Exemple #1
    def test_is_datetime_dtypes(self):

        ts = pd.date_range('20130101', periods=3)
        tsa = pd.date_range('20130101', periods=3, tz='US/Eastern')

        assert is_datetime64_dtype('datetime64')
        assert is_datetime64_dtype('datetime64[ns]')
        assert is_datetime64_dtype(ts)
        assert not is_datetime64_dtype(tsa)

        assert not is_datetime64_ns_dtype('datetime64')
        assert is_datetime64_ns_dtype('datetime64[ns]')
        assert is_datetime64_ns_dtype(ts)
        assert is_datetime64_ns_dtype(tsa)

        assert is_datetime64_any_dtype('datetime64')
        assert is_datetime64_any_dtype('datetime64[ns]')
        assert is_datetime64_any_dtype(ts)
        assert is_datetime64_any_dtype(tsa)

        assert not is_datetime64tz_dtype('datetime64')
        assert not is_datetime64tz_dtype('datetime64[ns]')
        assert not is_datetime64tz_dtype(ts)
        assert is_datetime64tz_dtype(tsa)

        for tz in ['US/Eastern', 'UTC']:
            dtype = 'datetime64[ns, {}]'.format(tz)
            assert not is_datetime64_dtype(dtype)
            assert is_datetime64tz_dtype(dtype)
            assert is_datetime64_ns_dtype(dtype)
            assert is_datetime64_any_dtype(dtype)
Exemple #2
def _get_values(values, skipna, fill_value=None, fill_value_typ=None,
                isfinite=False, copy=True, mask=None, compute_mask=True):
    """ utility to get the values view, mask, dtype
    if necessary copy and mask using the specified fill_value
    copy = True will force the copy
    if skipna:
        compute_mask = True

    if is_datetime64tz_dtype(values):
        # com.values_from_object returns M8[ns] dtype instead of tz-aware,
        #  so this case must be handled separately from the rest
        dtype = values.dtype
        values = getattr(values, "_values", values)
        values = com.values_from_object(values)
        dtype = values.dtype

    if mask is None and compute_mask:
        if isfinite:
            mask = _isfinite(values)
            mask = isna(values)

    if is_datetime_or_timedelta_dtype(values) or is_datetime64tz_dtype(values):
        # changing timedelta64/datetime64 to int64 needs to happen after
        #  finding `mask` above
        values = getattr(values, "asi8", values)
        values = values.view(np.int64)

    dtype_ok = _na_ok_dtype(dtype)

    # get our fill value (in case we need to provide an alternative
    # dtype for it)
    fill_value = _get_fill_value(dtype, fill_value=fill_value,

    if skipna:
        if copy:
            values = values.copy()
        if dtype_ok:
            np.putmask(values, mask, fill_value)

        # promote if needed
            values, changed = maybe_upcast_putmask(values, mask, fill_value)

    elif copy:
        values = values.copy()

    # return a platform independent precision dtype
    dtype_max = dtype
    if is_integer_dtype(dtype) or is_bool_dtype(dtype):
        dtype_max = np.int64
    elif is_float_dtype(dtype):
        dtype_max = np.float64

    return values, mask, dtype, dtype_max, fill_value
Exemple #3
 def test_compat(self):
     assert is_datetime64tz_dtype(self.dtype)
     assert is_datetime64tz_dtype('datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]')
     assert is_datetime64_any_dtype(self.dtype)
     assert is_datetime64_any_dtype('datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]')
     assert is_datetime64_ns_dtype(self.dtype)
     assert is_datetime64_ns_dtype('datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]')
     assert not is_datetime64_dtype(self.dtype)
     assert not is_datetime64_dtype('datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]')
Exemple #4
 def test_compat(self):
     self.assertTrue(is_datetime64tz_dtype('datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]'))
     self.assertTrue(is_datetime64_any_dtype('datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]'))
     self.assertTrue(is_datetime64_ns_dtype('datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]'))
     self.assertFalse(is_datetime64_dtype('datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]'))
Exemple #5
    def test_dst(self):

        dr1 = date_range('2013-01-01', periods=3, tz='US/Eastern')
        s1 = Series(dr1, name='A')
        assert is_datetime64tz_dtype(s1)
        with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning):
            assert is_datetimetz(s1)

        dr2 = date_range('2013-08-01', periods=3, tz='US/Eastern')
        s2 = Series(dr2, name='A')
        assert is_datetime64tz_dtype(s2)
        with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning):
            assert is_datetimetz(s2)
        assert s1.dtype == s2.dtype
Exemple #6
    def wrapper(left, right, name=name, na_op=na_op):

        if isinstance(right, ABCDataFrame):
            return NotImplemented

        left, right = _align_method_SERIES(left, right)
        res_name = _get_series_op_result_name(left, right)

        if is_datetime64_dtype(left) or is_datetime64tz_dtype(left):
            result = dispatch_to_index_op(op, left, right, pd.DatetimeIndex)
            return construct_result(left, result,
                                    index=left.index, name=res_name,

        elif is_timedelta64_dtype(left):
            result = dispatch_to_index_op(op, left, right, pd.TimedeltaIndex)
            return construct_result(left, result,
                                    index=left.index, name=res_name,

        elif is_categorical_dtype(left):
            raise TypeError("{typ} cannot perform the operation "
                            "{op}".format(typ=type(left).__name__, op=str_rep))

        lvalues = left.values
        rvalues = right
        if isinstance(rvalues, ABCSeries):
            rvalues = rvalues.values

        result = safe_na_op(lvalues, rvalues)
        return construct_result(left, result,
                                index=left.index, name=res_name, dtype=None)
Exemple #7
def _wrap_results(result, dtype, fill_value=None):
    """ wrap our results if needed """

    if is_datetime64_dtype(dtype) or is_datetime64tz_dtype(dtype):
        if fill_value is None:
            # GH#24293
            fill_value = iNaT
        if not isinstance(result, np.ndarray):
            tz = getattr(dtype, 'tz', None)
            assert not isna(fill_value), "Expected non-null fill_value"
            if result == fill_value:
                result = np.nan
            result = tslibs.Timestamp(result, tz=tz)
            result = result.view(dtype)
    elif is_timedelta64_dtype(dtype):
        if not isinstance(result, np.ndarray):
            if result == fill_value:
                result = np.nan

            # raise if we have a timedelta64[ns] which is too large
            if np.fabs(result) > _int64_max:
                raise ValueError("overflow in timedelta operation")

            result = tslibs.Timedelta(result, unit='ns')
            result = result.astype('i8').view(dtype)

    return result
Exemple #8
def backfill_1d(values, limit=None, mask=None, dtype=None):
    if dtype is None:
        dtype = values.dtype
    _method = None
    if is_float_dtype(values):
        name = 'backfill_inplace_{name}'.format(name=dtype.name)
        _method = getattr(algos, name, None)
    elif is_datetime64_dtype(dtype) or is_datetime64tz_dtype(dtype):
        _method = _backfill_1d_datetime
    elif is_integer_dtype(values):
        values = ensure_float64(values)
        _method = algos.backfill_inplace_float64
    elif values.dtype == np.object_:
        _method = algos.backfill_inplace_object

    if _method is None:
        raise ValueError('Invalid dtype for backfill_1d [{name}]'

    if mask is None:
        mask = isna(values)
    mask = mask.view(np.uint8)

    _method(values, mask, limit=limit)
    return values
Exemple #9
def pad_2d(values, limit=None, mask=None, dtype=None):
    if dtype is None:
        dtype = values.dtype
    _method = None
    if is_float_dtype(values):
        name = 'pad_2d_inplace_{name}'.format(name=dtype.name)
        _method = getattr(algos, name, None)
    elif is_datetime64_dtype(dtype) or is_datetime64tz_dtype(dtype):
        _method = _pad_2d_datetime
    elif is_integer_dtype(values):
        values = ensure_float64(values)
        _method = algos.pad_2d_inplace_float64
    elif values.dtype == np.object_:
        _method = algos.pad_2d_inplace_object

    if _method is None:
        raise ValueError('Invalid dtype for pad_2d [{name}]'

    if mask is None:
        mask = isna(values)
    mask = mask.view(np.uint8)

    if np.all(values.shape):
        _method(values, mask, limit=limit)
        # for test coverage
    return values
Exemple #10
    def __new__(cls, data):
        # CombinedDatetimelikeProperties isn't really instantiated. Instead
        # we need to choose which parent (datetime or timedelta) is
        # appropriate. Since we're checking the dtypes anyway, we'll just
        # do all the validation here.
        from pandas import Series

        if not isinstance(data, Series):
            raise TypeError("cannot convert an object of type {0} to a "
                            "datetimelike index".format(type(data)))

        orig = data if is_categorical_dtype(data) else None
        if orig is not None:
            data = Series(orig.values.categories,

            if is_datetime64_dtype(data.dtype):
                return DatetimeProperties(data, orig)
            elif is_datetime64tz_dtype(data.dtype):
                return DatetimeProperties(data, orig)
            elif is_timedelta64_dtype(data.dtype):
                return TimedeltaProperties(data, orig)
                if is_period_arraylike(data):
                    return PeriodProperties(data, orig)
                if is_datetime_arraylike(data):
                    return DatetimeProperties(data, orig)
        except Exception:
            pass  # we raise an attribute error anyway

        raise AttributeError("Can only use .dt accessor with datetimelike "
Exemple #11
def _format_labels(bins, precision, right=True,
                   include_lowest=False, dtype=None):
    """ based on the dtype, return our labels """

    closed = 'right' if right else 'left'

    if is_datetime64tz_dtype(dtype):
        formatter = partial(Timestamp, tz=dtype.tz)
        adjust = lambda x: x - Timedelta('1ns')
    elif is_datetime64_dtype(dtype):
        formatter = Timestamp
        adjust = lambda x: x - Timedelta('1ns')
    elif is_timedelta64_dtype(dtype):
        formatter = Timedelta
        adjust = lambda x: x - Timedelta('1ns')
        precision = _infer_precision(precision, bins)
        formatter = lambda x: _round_frac(x, precision)
        adjust = lambda x: x - 10 ** (-precision)

    breaks = [formatter(b) for b in bins]
    labels = IntervalIndex.from_breaks(breaks, closed=closed)

    if right and include_lowest:
        # we will adjust the left hand side by precision to
        # account that we are all right closed
        v = adjust(labels[0].left)

        i = IntervalIndex([Interval(v, labels[0].right, closed='right')])
        labels = i.append(labels[1:])

    return labels
Exemple #12
def backfill_2d(values, limit=None, mask=None, dtype=None):
    if dtype is None:
        dtype = values.dtype
    _method = None
    if is_float_dtype(values):
        _method = getattr(algos, 'backfill_2d_inplace_%s' % dtype.name, None)
    elif is_datetime64_dtype(dtype) or is_datetime64tz_dtype(dtype):
        _method = _backfill_2d_datetime
    elif is_integer_dtype(values):
        values = _ensure_float64(values)
        _method = algos.backfill_2d_inplace_float64
    elif values.dtype == np.object_:
        _method = algos.backfill_2d_inplace_object

    if _method is None:
        raise ValueError('Invalid dtype for backfill_2d [%s]' % dtype.name)

    if mask is None:
        mask = isnull(values)
    mask = mask.view(np.uint8)

    if np.all(values.shape):
        _method(values, mask, limit=limit)
        # for test coverage
    return values
Exemple #13
def convert_pandas_type_to_json_field(arr, dtype=None):
    dtype = dtype or arr.dtype
    if arr.name is None:
        name = 'values'
        name = arr.name
    field = {'name': name,
             'type': as_json_table_type(dtype)}

    if is_categorical_dtype(arr):
        if hasattr(arr, 'categories'):
            cats = arr.categories
            ordered = arr.ordered
            cats = arr.cat.categories
            ordered = arr.cat.ordered
        field['constraints'] = {"enum": list(cats)}
        field['ordered'] = ordered
    elif is_period_dtype(arr):
        field['freq'] = arr.freqstr
    elif is_datetime64tz_dtype(arr):
        if hasattr(arr, 'dt'):
            field['tz'] = arr.dt.tz.zone
            field['tz'] = arr.tz.zone
    return field
Exemple #14
def pad_1d(values, limit=None, mask=None, dtype=None):
    if dtype is None:
        dtype = values.dtype
    _method = None
    if is_float_dtype(values):
        name = 'pad_inplace_{name}'.format(name=dtype.name)
        _method = getattr(algos, name, None)
    elif is_datetime64_dtype(dtype) or is_datetime64tz_dtype(dtype):
        _method = _pad_1d_datetime
    elif is_integer_dtype(values):
        values = ensure_float64(values)
        _method = algos.pad_inplace_float64
    elif values.dtype == np.object_:
        _method = algos.pad_inplace_object
    elif is_timedelta64_dtype(values):
        # NaTs are treated identically to datetime64, so we can dispatch
        #  to that implementation
        _method = _pad_1d_datetime

    if _method is None:
        raise ValueError('Invalid dtype for pad_1d [{name}]'

    if mask is None:
        mask = isna(values)
    mask = mask.view(np.uint8)
    _method(values, mask, limit=limit)
    return values
Exemple #15
    def __sub__(self, other):
        other = lib.item_from_zerodim(other)
        if isinstance(other, (ABCSeries, ABCDataFrame)):
            return NotImplemented

        # scalar others
        elif other is NaT:
            result = self._sub_nat()
        elif isinstance(other, (Tick, timedelta, np.timedelta64)):
            result = self._add_delta(-other)
        elif isinstance(other, DateOffset):
            # specifically _not_ a Tick
            result = self._add_offset(-other)
        elif isinstance(other, (datetime, np.datetime64)):
            result = self._sub_datetimelike_scalar(other)
        elif lib.is_integer(other):
            # This check must come after the check for np.timedelta64
            # as is_integer returns True for these
            result = self._time_shift(-other)

        elif isinstance(other, Period):
            result = self._sub_period(other)

