Exemple #1
def rundcpp(net,

        **net** - The pandapower format network

        **trafo_model** (str, "t")  - transformer equivalent circuit model
        pandapower provides two equivalent circuit models for the transformer:

            - "t" - transformer is modeled as equivalent with the T-model. This is consistent with PowerFactory and is also more accurate than the PI-model. We recommend using this transformer model.
            - "pi" - transformer is modeled as equivalent PI-model. This is consistent with Sincal, but the method is questionable since the transformer is physically T-shaped. We therefore recommend the use of the T-model.

        **trafo_loading** (str, "current") - mode of calculation for transformer loading

            Transformer loading can be calculated relative to the rated current or the rated power. In both cases the overall transformer loading is defined as the maximum loading on the two sides of the transformer.

            - "current"- transformer loading is given as ratio of current flow and rated current of the transformer. This is the recommended setting, since thermal as well as magnetic effects in the transformer depend on the current.
            - "power" - transformer loading is given as ratio of apparent power flow to the rated apparent power of the transformer.

        **recycle** (dict, none) - Reuse of internal powerflow variables for time series calculation

            Contains a dict with the following parameters:
            _is_elements: If True in service elements are not filtered again and are taken from the last result in net["_is_elements"]
            ppc: If True the ppc (PYPOWER case file) is taken from net["_ppc"] and gets updated instead of reconstructed entirely
            Ybus: If True the admittance matrix (Ybus, Yf, Yt) is taken from ppc["internal"] and not reconstructed

        **check_connectivity** (bool, False) - Perform an extra connectivity test after the conversion from pandapower to PYPOWER

            If true, an extra connectivity test based on SciPy Compressed Sparse Graph Routines is perfomed.
            If check finds unsupplied buses, they are put out of service in the PYPOWER matrix

        **switch_rx_ratio** (float, 2) - rx_ratio of bus-bus-switches. If impedance is zero, buses connected by a closed bus-bus switch are fused to model an ideal bus. Otherwise, they are modelled as branches with resistance defined as z_ohm column in switch table and this parameter

        **trafo3w_losses** (str, "hv") - defines where open loop losses of three-winding transformers are considered. Valid options are "hv", "mv", "lv" for HV/MV/LV side or "star" for the star point.

        ****kwargs** - options to use for PYPOWER.runpf

    _powerflow(net, **kwargs)
Exemple #2
def runpp(net,
    Runs a power flow

        **net** - The pandapower format network

        **algorithm** (str, "nr") - algorithm that is used to solve the power flow problem.

            The following algorithms are available:

                - "nr" Newton-Raphson (pypower implementation with numba accelerations)
                - "iwamoto_nr" Newton-Raphson with Iwamoto multiplier (maybe slower than NR but more robust)
                - "bfsw" backward/forward sweep (specially suited for radial and weakly-meshed networks)
                - "gs" gauss-seidel (pypower implementation)
                - "fdbx" fast-decoupled (pypower implementation)
                - "fdxb" fast-decoupled (pypower implementation)

        **calculate_voltage_angles** (bool, "auto") - consider voltage angles in loadflow calculation

            If True, voltage angles of ext_grids and transformer shifts are considered in the
            loadflow calculation. Considering the voltage angles is only necessary in meshed
            networks that are usually found in higher voltage levels. calculate_voltage_angles
            in "auto" mode defaults to:

                - True, if the network voltage level is above 70 kV
                - False otherwise

            The network voltage level is defined as the maximum rated voltage of any bus in the network that
            is connected to a line.

        **init** (str, "auto") - initialization method of the loadflow
        pandapower supports four methods for initializing the loadflow:

            - "auto" - init defaults to "dc" if calculate_voltage_angles is True or "flat" otherwise
            - "flat"- flat start with voltage of 1.0pu and angle of 0° at all PQ-buses and 0° for PV buses as initial solution
            - "dc" - initial DC loadflow before the AC loadflow. The results of the DC loadflow are used as initial solution for the AC loadflow.
            - "results" - voltage vector of last loadflow from net.res_bus is used as initial solution. This can be useful to accelerate convergence in iterative loadflows like time series calculations.

