Exemple #1
    def equals(self, other):
        Determines if two Index objects contain the same elements.
        if self.is_(other):
            return True

        if not isinstance(other, ABCIndexClass):
            return False
        elif not isinstance(other, type(self)):
                other = type(self)(other)
            except Exception:
                return False

        if not is_dtype_equal(self.dtype, other.dtype):
            # have different timezone
            return False

        elif is_period_dtype(self):
            if not is_period_dtype(other):
                return False
            if self.freq != other.freq:
                return False

        return np.array_equal(self.asi8, other.asi8)
Exemple #2
def test_is_period_dtype():
    assert not com.is_period_dtype(object)
    assert not com.is_period_dtype([1, 2, 3])
    assert not com.is_period_dtype(pd.Period("2017-01-01"))

    assert com.is_period_dtype(PeriodDtype(freq="D"))
    assert com.is_period_dtype(pd.PeriodIndex([], freq="A"))
Exemple #3
    def sort_values(self, return_indexer=False, ascending=True):
        Return sorted copy of Index.
        if return_indexer:
            _as = self.argsort()
            if not ascending:
                _as = _as[::-1]
            sorted_index = self.take(_as)
            return sorted_index, _as
            sorted_values = np.sort(self._ndarray_values)
            attribs = self._get_attributes_dict()
            freq = attribs['freq']

            if freq is not None and not is_period_dtype(self):
                if freq.n > 0 and not ascending:
                    freq = freq * -1
                elif freq.n < 0 and ascending:
                    freq = freq * -1
            attribs['freq'] = freq

            if not ascending:
                sorted_values = sorted_values[::-1]

            return self._simple_new(sorted_values, **attribs)
Exemple #4
def validate_dtype_freq(dtype, freq):
    If both a dtype and a freq are available, ensure they match.  If only
    dtype is available, extract the implied freq.

    dtype : dtype
    freq : DateOffset or None

    freq : DateOffset

    ValueError : non-period dtype
    IncompatibleFrequency : mismatch between dtype and freq
    if freq is not None:
        freq = frequencies.to_offset(freq)

    if dtype is not None:
        dtype = pandas_dtype(dtype)
        if not is_period_dtype(dtype):
            raise ValueError('dtype must be PeriodDtype')
        if freq is None:
            freq = dtype.freq
        elif freq != dtype.freq:
            raise IncompatibleFrequency('specified freq and dtype '
                                        'are different')
    return freq
Exemple #5
def convert_pandas_type_to_json_field(arr, dtype=None):
    dtype = dtype or arr.dtype
    if arr.name is None:
        name = 'values'
        name = arr.name
    field = {'name': name,
             'type': as_json_table_type(dtype)}

    if is_categorical_dtype(arr):
        if hasattr(arr, 'categories'):
            cats = arr.categories
            ordered = arr.ordered
            cats = arr.cat.categories
            ordered = arr.cat.ordered
        field['constraints'] = {"enum": list(cats)}
        field['ordered'] = ordered
    elif is_period_dtype(arr):
        field['freq'] = arr.freqstr
    elif is_datetime64tz_dtype(arr):
        if hasattr(arr, 'dt'):
            field['tz'] = arr.dt.tz.zone
            field['tz'] = arr.tz.zone
    return field
Exemple #6
    def _addsub_offset_array(self, other, op):
        Add or subtract array-like of DateOffset objects

        other : Index, np.ndarray
            object-dtype containing pd.DateOffset objects
        op : {operator.add, operator.sub}

        result : same class as self
        assert op in [operator.add, operator.sub]
        if len(other) == 1:
            return op(self, other[0])

        warnings.warn("Adding/subtracting array of DateOffsets to "
                      "{cls} not vectorized"
                      .format(cls=type(self).__name__), PerformanceWarning)

        # For EA self.astype('O') returns a numpy array, not an Index
        left = lib.values_from_object(self.astype('O'))

        res_values = op(left, np.array(other))
        if not is_period_dtype(self):
            return type(self)(res_values, freq='infer')
        return self._from_sequence(res_values)
Exemple #7
    def _addsub_int_array(self, other, op):
        Add or subtract array-like of integers equivalent to applying
        `_time_shift` pointwise.

        other : Index, ExtensionArray, np.ndarray
        op : {operator.add, operator.sub}

        result : same class as self
        # _addsub_int_array is overriden by PeriodArray
        assert not is_period_dtype(self)
        assert op in [operator.add, operator.sub]

        if self.freq is None:
            # GH#19123
            raise NullFrequencyError("Cannot shift with no freq")

        elif isinstance(self.freq, Tick):
            # easy case where we can convert to timedelta64 operation
            td = Timedelta(self.freq)
            return op(self, td * other)

