def __init__(self): ShowBase.__init__(self) dlight = DirectionalLight('dlight') dlight.setColor(VBase4(0.8, 0.8, 0.5, 1)) dlnp = self.render.attachNewNode(dlight) dlnp.setHpr(0, -60, 0) self.render.setLight(dlnp) self.balls = [Ball(self) for x in range(NUMBALLS)] # Setup our physics world and the body = OdeWorld(), 0, -9.81) if 0: self.body = OdeBody( M = OdeMass() M.setSphere(7874, 1.0) self.body.setMass(M) self.body.setPosition(self.sphere.getPos(self.render)) self.body.setQuaternion(self.sphere.getQuat(self.render)) ## Set the camera position self.disableMouse() self.angle = 0.0, 1000, 1000), 0, 0) #self.enableMouse() # Create an accumulator to track the time since the sim # has been running self.deltaTimeAccumulator = 0.0 # This stepSize makes the simulation run at 60 frames per second self.stepSize = 1.0 / 60.0 taskMgr.doMethodLater(1.0, self.simulationTask, "Physics Simulation")
def __init__(self): ShowBase.__init__(self) dlight = DirectionalLight("dlight") dlight.setColor(VBase4(0.8, 0.8, 0.5, 1)) dlnp = self.render.attachNewNode(dlight) dlnp.setHpr(0, -60, 0) self.render.setLight(dlnp) self.balls = [Ball(self) for x in range(NUMBALLS)] # Setup our physics world and the body = OdeWorld(), 0, -9.81) if 0: self.body = OdeBody( M = OdeMass() M.setSphere(7874, 1.0) self.body.setMass(M) self.body.setPosition(self.sphere.getPos(self.render)) self.body.setQuaternion(self.sphere.getQuat(self.render)) ## Set the camera position self.disableMouse() self.angle = 0.0, 1000, 1000), 0, 0) # self.enableMouse() # Create an accumulator to track the time since the sim # has been running self.deltaTimeAccumulator = 0.0 # This stepSize makes the simulation run at 60 frames per second self.stepSize = 1.0 / 60.0 taskMgr.doMethodLater(1.0, self.simulationTask, "Physics Simulation")
def zapolnenie(world, n, mi, ma): for i in range(n): sphere = loader.loadModel("smiley.egg") sphere.reparentTo(render) r = randint(mi, ma) sphere.setPos( sin(i * 2 * pi / n) * r, cos(i * 2 * pi / n) * r, r // 1.5) sphereBody = OdeBody(world.myWorld) sphereModel = OdeMass() sphereModel.setSphere(1, 2) sphereBody.setMass(sphereModel) sphereBody.setPosition( sin(i * 2 * pi / n) * r, cos(i * 2 * pi / n) * r, r // 1.5) world.spheres.append(sphereBody) world.objs.append(sphere) for i in range(n - 1): sphereJoint = OdeBallJoint(world.myWorld) sphereJoint.attach(world.spheres[i], world.spheres[i + 1]) sphereJoint.setAnchor(world.spheres[i].getPosition()) world.joints.append(sphereJoint) sphereJoint = OdeBallJoint(world.myWorld) sphereJoint.attach(world.spheres[-1], world.spheres[0]) sphereJoint.setAnchor(world.spheres[-1].getPosition()) world.joints.append(sphereJoint)
def __init__(self, world, loc = Point3()): """ the location is the bottom-left corner of the platform """ mass = OdeMass() mass.setBox(1000, 2, 2, 2) geom = OdeBoxGeom(, 2, 2, 2) super(Block, self).__init__(world, mass, geom, "block", loc, False)
def __init__(self, world, loc=Point3()): """ the location is the bottom-left corner of the platform """ mass = OdeMass() mass.setSphere(1000, 1) geom = OdeSphereGeom(, 1) super(Ball, self).__init__(world, mass, geom, "ball", loc)
def createBonded(): global world electrons.append( electron(random.randint(-10, 10), random.randint(-10, 10), random.randint(-10, 10), True)) body = OdeBody(world) M = OdeMass() M.setSphere(7874, 1.0) body.setMass(M) bodies.append(body) button4.setText(("Remove Bonded Pair", "Destroy", "Destroy", "disabled"))
