setPos(0.2 + self.PARA_VIS_LENGTH / 2, 0, 0.22) self.para_vis_np[name] = card super(VehiclePanel, self).__init__(self.BUFFER_W, self.BUFFER_H, Vec3(-0.9, -1.01, 0.78), self.BKG_COLOR, pg_world=pg_world, parent_node=self.aspect2d_np) self.add_to_display(pg_world, [2 / 3, 1, self.display_bottom, self.display_top])
class MyApp(ShowBase): def __init__(self): ShowBase.__init__(self) # Load the environment model. self.setup_environment() #self.scene = self.loader.loadModel("models/environment") # Reparent the model to render. #self.scene.reparentTo(self.render) # Apply scale and position transforms on the model. #self.scene.setScale(0.25, 0.25, 0.25) #self.scene.setPos(-8, 42, 0) # Needed for camera image self.dr = self.camNode.getDisplayRegion(0) # Needed for camera depth image winprops = WindowProperties.size(, fbprops = FrameBufferProperties() fbprops.setDepthBits(1) self.depthBuffer = self.graphicsEngine.makeOutput( self.pipe, "depth buffer", -2, fbprops, winprops, GraphicsPipe.BFRefuseWindow,, self.depthTex = Texture() self.depthTex.setFormat(Texture.FDepthComponent) self.depthBuffer.addRenderTexture(self.depthTex, GraphicsOutput.RTMCopyRam, GraphicsOutput.RTPDepth) lens = lens.setFov(90.0, 90.0) # the near and far clipping distances can be changed if desired # lens.setNear(5.0) # lens.setFar(500.0) self.depthCam = self.makeCamera(self.depthBuffer, lens=lens, scene=self.render) self.depthCam.reparentTo( # TODO: Scene is rendered twice: once for rgb and once for depth image. # How can both images be obtained in one rendering pass? self.render.setAntialias(AntialiasAttrib.MAuto) def setup_environment(self): # encapsulate some stuff # set up ambient lighting self.alight = AmbientLight('alight') self.alight.setColor(VBase4(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1)) self.alnp = self.render.attachNewNode(self.alight) self.render.setLight(self.alnp) # set up a point light self.plight = PointLight('plight') self.plight.setColor(VBase4(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1)) self.plnp = self.render.attachNewNode(self.plight) self.plnp.setPos(0, 0, 100) self.render.setLight(self.plnp) # set up terrain model self.terr_material = Material() self.terr_material.setShininess(1.0) self.terr_material.setAmbient(VBase4(0, 0, 0, 0)) self.terr_material.setDiffuse(VBase4(1, 1, 1, 1)) self.terr_material.setEmission(VBase4(0, 0, 0, 0)) self.terr_material.setSpecular(VBase4(0, 0, 0, 0)) # general scaling self.trrHorzSc = 4.0 self.trrVertSc = 4.0 # was 4.0 # Create sky #terrctr = self.trrHorzSc*65.0 #self.setup_skybox(terrctr,800.0,2.0,0.3) self.skysphere = self.loader.loadModel("sky-forest/SkySphere.bam") self.skysphere.setBin('background', 1) self.skysphere.setDepthWrite(0) self.skysphere.reparentTo(self.render) # Load some textures self.grsTxtSc = 5 self.numTreeTexts = 7 # ground texture self.txtGrass = self.loader.loadTexture('tex/ground005.png') self.txtGrass.setWrapU(Texture.WM_mirror) self.txtGrass.setWrapV(Texture.WM_mirror) self.txtGrass.setMagfilter(Texture.FTLinear) self.txtGrass.setMinfilter(Texture.FTLinearMipmapLinear) # set up terrain texture stages self.TS1 = TextureStage('terrtext') self.TS1.setSort(0) self.TS1.setMode(TextureStage.MReplace) # Set up the GeoMipTerrain self.terrain = GeoMipTerrain("myDynamicTerrain") img = PNMImage(Filename('tex/bowl_height_map.png')) self.terrain.setHeightfield(img) self.terrain.setBruteforce(0) self.terrain.setAutoFlatten(GeoMipTerrain.AFMMedium) # Set terrain properties self.terrain.setBlockSize(32) self.terrain.setNear(50) self.terrain.setFar(500) self.terrain.setFocalPoint( # Store the root NodePath for convenience self.root = self.terrain.getRoot() self.root.clearTexture() self.root.setTwoSided(0) self.root.setCollideMask(BitMask32.bit(0)) self.root.setSz(self.trrVertSc) self.root.setSx(self.trrHorzSc) self.root.setSy(self.trrHorzSc) self.root.setMaterial(self.terr_material) self.root.setTexture(self.TS1, self.txtGrass) self.root.setTexScale(self.TS1, self.grsTxtSc, self.grsTxtSc) offset = 0.5 * img.getXSize() * self.trrHorzSc - 0.5 self.root.setPos(-offset, -offset, 0) self.terrain.generate() self.root.reparentTo(self.render) # load tree billboards self.txtTreeBillBoards = [] for a in range(self.numTreeTexts): fstr = 'trees/tree' + '%03d' % (a + 991) self.txtTreeBillBoards.append( \ self.loader.loadTexture(fstr + '-color.png', fstr + '-opacity.png')) self.txtTreeBillBoards[a].setMinfilter( Texture.FTLinearMipmapLinear) #self.placePlantOnTerrain('trees',300,0,20,20,self.trrHorzSc,self.trrVertSc, \ # self.numTreeTexts,self.txtTreeBillBoards,'scene-def/trees.txt') self.setup_house() self.setup_vehicle() self.taskMgr.add(self.skysphereTask, "SkySphere Task") def setup_house(self): # place farmhouse on terrain = ModelNode('house1') self.loadModelOntoTerrain(self.render, self.terrain,, 43.0, 0.275, 0.0, 0.0, self.trrHorzSc, self.trrVertSc, 'models/FarmHouse', Vec3(0, 0, 0), Point3(-12.0567, -29.1724, 0.0837742), Point3(12.2229, 21.1915, 21.3668)) def setup_vehicle(self): # place HMMWV on terrain self.hmmwv = ModelNode('hmmwv1') self.loadModelOntoTerrain(self.render, self.terrain, self.hmmwv, 33.0, 1.0, 20.0, 24.0, self.trrHorzSc, self.trrVertSc, 'models/hmmwv', Vec3(0, -90, 0), Point3(-1.21273, -2.49153, -1.10753), Point3(1.21273, 2.49153, 1.10753)) def setup_skybox(self, terrctr=645.0, boxsz=1000.0, aspect=1.0, uplift=0.0): vsz = boxsz / aspect self.bckgtx = [] self.bckgtx.append(self.loader.loadTexture('sky/Back2.png')) self.bckgtx.append(self.loader.loadTexture('sky/Right2.png')) self.bckgtx.append(self.loader.loadTexture('sky/Front2.png')) self.bckgtx.append(self.loader.loadTexture('sky/Left2.png')) self.bckgtx.append(self.loader.loadTexture('sky/Up.png')) for a in range(4): self.bckg = CardMaker('bkcard') lr = Point3(0.5 * boxsz, 0.5 * boxsz, -0.5 * vsz) ur = Point3(0.5 * boxsz, 0.5 * boxsz, 0.5 * vsz) ul = Point3(-0.5 * boxsz, 0.5 * boxsz, 0.5 * vsz) ll = Point3(-0.5 * boxsz, 0.5 * boxsz, -0.5 * vsz) self.bckg.setFrame(ll, lr, ur, ul) self.bckg.setHasNormals(0) self.bckg.setHasUvs(1) #self.bckg.setUvRange(self.bckgtx[a]) bkcrd = self.render.attachNewNode(self.bckg.generate()) bkcrd.setTexture(self.bckgtx[a]) self.bckgtx[a].setWrapU(Texture.WMClamp) self.bckgtx[a].setWrapV(Texture.WMClamp) bkcrd.setLightOff() bkcrd.setFogOff() bkcrd.setHpr(90.0 * a, 0, 0) cz = 0.5 * boxsz * uplift #print 'set card at:', terrctr,terrctr,cz, ' with points: ', lr,ur,ul,ll bkcrd.setPos(terrctr, terrctr, cz) = CardMaker('bkcard') lr = Point3(0.5 * boxsz, -0.5 * boxsz, 