        # We should only get here with DatetimeIndex; dispatch
        # to _addsub_offset_array
        assert not is_timedelta64_dtype(self)
        return op(self, np.array(other) * self.freq)
Exemple #8
    def _addsub_offset_array(self, other, op):
        Add or subtract array-like of DateOffset objects

        other : Index, np.ndarray
            object-dtype containing pd.DateOffset objects
        op : {operator.add, operator.sub}

        result : same class as self
        assert op in [operator.add, operator.sub]
        if len(other) == 1:
            return op(self, other[0])

        warnings.warn("Adding/subtracting array of DateOffsets to "
                      "{cls} not vectorized"
                      .format(cls=type(self).__name__), PerformanceWarning)

        res_values = op(self.astype('O').values, np.array(other))
        kwargs = {}
        if not is_period_dtype(self):
            kwargs['freq'] = 'infer'
        return type(self)(res_values, **kwargs)
Exemple #9
    def _validate_frequency(cls, index, freq, **kwargs):
        Validate that a frequency is compatible with the values of a given
        Datetime Array/Index or Timedelta Array/Index

        index : DatetimeIndex or TimedeltaIndex
            The index on which to determine if the given frequency is valid
        freq : DateOffset
            The frequency to validate
        if is_period_dtype(cls):
            # Frequency validation is not meaningful for Period Array/Index
            return None

        inferred = index.inferred_freq
        if index.size == 0 or inferred == freq.freqstr:
            return None

        on_freq = cls._generate_range(start=index[0], end=None,
                                      periods=len(index), freq=freq, **kwargs)
        if not np.array_equal(index.asi8, on_freq.asi8):
            raise ValueError('Inferred frequency {infer} from passed values '
                             'does not conform to passed frequency {passed}'
                             .format(infer=inferred, passed=freq.freqstr))
Exemple #10
    def __sub__(self, other):
        other = lib.item_from_zerodim(other)
        if isinstance(other, (ABCSeries, ABCDataFrame)):
            return NotImplemented

        # scalar others
        elif other is NaT:
            result = self._sub_nat()
        elif isinstance(other, (Tick, timedelta, np.timedelta64)):
            result = self._add_delta(-other)
        elif isinstance(other, DateOffset):
            # specifically _not_ a Tick
            result = self._add_offset(-other)
        elif isinstance(other, (datetime, np.datetime64)):
            result = self._sub_datetimelike_scalar(other)
        elif lib.is_integer(other):
            # This check must come after the check for np.timedelta64
            # as is_integer returns True for these
            result = self._time_shift(-other)

        elif isinstance(other, Period):
            result = self._sub_period(other)

        # array-like others
        elif is_timedelta64_dtype(other):
            # TimedeltaIndex, ndarray[timedelta64]
            result = self._add_delta(-other)
        elif is_offsetlike(other):
            # Array/Index of DateOffset objects
            result = self._addsub_offset_array(other, operator.sub)
        elif is_datetime64_dtype(other) or is_datetime64tz_dtype(other):
            # DatetimeIndex, ndarray[datetime64]
            result = self._sub_datetime_arraylike(other)
        elif is_period_dtype(other):
            # PeriodIndex
            result = self._sub_period_array(other)
        elif is_integer_dtype(other):
            result = self._addsub_int_array(other, operator.sub)
        elif isinstance(other, ABCIndexClass):
            raise TypeError("cannot subtract {cls} and {typ}"
        elif is_float_dtype(other):
            # Explicitly catch invalid dtypes
            raise TypeError("cannot subtract {dtype}-dtype from {cls}"
        elif is_extension_array_dtype(other):
            # Categorical op will raise; defer explicitly
            return NotImplemented
        else:  # pragma: no cover
            return NotImplemented

        if is_timedelta64_dtype(result) and isinstance(result, np.ndarray):
            from pandas.core.arrays import TimedeltaArrayMixin
            # TODO: infer freq?
            return TimedeltaArrayMixin(result)
        return result
Exemple #11
    def _sub_period_array(self, other):
        Subtract one PeriodIndex from another.  This is only valid if they
        have the same frequency.

        other : PeriodIndex

        result : np.ndarray[object]
            Array of DateOffset objects; nulls represented by NaT
        if not is_period_dtype(self):
            raise TypeError("cannot subtract {dtype}-dtype to {cls}"

        if not len(self) == len(other):
            raise ValueError("cannot subtract indices of unequal length")
        if self.freq != other.freq:
            msg = _DIFFERENT_FREQ_INDEX.format(self.freqstr, other.freqstr)
            raise IncompatibleFrequency(msg)

        new_values = checked_add_with_arr(self.asi8, -other.asi8,

        new_values = np.array([self.freq * x for x in new_values])
        if self.hasnans or other.hasnans:
            mask = (self._isnan) | (other._isnan)
            new_values[mask] = NaT
        return new_values
Exemple #12
    def astype(self, dtype, copy=True):
        # We handle Period[T] -> Period[U]
        # Our parent handles everything else.
        dtype = pandas_dtype(dtype)

        if is_period_dtype(dtype):
            return self.asfreq(dtype.freq)
        return super(PeriodArray, self).astype(dtype, copy=copy)
Exemple #13
    def __new__(cls, values, freq=None, **kwargs):
        if is_period_dtype(values):
            # PeriodArray, PeriodIndex
            if freq is not None and values.freq != freq:
                raise IncompatibleFrequency(freq, values.freq)
            freq = values.freq
            values = values.asi8

        return cls._simple_new(values, freq, **kwargs)
Exemple #14
    def __add__(self, other):
        other = lib.item_from_zerodim(other)
        if isinstance(other, (ABCSeries, ABCDataFrame)):
            return NotImplemented