        Considering the voltage angles might lead to non-convergence of the power flow in flat start.
        That is why in "auto" mode, init defaults to "dc" if calculate_voltage_angles is True or "flat" otherwise

        **max_iteration** (int, "auto") - maximum number of iterations carried out in the power flow algorithm.

            In "auto" mode, the default value depends on the power flow solver:

                - 10 for "nr"
                - 100 for "bfsw"
                - 1000 for "gs"
                - 30 for "fdbx"
                - 30 for "fdxb"

        **tolerance_kva** (float, 1e-5) - loadflow termination condition referring to P / Q mismatch of node power in kva

        **trafo_model** (str, "t")  - transformer equivalent circuit model
        pandapower provides two equivalent circuit models for the transformer:

            - "t" - transformer is modeled as equivalent with the T-model.
            - "pi" - transformer is modeled as equivalent PI-model. This is not recommended, since it is less exact than the T-model. It is only recommended for valdiation with other software that uses the pi-model.

        **trafo_loading** (str, "current") - mode of calculation for transformer loading

            Transformer loading can be calculated relative to the rated current or the rated power. In both cases the overall transformer loading is defined as the maximum loading on the two sides of the transformer.

            - "current"- transformer loading is given as ratio of current flow and rated current of the transformer. This is the recommended setting, since thermal as well as magnetic effects in the transformer depend on the current.
            - "power" - transformer loading is given as ratio of apparent power flow to the rated apparent power of the transformer.

        **enforce_q_lims** (bool, False) - respect generator reactive power limits

            If True, the reactive power limits in net.gen.max_q_kvar/min_q_kvar are respected in the
            loadflow. This is done by running a second loadflow if reactive power limits are
            violated at any generator, so that the runtime for the loadflow will increase if reactive
            power has to be curtailed.

            Note: enforce_q_lims only works if algorithm="nr"!

        **check_connectivity** (bool, True) - Perform an extra connectivity test after the conversion from pandapower to PYPOWER

            If True, an extra connectivity test based on SciPy Compressed Sparse Graph Routines is perfomed.
            If check finds unsupplied buses, they are set out of service in the ppc

        **voltage_depend_loads** (bool, True) - consideration of voltage-dependent loads. If False, net.load.const_z_percent and net.load.const_i_percent are not considered, i.e. net.load.p_kw and net.load.q_kvar are considered as constant-power loads.


        **numba** (bool, True) - Activation of numba JIT compiler in the newton solver

            If set to True, the numba JIT compiler is used to generate matrices for the powerflow,
            which leads to significant speed improvements.

        **r_switch** (float, 0.0) - resistance of bus-bus-switches. If impedance is zero, buses connected by a closed bus-bus switch are fused to model an ideal bus. Otherwise, they are modelled as branches with resistance r_switch.

        **delta_q** - Reactive power tolerance for option "enforce_q_lims" in kvar - helps convergence in some cases.

        **trafo3w_losses** - defines where open loop losses of three-winding transformers are considered. Valid options are "hv", "mv", "lv" for HV/MV/LV side or "star" for the star point.

        **v_debug** (bool, False) - if True, voltage values in each newton-raphson iteration are logged in the ppc

        **init_vm_pu** (string/float/array/Series, None) - Allows to define initialization specifically for voltage magnitudes. Only works with init == "auto"!

            - "auto": all buses are initialized with the mean value of all voltage controlled elements in the grid
            - "flat" for flat start from 1.0
            - "results": voltage magnitude vector is taken from result table
            - a float with which all voltage magnitudes are initialized
            - an iterable with a voltage magnitude value for each bus (length and order has to match with the buses in net.bus)
            - a pandas Series with a voltage magnitude value for each bus (indexes have to match the indexes in net.bus)

        **init_va_degree** (string/float/array/Series, None) - Allows to define initialization specifically for voltage angles. Only works with init == "auto"!

            - "auto": voltage angles are initialized from DC power flow if angles are calculated or as 0 otherwise
            - "dc": voltage angles are initialized from DC power flow
            - "flat" for flat start from 0
            - "results": voltage angle vector is taken from result table
            - a float with which all voltage angles are initialized
            - an iterable with a voltage angle value for each bus (length and order has to match with the buses in net.bus)
            - a pandas Series with a voltage angle value for each bus (indexes have to match the indexes in net.bus)