0) ur = Point3(0.5 * boxsz, 0.5 * boxsz, 0) ul = Point3(-0.5 * boxsz, 0.5 * boxsz, 0) ll = Point3(-0.5 * boxsz, -0.5 * boxsz, 0), lr, ur, ul)[4]) bkcrd = self.render.attachNewNode(self.bckg.generate()) bkcrd.setTexture(self.bckgtx[4]) self.bckgtx[4].setWrapU(Texture.WMClamp) self.bckgtx[4].setWrapV(Texture.WMClamp) bkcrd.setLightOff() bkcrd.setFogOff() bkcrd.setHpr(0, 90, 90) bkcrd.setPos(terrctr, terrctr, 0.5 * vsz + 0.5 * boxsz * uplift) def placePlantOnTerrain(self, itemStr, itemCnt, Mode, typItemWidth, typItemHeight, trrHorzSc, trrVertSc, numTxtTypes, txtList, planFileName): # Billboarding plants crd = CardMaker('mycard') crd.setColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1) ll = Point3(-0.5 * typItemWidth, 0, 0) lr = Point3(0.5 * typItemWidth, 0, 0) ur = Point3(0.5 * typItemWidth, 0, typItemHeight) ul = Point3(-0.5 * typItemWidth, 0, typItemHeight) crd.setFrame(ll, lr, ur, ul) crd.setHasNormals(False) crd.setHasUvs(True) # generate/save/load locations try: plan_data_fp = open(planFileName, 'r') item_list = [] for line in plan_data_fp: toks = line.split(',') px = float(toks[0].strip(' ')) py = float(toks[1].strip(' ')) ang = float(toks[2].strip(' ')) dht = float(toks[3].strip(' ')) scl = float(toks[4].strip(' ')) idx = int(toks[5].strip(' ')) item_list.append((px, py, ang, dht, scl, idx)) plan_data_fp.close() print 'loaded ', itemStr, ' data file of size:', len(item_list) except IOError: # generate list and try to save item_list = [] for a in range(itemCnt): px = random.randrange(-self.trrHorzSc * 64, self.trrHorzSc * 64) py = random.randrange(-self.trrHorzSc * 64, self.trrHorzSc * 64) ang = 180 * random.random() dht = 0.0 scl = 0.75 + 0.25 * (random.random() + random.random()) idx = random.randrange(0, numTxtTypes) item_list.append([px, py, ang, dht, scl, idx]) try: plan_data_fp = open(planFileName, 'w') for c in item_list: print >> plan_data_fp, c[0], ',', c[1], ',', c[2], ',', c[ 3], ',', c[4], ',', c[5] plan_data_fp.close() print 'saved ', itemStr, ' data of size: ', len(item_list) except IOError: print 'unable to store ', itemStr, ' data of size: ', len( item_list) # define each plant for c in item_list: px = c[0] py = c[1] ang = c[2] dht = c[3] scl = c[4] idx = c[5] if idx >= numTxtTypes: idx = 0 if Mode > 0: for b in range(Mode): crdNP = self.render.attachNewNode(crd.generate()) crdNP.setTexture(txtList[idx]) crdNP.setScale(scl) crdNP.setTwoSided(True) ht = self.terrain.getElevation(px / trrHorzSc, py / trrHorzSc) crdNP.setPos(px, py, ht * trrVertSc + dht) crdNP.setHpr(ang + (180 / Mode) * b, 0, 0) crdNP.setTransparency(TransparencyAttrib.MAlpha) crdNP.setLightOff() else: # set up item as defined crd.setUvRange(txtList[idx]) crdNP = self.render.attachNewNode(crd.generate()) crdNP.setBillboardAxis() crdNP.setTexture(txtList[idx]) crdNP.setScale(scl) ht = self.terrain.getElevation(px / trrHorzSc, py / trrHorzSc) crdNP.setPos(px, py, ht * trrVertSc) crdNP.setTransparency(TransparencyAttrib.MAlpha) crdNP.setLightOff() def loadModelOntoTerrain(self, render_node, terr_obj, model_obj, hdg, scl, xctr, yctr, terr_horz_sc, terr_vert_sc, model_path, rotA, minP, maxP): # load model onto terrain hdg_rads = hdg * math.pi / 180.0 model_obj = self.loader.loadModel(model_path) rotAll = rotA