        # scalar others
        elif other is NaT:
            result = self._add_nat()
        elif isinstance(other, (Tick, timedelta, np.timedelta64)):
            result = self._add_delta(other)
        elif isinstance(other, DateOffset):
            # specifically _not_ a Tick
            result = self._add_offset(other)
        elif isinstance(other, (datetime, np.datetime64)):
            result = self._add_datetimelike_scalar(other)
        elif lib.is_integer(other):
            # This check must come after the check for np.timedelta64
            # as is_integer returns True for these
            result = self._time_shift(other)

        # array-like others
        elif is_timedelta64_dtype(other):
            # TimedeltaIndex, ndarray[timedelta64]
            result = self._add_delta(other)
        elif is_offsetlike(other):
            # Array/Index of DateOffset objects
            result = self._addsub_offset_array(other, operator.add)
        elif is_datetime64_dtype(other) or is_datetime64tz_dtype(other):
            # DatetimeIndex, ndarray[datetime64]
            return self._add_datetime_arraylike(other)
        elif is_integer_dtype(other):
            result = self._addsub_int_array(other, operator.add)
        elif is_float_dtype(other):
            # Explicitly catch invalid dtypes
            raise TypeError("cannot add {dtype}-dtype to {cls}"
        elif is_period_dtype(other):
            # if self is a TimedeltaArray and other is a PeriodArray with
            #  a timedelta-like (i.e. Tick) freq, this operation is valid.
            #  Defer to the PeriodArray implementation.
            # In remaining cases, this will end up raising TypeError.
            return NotImplemented
        elif is_extension_array_dtype(other):
            # Categorical op will raise; defer explicitly
            return NotImplemented
        else:  # pragma: no cover
            return NotImplemented

        if is_timedelta64_dtype(result) and isinstance(result, np.ndarray):
            from pandas.core.arrays import TimedeltaArrayMixin
            # TODO: infer freq?
            return TimedeltaArrayMixin(result)
        return result
Exemple #15
    def _add_nat(self):
        """Add pd.NaT to self"""
        if is_period_dtype(self):
            raise TypeError('Cannot add {cls} and {typ}'

        # GH#19124 pd.NaT is treated like a timedelta for both timedelta
        # and datetime dtypes
        return self._nat_new(box=True)
Exemple #16
    def test_construction(self):
        with tm.assertRaises(ValueError):

        for s in ['period[D]', 'Period[D]', 'D']:
            dt = PeriodDtype(s)
            self.assertEqual(dt.freq, pd.tseries.offsets.Day())

        for s in ['period[3D]', 'Period[3D]', '3D']:
            dt = PeriodDtype(s)
            self.assertEqual(dt.freq, pd.tseries.offsets.Day(3))

        for s in ['period[26H]', 'Period[26H]', '26H',
                  'period[1D2H]', 'Period[1D2H]', '1D2H']:
            dt = PeriodDtype(s)
            self.assertEqual(dt.freq, pd.tseries.offsets.Hour(26))
Exemple #17
 def astype(self, dtype, copy=True, how='start'):
     dtype = pandas_dtype(dtype)
     if is_integer_dtype(dtype):
         return self._int64index.copy() if copy else self._int64index
     elif is_datetime64_any_dtype(dtype):
         tz = getattr(dtype, 'tz', None)
         return self.to_timestamp(how=how).tz_localize(tz)
     elif is_period_dtype(dtype):
         return self.asfreq(freq=dtype.freq)
     return super(PeriodIndex, self).astype(dtype, copy=copy)
Exemple #18
    def test_construction(self):
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):

        for s in ['period[D]', 'Period[D]', 'D']:
            dt = PeriodDtype(s)
            assert dt.freq == pd.tseries.offsets.Day()
            assert is_period_dtype(dt)

        for s in ['period[3D]', 'Period[3D]', '3D']:
            dt = PeriodDtype(s)
            assert dt.freq == pd.tseries.offsets.Day(3)
            assert is_period_dtype(dt)

        for s in ['period[26H]', 'Period[26H]', '26H',
                  'period[1D2H]', 'Period[1D2H]', '1D2H']:
            dt = PeriodDtype(s)
            assert dt.freq == pd.tseries.offsets.Hour(26)
            assert is_period_dtype(dt)
Exemple #19
 def repeat(self, repeats, *args, **kwargs):
     Analogous to ndarray.repeat.
     nv.validate_repeat(args, kwargs)
     if is_period_dtype(self):
         freq = self.freq
         freq = None
     return self._shallow_copy(self.asi8.repeat(repeats),
Exemple #20
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        This getitem defers to the underlying array, which by-definition can
        only handle list-likes, slices, and integer scalars

        is_int = lib.is_integer(key)
        if lib.is_scalar(key) and not is_int:
            raise IndexError("only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (`...`), "
                             "numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean "
                             "arrays are valid indices")

        getitem = self._data.__getitem__
        if is_int:
            val = getitem(key)
            return self._box_func(val)

        if com.is_bool_indexer(key):
            key = np.asarray(key, dtype=bool)
            if key.all():
                key = slice(0, None, None)
                key = lib.maybe_booleans_to_slice(key.view(np.uint8))

        attribs = self._get_attributes_dict()

        is_period = is_period_dtype(self)
        if is_period:
            freq = self.freq
            freq = None
            if isinstance(key, slice):
                if self.freq is not None and key.step is not None:
                    freq = key.step * self.freq
                    freq = self.freq
            elif key is Ellipsis:
                # GH#21282 indexing with Ellipsis is similar to a full slice,
                #  should preserve `freq` attribute
                freq = self.freq

