def pdmat3_to_npmat3(pdmat3: Mat3) -> npt.NDArray[float]: """ convert a mat3 matrix to a numpy 2darray... :param pdmat3: :return: numpy 2darray author: weiwei date: 20161216sapporo """ row0 = pdmat3.getRow(0) row1 = pdmat3.getRow(1) row2 = pdmat3.getRow(2) return np.array([[row0[0], row1[0], row2[0]], [row0[1], row1[1], row2[1]], [row0[2], row1[2], row2[2]]])
def color_from_temperature(temperature): # Thanks to rdb for this conversion script mm = 1000.0 / temperature # pylint: disable=invalid-name mm2 = mm**2 mm3 = mm2 * mm x, y = 0, 0 if temperature < 4000: x = -0.2661239 * mm3 - 0.2343580 * mm2 + 0.8776956 * mm + 0.179910 else: x = -3.0258469 * mm3 + 2.1070379 * mm2 + 0.2226347 * mm + 0.240390 x2 = x**2 # pylint: disable=invalid-name x3 = x2 * x # pylint: disable=invalid-name if temperature < 2222: y = -1.1063814 * x3 - 1.34811020 * x2 + 2.18555832 * x - 0.20219683 elif temperature < 4000: y = -0.9549476 * x3 - 1.37418593 * x2 + 2.09137015 * x - 0.16748867 else: y = 3.0817580 * x3 - 5.87338670 * x2 + 3.75112997 * x - 0.37001483 # xyY to XYZ, assuming Y=1. xyz = Vec3(x / y, 1, (1 - x - y) / y) # Convert XYZ to linearized sRGB. xyz_to_rgb = Mat3(3.2406, -0.9689, 0.0557, -1.5372, 1.8758, -0.2050, -0.4986, 0.0415, 1.0570) return xyz_to_rgb.xform(xyz)
def generateNormals(self): ''' ''' self.varthickness = [] self.normals = [] last_normal = Vec3(0, 0, 1) # last_vec = Vec3(0, 1, 0) for i in range(len(self.track_points)): if i == 0: vec = self.track_points[0] - self.track_points[1] elif i + 1 == len(self.track_points): vec = self.track_points[i - 1] - self.track_points[0] else: vec = self.track_points[i - 1] - self.track_points[i + 1] # calculate here the direction out of the street vector and the last normal last_normal.normalize() vec.normalize() mat = Mat3() mat.setRotateMat(-90, last_normal) # turn the direction around the last_normal turned_vec = mat.xform(vec) turned_vec.normalize() last_normal = turned_vec.cross(vec) # calculate the new normal turned_vec.normalize() self.varthickness.append(turned_vec) self.normals.append(last_normal)
def check_mouse1drag(self): """ this function uses a collision sphere to track the rotational mouse motion :return: author: weiwei date: 20200315 """ curm1pos = self.get_world_mouse1() if curm1pos is None: if self.lastm1pos is not None: self.lastm1pos = None return if self.lastm1pos is None: # first time click self.lastm1pos = curm1pos return curm1vec = Vec3(curm1pos - self.lookatpos_pdv3) lastm1vec = Vec3(self.lastm1pos - self.lookatpos_pdv3) curm1vec.normalize() lastm1vec.normalize() rotatevec = curm1vec.cross(lastm1vec) if rotatevec.length() > 1e-9: # avoid zero length rotateangle = curm1vec.signedAngleDeg(lastm1vec, rotatevec) rotateangle = rotateangle * self.camdist * 5000 if rotateangle > .02 or rotateangle < -.02: rotmat = Mat4( posvec = Vec3( rotmat.setRow(3, Vec3(0, 0, 0)) * Mat4.rotateMat(rotateangle, rotatevec)), rotatevec). \ xform(posvec - self.lookatpos_pdv3) + self.lookatpos_pdv3) self.lastm1pos = self.get_world_mouse1() self.update_trackplane()
def step(self, task): distance = ClockObject.getGlobalClock().getDt() * self.speed rotMat = Mat3.rotateMatNormaxis(self.avatar.getH(), Vec3.up()) step = Vec3(rotMat.xform(Vec3.forward() * distance)) self.avatar.setFluidPos(Point3(self.avatar.getPos() + step)) return Task.cont
def pdquat_to_npmat3(pdquat): """ :param pdquat: panda.core.LQuaternion :return: author: weiwei date: 20210109 """ tmp_pdmat3 = Mat3() pdquat.extractToMatrix(tmp_pdmat3) return pdmat3_to_npmat3(tmp_pdmat3)