def add_smiley(self, x, y, z): sm = render.attachNewNode("smiley-instance") sm.setPos(x, y, z) self.smiley.instanceTo(sm) body = OdeBody( mass = OdeMass() mass.setSphereTotal(10, 1) body.setMass(mass) body.setPosition(sm.getPos()) geom = OdeSphereGeom(, 1) geom.setBody(body) sm.setPythonTag("body", body) return body
def createTire(self, tireIndex): if tireIndex < 0 or tireIndex >= len(self.tireMasks): self.notify.error('invalid tireIndex %s' % tireIndex) self.notify.debug('create tireindex %s' % tireIndex) zOffset = 0 body = OdeBody( mass = OdeMass() mass.setSphere(self.tireDensity, IceGameGlobals.TireRadius) body.setMass(mass) body.setPosition(IceGameGlobals.StartingPositions[tireIndex][0], IceGameGlobals.StartingPositions[tireIndex][1], IceGameGlobals.StartingPositions[tireIndex][2]) body.setAutoDisableDefaults() geom = OdeSphereGeom(, IceGameGlobals.TireRadius), self.tireSurfaceType), self.tireCollideIds[tireIndex]) self.massList.append(mass) self.geomList.append(geom) geom.setCollideBits(self.allTiresMask | self.wallMask | self.floorMask | self.obstacleMask) geom.setCategoryBits(self.tireMasks[tireIndex]) geom.setBody(body) if self.notify.getDebug(): self.notify.debug('tire geom id') geom.write() self.notify.debug(' -') if self.canRender: testTire = render.attachNewNode('tire holder %d' % tireIndex) smileyModel = NodePath() if not smileyModel.isEmpty(): smileyModel.setScale(IceGameGlobals.TireRadius) smileyModel.reparentTo(testTire) smileyModel.setAlphaScale(0.5) smileyModel.setTransparency(1) testTire.setPos(IceGameGlobals.StartingPositions[tireIndex]) tireModel = loader.loadModel( 'phase_4/models/minigames/ice_game_tire') tireHeight = 1 tireModel.setZ(-IceGameGlobals.TireRadius + 0.01) tireModel.reparentTo(testTire) self.odePandaRelationList.append((testTire, body)) else: testTire = None self.bodyList.append((None, body)) return (testTire, body, geom)
def createTire(self, tireIndex): if tireIndex < 0 or tireIndex >= len(self.tireMasks): self.notify.error('invalid tireIndex %s' % tireIndex) self.notify.debug('create tireindex %s' % tireIndex) zOffset = 0 body = OdeBody( mass = OdeMass() mass.setSphere(self.tireDensity, IceGameGlobals.TireRadius) body.setMass(mass) body.setPosition(IceGameGlobals.StartingPositions[tireIndex][0], IceGameGlobals.StartingPositions[tireIndex][1], IceGameGlobals.StartingPositions[tireIndex][2]) body.setAutoDisableDefaults() geom = OdeSphereGeom(, IceGameGlobals.TireRadius), self.tireSurfaceType), self.tireCollideIds[tireIndex]) self.massList.append(mass) self.geomList.append(geom) geom.setCollideBits(self.allTiresMask | self.wallMask | self.floorMask | self.obstacleMask) geom.setCategoryBits(self.tireMasks[tireIndex]) geom.setBody(body) if self.notify.getDebug(): self.notify.debug('tire geom id') geom.write() self.notify.debug(' -') if self.canRender: testTire = render.attachNewNode('tire holder %d' % tireIndex) smileyModel = NodePath() if not smileyModel.isEmpty(): smileyModel.setScale(IceGameGlobals.TireRadius) smileyModel.reparentTo(testTire) smileyModel.setAlphaScale(0.5) smileyModel.setTransparency(1) testTire.setPos(IceGameGlobals.StartingPositions[tireIndex]) tireModel = loader.loadModel('phase_4/models/minigames/ice_game_tire') tireHeight = 1 tireModel.setZ(-IceGameGlobals.TireRadius + 0.01) tireModel.reparentTo(testTire) self.odePandaRelationList.append((testTire, body)) else: testTire = None self.bodyList.append((None, body)) return (testTire, body, geom)