        attribs['freq'] = freq

        result = getitem(key)
        if result.ndim > 1:
            # To support MPL which performs slicing with 2 dim
            # even though it only has 1 dim by definition
            if is_period:
                return self._simple_new(result, **attribs)
            return result

        return self._simple_new(result, **attribs)
Exemple #21
    def __new__(cls, values, freq=None, **kwargs):
        if is_period_dtype(values):
            # PeriodArray, PeriodIndex
            if freq is not None and values.freq != freq:
                raise IncompatibleFrequency(freq, values.freq)
            freq = values.freq
            values = values.asi8

        elif is_datetime64_dtype(values):
            # TODO: what if it has tz?
            values = dt64arr_to_periodarr(values, freq)

        return cls._simple_new(values, freq=freq, **kwargs)
Exemple #22
        def __add__(self, other):
            other = lib.item_from_zerodim(other)
            if isinstance(other, (ABCSeries, ABCDataFrame)):
                return NotImplemented

            # scalar others
            elif other is NaT:
                result = self._add_nat()
            elif isinstance(other, (Tick, timedelta, np.timedelta64)):
                result = self._add_delta(other)
            elif isinstance(other, DateOffset):
                # specifically _not_ a Tick
                result = self._add_offset(other)
            elif isinstance(other, (datetime, np.datetime64)):
                result = self._add_datelike(other)
            elif is_integer(other):
                # This check must come after the check for np.timedelta64
                # as is_integer returns True for these
                result = self.shift(other)

            # array-like others
            elif is_timedelta64_dtype(other):
                # TimedeltaIndex, ndarray[timedelta64]
                result = self._add_delta(other)
            elif is_offsetlike(other):
                # Array/Index of DateOffset objects
                result = self._addsub_offset_array(other, operator.add)
            elif is_datetime64_dtype(other) or is_datetime64tz_dtype(other):
                # DatetimeIndex, ndarray[datetime64]
                return self._add_datelike(other)
            elif is_integer_dtype(other):
                result = self._addsub_int_array(other, operator.add)
            elif is_float_dtype(other) or is_period_dtype(other):
                # Explicitly catch invalid dtypes
                raise TypeError("cannot add {dtype}-dtype to {cls}"
            elif is_categorical_dtype(other):
                # Categorical op will raise; defer explicitly
                return NotImplemented
            else:  # pragma: no cover
                return NotImplemented

            if result is NotImplemented:
                return NotImplemented
            elif not isinstance(result, Index):
                # Index.__new__ will choose appropriate subclass for dtype
                result = Index(result)
            res_name = ops.get_op_result_name(self, other)
            result.name = res_name
            return result
Exemple #23
    def _add_nat(self):
        Add pd.NaT to self
        if is_period_dtype(self):
            raise TypeError('Cannot add {cls} and {typ}'

        # GH#19124 pd.NaT is treated like a timedelta for both timedelta
        # and datetime dtypes
        result = np.zeros(len(self), dtype=np.int64)
        return type(self)(result, dtype=self.dtype, freq=None)
Exemple #24
    def __init__(self, obj, orient, date_format, double_precision,
                 ensure_ascii, date_unit, index, default_handler=None):
        Adds a `schema` attribute with the Table Schema, resets
        the index (can't do in caller, because the schema inference needs
        to know what the index is, forces orient to records, and forces
        date_format to 'iso'.
        super(JSONTableWriter, self).__init__(
            obj, orient, date_format, double_precision, ensure_ascii,
            date_unit, index, default_handler=default_handler)

        if date_format != 'iso':
            msg = ("Trying to write with `orient='table'` and "
                   "`date_format='{fmt}'`. Table Schema requires dates "
                   "to be formatted with `date_format='iso'`"
            raise ValueError(msg)

        self.schema = build_table_schema(obj, index=self.index)

        # NotImplementd on a column MultiIndex
        if obj.ndim == 2 and isinstance(obj.columns, MultiIndex):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "orient='table' is not supported for MultiIndex")

        # TODO: Do this timedelta properly in objToJSON.c See GH #15137
        if ((obj.ndim == 1) and (obj.name in set(obj.index.names)) or
                len(obj.columns & obj.index.names)):
            msg = "Overlapping names between the index and columns"
            raise ValueError(msg)

        obj = obj.copy()
        timedeltas = obj.select_dtypes(include=['timedelta']).columns
        if len(timedeltas):
            obj[timedeltas] = obj[timedeltas].applymap(
                lambda x: x.isoformat())
        # Convert PeriodIndex to datetimes before serialzing
        if is_period_dtype(obj.index):
            obj.index = obj.index.to_timestamp()