        **recycle** (dict, none) - Reuse of internal powerflow variables for time series calculation

            Contains a dict with the following parameters:
            _is_elements: If True in service elements are not filtered again and are taken from the last result in net["_is_elements"]
            ppc: If True the ppc is taken from net["_ppc"] and gets updated instead of reconstructed entirely
            Ybus: If True the admittance matrix (Ybus, Yf, Yt) is taken from ppc["internal"] and not reconstructed


    # if dict 'user_pf_options' is present in net, these options overrule the net.__internal_options
    # except for parameters that are passed by user
    overrule_options = {}
    if "user_pf_options" in net.keys() and len(net.user_pf_options) > 0:
        passed_parameters = _passed_runpp_parameters(locals())
        overrule_options = {
            key: val
            for key, val in net.user_pf_options.items()
            if key not in passed_parameters.keys()


    trafo3w_losses = kwargs.get("trafo3w_losses", "hv")
    v_debug = kwargs.get("v_debug", False)
    delta_q = kwargs.get("delta_q", 0)
    r_switch = kwargs.get("r_switch", 0.0)
    numba = kwargs.get("numba", True)
    init_vm_pu = kwargs.get("init_vm_pu", None)
    init_va_degree = kwargs.get("init_va_degree", None)
    recycle = kwargs.get("recycle", None)
    if "init" in overrule_options:
        init = overrule_options["init"]

    ## check if numba is available and the corresponding flag
    if numba == True:
        numba = _check_if_numba_is_installed(numba)

    if voltage_depend_loads:
        if not (np.any(net["load"]["const_z_percent"].values)
                or np.any(net["load"]["const_i_percent"].values)):
            voltage_depend_loads = False

    if algorithm not in ['nr', 'bfsw', 'iwamoto_nr'
                         ] and voltage_depend_loads == True:
            "voltage-dependent loads not supported for {0} power flow algorithm -> "
            "loads will be considered as constant power".format(algorithm))

    ac = True
    mode = "pf"
    copy_constraints_to_ppc = False
    if calculate_voltage_angles == "auto":
        calculate_voltage_angles = False
        is_hv_bus = np.where(net.bus.vn_kv.values > 70)[0]
        if any(is_hv_bus) > 0:
            line_buses = set(net.line[["from_bus", "to_bus"]].values.flatten())
            hv_buses = net.bus.index[is_hv_bus]
            if any(a in line_buses for a in hv_buses):
                calculate_voltage_angles = True

    default_max_iteration = {
        "nr": 10,
        "iwamoto_nr": 10,
        "bfsw": 100,
        "gs": 10000,
        "fdxb": 30,
        "fdbx": 30
    if max_iteration == "auto":
        max_iteration = default_max_iteration[algorithm]

    if init != "auto" and ((init_va_degree != None) or (init_vm_pu != None)):
        raise ValueError(
            "Either define initialization through 'init' or through 'init_vm_pu' and 'init_va_degree'."

    if init == "auto":
        if init_va_degree is None or (isinstance(init_va_degree, str)
                                      and init_va_degree == "auto"):
            init_va_degree = "dc" if calculate_voltage_angles else "flat"
        if init_vm_pu is None or (isinstance(init_vm_pu, str)
                                  and init_vm_pu == "auto"):
            init_vm_pu = (net.ext_grid.vm_pu.sum() + net.gen.vm_pu.sum()) / \
                          (len(net.ext_grid.vm_pu) + len(net.gen.vm_pu))
    elif init == "dc":
        init_vm_pu = "flat"
        init_va_degree = "dc"
        init_vm_pu = init
        init_va_degree = init

    # init options
    net._options = {}
    _powerflow(net, **kwargs)
Exemple #3
def rundcpp(net,

        **net** - The pandapower format network

        **trafo_model** (str, "t")  - transformer equivalent circuit model
        pandapower provides two equivalent circuit models for the transformer:

            - "t" - transformer is modeled as equivalent with the T-model. This is consistent with PowerFactory and is also more accurate than the PI-model. We recommend using this transformer model.
            - "pi" - transformer is modeled as equivalent PI-model. This is consistent with Sincal, but the method is questionable since the transformer is physically T-shaped. We therefore recommend the use of the T-model.

        **trafo_loading** (str, "current") - mode of calculation for transformer loading

            Transformer loading can be calculated relative to the rated current or the rated power. In both cases the overall transformer loading is defined as the maximum loading on the two sides of the transformer.