        # array-like others
        elif is_timedelta64_dtype(other):
            # TimedeltaIndex, ndarray[timedelta64]
            result = self._add_delta(-other)
        elif is_offsetlike(other):
            # Array/Index of DateOffset objects
            result = self._addsub_offset_array(other, operator.sub)
        elif is_datetime64_dtype(other) or is_datetime64tz_dtype(other):
            # DatetimeIndex, ndarray[datetime64]
            result = self._sub_datetime_arraylike(other)
        elif is_period_dtype(other):
            # PeriodIndex
            result = self._sub_period_array(other)
        elif is_integer_dtype(other):
            result = self._addsub_int_array(other, operator.sub)
        elif isinstance(other, ABCIndexClass):
            raise TypeError("cannot subtract {cls} and {typ}"
        elif is_float_dtype(other):
            # Explicitly catch invalid dtypes
            raise TypeError("cannot subtract {dtype}-dtype from {cls}"
        elif is_extension_array_dtype(other):
            # Categorical op will raise; defer explicitly
            return NotImplemented
        else:  # pragma: no cover
            return NotImplemented

        if is_timedelta64_dtype(result) and isinstance(result, np.ndarray):
            from pandas.core.arrays import TimedeltaArrayMixin
            # TODO: infer freq?
            return TimedeltaArrayMixin(result)
        return result
Exemple #16
def _convert_bin_to_numeric_type(bins, dtype):
    if the passed bin is of datetime/timedelta type,
    this method converts it to integer

    bins : list-like of bins
    dtype : dtype of data

    ValueError if bins are not of a compat dtype to dtype
    bins_dtype = infer_dtype(bins, skipna=False)
    if is_timedelta64_dtype(dtype):
        if bins_dtype in ['timedelta', 'timedelta64']:
            bins = to_timedelta(bins).view(np.int64)
            raise ValueError("bins must be of timedelta64 dtype")
    elif is_datetime64_dtype(dtype) or is_datetime64tz_dtype(dtype):
        if bins_dtype in ['datetime', 'datetime64']:
            bins = to_datetime(bins).view(np.int64)
            raise ValueError("bins must be of datetime64 dtype")

    return bins
Exemple #17
    def wrapper(left, right, name=name, na_op=na_op):

        if isinstance(right, ABCDataFrame):
            return NotImplemented

        left, right = _align_method_SERIES(left, right)
        res_name = _get_series_op_result_name(left, right)

        if is_datetime64_dtype(left) or is_datetime64tz_dtype(left):
            result = dispatch_to_index_op(op, left, right, pd.DatetimeIndex)
            return construct_result(left, result,
                                    index=left.index, name=res_name,

        elif is_timedelta64_dtype(left):
            result = dispatch_to_index_op(op, left, right, pd.TimedeltaIndex)
            return construct_result(left, result,
                                    index=left.index, name=res_name,

        lvalues = left.values
        rvalues = right
        if isinstance(rvalues, ABCSeries):
            rvalues = getattr(rvalues, 'values', rvalues)

        result = safe_na_op(lvalues, rvalues)
        return construct_result(left, result,
                                index=left.index, name=res_name, dtype=None)
Exemple #18
    def to_numpy(self):
        A NumPy ndarray representing the values in this Series or Index.

        .. versionadded:: 0.24.0

        The returned array will be the same up to equality (values equal
        in `self` will be equal in the returned array; likewise for values
        that are not equal). When `self` contains an ExtensionArray, the
        dtype may be different. For example, for a category-dtype Series,
        ``to_numpy()`` will return a NumPy array and the categorical dtype
        will be lost.


        See Also
        Series.array : Get the actual data stored within.
        Index.array : Get the actual data stored within.
        DataFrame.to_numpy : Similar method for DataFrame.

        For NumPy dtypes, this will be a reference to the actual data stored
        in this Series or Index. Modifying the result in place will modify
        the data stored in the Series or Index (not that we recommend doing

        For extension types, ``to_numpy()`` *may* require copying data and
        coercing the result to a NumPy type (possibly object), which may be
        expensive. When you need a no-copy reference to the underlying data,
        :attr:`Series.array` should be used instead.

        This table lays out the different dtypes and return types of
        ``to_numpy()`` for various dtypes within pandas.

        ================== ================================
        dtype              array type
        ================== ================================
        category[T]        ndarray[T] (same dtype as input)
        period             ndarray[object] (Periods)
        interval           ndarray[object] (Intervals)
        IntegerNA          ndarray[object]
        datetime64[ns, tz] ndarray[object] (Timestamps)
        ================== ================================

        >>> ser = pd.Series(pd.Categorical(['a', 'b', 'a']))
        >>> ser.to_numpy()
        array(['a', 'b', 'a'], dtype=object)
        if (is_extension_array_dtype(self.dtype) or
            # TODO(DatetimeArray): remove the second clause.
            return np.asarray(self._values)
        return self._values
Exemple #19
    def test_basic(self):

        assert is_datetime64tz_dtype(self.dtype)

        dr = date_range('20130101', periods=3, tz='US/Eastern')
        s = Series(dr, name='A')

        # dtypes
        assert is_datetime64tz_dtype(s.dtype)
        assert is_datetime64tz_dtype(s)
        assert not is_datetime64tz_dtype(np.dtype('float64'))
        assert not is_datetime64tz_dtype(1.0)

        assert is_datetimetz(s)
        assert is_datetimetz(s.dtype)
        assert not is_datetimetz(np.dtype('float64'))
        assert not is_datetimetz(1.0)
Exemple #20
    def test_basic(self):


        dr = date_range('20130101', periods=3, tz='US/Eastern')
        s = Series(dr, name='A')

        # dtypes

Exemple #21
        def __sub__(self, other):
            from pandas import Index

            other = lib.item_from_zerodim(other)
            if isinstance(other, (ABCSeries, ABCDataFrame)):
                return NotImplemented

            # scalar others
            elif other is NaT:
                result = self._sub_nat()
            elif isinstance(other, (Tick, timedelta, np.timedelta64)):
                result = self._add_delta(-other)
            elif isinstance(other, DateOffset):
                # specifically _not_ a Tick
                result = self._add_offset(-other)
            elif isinstance(other, (datetime, np.datetime64)):
                result = self._sub_datelike(other)
            elif is_integer(other):
                # This check must come after the check for np.timedelta64
                # as is_integer returns True for these
                result = self.shift(-other)
            elif isinstance(other, Period):
                result = self._sub_period(other)

            # array-like others
            elif is_timedelta64_dtype(other):
                # TimedeltaIndex, ndarray[timedelta64]
                result = self._add_delta(-other)
            elif is_offsetlike(other):
                # Array/Index of DateOffset objects
                result = self._addsub_offset_array(other, operator.sub)
            elif is_datetime64_dtype(other) or is_datetime64tz_dtype(other):
                # DatetimeIndex, ndarray[datetime64]
                result = self._sub_datelike(other)
            elif isinstance(other, Index):
                raise TypeError("cannot subtract {cls} and {typ}"
            elif is_integer_dtype(other) and self.freq is None:
                # GH#19123
                raise NullFrequencyError("Cannot shift with no freq")

            elif is_float_dtype(other):
                # Explicitly catch invalid dtypes
                raise TypeError("cannot subtract {dtype}-dtype from {cls}"
            else:  # pragma: no cover
                return NotImplemented

            if result is NotImplemented:
                return NotImplemented
            elif not isinstance(result, Index):
                # Index.__new__ will choose appropriate subclass for dtype
                result = Index(result)
            res_name = ops.get_op_result_name(self, other)
            result.name = res_name
            return result
Exemple #22
    def __add__(self, other):
        other = lib.item_from_zerodim(other)
        if isinstance(other, (ABCSeries, ABCDataFrame)):
            return NotImplemented

        # scalar others
        elif other is NaT:
            result = self._add_nat()
        elif isinstance(other, (Tick, timedelta, np.timedelta64)):
            result = self._add_delta(other)
        elif isinstance(other, DateOffset):
            # specifically _not_ a Tick
            result = self._add_offset(other)
        elif isinstance(other, (datetime, np.datetime64)):
            result = self._add_datetimelike_scalar(other)
        elif lib.is_integer(other):
            # This check must come after the check for np.timedelta64
            # as is_integer returns True for these
            result = self._time_shift(other)

        # array-like others
        elif is_timedelta64_dtype(other):
            # TimedeltaIndex, ndarray[timedelta64]
            result = self._add_delta(other)
        elif is_offsetlike(other):
            # Array/Index of DateOffset objects
            result = self._addsub_offset_array(other, operator.add)
        elif is_datetime64_dtype(other) or is_datetime64tz_dtype(other):
            # DatetimeIndex, ndarray[datetime64]
            return self._add_datetime_arraylike(other)
        elif is_integer_dtype(other):
            result = self._addsub_int_array(other, operator.add)
        elif is_float_dtype(other):
            # Explicitly catch invalid dtypes
            raise TypeError("cannot add {dtype}-dtype to {cls}"
        elif is_period_dtype(other):
            # if self is a TimedeltaArray and other is a PeriodArray with
            #  a timedelta-like (i.e. Tick) freq, this operation is valid.
            #  Defer to the PeriodArray implementation.
            # In remaining cases, this will end up raising TypeError.
            return NotImplemented
        elif is_extension_array_dtype(other):
            # Categorical op will raise; defer explicitly
            return NotImplemented
        else:  # pragma: no cover
            return NotImplemented

        if is_timedelta64_dtype(result) and isinstance(result, np.ndarray):
            from pandas.core.arrays import TimedeltaArrayMixin
            # TODO: infer freq?
            return TimedeltaArrayMixin(result)
        return result
Exemple #23
    def test_value_counts_unique_nunique(self):
        for orig in self.objs:
            o = orig.copy()
            klass = type(o)
            values = o._values

            if isinstance(values, Index):
                # reset name not to affect latter process
                values.name = None

            # create repeated values, 'n'th element is repeated by n+1 times
            # skip boolean, because it only has 2 values at most
            if isinstance(o, Index) and o.is_boolean():
            elif isinstance(o, Index):
                expected_index = Index(o[::-1])
                expected_index.name = None
                o = o.repeat(range(1, len(o) + 1))
                o.name = 'a'
                expected_index = Index(values[::-1])
                idx = o.index.repeat(range(1, len(o) + 1))
                # take-based repeat
                indices = np.repeat(np.arange(len(o)), range(1, len(o) + 1))
                rep = values.take(indices)
                o = klass(rep, index=idx, name='a')

            # check values has the same dtype as the original
            assert o.dtype == orig.dtype

            expected_s = Series(range(10, 0, -1), index=expected_index,
                                dtype='int64', name='a')

            result = o.value_counts()
            tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected_s)
            assert result.index.name is None
            assert result.name == 'a'

            result = o.unique()
            if isinstance(o, Index):
                assert isinstance(result, o.__class__)
                tm.assert_index_equal(result, orig)
            elif is_datetime64tz_dtype(o):
                # datetimetz Series returns array of Timestamp
                assert result[0] == orig[0]
                for r in result:
                    assert isinstance(r, Timestamp)

                tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, orig.values)

            assert o.nunique() == len(np.unique(o.values))
Exemple #24
def _get_prev_label(label):
    dtype = getattr(label, 'dtype', type(label))
    if isinstance(label, (Timestamp, Timedelta)):
        dtype = 'datetime64'
    if is_datetime_or_timedelta_dtype(dtype) or is_datetime64tz_dtype(dtype):
        return label - np.timedelta64(1, 'ns')
    elif is_integer_dtype(dtype):
        return label - 1
    elif is_float_dtype(dtype):
        return np.nextafter(label, -np.infty)
        raise TypeError('cannot determine next label for type {typ!r}'
Exemple #25
def maybe_to_datetimelike(data, copy=False):
    return a DelegatedClass of a Series that is datetimelike
      (e.g. datetime64[ns],timedelta64[ns] dtype or a Series of Periods)
    raise TypeError if this is not possible.

    data : Series
    copy : boolean, default False
           copy the input data


    from pandas import Series

    if not isinstance(data, Series):
        raise TypeError("cannot convert an object of type {0} to a "
                        "datetimelike index".format(type(data)))

    index = data.index
    name = data.name
    orig = data if is_categorical_dtype(data) else None
    if orig is not None:
        data = orig.values.categories

    if is_datetime64_dtype(data.dtype):
        return DatetimeProperties(DatetimeIndex(data, copy=copy, freq='infer'),
                                  index, name=name, orig=orig)
    elif is_datetime64tz_dtype(data.dtype):
        return DatetimeProperties(DatetimeIndex(data, copy=copy, freq='infer',
                                  index, data.name, orig=orig)
    elif is_timedelta64_dtype(data.dtype):
        return TimedeltaProperties(TimedeltaIndex(data, copy=copy,
                                                  freq='infer'), index,
                                   name=name, orig=orig)
        if is_period_arraylike(data):
            return PeriodProperties(PeriodIndex(data, copy=copy), index,
                                    name=name, orig=orig)
        if is_datetime_arraylike(data):
            return DatetimeProperties(DatetimeIndex(data, copy=copy,
                                                    freq='infer'), index,
                                      name=name, orig=orig)

    raise TypeError("cannot convert an object of type {0} to a "
                    "datetimelike index".format(type(data)))
Exemple #26
        def __add__(self, other):
            other = lib.item_from_zerodim(other)
            if isinstance(other, (ABCSeries, ABCDataFrame)):
                return NotImplemented

            # scalar others
            elif other is NaT:
                result = self._add_nat()
            elif isinstance(other, (Tick, timedelta, np.timedelta64)):
                result = self._add_delta(other)
            elif isinstance(other, DateOffset):
                # specifically _not_ a Tick
                result = self._add_offset(other)
            elif isinstance(other, (datetime, np.datetime64)):
                result = self._add_datelike(other)
            elif is_integer(other):
                # This check must come after the check for np.timedelta64
                # as is_integer returns True for these
                result = self.shift(other)

            # array-like others
            elif is_timedelta64_dtype(other):
                # TimedeltaIndex, ndarray[timedelta64]
                result = self._add_delta(other)
            elif is_offsetlike(other):
                # Array/Index of DateOffset objects
                result = self._addsub_offset_array(other, operator.add)
            elif is_datetime64_dtype(other) or is_datetime64tz_dtype(other):
                # DatetimeIndex, ndarray[datetime64]
                return self._add_datelike(other)
            elif is_integer_dtype(other):
                result = self._addsub_int_array(other, operator.add)
            elif is_float_dtype(other) or is_period_dtype(other):
                # Explicitly catch invalid dtypes
                raise TypeError("cannot add {dtype}-dtype to {cls}"
            elif is_categorical_dtype(other):
                # Categorical op will raise; defer explicitly
                return NotImplemented
            else:  # pragma: no cover
                return NotImplemented

            if result is NotImplemented:
                return NotImplemented
            elif not isinstance(result, Index):
                # Index.__new__ will choose appropriate subclass for dtype
                result = Index(result)
            res_name = ops.get_op_result_name(self, other)
            result.name = res_name
            return result
Exemple #27
    def wrapper(self, other):
        meth = getattr(dtl.DatetimeLikeArrayMixin, opname)

        if isinstance(other, (datetime, np.datetime64, compat.string_types)):
            if isinstance(other, (datetime, np.datetime64)):
                # GH#18435 strings get a pass from tzawareness compat

                other = _to_m8(other, tz=self.tz)
            except ValueError:
                # string that cannot be parsed to Timestamp
                return ops.invalid_comparison(self, other, op)

            result = meth(self, other)
            if isna(other):
        elif lib.is_scalar(other):
            return ops.invalid_comparison(self, other, op)
            if isinstance(other, list):
                # FIXME: This can break for object-dtype with mixed types
                other = type(self)(other)
            elif not isinstance(other, (np.ndarray, ABCIndexClass, ABCSeries)):
                # Following Timestamp convention, __eq__ is all-False
                # and __ne__ is all True, others raise TypeError.
                return ops.invalid_comparison(self, other, op)

            if is_object_dtype(other):
                result = op(self.astype('O'), np.array(other))
            elif not (is_datetime64_dtype(other) or
                # e.g. is_timedelta64_dtype(other)
                return ops.invalid_comparison(self, other, op)
                result = meth(self, np.asarray(other))

            result = com.values_from_object(result)

            # Make sure to pass an array to result[...]; indexing with
            # Series breaks with older version of numpy
            o_mask = np.array(isna(other))
            if o_mask.any():
                result[o_mask] = nat_result

        if self.hasnans:
            result[self._isnan] = nat_result

        return result
Exemple #28
def nanmean(values, axis=None, skipna=True, mask=None):
    Compute the mean of the element along an axis ignoring NaNs

    values : ndarray
    axis: int, optional
    skipna : bool, default True
    mask : ndarray[bool], optional
        nan-mask if known

    result : float
        Unless input is a float array, in which case use the same
        precision as the input array.