        # exclude index from obj if index=False
        if not self.index:
            self.obj = obj.reset_index(drop=True)
            self.obj = obj.reset_index(drop=False)
        self.date_format = 'iso'
        self.orient = 'records'
        self.index = index
Exemple #25
    def _concat_same_dtype(self, to_concat, name):
        Concatenate to_concat which has the same class
        attribs = self._get_attributes_dict()
        attribs['name'] = name

        if not is_period_dtype(self):
            # reset freq
            attribs['freq'] = None

        if getattr(self, 'tz', None) is not None:
            return _concat._concat_datetimetz(to_concat, name)
            new_data = np.concatenate([c.asi8 for c in to_concat])
        return self._simple_new(new_data, **attribs)
Exemple #26
    def _concat_same_dtype(self, to_concat, name):
        Concatenate to_concat which has the same class.
        attribs = self._get_attributes_dict()
        attribs['name'] = name
        # do not pass tz to set because tzlocal cannot be hashed
        if len({str(x.dtype) for x in to_concat}) != 1:
            raise ValueError('to_concat must have the same tz')

        if not is_period_dtype(self):
            # reset freq
            attribs['freq'] = None

        new_data = type(self._values)._concat_same_type(to_concat).asi8
        return self._simple_new(new_data, **attribs)
Exemple #27
 def astype(self, dtype, copy=True, how='start'):
     dtype = pandas_dtype(dtype)
     if is_object_dtype(dtype):
         return self.asobject
     elif is_integer_dtype(dtype):
         if copy:
             return self._int64index.copy()
             return self._int64index
     elif is_datetime64_dtype(dtype):
         return self.to_timestamp(how=how)
     elif is_datetime64tz_dtype(dtype):
         return self.to_timestamp(how=how).tz_localize(dtype.tz)
     elif is_period_dtype(dtype):
         return self.asfreq(freq=dtype.freq)
     raise ValueError('Cannot cast PeriodIndex to dtype %s' % dtype)
Exemple #28
def as_json_table_type(x):
    Convert a NumPy / pandas type to its corresponding json_table.

    x : array or dtype

    t : str
        the Table Schema data types

    This table shows the relationship between NumPy / pandas dtypes,
    and Table Schema dtypes.

    ==============  =================
    Pandas type     Table Schema type
    ==============  =================
    int64           integer
    float64         number
    bool            boolean
    datetime64[ns]  datetime
    timedelta64[ns] duration
    object          str
    categorical     any
    =============== =================
    if is_integer_dtype(x):
        return 'integer'
    elif is_bool_dtype(x):
        return 'boolean'
    elif is_numeric_dtype(x):
        return 'number'
    elif (is_datetime64_dtype(x) or is_datetime64tz_dtype(x) or
        return 'datetime'
    elif is_timedelta64_dtype(x):
        return 'duration'
    elif is_categorical_dtype(x):
        return 'any'
    elif is_string_dtype(x):
        return 'string'
        return 'any'
Exemple #29
    def take(self, indices, axis=0, allow_fill=True,
             fill_value=None, **kwargs):
        nv.validate_take(tuple(), kwargs)
        indices = ensure_int64(indices)

        maybe_slice = lib.maybe_indices_to_slice(indices, len(self))
        if isinstance(maybe_slice, slice):
            return self[maybe_slice]

        taken = self._assert_take_fillable(self.asi8, indices,

        # keep freq in PeriodArray/Index, reset otherwise
        freq = self.freq if is_period_dtype(self) else None
        return self._shallow_copy(taken, freq=freq)
Exemple #30
    def _simple_new(cls, values, freq=None, **kwargs):
        Values can be any type that can be coerced to Periods.
        Ordinals in an ndarray are fastpath-ed to `_from_ordinals`

        if is_period_dtype(values):
            freq = dtl.validate_dtype_freq(values.dtype, freq)
            values = values.asi8

        if not is_integer_dtype(values):
            values = np.array(values, copy=False)
            if len(values) > 0 and is_float_dtype(values):
                raise TypeError("{cls} can't take floats"
            return cls(values, freq=freq, **kwargs)

        return cls._from_ordinals(values, freq=freq, **kwargs)
Exemple #31
 def __rsub__(self, other):
     if is_datetime64_dtype(other) and is_timedelta64_dtype(self):
         # ndarray[datetime64] cannot be subtracted from self, so
         # we need to wrap in DatetimeArray/Index and flip the operation
         if not isinstance(other, DatetimeLikeArrayMixin):
             # Avoid down-casting DatetimeIndex
             from pandas.core.arrays import DatetimeArrayMixin
             other = DatetimeArrayMixin(other)
         return other - self
     elif (is_datetime64_any_dtype(self) and hasattr(other, 'dtype')
           and not is_datetime64_any_dtype(other)):
         # GH#19959 datetime - datetime is well-defined as timedelta,
         # but any other type - datetime is not well-defined.
         raise TypeError("cannot subtract {cls} from {typ}".format(
             cls=type(self).__name__, typ=type(other).__name__))
     elif is_period_dtype(self) and is_timedelta64_dtype(other):
         # TODO: Can we simplify/generalize these cases at all?
         raise TypeError("cannot subtract {cls} from {dtype}".format(
             cls=type(self).__name__, dtype=other.dtype))
     return -(self - other)
Exemple #32
    def _nat_new(self, box=True):
        Return Array/Index or ndarray filled with NaT which has the same
        length as the caller.

