Exemple #1
def _infer_dtype_from_scalar(val):
    """ interpret the dtype from a scalar """

    dtype = np.object_

    # a 1-element ndarray
    if isinstance(val, np.ndarray):
        if val.ndim != 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "invalid ndarray passed to _infer_dtype_from_scalar")

        dtype = val.dtype
        val = val.item()

    elif isinstance(val, string_types):

        # If we create an empty array using a string to infer
        # the dtype, NumPy will only allocate one character per entry
        # so this is kind of bad. Alternately we could use np.repeat
        # instead of np.empty (but then you still don't want things
        # coming out as np.str_!

        dtype = np.object_

    elif isinstance(val, (np.datetime64,
                          datetime)) and getattr(val, 'tzinfo', None) is None:
        val = lib.Timestamp(val).value
        dtype = np.dtype('M8[ns]')

    elif isinstance(val, (np.timedelta64, timedelta)):
        val = lib.Timedelta(val).value
        dtype = np.dtype('m8[ns]')

    elif is_bool(val):
        dtype = np.bool_

    elif is_integer(val):
        if isinstance(val, np.integer):
            dtype = type(val)
            dtype = np.int64

    elif is_float(val):
        if isinstance(val, np.floating):
            dtype = type(val)
            dtype = np.float64

    elif is_complex(val):
        dtype = np.complex_

    return dtype, val
Exemple #2
        def f(values, axis=None, skipna=True, **kwds):
            if len(self.kwargs) > 0:
                for k, v in compat.iteritems(self.kwargs):
                    if k not in kwds:
                        kwds[k] = v
                if self.zero_value is not None and values.size == 0:
                    if values.ndim == 1:

                        # wrap the 0's if needed
                        if is_timedelta64_dtype(values):
                            return lib.Timedelta(0)
                        return 0
                        result_shape = (values.shape[:axis] +
                                        values.shape[axis + 1:])
                        result = np.empty(result_shape)
                        return result

                if (_USE_BOTTLENECK and skipna
                        and _bn_ok_dtype(values.dtype, bn_name)):
                    result = bn_func(values, axis=axis, **kwds)

                    # prefer to treat inf/-inf as NA, but must compute the func
                    # twice :(
                    if _has_infs(result):
                        result = alt(values, axis=axis, skipna=skipna, **kwds)
                    result = alt(values, axis=axis, skipna=skipna, **kwds)
            except Exception:
                    result = alt(values, axis=axis, skipna=skipna, **kwds)
                except ValueError as e:
                    # we want to transform an object array
                    # ValueError message to the more typical TypeError
                    # e.g. this is normally a disallowed function on
                    # object arrays that contain strings

                    if is_object_dtype(values):
                        raise TypeError(e)

            return result
Exemple #3
def _wrap_results(result, dtype):
    """ wrap our results if needed """

    if is_datetime64_dtype(dtype):
        if not isinstance(result, np.ndarray):
            result = lib.Timestamp(result)
            result = result.view(dtype)
    elif is_timedelta64_dtype(dtype):
        if not isinstance(result, np.ndarray):

            # raise if we have a timedelta64[ns] which is too large
            if np.fabs(result) > _int64_max:
                raise ValueError("overflow in timedelta operation")

            result = lib.Timedelta(result, unit='ns')
            result = result.astype('i8').view(dtype)

    return result
Exemple #4
def maybe_promote(dtype, fill_value=np.nan):

    # if we passed an array here, determine the fill value by dtype
    if isinstance(fill_value, np.ndarray):
        if issubclass(fill_value.dtype.type, (np.datetime64, np.timedelta64)):
            fill_value = iNaT

            # we need to change to object type as our
            # fill_value is of object type
            if fill_value.dtype == np.object_:
                dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)
            fill_value = np.nan

    # returns tuple of (dtype, fill_value)
    if issubclass(dtype.type, (np.datetime64, np.timedelta64)):
        # for now: refuse to upcast datetime64
        # (this is because datetime64 will not implicitly upconvert
        #  to object correctly as of numpy 1.6.1)
        if isna(fill_value):
            fill_value = iNaT
            if issubclass(dtype.type, np.datetime64):
                    fill_value = tslib.Timestamp(fill_value).value
                    # the proper thing to do here would probably be to upcast
                    # to object (but numpy 1.6.1 doesn't do this properly)
                    fill_value = iNaT
            elif issubclass(dtype.type, np.timedelta64):
                    fill_value = lib.Timedelta(fill_value).value
                    # as for datetimes, cannot upcast to object
                    fill_value = iNaT
                fill_value = iNaT
    elif is_datetimetz(dtype):
        if isna(fill_value):
            fill_value = iNaT
    elif is_float(fill_value):
        if issubclass(dtype.type, np.bool_):
            dtype = np.object_
        elif issubclass(dtype.type, np.integer):
            dtype = np.float64
    elif is_bool(fill_value):
        if not issubclass(dtype.type, np.bool_):
            dtype = np.object_
    elif is_integer(fill_value):
        if issubclass(dtype.type, np.bool_):
            dtype = np.object_
        elif issubclass(dtype.type, np.integer):
            # upcast to prevent overflow
            arr = np.asarray(fill_value)
            if arr != arr.astype(dtype):
                dtype = arr.dtype
    elif is_complex(fill_value):
        if issubclass(dtype.type, np.bool_):
            dtype = np.object_
        elif issubclass(dtype.type, (np.integer, np.floating)):
            dtype = np.complex128
    elif fill_value is None:
        if is_float_dtype(dtype) or is_complex_dtype(dtype):
            fill_value = np.nan
        elif is_integer_dtype(dtype):
            dtype = np.float64
            fill_value = np.nan
        elif is_datetime_or_timedelta_dtype(dtype):
            fill_value = iNaT
            dtype = np.object_
        dtype = np.object_

    # in case we have a string that looked like a number
    if is_categorical_dtype(dtype):
    elif is_datetimetz(dtype):
    elif issubclass(np.dtype(dtype).type, string_types):
        dtype = np.object_

    return dtype, fill_value