    >>> import pandas.core.nanops as nanops
    >>> s = pd.Series([1, 2, np.nan])
    >>> nanops.nanmean(s)
    values, mask, dtype, dtype_max, _ = _get_values(
        values, skipna, 0, mask=mask)
    dtype_sum = dtype_max
    dtype_count = np.float64
    if (is_integer_dtype(dtype) or is_timedelta64_dtype(dtype) or
            is_datetime64_dtype(dtype) or is_datetime64tz_dtype(dtype)):
        dtype_sum = np.float64
    elif is_float_dtype(dtype):
        dtype_sum = dtype
        dtype_count = dtype
    count = _get_counts(mask, axis, dtype=dtype_count)
    the_sum = _ensure_numeric(values.sum(axis, dtype=dtype_sum))

    if axis is not None and getattr(the_sum, 'ndim', False):
        with np.errstate(all="ignore"):
            # suppress division by zero warnings
            the_mean = the_sum / count
        ct_mask = count == 0
        if ct_mask.any():
            the_mean[ct_mask] = np.nan
        the_mean = the_sum / count if count > 0 else np.nan

    return _wrap_results(the_mean, dtype)
Exemple #29
 def astype(self, dtype, copy=True, how='start'):
     dtype = pandas_dtype(dtype)
     if is_object_dtype(dtype):
         return self.asobject
     elif is_integer_dtype(dtype):
         if copy:
             return self._int64index.copy()
             return self._int64index
     elif is_datetime64_dtype(dtype):
         return self.to_timestamp(how=how)
     elif is_datetime64tz_dtype(dtype):
         return self.to_timestamp(how=how).tz_localize(dtype.tz)
     elif is_period_dtype(dtype):
         return self.asfreq(freq=dtype.freq)
     raise ValueError('Cannot cast PeriodIndex to dtype %s' % dtype)
Exemple #30
 def _assert_tzawareness_compat(self, other):
     # adapted from _Timestamp._assert_tzawareness_compat
     other_tz = getattr(other, 'tzinfo', None)
     if is_datetime64tz_dtype(other):
         # Get tzinfo from Series dtype
         other_tz = other.dtype.tz
     if other is NaT:
         # pd.NaT quacks both aware and naive
     elif self.tz is None:
         if other_tz is not None:
             raise TypeError('Cannot compare tz-naive and tz-aware '
                             'datetime-like objects.')
     elif other_tz is None:
         raise TypeError('Cannot compare tz-naive and tz-aware '
                         'datetime-like objects')
Exemple #31
    def _convert_from_pandas(self, pdf: "PandasDataFrameLike",
                             schema: Union[StructType, str,
                                           List[str]], timezone: str) -> List:
        Convert a pandas.DataFrame to list of records that can be used to make a DataFrame

            list of records
        import pandas as pd
        from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

        assert isinstance(self, SparkSession)

        if timezone is not None:
            from pyspark.sql.pandas.types import _check_series_convert_timestamps_tz_local
            from pandas.core.dtypes.common import is_datetime64tz_dtype, is_timedelta64_dtype

            copied = False
            if isinstance(schema, StructType):
                for field in schema:
                    # TODO: handle nested timestamps, such as ArrayType(TimestampType())?
                    if isinstance(field.dataType, TimestampType):
                        s = _check_series_convert_timestamps_tz_local(
                            pdf[field.name], timezone)
                        if s is not pdf[field.name]:
                            if not copied:
                                # Copy once if the series is modified to prevent the original
                                # Pandas DataFrame from being updated
                                pdf = pdf.copy()
                                copied = True
                            pdf[field.name] = s
                should_localize = not is_timestamp_ntz_preferred()
                for column, series in pdf.iteritems():
                    s = series
                    if should_localize and is_datetime64tz_dtype(
                            s.dtype) and s.dt.tz is not None:
                        s = _check_series_convert_timestamps_tz_local(
                            series, timezone)
                    if s is not series:
                        if not copied:
                            # Copy once if the series is modified to prevent the original
                            # Pandas DataFrame from being updated
                            pdf = pdf.copy()
                            copied = True
                        pdf[column] = s

            for column, series in pdf.iteritems():
                if is_timedelta64_dtype(series):
                    if not copied:
                        pdf = pdf.copy()
                        copied = True
                    # Explicitly set the timedelta as object so the output of numpy records can
                    # hold the timedelta instances as are. Otherwise, it converts to the internal
                    # numeric values.
                    ser = pdf[column]
                    pdf[column] = pd.Series(ser.dt.to_pytimedelta(),

        # Convert pandas.DataFrame to list of numpy records
        np_records = pdf.to_records(index=False)

        # Check if any columns need to be fixed for Spark to infer properly
        if len(np_records) > 0:
            record_dtype = self._get_numpy_record_dtype(np_records[0])
            if record_dtype is not None:
                return [r.astype(record_dtype).tolist() for r in np_records]

        # Convert list of numpy records to python lists
        return [r.tolist() for r in np_records]
Exemple #32
    def _create_from_pandas_with_arrow(self, pdf: "PandasDataFrameLike",
                                       schema: Union[StructType, List[str]],
                                       timezone: str) -> "DataFrame":
        Create a DataFrame from a given pandas.DataFrame by slicing it into partitions, converting
        to Arrow data, then sending to the JVM to parallelize. If a schema is passed in, the
        data types will be used to coerce the data in Pandas to Arrow conversion.
        from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
        from pyspark.sql.dataframe import DataFrame

        assert isinstance(self, SparkSession)

        from pyspark.sql.pandas.serializers import ArrowStreamPandasSerializer
        from pyspark.sql.types import TimestampType
        from pyspark.sql.pandas.types import from_arrow_type, to_arrow_type
        from pyspark.sql.pandas.utils import (


        from pandas.api.types import is_datetime64_dtype, is_datetime64tz_dtype  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
        import pyarrow as pa

        # Create the Spark schema from list of names passed in with Arrow types
        if isinstance(schema, (list, tuple)):
            arrow_schema = pa.Schema.from_pandas(pdf, preserve_index=False)
            struct = StructType()
            prefer_timestamp_ntz = is_timestamp_ntz_preferred()
            for name, field in zip(schema, arrow_schema):
                           from_arrow_type(field.type, prefer_timestamp_ntz),
            schema = struct

        # Determine arrow types to coerce data when creating batches
        if isinstance(schema, StructType):
            arrow_types = [to_arrow_type(f.dataType) for f in schema.fields]
        elif isinstance(schema, DataType):
            raise ValueError(
                "Single data type %s is not supported with Arrow" %
            # Any timestamps must be coerced to be compatible with Spark
            arrow_types = [
                if is_datetime64_dtype(t) or is_datetime64tz_dtype(t) else None
                for t in pdf.dtypes

        # Slice the DataFrame to be batched
        step = -(-len(pdf) // self.sparkContext.defaultParallelism
                 )  # round int up
        pdf_slices = (pdf.iloc[start:start + step]
                      for start in range(0, len(pdf), step))

        # Create list of Arrow (columns, type) for serializer dump_stream
        arrow_data = [[(c, t)
                       for (_, c), t in zip(pdf_slice.iteritems(), arrow_types)
                       ] for pdf_slice in pdf_slices]

        jsqlContext = self._wrapped._jsqlContext  # type: ignore[attr-defined]

        safecheck = self._wrapped._conf.arrowSafeTypeConversion(
        )  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
        col_by_name = True  # col by name only applies to StructType columns, can't happen here
        ser = ArrowStreamPandasSerializer(timezone, safecheck, col_by_name)

        def reader_func(temp_filename):
            return self._jvm.PythonSQLUtils.readArrowStreamFromFile(
                jsqlContext, temp_filename)

        def create_RDD_server():
            return self._jvm.ArrowRDDServer(jsqlContext)

        # Create Spark DataFrame from Arrow stream file, using one batch per partition
        jrdd = self._sc._serialize_to_jvm(arrow_data, ser, reader_func,
        assert self._jvm is not None
        jdf = self._jvm.PythonSQLUtils.toDataFrame(jrdd, schema.json(),
        df = DataFrame(jdf, self._wrapped)
        df._schema = schema
        return df
Exemple #33
def maybe_to_datetimelike(data, copy=False):
    return a DelegatedClass of a Series that is datetimelike
      (e.g. datetime64[ns],timedelta64[ns] dtype or a Series of Periods)
    raise TypeError if this is not possible.

    data : Series
    copy : boolean, default False
           copy the input data


    from pandas import Series

    if not isinstance(data, Series):
        raise TypeError("cannot convert an object of type {0} to a "
                        "datetimelike index".format(type(data)))

    index = data.index
    name = data.name
    orig = data if is_categorical_dtype(data) else None
    if orig is not None:
        data = orig.values.categories

    if is_datetime64_dtype(data.dtype):
        return DatetimeProperties(DatetimeIndex(data, copy=copy, freq='infer'),
    elif is_datetime64tz_dtype(data.dtype):
        return DatetimeProperties(DatetimeIndex(data,
    elif is_timedelta64_dtype(data.dtype):
        return TimedeltaProperties(TimedeltaIndex(data,
        if is_period_arraylike(data):
            return PeriodProperties(PeriodIndex(data, copy=copy),
        if is_datetime_arraylike(data):
            return DatetimeProperties(DatetimeIndex(data,

    raise TypeError("cannot convert an object of type {0} to a "
                    "datetimelike index".format(type(data)))
Exemple #34
    def test_constructor_with_datetime_tz(self):

        # 8260
        # support datetime64 with tz

        dr = date_range("20130101", periods=3, tz="US/Eastern")
        s = Series(dr)
        assert s.dtype.name == "datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]"
        assert s.dtype == "datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]"
        assert is_datetime64tz_dtype(s.dtype)
        assert "datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]" in str(s)

        # export
        result = s.values
        assert isinstance(result, np.ndarray)
        assert result.dtype == "datetime64[ns]"

        exp = pd.DatetimeIndex(result)
        exp = exp.tz_localize("UTC").tz_convert(tz=s.dt.tz)
        tm.assert_index_equal(dr, exp)

        # indexing
        result = s.iloc[0]
        assert result == Timestamp("2013-01-01 00:00:00-0500",
        result = s[0]
        assert result == Timestamp("2013-01-01 00:00:00-0500",

        result = s[Series([True, True, False], index=s.index)]
        assert_series_equal(result, s[0:2])

        result = s.iloc[0:1]
        assert_series_equal(result, Series(dr[0:1]))

        # concat
        result = pd.concat([s.iloc[0:1], s.iloc[1:]])
        assert_series_equal(result, s)

        # short str
        assert "datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]" in str(s)

        # formatting with NaT
        result = s.shift()
        assert "datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]" in str(result)
        assert "NaT" in str(result)

        # long str
        t = Series(date_range("20130101", periods=1000, tz="US/Eastern"))
        assert "datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]" in str(t)

        result = pd.DatetimeIndex(s, freq="infer")
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, dr)

        # inference
        s = Series([
            pd.Timestamp("2013-01-01 13:00:00-0800", tz="US/Pacific"),
            pd.Timestamp("2013-01-02 14:00:00-0800", tz="US/Pacific"),
        assert s.dtype == "datetime64[ns, US/Pacific]"
        assert lib.infer_dtype(s, skipna=True) == "datetime64"

        s = Series([
            pd.Timestamp("2013-01-01 13:00:00-0800", tz="US/Pacific"),
            pd.Timestamp("2013-01-02 14:00:00-0800", tz="US/Eastern"),
        assert s.dtype == "object"
        assert lib.infer_dtype(s, skipna=True) == "datetime"

        # with all NaT
        s = Series(pd.NaT, index=[0, 1], dtype="datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]")
        expected = Series(pd.DatetimeIndex(["NaT", "NaT"], tz="US/Eastern"))
        assert_series_equal(s, expected)
Exemple #35
    def _cython_operation(self,
                          kind: str,
                          how: str,
                          min_count: int = -1,
                          **kwargs) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Optional[List[str]]]:
        Returns the values of a cython operation as a Tuple of [data, names].