        box : boolean, default True
            - If True returns a Array/Index as the same as caller.
            - If False returns ndarray of np.int64.
        result = np.zeros(len(self), dtype=np.int64)
        if not box:
            return result

        attribs = self._get_attributes_dict()
        if not is_period_dtype(self):
            attribs['freq'] = None
        return self._simple_new(result, **attribs)
Exemple #33
 def _get_delete_freq(self, loc: int):
     Find the `freq` for self.delete(loc).
     freq = None
     if is_period_dtype(self.dtype):
         freq = self.freq
     elif self.freq is not None:
         if is_integer(loc):
             if loc in (0, -len(self), -1, len(self) - 1):
                 freq = self.freq
             if is_list_like(loc):
                 loc = lib.maybe_indices_to_slice(
                     np.asarray(loc, dtype=np.intp), len(self)
             if isinstance(loc, slice) and loc.step in (1, None):
                 if loc.start in (0, None) or loc.stop in (len(self), None):
                     freq = self.freq
     return freq
Exemple #34
    def _concat_same_dtype(self, to_concat, name):
        Concatenate to_concat which has the same class.
        attribs = self._get_attributes_dict()
        attribs["name"] = name
        # do not pass tz to set because tzlocal cannot be hashed
        if len({str(x.dtype) for x in to_concat}) != 1:
            raise ValueError("to_concat must have the same tz")

        new_data = type(self._values)._concat_same_type(to_concat).asi8

        # GH 3232: If the concat result is evenly spaced, we can retain the
        # original frequency
        is_diff_evenly_spaced = len(unique_deltas(new_data)) == 1
        if not is_period_dtype(self) and not is_diff_evenly_spaced:
            # reset freq
            attribs["freq"] = None

        return self._simple_new(new_data, **attribs)
Exemple #35
    def delete(self, loc):
        new_i8s = np.delete(self.asi8, loc)

        freq = None
        if is_period_dtype(self.dtype):
            freq = self.freq
        elif is_integer(loc):
            if loc in (0, -len(self), -1, len(self) - 1):
                freq = self.freq
            if is_list_like(loc):
                loc = lib.maybe_indices_to_slice(
                    np.asarray(loc, dtype=np.intp), len(self)
            if isinstance(loc, slice) and loc.step in (1, None):
                if loc.start in (0, None) or loc.stop in (len(self), None):
                    freq = self.freq

        arr = type(self._data)._simple_new(new_i8s, dtype=self.dtype, freq=freq)
        return type(self)._simple_new(arr, name=self.name)
Exemple #36
    def take(self,
        nv.validate_take(tuple(), kwargs)
        indices = ensure_int64(indices)

        maybe_slice = lib.maybe_indices_to_slice(indices, len(self))
        if isinstance(maybe_slice, slice):
            return self[maybe_slice]

        taken = ExtensionIndex.take(self, indices, axis, allow_fill,
                                    fill_value, **kwargs)

        # keep freq in PeriodArray/Index, reset otherwise
        freq = self.freq if is_period_dtype(self) else None
        assert taken.freq == freq, (taken.freq, freq, taken)
        return self._shallow_copy(taken, freq=freq)
Exemple #37
def get_dtype_kinds(l):
    l : list of arrays

    a set of kinds that exist in this list of arrays

    typs = set()
    for arr in l:

        dtype = arr.dtype
        if is_categorical_dtype(dtype):
            typ = 'category'
        elif is_sparse(arr):
            typ = 'sparse'
        elif isinstance(arr, ABCRangeIndex):
            typ = 'range'
        elif is_datetimetz(arr):
            # if to_concat contains different tz,
            # the result must be object dtype
            typ = str(arr.dtype)
        elif is_datetime64_dtype(dtype):
            typ = 'datetime'
        elif is_timedelta64_dtype(dtype):
            typ = 'timedelta'
        elif is_object_dtype(dtype):
            typ = 'object'
        elif is_bool_dtype(dtype):
            typ = 'bool'
        elif is_period_dtype(dtype):
            typ = str(arr.dtype)
        elif is_interval_dtype(dtype):
            typ = str(arr.dtype)
            typ = dtype.kind
    return typs
Exemple #38
 def astype(self, dtype, copy=True, how='start'):
     dtype = pandas_dtype(dtype)
     if is_object_dtype(dtype):
         return self._box_values_as_index()
     elif is_integer_dtype(dtype):
         if copy:
             return self._int64index.copy()
             return self._int64index
     elif is_datetime64_dtype(dtype):
         return self.to_timestamp(how=how)
     elif is_datetime64tz_dtype(dtype):
         return self.to_timestamp(how=how).tz_localize(dtype.tz)
     elif is_period_dtype(dtype):
         return self.asfreq(freq=dtype.freq)
     elif is_categorical_dtype(dtype):
         return CategoricalIndex(self.values,
     raise TypeError('Cannot cast PeriodIndex to dtype %s' % dtype)
Exemple #39
    def test_basic(self):
        assert is_period_dtype(self.dtype)

        pidx = pd.period_range('2013-01-01 09:00', periods=5, freq='H')

        assert is_period_dtype(pidx.dtype)
        assert is_period_dtype(pidx)
        assert is_period(pidx)

        s = Series(pidx, name='A')

        assert is_period_dtype(s.dtype)
        assert is_period_dtype(s)
        assert is_period(s)

        assert not is_period_dtype(np.dtype('float64'))
        assert not is_period_dtype(1.0)
        assert not is_period(np.dtype('float64'))
        assert not is_period(1.0)
Exemple #40
    def test_unstack(self, data, index, obj):
        data = data[:len(index)]
        if obj == "series":
            ser = pd.Series(data, index=index)
            ser = pd.DataFrame({"A": data, "B": data}, index=index)