            - "current"- transformer loading is given as ratio of current flow and rated current of the transformer. This is the recommended setting, since thermal as well as magnetic effects in the transformer depend on the current.
            - "power" - transformer loading is given as ratio of apparent power flow to the rated apparent power of the transformer.

        **recycle** (dict, none) - Reuse of internal powerflow variables for time series calculation

            Contains a dict with the following parameters:
            _is_elements: If True in service elements are not filtered again and are taken from the last result in net["_is_elements"]
            ppc: If True the ppc (PYPOWER case file) is taken from net["_ppc"] and gets updated instead of reconstructed entirely
            Ybus: If True the admittance matrix (Ybus, Yf, Yt) is taken from ppc["internal"] and not reconstructed

        **check_connectivity** (bool, False) - Perform an extra connectivity test after the conversion from pandapower to PYPOWER

            If true, an extra connectivity test based on SciPy Compressed Sparse Graph Routines is perfomed.
            If check finds unsupplied buses, they are put out of service in the PYPOWER matrix

        **r_switch** (float, 0.0) - resistance of bus-bus-switches. If impedance is zero, buses connected by a closed bus-bus switch are fused to model an ideal bus. Otherwise, they are modelled as branches with resistance r_switch

        ****kwargs** - options to use for PYPOWER.runpf
    ac = False
    numba = True
    mode = "pf"
    init = 'flat'

    numba = _check_if_numba_is_installed(numba)

    # the following parameters have no effect if ac = False
    calculate_voltage_angles = True
    copy_constraints_to_ppc = False
    enforce_q_lims = False
    algorithm = None
    max_iteration = None
    tolerance_kva = None

    # net.__internal_options = {}
    net._options = {}
    _powerflow(net, **kwargs)
Exemple #4
def runpp(net,
    Runs a power flow

        **net** - The pandapower format network

        **algorithm** (str, "nr") - algorithm that is used to solve the power flow problem.

            The following algorithms are available:

                - "nr" Newton-Raphson (pypower implementation with numba accelerations)
                - "iwamoto_nr" Newton-Raphson with Iwamoto multiplier (maybe slower than NR but more robust)
                - "bfsw" backward/forward sweep (specially suited for radial and weakly-meshed networks)
                - "gs" gauss-seidel (pypower implementation)
                - "fdbx" fast-decoupled (pypower implementation)
                - "fdxb" fast-decoupled (pypower implementation)

        **calculate_voltage_angles** (str or bool, "auto") - consider voltage angles in loadflow calculation

            If True, voltage angles of ext_grids and transformer shifts are considered in the
            loadflow calculation. Considering the voltage angles is only necessary in meshed
            networks that are usually found in higher voltage levels. calculate_voltage_angles
            in "auto" mode defaults to:

                - True, if the network voltage level is above 70 kV
                - False otherwise

            The network voltage level is defined as the maximum rated voltage of any bus in the network that
            is connected to a line.

        **init** (str, "auto") - initialization method of the loadflow
        pandapower supports four methods for initializing the loadflow:

            - "auto" - init defaults to "dc" if calculate_voltage_angles is True or "flat" otherwise
            - "flat"- flat start with voltage of 1.0pu and angle of 0° at all PQ-buses and 0° for PV buses as initial solution, the slack bus is initialized with the values provided in net["ext_grid"]
            - "dc" - initial DC loadflow before the AC loadflow. The results of the DC loadflow are used as initial solution for the AC loadflow. Note that the DC loadflow only calculates voltage angles at PQ and PV buses, voltage magnitudes are still flat started.
            - "results" - voltage vector of last loadflow from net.res_bus is used as initial solution. This can be useful to accelerate convergence in iterative loadflows like time series calculations.

        Considering the voltage angles might lead to non-convergence of the power flow in flat start.
        That is why in "auto" mode, init defaults to "dc" if calculate_voltage_angles is True or "flat" otherwise

        **max_iteration** (int, "auto") - maximum number of iterations carried out in the power flow algorithm.

            In "auto" mode, the default value depends on the power flow solver:

                - 10 for "nr"
                - 100 for "bfsw"
                - 1000 for "gs"
                - 30 for "fdbx"
                - 30 for "fdxb"

        **tolerance_mva** (float, 1e-8) - loadflow termination condition referring to P / Q mismatch of node power in MVA

        **trafo_model** (str, "t")  - transformer equivalent circuit model
        pandapower provides two equivalent circuit models for the transformer:

            - "t" - transformer is modeled as equivalent with the T-model.
            - "pi" - transformer is modeled as equivalent PI-model. This is not recommended, since it is less exact than the T-model. It is only recommended for valdiation with other software that uses the pi-model.