        Names is only useful when dealing with 2D results, like ohlc
        (see self._name_functions).

        assert kind in ["transform", "aggregate"]
        orig_values = values

        if values.ndim > 2:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "number of dimensions is currently limited to 2")
        elif values.ndim == 2:
            # Note: it is *not* the case that axis is always 0 for 1-dim values,
            #  as we can have 1D ExtensionArrays that we need to treat as 2D
            assert axis == 1, axis

        # can we do this operation with our cython functions
        # if not raise NotImplementedError

        # we raise NotImplemented if this is an invalid operation
        # entirely, e.g. adding datetimes

        # categoricals are only 1d, so we
        # are not setup for dim transforming
        if is_categorical_dtype(values) or is_sparse(values):
            raise NotImplementedError(f"{values.dtype} dtype not supported")
        elif is_datetime64_any_dtype(values):
            if how in ["add", "prod", "cumsum", "cumprod"]:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    f"datetime64 type does not support {how} operations")
        elif is_timedelta64_dtype(values):
            if how in ["prod", "cumprod"]:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    f"timedelta64 type does not support {how} operations")

        if is_datetime64tz_dtype(values.dtype):
            # Cast to naive; we'll cast back at the end of the function
            # TODO: possible need to reshape?  kludge can be avoided when
            #  2D EA is allowed.
            values = values.view("M8[ns]")

        is_datetimelike = needs_i8_conversion(values.dtype)
        is_numeric = is_numeric_dtype(values.dtype)

        if is_datetimelike:
            values = values.view("int64")
            is_numeric = True
        elif is_bool_dtype(values.dtype):
            values = ensure_float64(values)
        elif is_integer_dtype(values):
            # we use iNaT for the missing value on ints
            # so pre-convert to guard this condition
            if (values == iNaT).any():
                values = ensure_float64(values)
                values = ensure_int_or_float(values)
        elif is_numeric and not is_complex_dtype(values):
            values = ensure_float64(values)
            values = values.astype(object)

        arity = self._cython_arity.get(how, 1)

        vdim = values.ndim
        swapped = False
        if vdim == 1:
            values = values[:, None]
            out_shape = (self.ngroups, arity)
            if axis > 0:
                swapped = True
                assert axis == 1, axis
                values = values.T
            if arity > 1:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "arity of more than 1 is not supported for the 'how' argument"
            out_shape = (self.ngroups, ) + values.shape[1:]

        func, values = self._get_cython_func_and_vals(kind, how, values,

        if how == "rank":
            out_dtype = "float"
            if is_numeric:
                out_dtype = f"{values.dtype.kind}{values.dtype.itemsize}"
                out_dtype = "object"

        codes, _, _ = self.group_info

        if kind == "aggregate":
            result = _maybe_fill(np.empty(out_shape, dtype=out_dtype),
            counts = np.zeros(self.ngroups, dtype=np.int64)
            result = self._aggregate(result, counts, values, codes, func,
                                     is_datetimelike, min_count)
        elif kind == "transform":
            result = _maybe_fill(np.empty_like(values, dtype=out_dtype),

            # TODO: min_count
            result = self._transform(result, values, codes, func,
                                     is_datetimelike, **kwargs)

        if is_integer_dtype(result) and not is_datetimelike:
            mask = result == iNaT
            if mask.any():
                result = result.astype("float64")
                result[mask] = np.nan

        if kind == "aggregate" and self._filter_empty_groups and not counts.all(
            assert result.ndim != 2
            result = result[counts > 0]

        if vdim == 1 and arity == 1:
            result = result[:, 0]

        names: Optional[List[str]] = self._name_functions.get(how, None)

        if swapped:
            result = result.swapaxes(0, axis)

        if is_datetime64tz_dtype(orig_values.dtype):
            result = type(orig_values)(result.astype(np.int64),
        elif is_datetimelike and kind == "aggregate":
            result = result.astype(orig_values.dtype)

        return result, names
Exemple #36
def _convert_listlike_datetimes(
    format: Optional[str],
    name: Hashable = None,
    tz: Optional[Timezone] = None,
    unit: Optional[str] = None,
    errors: Optional[str] = None,
    infer_datetime_format: bool = False,
    dayfirst: Optional[bool] = None,
    yearfirst: Optional[bool] = None,
    exact: bool = True,
    Helper function for to_datetime. Performs the conversions of 1D listlike
    of dates

    arg : list, tuple, ndarray, Series, Index
        date to be parsed
    name : object
        None or string for the Index name
    tz : object
        None or 'utc'
    unit : string
        None or string of the frequency of the passed data
    errors : string
        error handing behaviors from to_datetime, 'raise', 'coerce', 'ignore'
    infer_datetime_format : bool, default False
        inferring format behavior from to_datetime
    dayfirst : boolean
        dayfirst parsing behavior from to_datetime
    yearfirst : boolean
        yearfirst parsing behavior from to_datetime
    exact : bool, default True
        exact format matching behavior from to_datetime

    Index-like of parsed dates

    if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)):
        arg = np.array(arg, dtype="O")

    arg_dtype = getattr(arg, "dtype", None)
    # these are shortcutable
    if is_datetime64tz_dtype(arg_dtype):
        if not isinstance(arg, (DatetimeArray, DatetimeIndex)):
            return DatetimeIndex(arg, tz=tz, name=name)
        if tz == "utc":
            arg = arg.tz_convert(None).tz_localize(tz)
        return arg

    elif is_datetime64_ns_dtype(arg_dtype):
        if not isinstance(arg, (DatetimeArray, DatetimeIndex)):
                return DatetimeIndex(arg, tz=tz, name=name)
            except ValueError:
        elif tz:
            # DatetimeArray, DatetimeIndex
            return arg.tz_localize(tz)

        return arg

    elif unit is not None:
        if format is not None:
            raise ValueError("cannot specify both format and unit")
        return _to_datetime_with_unit(arg, unit, name, tz, errors)
    elif getattr(arg, "ndim", 1) > 1:
        raise TypeError(
            "arg must be a string, datetime, list, tuple, 1-d array, or Series"

    # warn if passing timedelta64, raise for PeriodDtype
    # NB: this must come after unit transformation
    orig_arg = arg
        arg, _ = maybe_convert_dtype(arg, copy=False)
    except TypeError:
        if errors == "coerce":
            result = np.array(["NaT"], dtype="datetime64[ns]").repeat(len(arg))
            return DatetimeIndex(result, name=name)
        elif errors == "ignore":
            # error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type
            # "Index", variable has type "ExtensionArray")
            result = Index(arg, name=name)  # type: ignore[assignment]
            return result

    arg = ensure_object(arg)
    require_iso8601 = False

    if infer_datetime_format and format is None:
        format = _guess_datetime_format_for_array(arg, dayfirst=dayfirst)

    if format is not None:
        # There is a special fast-path for iso8601 formatted
        # datetime strings, so in those cases don't use the inferred
        # format because this path makes process slower in this
        # special case
        format_is_iso8601 = format_is_iso(format)
        if format_is_iso8601:
            require_iso8601 = not infer_datetime_format
            format = None

    # error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "None", variable has
    # type "ExtensionArray")
    result = None  # type: ignore[assignment]

    if format is not None:
        # error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type
        # "Optional[Index]", variable has type "ndarray")
        result = _to_datetime_with_format(  # type: ignore[assignment]
            arg, orig_arg, name, tz, format, exact, errors, infer_datetime_format
        if result is not None:
            return result

    if result is None:
        assert format is None or infer_datetime_format
        utc = tz == "utc"
        result, tz_parsed = objects_to_datetime64ns(

        if tz_parsed is not None:
            # We can take a shortcut since the datetime64 numpy array
            # is in UTC
            dta = DatetimeArray(result, dtype=tz_to_dtype(tz_parsed))
            return DatetimeIndex._simple_new(dta, name=name)

    utc = tz == "utc"
    return _box_as_indexlike(result, utc=utc, name=name)
Exemple #37
def test_is_datetime64tz_dtype():
    assert not com.is_datetime64tz_dtype(object)
    assert not com.is_datetime64tz_dtype([1, 2, 3])
    assert not com.is_datetime64tz_dtype(pd.DatetimeIndex([1, 2, 3]))
    assert com.is_datetime64tz_dtype(
        pd.DatetimeIndex(["2000"], tz="US/Eastern"))
Exemple #38
    def get_reindexed_values(self, empty_dtype, upcasted_na):
        if upcasted_na is None:
            # No upcasting is necessary
            fill_value = self.block.fill_value
            values = self.block.get_values()
            fill_value = upcasted_na

            if self.is_na:
                if getattr(self.block, "is_object", False):
                    # we want to avoid filling with np.nan if we are
                    # using None; we already know that we are all
                    # nulls
                    values = self.block.values.ravel(order="K")
                    if len(values) and values[0] is None:
                        fill_value = None

                if getattr(self.block, "is_datetimetz",
                           False) or is_datetime64tz_dtype(empty_dtype):
                    if self.block is None:
                        array = empty_dtype.construct_array_type()
                        # TODO(EA2D): special case unneeded with 2D EAs
                        return array(np.full(self.shape[1], fill_value.value),
                elif getattr(self.block, "is_categorical", False):
                elif getattr(self.block, "is_extension", False):
                    missing_arr = np.empty(self.shape, dtype=empty_dtype)
                    return missing_arr

            if (not self.indexers) and (not self.block._can_consolidate):
                # preserve these for validation in concat_compat
                return self.block.values

            if self.block.is_bool and not self.block.is_categorical:
                # External code requested filling/upcasting, bool values must
                # be upcasted to object to avoid being upcasted to numeric.
                values = self.block.astype(np.object_).values
            elif self.block.is_extension:
                values = self.block.values
                # No dtype upcasting is done here, it will be performed during
                # concatenation itself.
                values = self.block.values

        if not self.indexers:
            # If there's no indexing to be done, we want to signal outside
            # code that this array must be copied explicitly.  This is done
            # by returning a view and checking `retval.base`.
            values = values.view()

            for ax, indexer in self.indexers.items():
                values = algos.take_nd(values,

        return values
Exemple #39
    def get_reindexed_values(self, empty_dtype: DtypeObj,
                             upcasted_na) -> ArrayLike:
        if upcasted_na is None:
            # No upcasting is necessary
            fill_value = self.block.fill_value
            values = self.block.get_values()
            fill_value = upcasted_na

            if self.is_valid_na_for(empty_dtype):
                blk_dtype = getattr(self.block, "dtype", None)

                if blk_dtype == np.dtype("object"):
                    # we want to avoid filling with np.nan if we are
                    # using None; we already know that we are all
                    # nulls
                    values = self.block.values.ravel(order="K")
                    if len(values) and values[0] is None:
                        fill_value = None

                if is_datetime64tz_dtype(empty_dtype):
                    # TODO(EA2D): special case unneeded with 2D EAs
                    i8values = np.full(self.shape[1], fill_value.value)
                    return DatetimeArray(i8values, dtype=empty_dtype)
                elif is_extension_array_dtype(blk_dtype):
                elif isinstance(empty_dtype, ExtensionDtype):
                    cls = empty_dtype.construct_array_type()
                    missing_arr = cls._from_sequence([], dtype=empty_dtype)
                    ncols, nrows = self.shape
                    assert ncols == 1, ncols
                    empty_arr = -1 * np.ones((nrows, ), dtype=np.intp)
                    return missing_arr.take(empty_arr,
                    # NB: we should never get here with empty_dtype integer or bool;
                    #  if we did, the missing_arr.fill would cast to gibberish

                    missing_arr = np.empty(self.shape, dtype=empty_dtype)
                    return missing_arr

            if (not self.indexers) and (not self.block._can_consolidate):
                # preserve these for validation in concat_compat
                return self.block.values

            if self.block.is_bool and not isinstance(self.block.values,
                # External code requested filling/upcasting, bool values must
                # be upcasted to object to avoid being upcasted to numeric.
                values = self.block.astype(np.object_).values
            elif self.block.is_extension:
                values = self.block.values
                # No dtype upcasting is done here, it will be performed during
                # concatenation itself.
                values = self.block.values

        if not self.indexers:
            # If there's no indexing to be done, we want to signal outside
            # code that this array must be copied explicitly.  This is done
            # by returning a view and checking `retval.base`.
            values = values.view()

            for ax, indexer in self.indexers.items():
                values = algos.take_nd(values, indexer, axis=ax)

        return values
Exemple #40
    def test_constructor_with_datetime_tz(self):

        # 8260
        # support datetime64 with tz

        dr = date_range('20130101', periods=3, tz='US/Eastern')
        s = Series(dr)
        assert s.dtype.name == 'datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]'
        assert s.dtype == 'datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]'
        assert is_datetime64tz_dtype(s.dtype)
        assert 'datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]' in str(s)

        # export
        result = s.values
        assert isinstance(result, np.ndarray)
        assert result.dtype == 'datetime64[ns]'

        exp = pd.DatetimeIndex(result)
        exp = exp.tz_localize('UTC').tz_convert(tz=s.dt.tz)
        tm.assert_index_equal(dr, exp)

        # indexing
        result = s.iloc[0]
        assert result == Timestamp('2013-01-01 00:00:00-0500',
                                   tz='US/Eastern', freq='D')
        result = s[0]
        assert result == Timestamp('2013-01-01 00:00:00-0500',
                                   tz='US/Eastern', freq='D')

        result = s[Series([True, True, False], index=s.index)]
        assert_series_equal(result, s[0:2])

        result = s.iloc[0:1]
        assert_series_equal(result, Series(dr[0:1]))

        # concat
        result = pd.concat([s.iloc[0:1], s.iloc[1:]])
        assert_series_equal(result, s)

        # short str
        assert 'datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]' in str(s)

        # formatting with NaT
        result = s.shift()
        assert 'datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]' in str(result)
        assert 'NaT' in str(result)

        # long str
        t = Series(date_range('20130101', periods=1000, tz='US/Eastern'))
        assert 'datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]' in str(t)

        result = pd.DatetimeIndex(s, freq='infer')
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, dr)

        # inference
        s = Series([pd.Timestamp('2013-01-01 13:00:00-0800', tz='US/Pacific'),
                    pd.Timestamp('2013-01-02 14:00:00-0800', tz='US/Pacific')])
        assert s.dtype == 'datetime64[ns, US/Pacific]'
        assert lib.infer_dtype(s, skipna=False) == 'datetime64'

        s = Series([pd.Timestamp('2013-01-01 13:00:00-0800', tz='US/Pacific'),
                    pd.Timestamp('2013-01-02 14:00:00-0800', tz='US/Eastern')])
        assert s.dtype == 'object'
        assert lib.infer_dtype(s, skipna=False) == 'datetime'

        # with all NaT
        s = Series(pd.NaT, index=[0, 1], dtype='datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]')
        expected = Series(pd.DatetimeIndex(['NaT', 'NaT'], tz='US/Eastern'))
        assert_series_equal(s, expected)
Exemple #41
def _get_empty_dtype_and_na(join_units):
    Return dtype and N/A values to use when concatenating specified units.