        n = index.nlevels
        levels = list(range(n))
        # [0, 1, 2]
        # [(0,), (1,), (2,), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 0), (1, 2), (2, 0), (2, 1)]
        combinations = itertools.chain.from_iterable(
            itertools.permutations(levels, i) for i in range(1, n))

        for level in combinations:
            result = ser.unstack(level=level)
            assert all(
                isinstance(result[col].array, type(data))
                for col in result.columns)

            if obj == "series":
                # We should get the same result with to_frame+unstack+droplevel
                df = ser.to_frame()

                alt = df.unstack(level=level).droplevel(0, axis=1)
                self.assert_frame_equal(result, alt)

            expected = ser.astype(object).unstack(
                level=level, fill_value=data.dtype.na_value)
            if obj == "series":
                # TODO: special cases belong in dtype-specific tests
                if is_period_dtype(data.dtype):
                    assert expected.dtypes.apply(is_period_dtype).all()
                    expected = expected.astype(object)
                if is_interval_dtype(data.dtype):
                    assert expected.dtypes.apply(is_interval_dtype).all()
                    expected = expected.astype(object)
            result = result.astype(object)

            self.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)
Exemple #41
    def _addsub_int_array(self, other, op):
        Add or subtract array-like of integers equivalent to applying
        `shift` pointwise.

        other : Index, ExtensionArray, np.ndarray
        op : {operator.add, operator.sub}

        result : same class as self
        assert op in [operator.add, operator.sub]
        if is_period_dtype(self):
            # easy case for PeriodIndex
            if op is operator.sub:
                other = -other
            res_values = checked_add_with_arr(self.asi8,
            res_values = res_values.view('i8')
            res_values[self._isnan] = iNaT
            return self._from_ordinals(res_values, freq=self.freq)

        elif self.freq is None:
            # GH#19123
            raise NullFrequencyError("Cannot shift with no freq")

        elif isinstance(self.freq, Tick):
            # easy case where we can convert to timedelta64 operation
            td = Timedelta(self.freq)
            return op(self, td * other)

        # We should only get here with DatetimeIndex; dispatch
        # to _addsub_offset_array
        assert not is_timedelta64_dtype(self)
        return op(self, np.array(other) * self.freq)
Exemple #42
def convert_pandas_type_to_json_field(arr):
    dtype = arr.dtype
    if arr.name is None:
        name = "values"
        name = arr.name
    field: dict[str, JSONSerializable] = {
        "name": name,
        "type": as_json_table_type(dtype),

    if is_categorical_dtype(dtype):
        cats = dtype.categories
        ordered = dtype.ordered

        field["constraints"] = {"enum": list(cats)}
        field["ordered"] = ordered
    elif is_period_dtype(dtype):
        field["freq"] = dtype.freq.freqstr
    elif is_datetime64tz_dtype(dtype):
        field["tz"] = dtype.tz.zone
    return field
Exemple #43
def make_field(arr, dtype=None):
    dtype = dtype or arr.dtype
    field = {'name': arr.name or 'values',
             'type': as_json_table_type(dtype)}

    if is_categorical_dtype(arr):
        if hasattr(arr, 'categories'):
            cats = arr.categories
            ordered = arr.ordered
            cats = arr.cat.categories
            ordered = arr.cat.ordered
        field['constraints'] = {"enum": list(cats)}
        field['ordered'] = ordered
    elif is_period_dtype(arr):
        field['freq'] = arr.freqstr
    elif is_datetime64tz_dtype(arr):
        if hasattr(arr, 'dt'):
            field['tz'] = arr.dt.tz.zone
            field['tz'] = arr.tz.zone
    return field
Exemple #44
    def _ea_wrap_cython_operation(
            kind: str,
            how: str,
            axis: int,
            min_count: int = -1,
            **kwargs) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Optional[List[str]]]:
        If we have an ExtensionArray, unwrap, call _cython_operation, and
        re-wrap if appropriate.
        # TODO: general case implementation overrideable by EAs.
        orig_values = values

        if is_datetime64tz_dtype(values.dtype) or is_period_dtype(
            # All of the functions implemented here are ordinal, so we can
            #  operate on the tz-naive equivalents
            values = values.view("M8[ns]")
            res_values, names = self._cython_operation(kind, values, how, axis,
                                                       min_count, **kwargs)
            res_values = res_values.astype("i8", copy=False)
            # FIXME: this is wrong for rank, but not tested.
            result = type(orig_values)._simple_new(res_values,
            return result, names

        elif is_integer_dtype(values.dtype) or is_bool_dtype(values.dtype):
            # IntegerArray or BooleanArray
            values = ensure_int_or_float(values)
            res_values, names = self._cython_operation(kind, values, how, axis,
                                                       min_count, **kwargs)
            result = maybe_cast_result(result=res_values,
            return result, names

        raise NotImplementedError(values.dtype)
Exemple #45
    def _concat_same_dtype(self, to_concat, name):
        Concatenate to_concat which has the same class.
        attribs = self._get_attributes_dict()
        attribs['name'] = name
        # do not pass tz to set because tzlocal cannot be hashed
        if len({str(x.dtype) for x in to_concat}) != 1:
            raise ValueError('to_concat must have the same tz')