        **trafo_loading** (str, "current") - mode of calculation for transformer loading

            Transformer loading can be calculated relative to the rated current or the rated power. In both cases the overall transformer loading is defined as the maximum loading on the two sides of the transformer.

            - "current"- transformer loading is given as ratio of current flow and rated current of the transformer. This is the recommended setting, since thermal as well as magnetic effects in the transformer depend on the current.
            - "power" - transformer loading is given as ratio of apparent power flow to the rated apparent power of the transformer.

        **enforce_q_lims** (bool, False) - respect generator reactive power limits

            If True, the reactive power limits in net.gen.max_q_mvar/min_q_mvar are respected in the
            loadflow. This is done by running a second loadflow if reactive power limits are
            violated at any generator, so that the runtime for the loadflow will increase if reactive
            power has to be curtailed.

            Note: enforce_q_lims only works if algorithm="nr"!

        **check_connectivity** (bool, True) - Perform an extra connectivity test after the conversion from pandapower to PYPOWER

            If True, an extra connectivity test based on SciPy Compressed Sparse Graph Routines is perfomed.
            If check finds unsupplied buses, they are set out of service in the ppc

        **voltage_depend_loads** (bool, True) - consideration of voltage-dependent loads. If False, net.load.const_z_percent and net.load.const_i_percent are not considered, i.e. net.load.p_mw and net.load.q_mvar are considered as constant-power loads.

        **consider_line_temperature** (bool, False) - adjustment of line impedance based on provided
            line temperature. If True, net.line must contain a column "temperature_degree_celsius".
            The temperature dependency coefficient alpha must be provided in the net.line.alpha
            column, otherwise the default value of 0.004 is used

        **distributed_slack** (bool, False) - Distribute slack power
            according to contribution factor weights for external grids
            and generators.


        **lightsim2grid** ((bool,str), "auto") - whether to use the package lightsim2grid for power flow backend

        **numba** (bool, True) - Activation of numba JIT compiler in the newton solver

            If set to True, the numba JIT compiler is used to generate matrices for the powerflow,
            which leads to significant speed improvements.

        **switch_rx_ratio** (float, 2) - rx_ratio of bus-bus-switches. If impedance is zero, buses connected by a closed bus-bus switch are fused to model an ideal bus. Otherwise, they are modelled as branches with resistance defined as z_ohm column in switch table and this parameter

        **delta_q** - Reactive power tolerance for option "enforce_q_lims" in kvar - helps convergence in some cases.

        **trafo3w_losses** - defines where open loop losses of three-winding transformers are considered. Valid options are "hv", "mv", "lv" for HV/MV/LV side or "star" for the star point.

        **v_debug** (bool, False) - if True, voltage values in each newton-raphson iteration are logged in the ppc

        **init_vm_pu** (string/float/array/Series, None) - Allows to define initialization specifically for voltage magnitudes. Only works with init == "auto"!

            - "auto": all buses are initialized with the mean value of all voltage controlled elements in the grid
            - "flat" for flat start from 1.0
            - "results": voltage magnitude vector is taken from result table
            - a float with which all voltage magnitudes are initialized
            - an iterable with a voltage magnitude value for each bus (length and order has to match with the buses in net.bus)
            - a pandas Series with a voltage magnitude value for each bus (indexes have to match the indexes in net.bus)

        **init_va_degree** (string/float/array/Series, None) - Allows to define initialization specifically for voltage angles. Only works with init == "auto"!

            - "auto": voltage angles are initialized from DC power flow if angles are calculated or as 0 otherwise
            - "dc": voltage angles are initialized from DC power flow
            - "flat" for flat start from 0
            - "results": voltage angle vector is taken from result table
            - a float with which all voltage angles are initialized
            - an iterable with a voltage angle value for each bus (length and order has to match with the buses in net.bus)
            - a pandas Series with a voltage angle value for each bus (indexes have to match the indexes in net.bus)

        **recycle** (dict, none) - Reuse of internal powerflow variables for time series calculation

            Contains a dict with the following parameters:
            bus_pq: If True PQ values of buses are updated
            trafo: If True trafo relevant variables, e.g., the Ybus matrix, is recalculated
            gen: If True Sbus and the gen table in the ppc are recalculated