def create_robot(self): bot = DynamicObject() bot.model = loader.loadModel('data/QuadRotor') bot.model.reparentTo(render) bot.model.setPos(1.29,0.7,2.5) bot.body = OdeBody( M = OdeMass() M.setBox(5,0.6,0.45,0.15) bot.body.setMass(M) bot.body.setPosition(bot.model.getPos(render)) bot.body.setQuaternion(bot.model.getQuat(render)) bot.geom = OdeBoxGeom(, 0.6,0.45,0.15) bot.geom.setCollideBits(BitMask32(0x00000001)) bot.geom.setCategoryBits(BitMask32(0x00000001)) bot.geom.setBody(bot.body) self.obj_list.append(bot) cube = sf.makeCube(self,1,1,1,5) cube.setpos((1.2,1,1.5)) self.obj_list.append(cube)
def __init__(self, app, distance=0, force=0): ElementModele.__init__(self, app, "balle", "modeles/ball/NBA BASKETBALL.obj", "modeles/ball/NBA BASKETBALL DIFFUSE.jpg") # Taille moyenne d'une balle taille = mean([23.8, 24.8]) * 10**-2 self.session_courante = Balle.session self.distance = distance self.force = force # Rayon de la balle rayon = taille / 2.0 # Poids moyen d'une balle poids = mean([567, 624]) * 10**-3 # Modification de la taille de la balle self.set_taille(taille, taille, taille) volume = (4.0 * pi / 3.0) * rayon**3 masse = OdeMass() masse.setSphere(poids / volume, rayon) self.corps.setMass(masse) # Creation d'un element geometrique spherique self.geom = OdeSphereGeom(, taille / 2.0) # Defini les parametres de collision self.geom.setCollideBits(BitMask32(0x00000002)) self.geom.setCategoryBits(BitMask32(0x00000001)) # Attache l'element geometrique a la balle self.geom.setBody(self.corps) # Ajout de la balle comme element dynamique
def __init__(self, world, loc = Point3()): """ the location is the bottom-left corner of the platform """ geom = OdeBoxGeom(, 2,5,2) mass = OdeMass() mass.setBox(1000, 2, 5, 2) super(Player, self).__init__(world, mass, geom, "player", loc, False) self.setRevertable(False) self.key = {"left": False, "right": False} self.direction = 0 self.speed = 13 self.accept("player_left_down", self.setKey, ["left", True]) self.accept("player_left_up", self.setKey, ["left", False]) self.accept("player_right_down", self.setKey, ["right", True]) self.accept("player_right_up", self.setKey, ["right", False]) self.accept("player_jump", self.jump)
# Add a random amount of boxes boxes = [] # Setup the geometry boxNP = box.copyTo(render) boxNP.setPos(randint(-10, 10), randint(-10, 10), 10 + random()) boxNP.setColor(random(), random(), random(), 1) boxNP.setHpr(0, 45, 0) # Create the body and set the mass boxBody = OdeBody(world) M = OdeMass() M.setBox(20, 1, 1, 1) boxBody.setMass(M) boxBody.setPosition(boxNP.getPos(render)) boxBody.setQuaternion(boxNP.getQuat(render)) # Create a BoxGeom boxGeom = OdeBoxGeom(space, 4, 4, 1) boxGeom.setCollideBits(BitMask32(0x00000002)) boxGeom.setCategoryBits(BitMask32(0x00000001)) boxGeom.setBody(boxBody) boxes.append((boxNP, boxBody)) boxNP2 = box.copyTo(render) boxNP2.reparentTo(boxNP) boxNP2.setPos(0.5, 0.5, 0)
sphere_a.attach_to(base) sphere_b = cm.gen_sphere(radius=radius) sphere_b.set_pos([0, 1.25, -.7]) sphere_b.set_rgba([.3, .2, 1, 1]) sphere_b.attach_to(base) gm.gen_linesegs([[np.zeros(3), sphere_a.get_pos()]], thickness=.05, rgba=[0, 1, 0, 1]).attach_to(base) gm.gen_linesegs([[sphere_a.get_pos(), sphere_b.get_pos()]], thickness=.05, rgba=[0, 0, 1, 