def npmat3_to_pdmat3(npmat3): """ convert numpy.2darray to LMatrix3f defined in Panda3d :param npmat3: a 3x3 numpy ndarray :return: a LMatrix3f object, see panda3d author: weiwei date: 20161107tsukuba """ return Mat3(npmat3[0, 0], npmat3[1, 0], npmat3[2, 0], \ npmat3[0, 1], npmat3[1, 1], npmat3[2, 1], \ npmat3[0, 2], npmat3[1, 2], npmat3[2, 2])
def _player_controls(self): avel = self.body.getAngularVel() on_plate = False accelerate = False for level_object in self.level.objects: collide = OdeUtil.collide(level_object.geom, self.geom) if collide: on_plate = True if avel.z < self.initial_spin_velocity and \ isinstance(level_object, Accelerator): accelerate = level_object.player_interact(self) break if accelerate: avel.z += self.exponent / 200.0 self.factor = 0 self.calculate_factor(avel.z) if self.factor > 0.99: return f = self.factor**self.exponent if on_plate: if self.controls.jump: vel = self.body.getLinearVel() self.body.setLinearVel(vel.x, vel.y, vel.z + 5) force = 350 else: force = 25 self.controls.jump = False self.body.addForce(Mat3.rotateMat(self.controls.view_rotation).xform( (self.controls.y*force, -0.8*self.controls.x*force, 0))) hpr = self.model.getHpr() self.model.setHpr(hpr.x, f*hpr.y, f*hpr.z) self.body.setQuaternion(self.model.getQuat(render)) self.body.setAngularVel(f*avel.x, f*avel.y, avel.z)
def getCirclesBorder(cls, circle, numSlices=32, closed=False): degPerSlice = 360.0 / numSlices zVec = Vec3.unitZ() rotMat = Mat3.rotateMat(degPerSlice, zVec) projVec = Vec3.unitY() + projVec.normalize() border = [ Point3(projVec * circle.radius +, ] projVec = rotMat.xform(projVec) for i in range(1, numSlices): pt = Point3(projVec * circle.radius + border.append(pt) projVec = rotMat.xform(projVec) if closed and border: border.append(border[0]) return border
def _makeLineMat(self, x1, y1, x2, y2): # This function generates a transformation matrix to convert coordinates # from worldspace to be local to the provided line. # This matrix will do the forward transformation. In other words, it # transforms (0, 0) -> (x1, y1) and (0, 1) -> (x2, y2) # N.B. the notation below is the transpose of the matrix I'm defining, # because Panda3D's Mat3 constructor is column-major. mat = Mat3( y2-y1, x1-x2, 0, x2-x1, y2-y1, 0, x1, y1, 1) # Now we invert it, so that it does what we want: the reverse # transformation (i.e. (x1, y1) -> (0, 0) and (x2, y2) -> (0, 1)) if not mat.invertInPlace(): # The matrix is singular, which means it has no inverse. return None return mat
def test_transform_identity(): state = TransformState.make_identity() assert state.is_identity() assert not state.is_invalid() assert not state.is_singular() assert state.is_2d() assert state.has_components() assert not state.components_given() assert not state.hpr_given() assert not state.quat_given() assert state.has_pos() assert state.has_hpr() assert state.has_quat() assert state.has_scale() assert state.has_identity_scale() assert state.has_uniform_scale() assert state.has_shear() assert not state.has_nonzero_shear() assert state.has_mat() assert state.get_pos() == (0, 0, 0) assert state.get_hpr() == (0, 0, 0) assert state.get_quat() == (1, 0, 0, 0) assert state.get_norm_quat() == (1, 0, 0, 0) assert state.get_scale() == (1, 1, 1) assert state.get_uniform_scale() == 1 assert state.get_shear() == (0, 0, 0) assert state.get_mat() == Mat4.ident_mat() assert state.get_pos2d() == (0, 0) assert state.get_rotate2d() == 0 assert state.get_scale2d() == (1, 1) assert state.get_shear2d() == 0 assert state.get_mat3() == Mat3.ident_mat() state2 = TransformState.make_identity() assert state.this == state2.this