        **neglect_open_switch_branches** (bool, False) - If True no auxiliary buses are created for branches when switches are opened at the branch. Instead branches are set out of service


    # if dict 'user_pf_options' is present in net, these options overrule the net._options
    # except for parameters that are passed by user
    if isinstance(kwargs.get("recycle", None), dict) and _internal_stored(net):
        _recycled_powerflow(net, **kwargs)

    if run_control and net.controller.in_service.any():
        from pandapower.control import run_control
        parameters = {**locals(), **kwargs}
        # disable run control for inner loop to avoid infinite loop
        parameters["run_control"] = False
        passed_parameters = _passed_runpp_parameters(locals())
        _powerflow(net, **kwargs)
Exemple #5
def runpp(net, algorithm='nr', calculate_voltage_angles="auto", init="auto", max_iteration="auto",
          tolerance_kva=1e-5, trafo_model="t", trafo_loading="current", enforce_q_lims=False,
          numba=True, recycle=None, check_connectivity=True, r_switch=0.0, voltage_depend_loads=True,
          delta_q=0, **kwargs):

        **net** - The pandapower format network

        **algorithm** (str, "nr") - algorithm that is used to solve the power flow problem.

            The following algorithms are available:

                - "nr" newton-raphson (pypower implementation with numba accelerations)
                - "bfsw" backward/forward sweep (specially suited for radial and weakly-meshed networks)
                - "gs" gauss-seidel (pypower implementation)
                - "fdbx" (pypower implementation)
                - "fdxb"(pypower implementation)

        **calculate_voltage_angles** (bool, "auto") - consider voltage angles in loadflow calculation

            If True, voltage angles of ext_grids and transformer shifts are considered in the
            loadflow calculation. Considering the voltage angles is only necessary in meshed
            networks that are usually found in higher networks. Thats why calculate_voltage_angles
            in "auto" mode defaults to:

                - True, if the network voltage level is above 70 kV
                - False otherwise

            The network voltage level is defined as the maximum rated voltage in the network that
            is connected to a line.

        **init** (str, "auto") - initialization method of the loadflow
        pandapower supports four methods for initializing the loadflow:

            - "auto" - init defaults to "dc" if calculate_voltage_angles is True or "flat" otherwise
            - "flat"- flat start with voltage of 1.0pu and angle of 0° at all PQ-buses and 0° for PV buses as initial solution
            - "dc" - initial DC loadflow before the AC loadflow. The results of the DC loadflow are used as initial solution for the AC loadflow.
            - "results" - voltage vector of last loadflow from net.res_bus is used as initial solution. This can be useful to accelerate convergence in iterative loadflows like time series calculations.

        Considering the voltage angles might lead to non-convergence of the power flow in flat start.
        That is why in "auto" mode, init defaults to "dc" if calculate_voltage_angles is True or "flat" otherwise

        **max_iteration** (int, "auto") - maximum number of iterations carried out in the power flow algorithm.

            In "auto" mode, the default value depends on the power flow solver:

                - 10 for "nr"
                - 100 for "bfsw"
                - 1000 for "gs"
                - 30 for "fdbx"
                - 30 for "fdxb"

        **tolerance_kva** (float, 1e-5) - loadflow termination condition referring to P / Q mismatch of node power in kva

        **trafo_model** (str, "t")  - transformer equivalent circuit model
        pandapower provides two equivalent circuit models for the transformer:

            - "t" - transformer is modeled as equivalent with the T-model.
            - "pi" - transformer is modeled as equivalent PI-model. This is not recommended, since it is less exact than the T-model. It is only recommended for valdiation with other software that uses the pi-model.

        **trafo_loading** (str, "current") - mode of calculation for transformer loading

            Transformer loading can be calculated relative to the rated current or the rated power. In both cases the overall transformer loading is defined as the maximum loading on the two sides of the transformer.

            - "current"- transformer loading is given as ratio of current flow and rated current of the transformer. This is the recommended setting, since thermal as well as magnetic effects in the transformer depend on the current.
            - "power" - transformer loading is given as ratio of apparent power flow to the rated apparent power of the transformer.

