def create_pit_node_entries(cls, net, node_pit, node_name):
        Function which creates pit node entries.

        :param net: The pandapipes network
        :type net: pandapipesNet
        :param node_pit:
        :type node_pit:
        :return: No Output.
        ft_lookup = get_lookup(net, "node", "from_to")
        table_nr = get_table_number(get_lookup(net, "node", "table"),
        f, t = ft_lookup[cls.table_name()]

        junctions = net[cls.table_name()]
        junction_pit = node_pit[f:t, :]
        junction_pit[:, :] = np.array([table_nr, 0, L] + [0] * (node_cols - 3))

        junction_pit[:, ELEMENT_IDX] = junctions.index.values
        junction_pit[:, HEIGHT] = junctions.height_m.values
        junction_pit[:, PINIT] = junctions.pn_bar.values
        junction_pit[:, TINIT] = junctions.tfluid_k.values
        junction_pit[:, RHO] = get_fluid(net).get_density(junction_pit[:,
        junction_pit[:, PAMB] = p_correction_height_air(junction_pit[:,
        junction_pit[:, ACTIVE_ND] = junctions.in_service.values
Exemple #2
    def create_pit_branch_entries(cls, net, branch_pit, node_name):
        Function which creates pit branch entries.

        :param net: The pandapipes network
        :type net: pandapipesNet
        :param branch_pit:
        :type branch_pit:
        :param node_name:
        :type node_name:
        :return: No Output.

        f, t = get_lookup(net, "branch", "from_to")[cls.table_name()]
        branch_table_nr = get_table_number(get_lookup(net, "branch", "table"),
        branch_component_pit = branch_pit[f:t, :]
        node_pit = net["_pit"]["node"]
        junction_idx_lookup = get_lookup(net, "node", "index")[node_name]
        from_nodes = junction_idx_lookup[net[cls.table_name()]
        to_nodes = junction_idx_lookup[net[cls.table_name()]
        branch_component_pit[:, :] = np.array([branch_table_nr] + [0] *
                                              (branch_cols - 1))
        branch_component_pit[:, VINIT] = 0.1
        return branch_component_pit, node_pit, from_nodes, to_nodes
Exemple #3
    def create_pit_node_entries(cls, net, node_pit, node_name):
        Function which creates pit node entries.

        :param net: The pandapipes network
        :type net: pandapipesNet
        :param node_pit:
        :type node_pit:
        :return: No Output.
        table_lookup = get_lookup(net, "node", "table")
        table_nr = get_table_number(table_lookup, cls.internal_node_name())
        if table_nr is None:
            return None, 0, 0, None, None, None
        ft_lookup = get_lookup(net, "node", "from_to")
        f, t = ft_lookup[cls.internal_node_name()]

        int_node_pit = node_pit[f:t, :]
        int_node_pit[:, :] = np.array([table_nr, 0, L] + [0] * (node_cols - 3))
        int_node_number = cls.get_internal_pipe_number(net) - 1

        int_node_pit[:, ELEMENT_IDX] = np.arange(t - f)

        f_junction, t_junction = ft_lookup[node_name]
        junction_pit = node_pit[f_junction:t_junction, :]
        from_junctions = net[cls.table_name()].from_junction.values.astype(
        to_junctions = net[cls.table_name()].to_junction.values.astype(
        return table_nr, int_node_number, int_node_pit, junction_pit, from_junctions, to_junctions