def handleAvatarControls(self, task): """ Check on the arrow keys and update the avatar. """ # get the button states: run = inputState.isSet("run") forward = inputState.isSet("forward") reverse = inputState.isSet("reverse") turnLeft = inputState.isSet("turnLeft") turnRight = inputState.isSet("turnRight") slideLeft = inputState.isSet("slideLeft") slideRight = inputState.isSet("slideRight") jump = inputState.isSet("jump") avatarControlForwardSpeed = 0 avatarControlReverseSpeed = 0 avatarControlSLeftSpeed = 0 avatarControlSRightSpeed = 0 if forward: if not self.hasSetForwardInitTime: self.forwardInitTime = globalClock.getFrameTime() self.hasSetForwardInitTime = True self.isAtZeroForward = False self.hasSetForwardStopTime = False timeSinceForwardSet = globalClock.getFrameTime() - self.forwardInitTime if timeSinceForwardSet == 0: avatarControlForwardSpeed = 0.0 else: avatarControlForwardSpeed = min((timeSinceForwardSet / self.avatarControlForwardSpeed) * 750, self.avatarControlForwardSpeed) else: if self.hasSetForwardInitTime: self.hasSetForwardInitTime = False if not self.hasSetForwardStopTime: self.forwardStopTime = globalClock.getFrameTime() self.hasSetForwardStopTime = True timeSinceForwardStop = globalClock.getFrameTime() - self.forwardStopTime if timeSinceForwardStop == 0: avatarControlForwardSpeed = 16.0 elif not self.isAtZeroForward: avatarControlForwardSpeed = self.avatarControlForwardSpeed - (timeSinceForwardStop * 50) if avatarControlForwardSpeed <= 0.5: avatarControlForwardSpeed = 0.0 self.isAtZeroForward = True self.hasSetForwardStopTime = False if reverse: if not self.hasSetReverseInitTime: self.reverseInitTime = globalClock.getFrameTime() self.hasSetReverseInitTime = True self.isAtZeroReverse = False self.hasSetReverseStopTime = False timeSinceReverseSet = globalClock.getFrameTime() - self.reverseInitTime if timeSinceReverseSet == 0: avatarControlReverseSpeed = 0.0 else: avatarControlReverseSpeed = min((timeSinceReverseSet / self.avatarControlReverseSpeed) * 400, self.avatarControlReverseSpeed) else: if self.hasSetReverseInitTime: self.hasSetReverseInitTime = False if not self.hasSetReverseStopTime: self.reverseStopTime = globalClock.getFrameTime() self.hasSetReverseStopTime = True timeSinceReverseStop = globalClock.getFrameTime() - self.reverseStopTime if timeSinceReverseStop == 0: avatarControlReverseSpeed = 16.0 elif not self.isAtZeroReverse: avatarControlReverseSpeed = self.avatarControlReverseSpeed - (timeSinceReverseStop * 20) if avatarControlReverseSpeed <= 0.5: avatarControlReverseSpeed = 0.0 self.isAtZeroReverse = True self.hasSetReverseStopTime = False if slideLeft: if not self.hasSetSLeftInitTime: self.sLeftInitTime = globalClock.getFrameTime() self.hasSetSLeftInitTime = True self.isAtZeroSLeft = False self.hasSetSLeftStopTime = False timeSinceSLeftSet = globalClock.getFrameTime() - self.sLeftInitTime if timeSinceSLeftSet == 0: avatarControlSLeftSpeed = 0.0 else: avatarControlSLeftSpeed = min((timeSinceSLeftSet / self.avatarControlForwardSpeed) * 750, self.avatarControlForwardSpeed) else: if self.hasSetSLeftInitTime: self.hasSetSLeftInitTime = False if not self.hasSetSLeftStopTime: self.sLeftStopTime = globalClock.getFrameTime() self.hasSetSLeftStopTime = True timeSinceSLeftStop = globalClock.getFrameTime() - self.sLeftStopTime if timeSinceSLeftStop == 0: avatarControlSLeftSpeed = 16.0 elif not self.isAtZeroSLeft: avatarControlSLeftSpeed = self.avatarControlForwardSpeed - (timeSinceSLeftStop * 50) if avatarControlSLeftSpeed <= 0.5: avatarControlSLeftSpeed = 0.0 self.isAtZeroSLeft = True self.hasSetSLeftStopTime = False if slideRight: if not self.hasSetSRightInitTime: self.sRightInitTime = globalClock.getFrameTime() self.hasSetSRightInitTime = True self.isAtZeroSRight = False self.hasSetSRightStopTime = False timeSinceSRightSet = globalClock.getFrameTime() - self.sRightInitTime if timeSinceSRightSet == 0: avatarControlSRightSpeed = 0.0 else: avatarControlSRightSpeed = min((timeSinceSRightSet / self.avatarControlForwardSpeed) * 750, self.avatarControlForwardSpeed) else: if self.hasSetSRightInitTime: self.hasSetSRightInitTime = False if not self.hasSetSRightStopTime: self.sRightStopTime = globalClock.getFrameTime() self.hasSetSRightStopTime = True timeSinceSRightStop = globalClock.getFrameTime() - self.sRightStopTime if timeSinceSRightStop == 0: avatarControlSRightSpeed = 16.0 elif not self.isAtZeroSRight: avatarControlSRightSpeed = self.avatarControlForwardSpeed - (timeSinceSRightStop * 50) if avatarControlSRightSpeed <= 0.5: avatarControlSRightSpeed = 0.0 self.isAtZeroSRight = True self.hasSetSRightStopTime = False # Check for Auto-Run #if 'localAvatar' in __builtins__: # if base.localAvatar and base.localAvatar.getAutoRun(): # forward = 1 # reverse = 0 # Determine what the speeds are based on the buttons: self.speed=(avatarControlForwardSpeed or -avatarControlReverseSpeed) # Slide speed is a scaled down version of forward speed # Note: you can multiply a factor in here if you want slide to # be slower than normal walk/run. Let's try full speed. #self.slideSpeed=(slideLeft and -self.avatarControlForwardSpeed*0.75 or # slideRight and self.avatarControlForwardSpeed*0.75) self.slideSpeed=(-avatarControlSLeftSpeed or avatarControlSRightSpeed) self.rotationSpeed=not (slideLeft or slideRight) and ( (turnLeft and self.avatarControlRotateSpeed) or (turnRight and -self.avatarControlRotateSpeed)) if self.speed and self.slideSpeed: self.speed *= GravityWalker.DiagonalFactor self.slideSpeed *= GravityWalker.DiagonalFactor debugRunning = inputState.isSet("debugRunning") if(debugRunning): self.speed*=base.debugRunningMultiplier self.slideSpeed*=base.debugRunningMultiplier self.rotationSpeed*=1.25 if self.needToDeltaPos: self.setPriorParentVector() self.needToDeltaPos = 0 if self.wantDebugIndicator: self.displayDebugInfo() if self.lifter.isOnGround(): if self.isAirborne: self.isAirborne = 0 assert self.debugPrint("isAirborne 0 due to isOnGround() true") impact = self.lifter.getImpactVelocity() if impact < -30.0: messenger.send("jumpHardLand") self.startJumpDelay(0.3) else: messenger.send("jumpLand") if impact < -5.0: self.startJumpDelay(0.2) # else, ignore the little potholes. assert self.isAirborne == 0 self.priorParent = if jump and self.mayJump: # The jump button is down and we're close # enough to the ground to jump. self.lifter.addVelocity(self.avatarControlJumpForce) messenger.send("jumpStart") self.isAirborne = 1 assert self.debugPrint("isAirborne 1 due to jump") else: if self.isAirborne == 0: assert self.debugPrint("isAirborne 1 due to isOnGround() false") self.isAirborne = 1 self.__oldPosDelta = self.avatarNodePath.getPosDelta(render) # How far did we move based on the amount of time elapsed? self.__oldDt = ClockObject.getGlobalClock().getDt() dt=self.