rotAll.setX(rotAll.getX() + hdg) model_obj.setHpr(rotA) model_obj.setLightOff() # if model changes, these will have to be recomputed # minP = Point3(0,0,0) # maxP = Point3(0,0,0) # model_obj.calcTightBounds(minP,maxP) print minP print maxP htl = [] maxzofs = -1000.0 for xi in [minP[0], maxP[0]]: for yi in [minP[1], maxP[1]]: tx = xctr + scl * xi * math.cos(hdg_rads) ty = yctr + scl * yi * math.sin(hdg_rads) tht = self.terrain.getElevation(tx / terr_horz_sc, ty / terr_horz_sc) print 'tx=', tx, ', ty=', ty, ', tht=', tht htl.append(tht * terr_vert_sc - minP.getZ()) for hi in htl: if hi > maxzofs: maxzofs = hi print maxzofs model_obj.setPos(xctr, yctr, maxzofs) model_obj.setHpr(rotAll) model_obj.setScale(scl) model_obj.reparentTo(render_node) return maxzofs, minP, maxP def get_camera_image(self, requested_format=None): """ Returns the camera's image, which is of type uint8 and has values between 0 and 255. The 'requested_format' argument should specify in which order the components of the image must be. For example, valid format strings are "RGBA" and "BGRA". By default, Panda's internal format "BGRA" is used, in which case no data is copied over. """ tex = self.dr.getScreenshot() if requested_format is None: data = tex.getRamImage() else: data = tex.getRamImageAs(requested_format) image = np.frombuffer( data.get_data(), np.uint8) # use data.get_data() instead of data in python 2 image.shape = (tex.getYSize(), tex.getXSize(), tex.getNumComponents()) image = np.flipud(image) return image def get_camera_depth_image(self): """ Returns the camera's depth image, which is of type float32 and has values between 0.0 and 1.0. """ data = self.depthTex.getRamImage() depth_image = np.frombuffer(data.get_data(), np.float32) depth_image.shape = (self.depthTex.getYSize(), self.depthTex.getXSize(), self.depthTex.getNumComponents()) depth_image = np.flipud(depth_image) ''' Surface position can be inferred by calculating backward from the depth buffer. Each pixel on the screen represents a ray from the camera into the scene, and the depth value in the pixel indicates a distance along the ray. Because of this, it is not actually necessary to store surface position explicitly - it is only necessary to store depth values. Of course, OpenGL does that for free. So the framebuffer now needs to store surface normal, diffuse color, and depth value (to infer surface position). In practice, most ordinary framebuffers can only store color and depth - they don't have any place to store a third value. So we need to use a special offscreen buffer with an "auxiliary" bitplane. The auxiliary bitplane stores the surface normal. So then, there's the final postprocessing pass. This involves combining the diffuse color texture, the surface normal texture, the depth texture, and the light parameters into a final rendered output. The light parameters are passed into the postprocessing shader as constants, not as textures. If there are a lot of lights, things get interesting. You use one postprocessing pass per light. Each pass only needs to scan those framebuffer pixels that are actually in range of the light in question. To traverse only the pixels that are affected by the light, just render the illuminated area's convex bounding volume. The shader to