1]).attach_to(base) # Setup our physics world and the body world = OdeWorld() world.setGravity(0, 0, -9.81) body_sphere_a = OdeBody(world) M = OdeMass() M.setSphere(7874, radius) body_sphere_a.setMass(M) body_sphere_a.setPosition(da.npv3_to_pdv3(sphere_a.get_pos())) body_sphere_b = OdeBody(world) M = OdeMass() M.setSphere(7874, radius) body_sphere_b.setMass(M) body_sphere_b.setPosition(da.npv3_to_pdv3(sphere_b.get_pos())) # Create the joints earth_a_jnt = OdeBallJoint(world) earth_a_jnt.attach(body_sphere_a, None) # Attach it to the environment earth_a_jnt.setAnchor(0, 0, 0) earth_b_jnt = OdeBallJoint(world)
boxes = [] for i in range(randint(5, 10)): # Setup the geometry new_box = box.copy() new_box.set_pos( np.array([random() * 10 - 5, random() * 10 - 5, 1 + random()])) new_box.set_rgba([random(), random(), random(), 1]) new_box.set_rotmat( rm.rotmat_from_euler(random() * math.pi / 4, random() * math.pi / 4, random() * math.pi / 4)) new_box.attach_to(base) # Create the body and set the mass boxBody = OdeBody(world) M = OdeMass() M.setBox(3, .3, .3, .3) boxBody.setMass(M) boxBody.setPosition(da.npv3_to_pdv3(new_box.get_pos())) boxBody.setQuaternion(da.npmat3_to_pdquat(new_box.get_rotmat())) # Create a BoxGeom boxGeom = OdeBoxGeom(space, .3, .3, .3) # boxGeom = OdeTriMeshGeom(space, OdeTriMeshData(new_box.objpdnp, True)) boxGeom.setCollideBits(BitMask32(0x00000002)) boxGeom.setCategoryBits(BitMask32(0x00000001)) boxGeom.setBody(boxBody) boxes.append((new_box, boxBody)) # Add a plane to collide with ground = cm.gen_box(extent=[20, 20, 1], rgba=[.3, .3, .3, 1]) ground.set_pos(np.array([0, 0, -1.5]))
box.setPos(-.5, -.5, -.5) box.flattenLight() # Apply transform box.setTextureOff() # Add a random amount of boxes boxes = [] for i in range(randint(5, 10)): # Setup the geometry boxNP = box.copyTo(render) # boxNP.setPos(randint(-10, 10), randint(-10, 10), 10 + random()) boxNP.setPos(random() * 10, random() * 10, 10 + random()) boxNP.setColor(random(), random(), random(), 1) boxNP.setHpr(randint(-45, 45), randint(-45, 45), randint(-45, 45)) # Create the body and set the mass boxBody = OdeBody(world) M = OdeMass() M.setBox(5, 1, 1, 1) boxBody.setMass(M) boxBody.setPosition(boxNP.getPos(render)) boxBody.setQuaternion(boxNP.getQuat(render)) # Create a BoxGeom boxGeom = OdeBoxGeom(space, 1, 1, 1) # boxGeom = OdeTriMeshGeom(space, OdeTriMeshData(boxNP, True)) boxGeom.setCollideBits(BitMask32(0x00000002)) boxGeom.setCategoryBits(BitMask32(0x00000001)) boxGeom.setBody(boxBody) boxes.append((boxNP, boxBody)) # Add a plane to collide with cm = CardMaker("ground") cm.setFrame(-20, 20, -20, 20)
cube = loader.loadModel("box.egg") cube.reparentTo(render) cube.setColor(0.2, 0, 0.7) cube.setScale(20) # Load the smiley model which will act as our iron ball sphere = loader.loadModel("smiley.egg") sphere.reparentTo(render) sphere.setPos(10, 1, 21) sphere.setColor(0.7, 0.4, 0.4) # Setup our physics world and the body world = OdeWorld() world.setGravity(0, 0, -9.81) body = OdeBody(world) M = OdeMass() M.setSphere(7874, 1.0) body.setMass(M) body.setPosition(sphere.getPos()) body.setQuaternion(sphere.getQuat()) # Set the camera position base.disableMouse(), -20, 40), 0, 10) # Create an accumulator to track the time since the sim # has been running deltaTimeAccumulator = 0.0 # This stepSize makes the simulation run at 90 frames per second stepSize = 1.0 / 90.0