        **enforce_q_lims** (bool, False) - respect generator reactive power limits

            If True, the reactive power limits in net.gen.max_q_kvar/min_q_kvar are respected in the
            loadflow. This is done by running a second loadflow if reactive power limits are
            violated at any generator, so that the runtime for the loadflow will increase if reactive
            power has to be curtailed.

            Note: enforce_q_lims only works if algorithm="nr"!

        **numba** (bool, True) - Activation of numba JIT compiler in the newton solver

            If set to True, the numba JIT compiler is used to generate matrices for the powerflow,
            which leads to significant speed improvements.

        **recycle** (dict, none) - Reuse of internal powerflow variables for time series calculation

            Contains a dict with the following parameters:
            _is_elements: If True in service elements are not filtered again and are taken from the last result in net["_is_elements"]
            ppc: If True the ppc is taken from net["_ppc"] and gets updated instead of reconstructed entirely
            Ybus: If True the admittance matrix (Ybus, Yf, Yt) is taken from ppc["internal"] and not reconstructed

        **check_connectivity** (bool, True) - Perform an extra connectivity test after the conversion from pandapower to PYPOWER

            If True, an extra connectivity test based on SciPy Compressed Sparse Graph Routines is perfomed.
            If check finds unsupplied buses, they are set out of service in the ppc

        **r_switch** (float, 0.0) - resistance of bus-bus-switches. If impedance is zero, buses connected by a closed bus-bus switch are fused to model an ideal bus. Otherwise, they are modelled as branches with resistance r_switch.

        **voltage_depend_loads** (bool, True) - consideration of voltage-dependent loads. If False, net.load.const_z_percent and net.load.const_i_percent are not considered, i.e. net.load.p_kw and net.load.q_kvar are considered as constant-power loads.

        **delta_q** - Reactive power tolerance for option "enforce_q_lims" in kvar - helps convergence in some cases.

        ****kwargs** - options to use for PYPOWER.runpf

    # if dict 'user_pf_options' is present in net, these options overrule the net.__internal_options
    # except for parameters that are passed by user
    overrule_options = {}
    if "user_pf_options" in net.keys() and len(net.user_pf_options) > 0:
        passed_parameters = _passed_runpp_parameters(locals())
        overrule_options = {key: val for key, val in net.user_pf_options.items()
                            if key not in passed_parameters.keys()}

        ## check if numba is available and the corresponding flag
    if numba:
        numba = _check_if_numba_is_installed(numba)

    if voltage_depend_loads:
        if not (np.any(net["load"]["const_z_percent"].values) or
            voltage_depend_loads = False

    if algorithm not in ['nr', 'bfsw'] and voltage_depend_loads == True:
        logger.warning("voltage-dependent loads not supported for {0} power flow algorithm -> "
                       "loads will be considered as constant power".format(algorithm))

    ac = True
    mode = "pf"
    copy_constraints_to_ppc = False
    if calculate_voltage_angles == "auto":
        calculate_voltage_angles = False
        hv_buses = np.where(net.bus.vn_kv.values > 70)[0]
        if len(hv_buses) > 0:
            line_buses = net.line[["from_bus", "to_bus"]].values.flatten()
            if len(set(net.bus.index[hv_buses]) & set(line_buses)) > 0:
                calculate_voltage_angles = True
    if init == "auto":
        init = "dc" if calculate_voltage_angles else "flat"
    if init == "results" and len(net.res_bus) == 0:
        init = "auto"
    default_max_iteration = {"nr": 10, "bfsw": 100, "gs": 10000, "fdxb": 30, "fdbx": 30}
    if max_iteration == "auto":
        max_iteration = default_max_iteration[algorithm]

    # init options
    # net.__internal_options = {}
    net._options = {}
    _add_ppc_options(net, calculate_voltage_angles=calculate_voltage_angles,
                     trafo_model=trafo_model, check_connectivity=check_connectivity,
                     mode=mode, copy_constraints_to_ppc=copy_constraints_to_ppc,
                     r_switch=r_switch, init=init, enforce_q_lims=enforce_q_lims,
                     recycle=recycle, voltage_depend_loads=voltage_depend_loads, delta=delta_q)
    _add_pf_options(net, tolerance_kva=tolerance_kva, trafo_loading=trafo_loading,
                    numba=numba, ac=ac, algorithm=algorithm, max_iteration=max_iteration)
    # net.__internal_options.update(overrule_options)
    _powerflow(net, **kwargs)