store the diffuse color and surface normal is trivial. But the final postprocessing shader is a little complicated. What makes it tricky is that it needs to regenerate the original surface position from the screen position and depth value. The math for that deserves some explanation. We need to take a clip-space coordinate and depth-buffer value (ClipX,ClipY,ClipZ,ClipW) and unproject it back to a view-space (ViewX,ViewY,ViewZ) coordinate. Lighting is then done in view-space. Okay, so here's the math. Panda uses the projection matrix to transform view-space into clip-space. But in practice, the projection matrix for a perspective camera always contains four nonzero constants, and they're always in the same place: -- here are the non-zero elements of the projection matrix -- A 0 0 0 0 0 B 1 0 C 0 0 0 0 D 0 -- precompute these from above projection matrix -- ''' proj = proj_x = 0.5 * proj.getCell(3, 2) / proj.getCell(0, 0) proj_y = 0.5 * proj.getCell(3, 2) proj_z = 0.5 * proj.getCell(3, 2) / proj.getCell(2, 1) proj_w = -0.5 - 0.5 * proj.getCell(1, 2) ''' -- now for each pixel compute viewpoint coordinates -- viewx = (screenx * projx) / (depth + projw) viewy = (1 * projy) / (depth + projw) viewz = (screeny * projz) / (depth + projw) ''' grid = np.mgrid[0:depth_image.shape[0], 0:depth_image.shape[1]] ygrid = np.float32(np.squeeze( grid[0, :, :])) / float(depth_image.shape[0] - 1) ygrid -= 0.5 xgrid = np.float32(np.squeeze( grid[1, :, :])) / float(depth_image.shape[1] - 1) xgrid -= 0.5 xview = 2.0 * xgrid * proj_x zview = 2.0 * ygrid * proj_z denom = np.squeeze(depth_image) + proj_w xview = xview / denom yview = proj_y / denom zview = zview / denom sqrng = xview**2 + yview**2 + zview**2 range_image = np.sqrt(sqrng) range_image_1 = np.expand_dims(range_image, axis=2) return depth_image, range_image_1 def compute_sample_pattern(self, limg_shape, res_factor): # assume velocity is XYZ and we are looking +X up and towards -Z pattern = [] lens = sx = sy = ifov_vert = 2.0 * math.tan( 0.5 * math.radians(lens.getVfov())) / float(sy - 1) ifov_horz = 2.0 * math.tan( 0.5 * math.radians(lens.getHfov())) / float(sx - 1) #ifov_vert = lens.getVfov() / float(sy-1) #ifov_horz = lens.getHfov() / float(sy-1) for ldr_row in range(limg_shape[0]): theta = -10.0 - 41.33 * ( float(ldr_row) / float(limg_shape[0] - 1) - 0.5) for ldr_col in range(limg_shape[1]): psi = 60.0 * (float(ldr_col) / float(limg_shape[1] - 1) - 0.5) cpsi = math.cos(math.radians(psi)) vert_ang = theta / cpsi img_row_flt = (0.5 * float(sy - 1) - (math.tan(math.radians(vert_ang)) / ifov_vert)) #img_row_flt = 0.5*(sy-1) - (vert_ang / ifov_vert) if img_row_flt < 0: print('img_row_flt=%f' % img_row_flt) img_row_flt = 0.0 if img_row_flt >= sy: print('img_row_flt=%f' % img_row_flt) img_row_flt = float(sy - 1) img_col_flt = (0.5 * float(sx - 1) + (math.tan(math.radians(psi)) / ifov_horz)) #img_col_flt = 0.5*(sx-1) + (psi / ifov_horz) if img_col_flt < 0: print('img_col_flt=%f' % img_col_flt) img_col_flt = 0.0 if img_col_flt >= sx: print('img_col_flt=%f' % img_col_flt) img_col_flt = float(sx - 1) pattern.append((ldr_row, ldr_col, img_row_flt, img_col_flt)) return pattern def find_sorted_ladar_returns(self, rangearr, intensarr, ks_m): my_range = rangearr.copy() my_inten = intensarr.copy() ''' pixels data is organized by: [0] starting range of this return [1] ending range of this return [2] peak range of this return [3] total intensity of this return ''' int_mult = len(my_inten) pixels = map( list, zip(my_range.tolist(), my_range.tolist(), my_range.tolist(), my_inten.tolist())) spix = sorted(pixels, key=lambda x: x[0]) done = False while not done: mxpi = len(spix) if mxpi > 2: mindel = 1e20 mnidx = None for pidx in range(mxpi - 1): rdel = spix[pidx + 1][0] - spix[pidx][1] # must be within ks_m meters in range to merge if (rdel < ks_m) and (rdel < mindel): mindel = rdel mnidx = pidx # merge best two returns if mnidx is not None: # new range span for testing against neighbors spix[mnidx][1] = spix[mnidx + 1][1] # new peak range is range of max contributor if spix[mnidx + 1][3] > spix[mnidx][3]: spix[mnidx][2] = spix[mnidx + 1][2] # intensity of return is sum of contributors spix[mnidx][3] += spix[mnidx + 1][3] # remove one of the two merged del spix[mnidx + 1] else: done = True else: done = True # now eliminate all but max and last returns max_idx = None max_val = 0.0 for ci, pix in enumerate(spix): if pix[3] > max_val: max_val = pix[3] / int_mult max_idx = ci # if they are the same, return only one if spix[-1][3] >= spix[max_idx][3]: return [spix[-1]] else: return [spix[max_idx], spix[-1]] def sample_range_image(self, rng_img, int_img, limg_shape, vel_cam, pps, ldr_err, pattern): # depth image is set up as 512 x 512 and is 62.5 degrees vertical FOV # the center row is vertical, but we want to sample from the # region corresponding to HDL-32 FOV: from +10 to -30 degrees detailed_sensor_model = False fwd_vel = vel_cam[1] beam_div = 0.002 lens = #sx = sy = ifov_vert = 2.0 * math.tan( 0.5 * math.radians(lens.getVfov())) / float(sy - 1) #ifov_horz = 2.0*math.tan(0.5*math.radians(lens.getHfov()))/float(sx-1) #ifov = math.radians( / sigma = beam_div / ifov_vert hs = int(2.0 * sigma + 1.0) gprof = gauss_kern(sigma, hs, normalize=False) rimg = np.zeros(limg_shape, dtype=np.float32) iimg = np.zeros(limg_shape, dtype=np.float32) margin = 10.0 for pidx, relation in enumerate(pattern): # get the usual scan pattern sample ldr_row, ldr_col, img_row_flt, img_col_flt = relation if ((img_row_flt > -margin) and (img_col_flt > -margin) and (img_row_flt < rng_img.shape[0] + margin) and (img_col_flt < rng_img.shape[1] + margin)): # within reasonable distance from image limits img_row = int(round(img_row_flt)) img_col = int(round(img_col_flt)) # motion compensation trng = np.float32(rng_img[img_row, img_col]) if trng > 0.0: # TODO: change this back to False done = True ic = 0 while not done: old_trng = trng del_row = pidx * fwd_vel / (ifov_vert * trng * pps) if (abs(del_row) > 1e-1) and (ic < 10): img_row_f = img_row_flt + del_row img_row = int(round(img_row_f)) trng = np.float32(rng_img[img_row, img_col]) ic += 1 if abs(trng - old_trng) < 0.5: done = True else: done = True # simple sensor processing: just sample from large images rimg[ldr_row, ldr_col] = np.float32(rng_img[img_row, img_col]) iimg[ldr_row, ldr_col] = np.float32(int_img[img_row, img_col]) if detailed_sensor_model: # detailed model subsamples whole beam width gpatch = copy_patch_centered((img_row, img_col), hs, int_img, 0.0) gpatch = np.float32(gpatch) gpatch *= gprof rpatch = copy_patch_centered((img_row, img_col), hs, rng_img, 0.0) rpatch = np.squeeze(rpatch) valid = rpatch > 1e-3 if np.count_nonzero(valid) > 0: rpatch_ts = rpatch[valid] gpatch_ts = gpatch[valid] returns = self.find_sorted_ladar_returns( rpatch_ts, gpatch_ts, 2.5) # for now we just take first return rimg[ldr_row, ldr_col] = returns[0][2] iimg[ldr_row, ldr_col] = returns[0][3] else: rimg[ldr_row, ldr_col] = 0.0 iimg[ldr_row, ldr_col] = np.float32(int_img[img_row, img_col]) rimg += ldr_err * np.random.standard_normal(rimg.shape) return rimg, iimg def skysphereTask(self, task): if self.base is not None: self.skysphere.setPos(, 0, 0, 0) self.terrain.generate() return task.cont
def placePlantOnTerrain(self, itemStr, itemCnt, Mode, typItemWidth, typItemHeight, trrHorzSc, trrVertSc, numTxtTypes, txtList, planFileName): # Billboarding plants crd = CardMaker('mycard') crd.setColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1) ll = Point3(-0.5 * typItemWidth, 0, 0) lr = Point3(0.5 * typItemWidth, 0, 0) ur = Point3(0.5 * typItemWidth, 0, typItemHeight) ul = Point3(-0.5 * typItemWidth, 0, typItemHeight) crd.setFrame(ll, lr, ur, ul) crd.setHasNormals(False) crd.setHasUvs(True) # generate/save/load locations try: plan_data_fp = open(planFileName, 'r') item_list = [] for line in plan_data_fp: toks = line.split(',') px = float(toks[0].strip(' ')) py = float(toks[1].strip(' ')) ang = float(toks[2].strip(' ')) dht = float(toks[3].strip(' ')) scl = float(toks[4].strip(' ')) idx = int(toks[5].strip(' ')) item_list.append((px, py, ang, dht, scl, idx)) plan_data_fp.close() print 'loaded ', itemStr, ' data file of size:', len(item_list) except IOError: # generate list and try to save item_list = [] for a in range(itemCnt): px = random.randrange(-self.trrHorzSc * 64, self.trrHorzSc * 64) py = random.randrange(-self.trrHorzSc * 64, self.trrHorzSc * 64) ang = 180 * random.random() dht = 0.0 scl = 0.75 + 0.25 * (random.random() + random.random()) idx = random.randrange(0, numTxtTypes) item_list.append([px, py, ang, dht, scl, idx]) try: plan_data_fp = open(planFileName, 'w') for c in item_list: print >> plan_data_fp, c[0], ',', c[1], ',', c[2], ',', c[ 3], ',', c[4], ',', c[5] plan_data_fp.close() print 'saved ', itemStr, ' data of size: ', len(item_list) except IOError: print 'unable to store ', itemStr, ' data of size: ', len( item_list) # define each plant for c in item_list: px = c[0] py = c[1] ang = c[2] dht = c[3] scl = c[4] idx = c[5] if idx >= numTxtTypes: idx = 0 if Mode > 0: for b in range(Mode): crdNP = self.render.attachNewNode(crd.generate()) crdNP.setTexture(txtList[idx]) crdNP.setScale(scl) crdNP.setTwoSided(True) ht = self.terrain.getElevation(px / trrHorzSc, py / trrHorzSc) crdNP.setPos(px, py, ht * trrVertSc + dht) crdNP.setHpr(ang + (180 / Mode) * b, 0, 0) crdNP.setTransparency(TransparencyAttrib.MAlpha) crdNP.setLightOff() else: # set up item as defined crd.setUvRange(txtList[idx]) crdNP = self.render.attachNewNode(crd.generate()) crdNP.setBillboardAxis() crdNP.setTexture(txtList[idx]) crdNP.setScale(scl) ht = self.terrain.getElevation(px / trrHorzSc, py / trrHorzSc) crdNP.setPos(px, py, ht * trrVertSc) crdNP.setTransparency(TransparencyAttrib.MAlpha) crdNP.setLightOff()