__oldDt # Check to see if we're moving at all: self.moving = self.speed or self.slideSpeed or self.rotationSpeed or (self.priorParent! if self.moving: distance = dt * self.speed slideDistance = dt * self.slideSpeed rotation = dt * self.rotationSpeed # Take a step in the direction of our previous heading. if distance or slideDistance or self.priorParent != # rotMat is the rotation matrix corresponding to # our previous heading. rotMat=Mat3.rotateMatNormaxis(self.avatarNodePath.getH(), Vec3.up()) if self.isAirborne: forward = Vec3.forward() else: contact = self.lifter.getContactNormal() forward = contact.cross(Vec3.right()) # Consider commenting out this normalize. If you do so # then going up and down slops is a touch slower and # steeper terrain can cut the movement in half. Without # the normalize the movement is slowed by the cosine of # the slope (i.e. it is multiplied by the sign as a # side effect of the cross product above). forward.normalize() self.vel=Vec3(forward * distance) if slideDistance: if self.isAirborne: right = Vec3.right() else: right = forward.cross(contact) # See note above for forward.normalize() right.normalize() self.vel=Vec3(self.vel + (right * slideDistance)) self.vel=Vec3(rotMat.xform(self.vel)) step=self.vel + (self.priorParent * dt) self.avatarNodePath.setFluidPos(Point3( self.avatarNodePath.getPos()+step)) self.avatarNodePath.setH(self.avatarNodePath.getH()+rotation) else: self.vel.set(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) if self.moving or jump: messenger.send("avatarMoving") return Task.cont
def check_mouse1drag_trackball(self): """ This function uses the stereographic projection introduced in to track the rotational mouse motion Equations: [e, f] -> [x, y, z] = [2e/(1+e^2+f^2), 2f/(1+e^2+f^2), (-1+e^2+f^2)/(2+2e^2+2f^2)] :return: author: weiwei date: 20200315 """ def cvtvirtualtrackball(screenx, screeny, psec_squared=1 / 4): """ convert a screen point to virtual trackball coordinate psec indicates the size of the spherical section to be mapped to default radius = 1 :param screenx: :param screeny: :param psec_squared: :return: author: weiwei date: 20200315 """ screenpoint_squaredsum = screenx**2 + screeny**2 trackballx = 2 * psec_squared * screenx / (psec_squared + screenpoint_squaredsum) trackballz = 2 * psec_squared * screeny / (psec_squared + screenpoint_squaredsum) trackbally = -math.sqrt(1 - trackballx**2 - trackballz**2) returnvec = Vec3(trackballx, trackbally, trackballz) returnvec.normalize() return returnvec currentmouse = self.base.mouseWatcherNode.getMouse() curm1pos = [currentmouse.getX(), currentmouse.getY()] if curm1pos is None: if self.lastm1pos is not None: self.lastm1pos = None return if self.lastm1pos is None: # first time click self.lastm1pos = curm1pos return curm1vec_pdv3 = cvtvirtualtrackball(curm1pos[0], curm1pos[1]) lastm1vec_pdv3 = cvtvirtualtrackball(self.lastm1pos[0], self.lastm1pos[1]) rotatevec_pdv3 = curm1vec_pdv3.cross(lastm1vec_pdv3) rotateangle = curm1vec_pdv3.signedAngleDeg(lastm1vec_pdv3, rotatevec_pdv3) if rotateangle > .02 or rotateangle < -.02: rotateangle = rotateangle * 5 camrotmat_pd = calibrated_camrotmat_pd = Mat3.rotateMat( rotateangle, camrotmat_pd.xformVec(rotatevec_pdv3)) posvec_pd = * calibrated_camrotmat_pd) calibrated_camrotmat_pd.xform(posvec_pd - self.lookatpos_pdv3) + self.lookatpos_pdv3) self.lastm1pos = curm1pos[:]
def _makeLineMat(self, x1, y1, x2, y2): mat = Mat3(y2 - y1, x1 - x2, 0, x2 - x1, y2 - y1, 0, x1, y1, 1) if not mat.invertInPlace(): return None return mat