    Returned N/A value may be None which means there was no casting involved.

    if len(join_units) == 1:
        blk = join_units[0].block
        if blk is None:
            return np.dtype(np.float64), np.nan

    if _is_uniform_reindex(join_units):
        # FIXME: integrate property
        empty_dtype = join_units[0].block.dtype
        upcasted_na = join_units[0].block.fill_value
        return empty_dtype, upcasted_na

    has_none_blocks = False
    dtypes = [None] * len(join_units)
    for i, unit in enumerate(join_units):
        if unit.block is None:
            has_none_blocks = True
            dtypes[i] = unit.dtype

    upcast_classes = defaultdict(list)
    null_upcast_classes = defaultdict(list)
    for dtype, unit in zip(dtypes, join_units):
        if dtype is None:

        if is_categorical_dtype(dtype):
            upcast_cls = "category"
        elif is_datetime64tz_dtype(dtype):
            upcast_cls = "datetimetz"
        elif issubclass(dtype.type, np.bool_):
            upcast_cls = "bool"
        elif issubclass(dtype.type, np.object_):
            upcast_cls = "object"
        elif is_datetime64_dtype(dtype):
            upcast_cls = "datetime"
        elif is_timedelta64_dtype(dtype):
            upcast_cls = "timedelta"
        elif is_sparse(dtype):
            upcast_cls = dtype.subtype.name
        elif is_extension_array_dtype(dtype):
            upcast_cls = "object"
        elif is_float_dtype(dtype) or is_numeric_dtype(dtype):
            upcast_cls = dtype.name
            upcast_cls = "float"

        # Null blocks should not influence upcast class selection, unless there
        # are only null blocks, when same upcasting rules must be applied to
        # null upcast classes.
        if unit.is_na:

    if not upcast_classes:
        upcast_classes = null_upcast_classes

    # TODO: de-duplicate with maybe_promote?
    # create the result
    if "object" in upcast_classes:
        return np.dtype(np.object_), np.nan
    elif "bool" in upcast_classes:
        if has_none_blocks:
            return np.dtype(np.object_), np.nan
            return np.dtype(np.bool_), None
    elif "category" in upcast_classes:
        return np.dtype(np.object_), np.nan
    elif "datetimetz" in upcast_classes:
        # GH-25014. We use NaT instead of iNaT, since this eventually
        # ends up in DatetimeArray.take, which does not allow iNaT.
        dtype = upcast_classes["datetimetz"]
        return dtype[0], NaT
    elif "datetime" in upcast_classes:
        return np.dtype("M8[ns]"), np.datetime64("NaT", "ns")
    elif "timedelta" in upcast_classes:
        return np.dtype("m8[ns]"), np.timedelta64("NaT", "ns")
    else:  # pragma
            g = np.find_common_type(upcast_classes, [])
        except TypeError:
            # At least one is an ExtensionArray
            return np.dtype(np.object_), np.nan
            if is_float_dtype(g):
                return g, g.type(np.nan)
            elif is_numeric_dtype(g):
                if has_none_blocks:
                    return np.dtype(np.float64), np.nan
                    return g, None

    msg = "invalid dtype determination in get_concat_dtype"
    raise AssertionError(msg)
Exemple #42
def _convert_listlike_datetimes(arg,
    Helper function for to_datetime. Performs the conversions of 1D listlike
    of dates

    arg : list, tuple, ndarray, Series, Index
        date to be parced
    box : boolean
        True boxes result as an Index-like, False returns an ndarray
    name : object
        None or string for the Index name
    tz : object
        None or 'utc'
    unit : string
        None or string of the frequency of the passed data
    errors : string
        error handing behaviors from to_datetime, 'raise', 'coerce', 'ignore'
    infer_datetime_format : boolean
        inferring format behavior from to_datetime
    dayfirst : boolean
        dayfirst parsing behavior from to_datetime
    yearfirst : boolean
        yearfirst parsing behavior from to_datetime
    exact : boolean
        exact format matching behavior from to_datetime

    ndarray of parsed dates

        - Index-like if box=True
        - ndarray of Timestamps if box=False
    from pandas import DatetimeIndex
    from pandas.core.arrays import DatetimeArray
    from pandas.core.arrays.datetimes import (maybe_convert_dtype,

    if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)):
        arg = np.array(arg, dtype='O')

    # these are shortcutable
    if is_datetime64tz_dtype(arg):
        if not isinstance(arg, (DatetimeArray, DatetimeIndex)):
            return DatetimeIndex(arg, tz=tz, name=name)
        if tz == 'utc':
            arg = arg.tz_convert(None).tz_localize(tz)
        return arg

    elif is_datetime64_ns_dtype(arg):
        if box and not isinstance(arg, (DatetimeArray, DatetimeIndex)):
                return DatetimeIndex(arg, tz=tz, name=name)
            except ValueError:

        return arg

    elif unit is not None:
        if format is not None:
            raise ValueError("cannot specify both format and unit")
        arg = getattr(arg, 'values', arg)
        result, tz_parsed = tslib.array_with_unit_to_datetime(arg,
        if box:
            if errors == 'ignore':
                from pandas import Index
                result = Index(result, name=name)
                result = DatetimeIndex(result, name=name)
            # GH 23758: We may still need to localize the result with tz
            # GH 25546: Apply tz_parsed first (from arg), then tz (from caller)
            # result will be naive but in UTC
                result = result.tz_localize('UTC').tz_convert(tz_parsed)
            except AttributeError:
                # Regular Index from 'ignore' path
                return result
            if tz is not None:
                if result.tz is None:
                    result = result.tz_localize(tz)
                    result = result.tz_convert(tz)
        return result
    elif getattr(arg, 'ndim', 1) > 1:
        raise TypeError('arg must be a string, datetime, list, tuple, '
                        '1-d array, or Series')

    # warn if passing timedelta64, raise for PeriodDtype
    # NB: this must come after unit transformation
    orig_arg = arg
    arg, _ = maybe_convert_dtype(arg, copy=False)

    arg = ensure_object(arg)
    require_iso8601 = False

    if infer_datetime_format and format is None:
        format = _guess_datetime_format_for_array(arg, dayfirst=dayfirst)

    if format is not None:
        # There is a special fast-path for iso8601 formatted
        # datetime strings, so in those cases don't use the inferred
        # format because this path makes process slower in this
        # special case
        format_is_iso8601 = _format_is_iso(format)
        if format_is_iso8601:
            require_iso8601 = not infer_datetime_format
            format = None

    tz_parsed = None
    result = None

    if format is not None:
            # shortcut formatting here
            if format == '%Y%m%d':
                    # pass orig_arg as float-dtype may have been converted to
                    # datetime64[ns]
                    orig_arg = ensure_object(orig_arg)
                    result = _attempt_YYYYMMDD(orig_arg, errors=errors)
                except (ValueError, TypeError, tslibs.OutOfBoundsDatetime):
                    raise ValueError("cannot convert the input to "
                                     "'%Y%m%d' date format")

            # fallback
            if result is None:
                    result, timezones = array_strptime(arg,
                    if '%Z' in format or '%z' in format:
                        return _return_parsed_timezone_results(
                            result, timezones, box, tz, name)
                except tslibs.OutOfBoundsDatetime:
                    if errors == 'raise':
                    elif errors == 'coerce':
                        result = np.empty(arg.shape, dtype='M8[ns]')
                        iresult = result.view('i8')
                        result = arg
                except ValueError:
                    # if format was inferred, try falling back
                    # to array_to_datetime - terminate here
                    # for specified formats
                    if not infer_datetime_format:
                        if errors == 'raise':
                        elif errors == 'coerce':
                            result = np.empty(arg.shape, dtype='M8[ns]')
                            iresult = result.view('i8')
                            result = arg
        except ValueError as e:
            # Fallback to try to convert datetime objects if timezone-aware
            #  datetime objects are found without passing `utc=True`
                values, tz = conversion.datetime_to_datetime64(arg)
                return DatetimeIndex._simple_new(values, name=name, tz=tz)
            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                raise e

    if result is None:
        assert format is None or infer_datetime_format
        utc = tz == 'utc'
        result, tz_parsed = objects_to_datetime64ns(

    if tz_parsed is not None:
        if box:
            # We can take a shortcut since the datetime64 numpy array
            # is in UTC
            return DatetimeIndex._simple_new(result, name=name, tz=tz_parsed)
            # Convert the datetime64 numpy array to an numpy array
            # of datetime objects
            result = [
                Timestamp(ts, tz=tz_parsed).to_pydatetime() for ts in result
            return np.array(result, dtype=object)

    if box:
        # Ensure we return an Index in all cases where box=True
        if is_datetime64_dtype(result):
            return DatetimeIndex(result, tz=tz, name=name)
        elif is_object_dtype(result):
            # e.g. an Index of datetime objects
            from pandas import Index
            return Index(result, name=name)
    return result
Exemple #43
    def _ea_wrap_cython_operation(
        values: ExtensionArray,
        min_count: int,
        ngroups: int,
        comp_ids: np.ndarray,
    ) -> ArrayLike:
        If we have an ExtensionArray, unwrap, call _cython_operation, and
        re-wrap if appropriate.
        # TODO: general case implementation overridable by EAs.
        orig_values = values

        if is_datetime64tz_dtype(values.dtype) or is_period_dtype(values.dtype):
            # All of the functions implemented here are ordinal, so we can
            #  operate on the tz-naive equivalents
            npvalues = values.view("M8[ns]")
            res_values = self._cython_op_ndim_compat(
                # error: Argument 1 to "_cython_op_ndim_compat" of
                # "WrappedCythonOp" has incompatible type
                # "Union[ExtensionArray, ndarray]"; expected "ndarray"
                npvalues,  # type: ignore[arg-type]
            if self.how in ["rank"]:
                # i.e. how in WrappedCythonOp.cast_blocklist, since
                #  other cast_blocklist methods dont go through cython_operation
                # preserve float64 dtype
                return res_values

            res_values = res_values.astype("i8", copy=False)
            # error: Too many arguments for "ExtensionArray"
            result = type(orig_values)(  # type: ignore[call-arg]
                res_values, dtype=orig_values.dtype
            return result

        elif is_integer_dtype(values.dtype) or is_bool_dtype(values.dtype):
            # IntegerArray or BooleanArray
            npvalues = values.to_numpy("float64", na_value=np.nan)
            res_values = self._cython_op_ndim_compat(
            if self.how in ["rank"]:
                # i.e. how in WrappedCythonOp.cast_blocklist, since
                #  other cast_blocklist methods dont go through cython_operation
                return res_values

            dtype = self.get_result_dtype(orig_values.dtype)
            # error: Item "dtype[Any]" of "Union[dtype[Any], ExtensionDtype]"
            # has no attribute "construct_array_type"
            cls = dtype.construct_array_type()  # type: ignore[union-attr]
            return cls._from_sequence(res_values, dtype=dtype)

        elif is_float_dtype(values.dtype):
            # FloatingArray
            # error: "ExtensionDtype" has no attribute "numpy_dtype"
            npvalues = values.to_numpy(
                values.dtype.numpy_dtype,  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
            res_values = self._cython_op_ndim_compat(
            if self.how in ["rank"]:
                # i.e. how in WrappedCythonOp.cast_blocklist, since
                #  other cast_blocklist methods dont go through cython_operation
                return res_values

            dtype = self.get_result_dtype(orig_values.dtype)
            # error: Item "dtype[Any]" of "Union[dtype[Any], ExtensionDtype]"
            # has no attribute "construct_array_type"
            cls = dtype.construct_array_type()  # type: ignore[union-attr]
            return cls._from_sequence(res_values, dtype=dtype)

        raise NotImplementedError(
            f"function is not implemented for this dtype: {values.dtype}"
Exemple #44
def maybe_promote(dtype, fill_value=np.nan):
    Find the minimal dtype that can hold both the given dtype and fill_value.

    dtype : np.dtype or ExtensionDtype
    fill_value : scalar, default np.nan

        Upcasted from dtype argument if necessary.
        Upcasted from fill_value argument if necessary.
    if not is_scalar(fill_value) and not is_object_dtype(dtype):
        # with object dtype there is nothing to promote, and the user can
        #  pass pretty much any weird fill_value they like
        raise ValueError("fill_value must be a scalar")

    # if we passed an array here, determine the fill value by dtype
    if isinstance(fill_value, np.ndarray):
        if issubclass(fill_value.dtype.type, (np.datetime64, np.timedelta64)):
            fill_value = fill_value.dtype.type("NaT", "ns")

            # we need to change to object type as our
            # fill_value is of object type
            if fill_value.dtype == np.object_:
                dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)
            fill_value = np.nan

        if dtype == np.object_ or dtype.kind in ["U", "S"]:
            # We treat string-like dtypes as object, and _always_ fill
            #  with np.nan
            fill_value = np.nan
            dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)

    # returns tuple of (dtype, fill_value)
    if issubclass(dtype.type, np.datetime64):
        if isinstance(fill_value, datetime) and fill_value.tzinfo is not None:
            # Trying to insert tzaware into tznaive, have to cast to object
            dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)
        elif is_integer(fill_value) or (is_float(fill_value)
                                        and not isna(fill_value)):
            dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)
                fill_value = tslibs.Timestamp(fill_value).to_datetime64()
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)
    elif issubclass(dtype.type, np.timedelta64):
        if (is_integer(fill_value)
                or (is_float(fill_value) and not np.isnan(fill_value))
                or isinstance(fill_value, str)):
            # TODO: What about str that can be a timedelta?
            dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)
                fv = tslibs.Timedelta(fill_value)
            except ValueError:
                dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)
                if fv is NaT:
                    # NaT has no `to_timedelta64` method
                    fill_value = np.timedelta64("NaT", "ns")
                    fill_value = fv.to_timedelta64()
    elif is_datetime64tz_dtype(dtype):
        if isna(fill_value):
            fill_value = NaT
        elif not isinstance(fill_value, datetime):
            dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)
        elif fill_value.tzinfo is None:
            dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)
        elif not tz_compare(fill_value.tzinfo, dtype.tz):
            # TODO: sure we want to cast here?
            dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)

    elif is_extension_array_dtype(dtype) and isna(fill_value):
        fill_value = dtype.na_value

    elif is_float(fill_value):
        if issubclass(dtype.type, np.bool_):
            dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)

        elif issubclass(dtype.type, np.integer):
            dtype = np.dtype(np.float64)

        elif dtype.kind == "f":
            mst = np.min_scalar_type(fill_value)
            if mst > dtype:
                # e.g. mst is np.float64 and dtype is np.float32
                dtype = mst

        elif dtype.kind == "c":
            mst = np.min_scalar_type(fill_value)
            dtype = np.promote_types(dtype, mst)

    elif is_bool(fill_value):
        if not issubclass(dtype.type, np.bool_):
            dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)

    elif is_integer(fill_value):
        if issubclass(dtype.type, np.bool_):
            dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)

        elif issubclass(dtype.type, np.integer):
            if not np.can_cast(fill_value, dtype):
                # upcast to prevent overflow
                mst = np.min_scalar_type(fill_value)
                dtype = np.promote_types(dtype, mst)
                if dtype.kind == "f":
                    # Case where we disagree with numpy
                    dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)

    elif is_complex(fill_value):
        if issubclass(dtype.type, np.bool_):
            dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)

        elif issubclass(dtype.type, (np.integer, np.floating)):
            mst = np.min_scalar_type(fill_value)
            dtype = np.promote_types(dtype, mst)

        elif dtype.kind == "c":
            mst = np.min_scalar_type(fill_value)
            if mst > dtype:
                # e.g. mst is np.complex128 and dtype is np.complex64
                dtype = mst

    elif fill_value is None:
        if is_float_dtype(dtype) or is_complex_dtype(dtype):
            fill_value = np.nan
        elif is_integer_dtype(dtype):
            dtype = np.float64
            fill_value = np.nan
        elif is_datetime_or_timedelta_dtype(dtype):
            fill_value = dtype.type("NaT", "ns")
            dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)
            fill_value = np.nan
        dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)

    # in case we have a string that looked like a number
    if is_extension_array_dtype(dtype):
    elif issubclass(np.dtype(dtype).type, (bytes, str)):
        dtype = np.dtype(np.object_)

    fill_value = _ensure_dtype_type(fill_value, dtype)
    return dtype, fill_value
Exemple #45
        def __sub__(self, other):
            from pandas import Index

            other = lib.item_from_zerodim(other)
            if isinstance(other, (ABCSeries, ABCDataFrame)):
                return NotImplemented

            # scalar others
            elif other is NaT:
                result = self._sub_nat()
            elif isinstance(other, (Tick, timedelta, np.timedelta64)):
                result = self._add_delta(-other)
            elif isinstance(other, DateOffset):
                # specifically _not_ a Tick
                result = self._add_offset(-other)
            elif isinstance(other, (datetime, np.datetime64)):
                result = self._sub_datelike(other)
            elif is_integer(other):
                # This check must come after the check for np.timedelta64
                # as is_integer returns True for these
                result = self.shift(-other)
            elif isinstance(other, Period):
                result = self._sub_period(other)

            # array-like others
            elif is_timedelta64_dtype(other):
                # TimedeltaIndex, ndarray[timedelta64]
                result = self._add_delta(-other)
            elif is_offsetlike(other):
                # Array/Index of DateOffset objects
                result = self._addsub_offset_array(other, operator.sub)
            elif is_datetime64_dtype(other) or is_datetime64tz_dtype(other):
                # DatetimeIndex, ndarray[datetime64]
                result = self._sub_datelike(other)
            elif is_period_dtype(other):
                # PeriodIndex
                result = self._sub_period_array(other)
            elif is_integer_dtype(other):
                result = self._addsub_int_array(other, operator.sub)
            elif isinstance(other, Index):
                raise TypeError("cannot subtract {cls} and {typ}"
            elif is_float_dtype(other):
                # Explicitly catch invalid dtypes
                raise TypeError("cannot subtract {dtype}-dtype from {cls}"
            elif is_categorical_dtype(other):
                # Categorical op will raise; defer explicitly
                return NotImplemented
            else:  # pragma: no cover
                return NotImplemented

            if result is NotImplemented:
                return NotImplemented
            elif not isinstance(result, Index):
                # Index.__new__ will choose appropriate subclass for dtype
                result = Index(result)
            res_name = ops.get_op_result_name(self, other)
            result.name = res_name
            return result
Exemple #46
def dict_to_mgr(
    data: dict,
    dtype: DtypeObj | None = None,
    typ: str = "block",
    copy: bool = True,
) -> Manager:
    Segregate Series based on type and coerce into matrices.
    Needs to handle a lot of exceptional cases.

    Used in DataFrame.__init__
    arrays: Sequence[Any] | Series

    if columns is not None:
        from pandas.core.series import Series

        arrays = Series(data, index=columns, dtype=object)
        data_names = arrays.index
        missing = arrays.isna()
        if index is None:
            # GH10856
            # raise ValueError if only scalars in dict
            index = _extract_index(arrays[~missing])
            index = ensure_index(index)

        # no obvious "empty" int column
        if missing.any() and not is_integer_dtype(dtype):
            nan_dtype: DtypeObj

            if dtype is None or (isinstance(dtype, np.dtype)
                                 and np.issubdtype(dtype, np.flexible)):
                # GH#1783
                nan_dtype = np.dtype("object")
                nan_dtype = dtype
            val = construct_1d_arraylike_from_scalar(np.nan, len(index),
            arrays.loc[missing] = [val] * missing.sum()

        arrays = list(arrays)

        keys = list(data.keys())
        columns = data_names = Index(keys)
        arrays = [com.maybe_iterable_to_list(data[k]) for k in keys]
        # GH#24096 need copy to be deep for datetime64tz case
        # TODO: See if we can avoid these copies
        arrays = [
            arr if not isinstance(arr, Index) else arr._data for arr in arrays
        arrays = [
            arr if not is_datetime64tz_dtype(arr) else arr.copy()
            for arr in arrays

    if copy:
        # arrays_to_mgr (via form_blocks) won't make copies for EAs
        # dtype attr check to exclude EADtype-castable strs
        arrays = [
            x if not hasattr(x, "dtype")
            or not isinstance(x.dtype, ExtensionDtype) else x.copy()
            for x in arrays
        # TODO: can we get rid of the dt64tz special case above?

    return arrays_to_mgr(arrays,
Exemple #47
def _get_values(
    values: np.ndarray,
    skipna: bool,
    fill_value: Any = None,
    fill_value_typ: Optional[str] = None,
    mask: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Optional[np.ndarray], np.dtype, np.dtype, Any]:
    Utility to get the values view, mask, dtype, dtype_max, and fill_value.

    If both mask and fill_value/fill_value_typ are not None and skipna is True,
    the values array will be copied.

    For input arrays of boolean or integer dtypes, copies will only occur if a
    precomputed mask, a fill_value/fill_value_typ, and skipna=True are

    values : ndarray
        input array to potentially compute mask for
    skipna : bool
        boolean for whether NaNs should be skipped
    fill_value : Any
        value to fill NaNs with
    fill_value_typ : str
        Set to '+inf' or '-inf' to handle dtype-specific infinities
    mask : Optional[np.ndarray]
        nan-mask if known

    values : ndarray
        Potential copy of input value array
    mask : Optional[ndarray[bool]]
        Mask for values, if deemed necessary to compute
    dtype : dtype
        dtype for values
    dtype_max : dtype
        platform independent dtype
    fill_value : Any
        fill value used

    # In _get_values is only called from within nanops, and in all cases
    #  with scalar fill_value.  This guarantee is important for the
    #  maybe_upcast_putmask call below
    assert is_scalar(fill_value)

    mask = _maybe_get_mask(values, skipna, mask)

    if is_datetime64tz_dtype(values):
        # lib.values_from_object returns M8[ns] dtype instead of tz-aware,
        #  so this case must be handled separately from the rest
        dtype = values.dtype
        values = getattr(values, "_values", values)
        values = lib.values_from_object(values)
        dtype = values.dtype

    if is_datetime_or_timedelta_dtype(values) or is_datetime64tz_dtype(values):
        # changing timedelta64/datetime64 to int64 needs to happen after
        #  finding `mask` above
        values = getattr(values, "asi8", values)
        values = values.view(np.int64)

    dtype_ok = _na_ok_dtype(dtype)

    # get our fill value (in case we need to provide an alternative
    # dtype for it)
    fill_value = _get_fill_value(dtype,

    copy = (mask is not None) and (fill_value is not None)

    if skipna and copy:
        values = values.copy()
        if dtype_ok:
            np.putmask(values, mask, fill_value)

        # promote if needed
            values, _ = maybe_upcast_putmask(values, mask, fill_value)

    # return a platform independent precision dtype
    dtype_max = dtype
    if is_integer_dtype(dtype) or is_bool_dtype(dtype):
        dtype_max = np.int64
    elif is_float_dtype(dtype):
        dtype_max = np.float64

    return values, mask, dtype, dtype_max, fill_value
Exemple #48
    def __init__(

        if fill_value is None and isinstance(dtype, SparseDtype):
            fill_value = dtype.fill_value

        if isinstance(data, type(self)):
            # disable normal inference on dtype, sparse_index, & fill_value
            if sparse_index is None:
                sparse_index = data.sp_index
            if fill_value is None:
                fill_value = data.fill_value
            if dtype is None:
                dtype = data.dtype
            # TODO: make kind=None, and use data.kind?
            data = data.sp_values

        # Handle use-provided dtype
        if isinstance(dtype, str):
            # Two options: dtype='int', regular numpy dtype
            # or dtype='Sparse[int]', a sparse dtype
                dtype = SparseDtype.construct_from_string(dtype)
            except TypeError:
                dtype = pandas_dtype(dtype)

        if isinstance(dtype, SparseDtype):
            if fill_value is None:
                fill_value = dtype.fill_value
            dtype = dtype.subtype

        if index is not None and not is_scalar(data):
            raise Exception("must only pass scalars with an index")

        if is_scalar(data):
            if index is not None:
                if data is None:
                    data = np.nan

            if index is not None:
                npoints = len(index)
            elif sparse_index is None:
                npoints = 1
                npoints = sparse_index.length

            dtype = infer_dtype_from_scalar(data)[0]
            data = construct_1d_arraylike_from_scalar(data, npoints, dtype)

        if dtype is not None:
            dtype = pandas_dtype(dtype)

        # TODO: disentangle the fill_value dtype inference from
        # dtype inference
        if data is None:
            # TODO: What should the empty dtype be? Object or float?
            data = np.array([], dtype=dtype)

        if not is_array_like(data):
                # probably shared code in sanitize_series

                data = sanitize_array(data, index=None)
            except ValueError:
                # NumPy may raise a ValueError on data like [1, []]
                # we retry with object dtype here.
                if dtype is None:
                    dtype = object
                    data = np.atleast_1d(np.asarray(data, dtype=dtype))

        if copy:
            # TODO: avoid double copy when dtype forces cast.
            data = data.copy()

        if fill_value is None:
            fill_value_dtype = data.dtype if dtype is None else dtype
            if fill_value_dtype is None:
                fill_value = np.nan
                fill_value = na_value_for_dtype(fill_value_dtype)

        if isinstance(data, type(self)) and sparse_index is None:
            sparse_index = data._sparse_index
            sparse_values = np.asarray(data.sp_values, dtype=dtype)
        elif sparse_index is None:
            data = extract_array(data, extract_numpy=True)
            if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
                # EA
                if is_datetime64tz_dtype(data.dtype):
                        f"Creating SparseArray from {data.dtype} data "
                        "loses timezone information.  Cast to object before "
                        "sparse to retain timezone information.",
                    data = np.asarray(data, dtype="datetime64[ns]")
                data = np.asarray(data)
            sparse_values, sparse_index, fill_value = make_sparse(
                data, kind=kind, fill_value=fill_value, dtype=dtype)
            sparse_values = np.asarray(data, dtype=dtype)
            if len(sparse_values) != sparse_index.npoints:
                raise AssertionError(
                    f"Non array-like type {type(sparse_values)} must "
                    "have the same length as the index")
        self._sparse_index = sparse_index
        self._sparse_values = sparse_values
        self._dtype = SparseDtype(sparse_values.dtype, fill_value)
Exemple #49
    def test_value_counts_unique_nunique_null(self):

        for null_obj in [np.nan, None]:
            for orig in self.objs:
                o = orig.copy()
                klass = type(o)
                values = o._ndarray_values

                if not self._allow_na_ops(o):

                # special assign to the numpy array
                if is_datetime64tz_dtype(o):
                    if isinstance(o, DatetimeIndex):
                        v = o.asi8
                        v[0:2] = iNaT
                        values = o._shallow_copy(v)
                        o = o.copy()
                        o[0:2] = iNaT
                        values = o._values

                elif needs_i8_conversion(o):
                    values[0:2] = iNaT
                    values = o._shallow_copy(values)
                    values[0:2] = null_obj
                # check values has the same dtype as the original

                assert values.dtype == o.dtype

                # create repeated values, 'n'th element is repeated by n+1
                # times
                if isinstance(o, (DatetimeIndex, PeriodIndex)):
                    expected_index = o.copy()
                    expected_index.name = None

                    # attach name to klass
                    o = klass(values.repeat(range(1, len(o) + 1)))
                    o.name = 'a'
                    if is_datetime64tz_dtype(o):
                        expected_index = orig._values._shallow_copy(values)
                        expected_index = Index(values)
                    expected_index.name = None
                    o = o.repeat(range(1, len(o) + 1))
                    o.name = 'a'

                # check values has the same dtype as the original
                assert o.dtype == orig.dtype
                # check values correctly have NaN
                nanloc = np.zeros(len(o), dtype=np.bool)
                nanloc[:3] = True
                if isinstance(o, Index):
                    tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(pd.isna(o), nanloc)
                    exp = Series(nanloc, o.index, name='a')
                    tm.assert_series_equal(pd.isna(o), exp)

                expected_s_na = Series(list(range(10, 2, -1)) + [3],
                expected_s = Series(list(range(10, 2, -1)),

                result_s_na = o.value_counts(dropna=False)
                tm.assert_series_equal(result_s_na, expected_s_na)
                assert result_s_na.index.name is None
                assert result_s_na.name == 'a'
                result_s = o.value_counts()
                tm.assert_series_equal(o.value_counts(), expected_s)
                assert result_s.index.name is None
                assert result_s.name == 'a'

                result = o.unique()
                if isinstance(o, Index):
                    tm.assert_index_equal(result, Index(values[1:], name='a'))
                elif is_datetime64tz_dtype(o):
                    # unable to compare NaT / nan
                    vals = values[2:].astype(object).values
                    tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result[1:], vals)
                    assert result[0] is pd.NaT
                    tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result[1:], values[2:])

                    assert pd.isna(result[0])
                    assert result.dtype == orig.dtype

                assert o.nunique() == 8
                assert o.nunique(dropna=False) == 9
Exemple #50
    def _cython_operation(self,
                          kind: str,
        assert kind in ["transform", "aggregate"]
        orig_values = values

        # can we do this operation with our cython functions
        # if not raise NotImplementedError

        # we raise NotImplemented if this is an invalid operation
        # entirely, e.g. adding datetimes

        # categoricals are only 1d, so we
        # are not setup for dim transforming
        if is_categorical_dtype(values) or is_sparse(values):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "{dtype} dtype not supported".format(dtype=values.dtype))
        elif is_datetime64_any_dtype(values):
            if how in ["add", "prod", "cumsum", "cumprod"]:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "datetime64 type does not support {how} operations".format(
        elif is_timedelta64_dtype(values):
            if how in ["prod", "cumprod"]:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "timedelta64 type does not support {how} operations".

        if is_datetime64tz_dtype(values.dtype):
            # Cast to naive; we'll cast back at the end of the function
            # TODO: possible need to reshape?  kludge can be avoided when
            #  2D EA is allowed.
            values = values.view("M8[ns]")

        is_datetimelike = needs_i8_conversion(values.dtype)
        is_numeric = is_numeric_dtype(values.dtype)

        if is_datetimelike:
            values = values.view("int64")
            is_numeric = True
        elif is_bool_dtype(values.dtype):
            values = ensure_float64(values)
        elif is_integer_dtype(values):
            # we use iNaT for the missing value on ints
            # so pre-convert to guard this condition
            if (values == iNaT).any():
                values = ensure_float64(values)
                values = ensure_int_or_float(values)
        elif is_numeric and not is_complex_dtype(values):
            values = ensure_float64(values)
            values = values.astype(object)

        arity = self._cython_arity.get(how, 1)

        vdim = values.ndim
        swapped = False
        if vdim == 1:
            values = values[:, None]
            out_shape = (self.ngroups, arity)
            if axis > 0:
                swapped = True
                assert axis == 1, axis
                values = values.T
            if arity > 1:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "arity of more than 1 is not supported for the 'how' argument"
            out_shape = (self.ngroups, ) + values.shape[1:]

            func = self._get_cython_function(kind, how, values, is_numeric)
        except NotImplementedError:
            if is_numeric:
                    values = ensure_float64(values)
                except TypeError:
                    if lib.infer_dtype(values, skipna=False) == "complex":
                        values = values.astype(complex)
                func = self._get_cython_function(kind, how, values, is_numeric)

        if how == "rank":
            out_dtype = "float"
            if is_numeric:
                out_dtype = "{kind}{itemsize}".format(
                    kind=values.dtype.kind, itemsize=values.dtype.itemsize)
                out_dtype = "object"

        labels, _, _ = self.group_info

        if kind == "aggregate":
            result = _maybe_fill(np.empty(out_shape, dtype=out_dtype),
            counts = np.zeros(self.ngroups, dtype=np.int64)
            result = self._aggregate(result, counts, values, labels, func,
                                     is_datetimelike, min_count)
        elif kind == "transform":
            result = _maybe_fill(np.empty_like(values, dtype=out_dtype),

            # TODO: min_count
            result = self._transform(result, values, labels, func,
                                     is_datetimelike, **kwargs)

        if is_integer_dtype(result) and not is_datetimelike:
            mask = result == iNaT
            if mask.any():
                result = result.astype("float64")
                result[mask] = np.nan

        if kind == "aggregate" and self._filter_empty_groups and not counts.all(
            assert result.ndim != 2
            result = result[counts > 0]

        if vdim == 1 and arity == 1:
            result = result[:, 0]

        if how in self._name_functions:
            names = self._name_functions[how]()  # type: Optional[List[str]]
            names = None

        if swapped:
            result = result.swapaxes(0, axis)

        if is_datetime64tz_dtype(orig_values.dtype):
            result = type(orig_values)(result.astype(np.int64),
        elif is_datetimelike and kind == "aggregate":
            result = result.astype(orig_values.dtype)

        return result, names
Exemple #51
def _convert_listlike_datetimes(
    format: Optional[str],
    name: Hashable = None,
    tz: Optional[Timezone] = None,
    unit: Optional[str] = None,
    errors: Optional[str] = None,
    infer_datetime_format: Optional[bool] = None,
    dayfirst: Optional[bool] = None,
    yearfirst: Optional[bool] = None,
    exact: Optional[bool] = None,
    Helper function for to_datetime. Performs the conversions of 1D listlike
    of dates

    arg : list, tuple, ndarray, Series, Index
        date to be parsed
    name : object
        None or string for the Index name
    tz : object
        None or 'utc'
    unit : string
        None or string of the frequency of the passed data
    errors : string
        error handing behaviors from to_datetime, 'raise', 'coerce', 'ignore'
    infer_datetime_format : boolean
        inferring format behavior from to_datetime
    dayfirst : boolean
        dayfirst parsing behavior from to_datetime
    yearfirst : boolean
        yearfirst parsing behavior from to_datetime
    exact : boolean
        exact format matching behavior from to_datetime

    Index-like of parsed dates

    if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)):
        arg = np.array(arg, dtype="O")

    arg_dtype = getattr(arg, "dtype", None)
    # these are shortcutable
    if is_datetime64tz_dtype(arg_dtype):
        if not isinstance(arg, (DatetimeArray, DatetimeIndex)):
            return DatetimeIndex(arg, tz=tz, name=name)
        if tz == "utc":
            arg = arg.tz_convert(None).tz_localize(tz)
        return arg

    elif is_datetime64_ns_dtype(arg_dtype):
        if not isinstance(arg, (DatetimeArray, DatetimeIndex)):
                return DatetimeIndex(arg, tz=tz, name=name)
            except ValueError:
        elif tz:
            # DatetimeArray, DatetimeIndex
            return arg.tz_localize(tz)

        return arg

    elif unit is not None:
        if format is not None:
            raise ValueError("cannot specify both format and unit")
        arg = getattr(arg, "_values", arg)

        # GH 30050 pass an ndarray to tslib.array_with_unit_to_datetime
        # because it expects an ndarray argument
        if isinstance(arg, IntegerArray):
            result = arg.astype(f"datetime64[{unit}]")
            tz_parsed = None

            result, tz_parsed = tslib.array_with_unit_to_datetime(
                arg, unit, errors=errors)

        if errors == "ignore":

            result = Index(result, name=name)
            result = DatetimeIndex(result, name=name)
        # GH 23758: We may still need to localize the result with tz
        # GH 25546: Apply tz_parsed first (from arg), then tz (from caller)
        # result will be naive but in UTC
            result = result.tz_localize("UTC").tz_convert(tz_parsed)
        except AttributeError:
            # Regular Index from 'ignore' path
            return result
        if tz is not None:
            if result.tz is None:
                result = result.tz_localize(tz)
                result = result.tz_convert(tz)
        return result
    elif getattr(arg, "ndim", 1) > 1:
        raise TypeError(
            "arg must be a string, datetime, list, tuple, 1-d array, or Series"

    # warn if passing timedelta64, raise for PeriodDtype
    # NB: this must come after unit transformation
    orig_arg = arg
        arg, _ = maybe_convert_dtype(arg, copy=False)
    except TypeError:
        if errors == "coerce":
            result = np.array(["NaT"], dtype="datetime64[ns]").repeat(len(arg))
            return DatetimeIndex(result, name=name)
        elif errors == "ignore":
            result = Index(arg, name=name)
            return result

    arg = ensure_object(arg)
    require_iso8601 = False

    if infer_datetime_format and format is None:
        format = _guess_datetime_format_for_array(arg, dayfirst=dayfirst)

    if format is not None:
        # There is a special fast-path for iso8601 formatted
        # datetime strings, so in those cases don't use the inferred
        # format because this path makes process slower in this
        # special case
        format_is_iso8601 = format_is_iso(format)
        if format_is_iso8601:
            require_iso8601 = not infer_datetime_format
            format = None

    tz_parsed = None
    result = None

    if format is not None:
            # shortcut formatting here
            if format == "%Y%m%d":
                    # pass orig_arg as float-dtype may have been converted to
                    # datetime64[ns]
                    orig_arg = ensure_object(orig_arg)
                    result = _attempt_YYYYMMDD(orig_arg, errors=errors)
                except (ValueError, TypeError, OutOfBoundsDatetime) as err:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "cannot convert the input to '%Y%m%d' date format"
                    ) from err

            # fallback
            if result is None:
                    result, timezones = array_strptime(arg,
                    if "%Z" in format or "%z" in format:
                        return _return_parsed_timezone_results(
                            result, timezones, tz, name)
                except OutOfBoundsDatetime:
                    if errors == "raise":
                    elif errors == "coerce":
                        result = np.empty(arg.shape, dtype="M8[ns]")
                        iresult = result.view("i8")
                        result = arg
                except ValueError:
                    # if format was inferred, try falling back
                    # to array_to_datetime - terminate here
                    # for specified formats
                    if not infer_datetime_format:
                        if errors == "raise":
                        elif errors == "coerce":
                            result = np.empty(arg.shape, dtype="M8[ns]")
                            iresult = result.view("i8")
                            result = arg
        except ValueError as e:
            # Fallback to try to convert datetime objects if timezone-aware
            #  datetime objects are found without passing `utc=True`
                values, tz = conversion.datetime_to_datetime64(arg)
                dta = DatetimeArray(values, dtype=tz_to_dtype(tz))
                return DatetimeIndex._simple_new(dta, name=name)
            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                raise e

    if result is None:
        assert format is None or infer_datetime_format
        utc = tz == "utc"
        result, tz_parsed = objects_to_datetime64ns(

    if tz_parsed is not None:
        # We can take a shortcut since the datetime64 numpy array
        # is in UTC
        dta = DatetimeArray(result, dtype=tz_to_dtype(tz_parsed))
        return DatetimeIndex._simple_new(dta, name=name)

    utc = tz == "utc"
    return _box_as_indexlike(result, utc=utc, name=name)
Exemple #52
def cut(
    Bin values into discrete intervals.

    Use `cut` when you need to segment and sort data values into bins. This
    function is also useful for going from a continuous variable to a
    categorical variable. For example, `cut` could convert ages to groups of
    age ranges. Supports binning into an equal number of bins, or a
    pre-specified array of bins.

    x : array-like
        The input array to be binned. Must be 1-dimensional.
    bins : int, sequence of scalars, or IntervalIndex
        The criteria to bin by.

        * int : Defines the number of equal-width bins in the range of `x`. The
          range of `x` is extended by .1% on each side to include the minimum
          and maximum values of `x`.
        * sequence of scalars : Defines the bin edges allowing for non-uniform
          width. No extension of the range of `x` is done.
        * IntervalIndex : Defines the exact bins to be used. Note that
          IntervalIndex for `bins` must be non-overlapping.

    right : bool, default True
        Indicates whether `bins` includes the rightmost edge or not. If
        ``right == True`` (the default), then the `bins` ``[1, 2, 3, 4]``
        indicate (1,2], (2,3], (3,4]. This argument is ignored when
        `bins` is an IntervalIndex.
    labels : array or bool, optional
        Specifies the labels for the returned bins. Must be the same length as
        the resulting bins. If False, returns only integer indicators of the
        bins. This affects the type of the output container (see below).
        This argument is ignored when `bins` is an IntervalIndex.
    retbins : bool, default False
        Whether to return the bins or not. Useful when bins is provided
        as a scalar.
    precision : int, default 3
        The precision at which to store and display the bins labels.
    include_lowest : bool, default False
        Whether the first interval should be left-inclusive or not.
    duplicates : {default 'raise', 'drop'}, optional
        If bin edges are not unique, raise ValueError or drop non-uniques.

        .. versionadded:: 0.23.0

    out : Categorical, Series, or ndarray
        An array-like object representing the respective bin for each value
        of `x`. The type depends on the value of `labels`.

        * True (default) : returns a Series for Series `x` or a
          Categorical for all other inputs. The values stored within
          are Interval dtype.

        * sequence of scalars : returns a Series for Series `x` or a
          Categorical for all other inputs. The values stored within
          are whatever the type in the sequence is.

        * False : returns an ndarray of integers.

    bins : numpy.ndarray or IntervalIndex.
        The computed or specified bins. Only returned when `retbins=True`.
        For scalar or sequence `bins`, this is an ndarray with the computed
        bins. If set `duplicates=drop`, `bins` will drop non-unique bin. For
        an IntervalIndex `bins`, this is equal to `bins`.

    See Also
    qcut : Discretize variable into equal-sized buckets based on rank
        or based on sample quantiles.
    Categorical : Array type for storing data that come from a
        fixed set of values.
    Series : One-dimensional array with axis labels (including time series).
    IntervalIndex : Immutable Index implementing an ordered, sliceable set.

    Any NA values will be NA in the result. Out of bounds values will be NA in
    the resulting Series or Categorical object.

    Discretize into three equal-sized bins.

    >>> pd.cut(np.array([1, 7, 5, 4, 6, 3]), 3)
    ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    [(0.994, 3.0], (5.0, 7.0], (3.0, 5.0], (3.0, 5.0], (5.0, 7.0], ...
    Categories (3, interval[float64]): [(0.994, 3.0] < (3.0, 5.0] ...

    >>> pd.cut(np.array([1, 7, 5, 4, 6, 3]), 3, retbins=True)
    ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ([(0.994, 3.0], (5.0, 7.0], (3.0, 5.0], (3.0, 5.0], (5.0, 7.0], ...
    Categories (3, interval[float64]): [(0.994, 3.0] < (3.0, 5.0] ...
    array([0.994, 3.   , 5.   , 7.   ]))

    Discovers the same bins, but assign them specific labels. Notice that
    the returned Categorical's categories are `labels` and is ordered.

    >>> pd.cut(np.array([1, 7, 5, 4, 6, 3]),
    ...        3, labels=["bad", "medium", "good"])
    [bad, good, medium, medium, good, bad]
    Categories (3, object): [bad < medium < good]

    ``labels=False`` implies you just want the bins back.

    >>> pd.cut([0, 1, 1, 2], bins=4, labels=False)
    array([0, 1, 1, 3])

    Passing a Series as an input returns a Series with categorical dtype:

    >>> s = pd.Series(np.array([2, 4, 6, 8, 10]),
    ...               index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'])
    >>> pd.cut(s, 3)
    ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    a    (1.992, 4.667]
    b    (1.992, 4.667]
    c    (4.667, 7.333]
    d     (7.333, 10.0]
    e     (7.333, 10.0]
    dtype: category
    Categories (3, interval[float64]): [(1.992, 4.667] < (4.667, ...

    Passing a Series as an input returns a Series with mapping value.
    It is used to map numerically to intervals based on bins.

    >>> s = pd.Series(np.array([2, 4, 6, 8, 10]),
    ...               index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'])
    >>> pd.cut(s, [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10], labels=False, retbins=True, right=False)
    ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    (a    0.0
     b    1.0
     c    2.0
     d    3.0
     e    4.0
     dtype: float64, array([0, 2, 4, 6, 8]))

    Use `drop` optional when bins is not unique

    >>> pd.cut(s, [0, 2, 4, 6, 10, 10], labels=False, retbins=True,
    ...        right=False, duplicates='drop')
    ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    (a    0.0
     b    1.0
     c    2.0
     d    3.0
     e    3.0
     dtype: float64, array([0, 2, 4, 6, 8]))

    Passing an IntervalIndex for `bins` results in those categories exactly.
    Notice that values not covered by the IntervalIndex are set to NaN. 0
    is to the left of the first bin (which is closed on the right), and 1.5
    falls between two bins.

    >>> bins = pd.IntervalIndex.from_tuples([(0, 1), (2, 3), (4, 5)])
    >>> pd.cut([0, 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 4.5], bins)
    [NaN, (0, 1], NaN, (2, 3], (4, 5]]
    Categories (3, interval[int64]): [(0, 1] < (2, 3] < (4, 5]]
    # NOTE: this binning code is changed a bit from histogram for var(x) == 0

    # for handling the cut for datetime and timedelta objects
    x_is_series, series_index, name, x = _preprocess_for_cut(x)
    x, dtype = _coerce_to_type(x)

    if not np.iterable(bins):
        if is_scalar(bins) and bins < 1:
            raise ValueError("`bins` should be a positive integer.")

        try:  # for array-like
            sz = x.size
        except AttributeError:
            x = np.asarray(x)
            sz = x.size

        if sz == 0:
            raise ValueError("Cannot cut empty array")

        rng = (nanops.nanmin(x), nanops.nanmax(x))
        mn, mx = [mi + 0.0 for mi in rng]

        if np.isinf(mn) or np.isinf(mx):
            # GH 24314
            raise ValueError("cannot specify integer `bins` when input data "
                             "contains infinity")
        elif mn == mx:  # adjust end points before binning
            mn -= 0.001 * abs(mn) if mn != 0 else 0.001
            mx += 0.001 * abs(mx) if mx != 0 else 0.001
            bins = np.linspace(mn, mx, bins + 1, endpoint=True)
        else:  # adjust end points after binning
            bins = np.linspace(mn, mx, bins + 1, endpoint=True)
            adj = (mx - mn) * 0.001  # 0.1% of the range
            if right:
                bins[0] -= adj
                bins[-1] += adj

    elif isinstance(bins, IntervalIndex):
        if bins.is_overlapping:
            raise ValueError("Overlapping IntervalIndex is not accepted.")

        if is_datetime64tz_dtype(bins):
            bins = np.asarray(bins, dtype=_NS_DTYPE)
            bins = np.asarray(bins)
        bins = _convert_bin_to_numeric_type(bins, dtype)

        # GH 26045: cast to float64 to avoid an overflow
        if (np.diff(bins.astype("float64")) < 0).any():
            raise ValueError("bins must increase monotonically.")

    fac, bins = _bins_to_cuts(

    return _postprocess_for_cut(fac, bins, retbins, x_is_series, series_index,
                                name, dtype)
Exemple #53
def maybe_cast_to_datetime(value, dtype, errors: str = "raise"):
    """ try to cast the array/value to a datetimelike dtype, converting float
    nan to iNaT
    from pandas.core.tools.timedeltas import to_timedelta
    from pandas.core.tools.datetimes import to_datetime

    if dtype is not None:
        if isinstance(dtype, str):
            dtype = np.dtype(dtype)

        is_datetime64 = is_datetime64_dtype(dtype)
        is_datetime64tz = is_datetime64tz_dtype(dtype)
        is_timedelta64 = is_timedelta64_dtype(dtype)

        if is_datetime64 or is_datetime64tz or is_timedelta64:

            # Force the dtype if needed.
            msg = (f"The '{dtype.name}' dtype has no unit. "
                   f"Please pass in '{dtype.name}[ns]' instead.")

            if is_datetime64 and not is_dtype_equal(dtype, _NS_DTYPE):

                # pandas supports dtype whose granularity is less than [ns]
                # e.g., [ps], [fs], [as]
                if dtype <= np.dtype("M8[ns]"):
                    if dtype.name == "datetime64":
                        raise ValueError(msg)
                    dtype = _NS_DTYPE
                    raise TypeError(
                        f"cannot convert datetimelike to dtype [{dtype}]")
            elif is_datetime64tz:

                # our NaT doesn't support tz's
                # this will coerce to DatetimeIndex with
                # a matching dtype below
                if is_scalar(value) and isna(value):
                    value = [value]

            elif is_timedelta64 and not is_dtype_equal(dtype, _TD_DTYPE):

                # pandas supports dtype whose granularity is less than [ns]
                # e.g., [ps], [fs], [as]
                if dtype <= np.dtype("m8[ns]"):
                    if dtype.name == "timedelta64":
                        raise ValueError(msg)
                    dtype = _TD_DTYPE
                    raise TypeError(
                        f"cannot convert timedeltalike to dtype [{dtype}]")

            if is_scalar(value):
                if value == iNaT or isna(value):
                    value = iNaT
                value = np.array(value, copy=False)

                # have a scalar array-like (e.g. NaT)
                if value.ndim == 0:
                    value = iNaT

                # we have an array of datetime or timedeltas & nulls
                elif np.prod(
                        value.shape) or not is_dtype_equal(value.dtype, dtype):
                        if is_datetime64:
                            value = to_datetime(value, errors=errors)
                            # GH 25843: Remove tz information since the dtype
                            # didn't specify one
                            if value.tz is not None:
                                value = value.tz_localize(None)
                            value = value._values
                        elif is_datetime64tz:
                            # The string check can be removed once issue #13712
                            # is solved. String data that is passed with a
                            # datetime64tz is assumed to be naive which should
                            # be localized to the timezone.
                            is_dt_string = is_string_dtype(value)
                            value = to_datetime(value, errors=errors).array
                            if is_dt_string:
                                # Strings here are naive, so directly localize
                                value = value.tz_localize(dtype.tz)
                                # Numeric values are UTC at this point,
                                # so localize and convert
                                value = value.tz_localize("UTC").tz_convert(
                        elif is_timedelta64:
                            value = to_timedelta(value, errors=errors)._values
                    except OutOfBoundsDatetime:
                    except (AttributeError, ValueError, TypeError):

        # coerce datetimelike to object
        elif is_datetime64_dtype(value) and not is_datetime64_dtype(dtype):
            if is_object_dtype(dtype):
                if value.dtype != _NS_DTYPE:
                    value = value.astype(_NS_DTYPE)
                ints = np.asarray(value).view("i8")
                return tslib.ints_to_pydatetime(ints)

            # we have a non-castable dtype that was passed
            raise TypeError(f"Cannot cast datetime64 to {dtype}")


        is_array = isinstance(value, np.ndarray)

        # catch a datetime/timedelta that is not of ns variety
        # and no coercion specified
        if is_array and value.dtype.kind in ["M", "m"]:
            dtype = value.dtype

            if dtype.kind == "M" and dtype != _NS_DTYPE:
                value = tslibs.conversion.ensure_datetime64ns(value)

            elif dtype.kind == "m" and dtype != _TD_DTYPE:
                value = to_timedelta(value)

        # only do this if we have an array and the dtype of the array is not
        # setup already we are not an integer/object, so don't bother with this
        # conversion
        elif not (is_array and not (issubclass(value.dtype.type, np.integer)
                                    or value.dtype == np.object_)):
            value = maybe_infer_to_datetimelike(value)

    return value
Exemple #54
    def _convert_listlike(arg, box, format, name=None, tz=tz):

        if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)):
            arg = np.array(arg, dtype='O')

        # these are shortcutable
        if is_datetime64tz_dtype(arg):
            if not isinstance(arg, DatetimeIndex):
                return DatetimeIndex(arg, tz=tz, name=name)
            if utc:
                arg = arg.tz_convert(None).tz_localize('UTC')
            return arg

        elif is_datetime64_ns_dtype(arg):
            if box and not isinstance(arg, DatetimeIndex):
                    return DatetimeIndex(arg, tz=tz, name=name)
                except ValueError:

            return arg

        elif unit is not None:
            if format is not None:
                raise ValueError("cannot specify both format and unit")
            arg = getattr(arg, 'values', arg)
            result = tslib.array_with_unit_to_datetime(arg,
            if box:
                if errors == 'ignore':
                    from pandas import Index
                    return Index(result)

                return DatetimeIndex(result, tz=tz, name=name)
            return result
        elif getattr(arg, 'ndim', 1) > 1:
            raise TypeError('arg must be a string, datetime, list, tuple, '
                            '1-d array, or Series')

        arg = _ensure_object(arg)
        require_iso8601 = False

        if infer_datetime_format and format is None:
            format = _guess_datetime_format_for_array(arg, dayfirst=dayfirst)

        if format is not None:
            # There is a special fast-path for iso8601 formatted
            # datetime strings, so in those cases don't use the inferred
            # format because this path makes process slower in this
            # special case
            format_is_iso8601 = _format_is_iso(format)
            if format_is_iso8601:
                require_iso8601 = not infer_datetime_format
                format = None

            result = None

            if format is not None:
                # shortcut formatting here
                if format == '%Y%m%d':
                        result = _attempt_YYYYMMDD(arg, errors=errors)
                        raise ValueError("cannot convert the input to "
                                         "'%Y%m%d' date format")

                # fallback
                if result is None:
                        result = array_strptime(arg,
                    except tslib.OutOfBoundsDatetime:
                        if errors == 'raise':
                        result = arg
                    except ValueError:
                        # if format was inferred, try falling back
                        # to array_to_datetime - terminate here
                        # for specified formats
                        if not infer_datetime_format:
                            if errors == 'raise':
                            result = arg

            if result is None and (format is None or infer_datetime_format):
                result = tslib.array_to_datetime(

            if is_datetime64_dtype(result) and box:
                result = DatetimeIndex(result, tz=tz, name=name)
            return result

        except ValueError as e:
                values, tz = conversion.datetime_to_datetime64(arg)
                return DatetimeIndex._simple_new(values, name=name, tz=tz)
            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                raise e
Exemple #55
    def test_value_counts_unique_nunique_null(self, null_obj,
        orig = index_or_series_obj
        obj = orig.copy()
        klass = type(obj)
        values = obj._ndarray_values
        num_values = len(orig)

        if not allow_na_ops(obj):
            pytest.skip("type doesn't allow for NA operations")
        elif isinstance(orig, (pd.CategoricalIndex, pd.IntervalIndex)):
            pytest.skip(f"values of {klass} cannot be changed")
        elif isinstance(orig, pd.MultiIndex):
            pytest.skip("MultiIndex doesn't support isna")
        elif orig.duplicated().any():
                "The test implementation isn't flexible enough to deal"
                " with duplicated values. This isn't a bug in the"
                " application code, but in the test code.")

        # special assign to the numpy array
        if is_datetime64tz_dtype(obj):
            if isinstance(obj, DatetimeIndex):
                v = obj.asi8
                v[0:2] = iNaT
                values = obj._shallow_copy(v)
                obj = obj.copy()
                obj[0:2] = pd.NaT
                values = obj._values

        elif needs_i8_conversion(obj):
            values[0:2] = iNaT
            values = obj._shallow_copy(values)
            values[0:2] = null_obj

        # check values has the same dtype as the original
        assert values.dtype == obj.dtype

        # create repeated values, 'n'th element is repeated by n+1
        # times
        if isinstance(obj, (DatetimeIndex, PeriodIndex)):
            expected_index = obj.copy()
            expected_index.name = None

            # attach name to klass
            obj = klass(values.repeat(range(1, len(obj) + 1)))
            obj.name = "a"
            if isinstance(obj, DatetimeIndex):
                expected_index = orig._values._shallow_copy(values)
                expected_index = Index(values)
            expected_index.name = None
            obj = obj.repeat(range(1, len(obj) + 1))
            obj.name = "a"

        # check values has the same dtype as the original
        assert obj.dtype == orig.dtype

        # check values correctly have NaN
        nanloc = np.zeros(len(obj), dtype=np.bool)
        nanloc[:3] = True
        if isinstance(obj, Index):
            tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(pd.isna(obj), nanloc)
            exp = Series(nanloc, obj.index, name="a")
            tm.assert_series_equal(pd.isna(obj), exp)

        expected_data = list(range(num_values, 2, -1))
        expected_data_na = expected_data.copy()
        if expected_data_na:
        expected_s_na = Series(
            index=expected_index[num_values - 1:0:-1],
        expected_s = Series(
            index=expected_index[num_values - 1:1:-1],

        result_s_na = obj.value_counts(dropna=False)
        tm.assert_series_equal(result_s_na, expected_s_na)
        assert result_s_na.index.name is None
        assert result_s_na.name == "a"
        result_s = obj.value_counts()
        tm.assert_series_equal(obj.value_counts(), expected_s)
        assert result_s.index.name is None
        assert result_s.name == "a"

        result = obj.unique()
        if isinstance(obj, Index):
            tm.assert_index_equal(result, Index(values[1:], name="a"))
        elif is_datetime64tz_dtype(obj):
            # unable to compare NaT / nan
            tm.assert_extension_array_equal(result[1:], values[2:])
            assert result[0] is pd.NaT
        elif len(obj) > 0:
            tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result[1:], values[2:])

            assert pd.isna(result[0])
            assert result.dtype == orig.dtype

        assert obj.nunique() == max(0, num_values - 2)
        assert obj.nunique(dropna=False) == max(0, num_values - 1)
Exemple #56
    def to_numpy(self, dtype=None, copy=False):
        A NumPy ndarray representing the values in this Series or Index.

        .. versionadded:: 0.24.0

        dtype : str or numpy.dtype, optional
            The dtype to pass to :meth:`numpy.asarray`
        copy : bool, default False
            Whether to ensure that the returned value is a not a view on
            another array. Note that ``copy=False`` does not *ensure* that
            ``to_numpy()`` is no-copy. Rather, ``copy=True`` ensure that
            a copy is made, even if not strictly necessary.


        See Also
        Series.array : Get the actual data stored within.
        Index.array : Get the actual data stored within.
        DataFrame.to_numpy : Similar method for DataFrame.

        The returned array will be the same up to equality (values equal
        in `self` will be equal in the returned array; likewise for values
        that are not equal). When `self` contains an ExtensionArray, the
        dtype may be different. For example, for a category-dtype Series,
        ``to_numpy()`` will return a NumPy array and the categorical dtype
        will be lost.

        For NumPy dtypes, this will be a reference to the actual data stored
        in this Series or Index (assuming ``copy=False``). Modifying the result
        in place will modify the data stored in the Series or Index (not that
        we recommend doing that).

        For extension types, ``to_numpy()`` *may* require copying data and
        coercing the result to a NumPy type (possibly object), which may be
        expensive. When you need a no-copy reference to the underlying data,
        :attr:`Series.array` should be used instead.

        This table lays out the different dtypes and default return types of
        ``to_numpy()`` for various dtypes within pandas.

        ================== ================================
        dtype              array type
        ================== ================================
        category[T]        ndarray[T] (same dtype as input)
        period             ndarray[object] (Periods)
        interval           ndarray[object] (Intervals)
        IntegerNA          ndarray[object]
        datetime64[ns]     datetime64[ns]
        datetime64[ns, tz] ndarray[object] (Timestamps)
        ================== ================================

        >>> ser = pd.Series(pd.Categorical(['a', 'b', 'a']))
        >>> ser.to_numpy()
        array(['a', 'b', 'a'], dtype=object)

        Specify the `dtype` to control how datetime-aware data is represented.
        Use ``dtype=object`` to return an ndarray of pandas :class:`Timestamp`
        objects, each with the correct ``tz``.

        >>> ser = pd.Series(pd.date_range('2000', periods=2, tz="CET"))
        >>> ser.to_numpy(dtype=object)
        array([Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00+0100', tz='CET', freq='D'),
               Timestamp('2000-01-02 00:00:00+0100', tz='CET', freq='D')],

        Or ``dtype='datetime64[ns]'`` to return an ndarray of native
        datetime64 values. The values are converted to UTC and the timezone
        info is dropped.

        >>> ser.to_numpy(dtype="datetime64[ns]")
        ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
        array(['1999-12-31T23:00:00.000000000', '2000-01-01T23:00:00...'],
        if is_datetime64tz_dtype(self.dtype) and dtype is None:
            # note: this is going to change very soon.
            # I have a WIP PR making this unnecessary, but it's
            # a bit out of scope for the DatetimeArray PR.
            dtype = "object"

        result = np.asarray(self._values, dtype=dtype)
        # TODO(GH-24345): Avoid potential double copy
        if copy:
            result = result.copy()
        return result