        if not is_period_dtype(self):
            # reset freq
            attribs['freq'] = None
            # TODO(DatetimeArray)
            # - remove the .asi8 here
            # - remove the _maybe_box_as_values
            # - combine with the `else` block
            new_data = self._concat_same_type(to_concat).asi8
            new_data = type(self._values)._concat_same_type(to_concat)

        return self._simple_new(new_data, **attribs)
Exemple #46
 def _get_delete_freq(self, loc: int | slice | Sequence[int]):
     Find the `freq` for self.delete(loc).
     freq = None
     if is_period_dtype(self.dtype):
         freq = self.freq
     elif self.freq is not None:
         if is_integer(loc):
             if loc in (0, -len(self), -1, len(self) - 1):
                 freq = self.freq
             if is_list_like(loc):
                 # error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has
                 # type "Union[slice, ndarray]", variable has type
                 # "Union[int, slice, Sequence[int]]")
                 loc = lib.maybe_indices_to_slice(  # type: ignore[assignment]
                     np.asarray(loc, dtype=np.intp), len(self))
             if isinstance(loc, slice) and loc.step in (1, None):
                 if loc.start in (0, None) or loc.stop in (len(self), None):
                     freq = self.freq
     return freq
Exemple #47
    def _validate_frequency(cls, index, freq, **kwargs):
        Validate that a frequency is compatible with the values of a given
        Datetime Array/Index or Timedelta Array/Index

        index : DatetimeIndex or TimedeltaIndex
            The index on which to determine if the given frequency is valid
        freq : DateOffset
            The frequency to validate
        if is_period_dtype(cls):
            # Frequency validation is not meaningful for Period Array/Index
            return None

        inferred = index.inferred_freq
        if index.size == 0 or inferred == freq.freqstr:
            return None

            on_freq = cls._generate_range(start=index[0], end=None,
                                          periods=len(index), freq=freq,
            if not np.array_equal(index.asi8, on_freq.asi8):
                raise ValueError
        except ValueError as e:
            if "non-fixed" in str(e):
                # non-fixed frequencies are not meaningful for timedelta64;
                #  we retain that error message
                raise e
            # GH#11587 the main way this is reached is if the `np.array_equal`
            #  check above is False.  This can also be reached if index[0]
            #  is `NaT`, in which case the call to `cls._generate_range` will
            #  raise a ValueError, which we re-raise with a more targeted
            #  message.
            raise ValueError('Inferred frequency {infer} from passed values '
                             'does not conform to passed frequency {passed}'
                             .format(infer=inferred, passed=freq.freqstr))
Exemple #48
    def _sub_period_array(self, other):
        Subtract a Period Array/Index from self.  This is only valid if self
        is itself a Period Array/Index, raises otherwise.  Both objects must
        have the same frequency.

        other : PeriodIndex or PeriodArray

        result : np.ndarray[object]
            Array of DateOffset objects; nulls represented by NaT
        if not is_period_dtype(self):
            raise TypeError("cannot subtract {dtype}-dtype from {cls}".format(
                dtype=other.dtype, cls=type(self).__name__))

        if len(self) != len(other):
            raise ValueError("cannot subtract arrays/indices of "
                             "unequal length")
        if self.freq != other.freq:
            msg = DIFFERENT_FREQ.format(cls=type(self).__name__,
            raise IncompatibleFrequency(msg)

        new_values = checked_add_with_arr(self.asi8,

        new_values = np.array([self.freq.base * x for x in new_values])
        if self._hasnans or other._hasnans:
            mask = (self._isnan) | (other._isnan)
            new_values[mask] = NaT
        return new_values
Exemple #49
def validate_dtype_freq(
        dtype, freq: BaseOffsetT | timedelta | str | None) -> BaseOffsetT:
    If both a dtype and a freq are available, ensure they match.  If only
    dtype is available, extract the implied freq.

    dtype : dtype
    freq : DateOffset or None

    freq : DateOffset

    ValueError : non-period dtype
    IncompatibleFrequency : mismatch between dtype and freq
    if freq is not None:
        # error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type
        # "BaseOffset", variable has type "Union[BaseOffsetT, timedelta,
        # str, None]")
        freq = to_offset(freq)  # type: ignore[assignment]

    if dtype is not None:
        dtype = pandas_dtype(dtype)
        if not is_period_dtype(dtype):
            raise ValueError("dtype must be PeriodDtype")
        if freq is None:
            freq = dtype.freq
        elif freq != dtype.freq:
            raise IncompatibleFrequency(
                "specified freq and dtype are different")
    # error: Incompatible return value type (got "Union[BaseOffset, Any, None]",
    # expected "BaseOffset")
    return freq  # type: ignore[return-value]
Exemple #50
    def test_basic(self):
        assert is_period_dtype(self.dtype)

        pidx = pd.period_range('2013-01-01 09:00', periods=5, freq='H')

        assert is_period_dtype(pidx.dtype)
        assert is_period_dtype(pidx)
        assert is_period(pidx)

        s = Series(pidx, name='A')
        # dtypes
        # series results in object dtype currently,
        # is_period checks period_arraylike
        assert not is_period_dtype(s.dtype)
        assert not is_period_dtype(s)
        assert is_period(s)

        assert not is_period_dtype(np.dtype('float64'))
        assert not is_period_dtype(1.0)
        assert not is_period(np.dtype('float64'))
        assert not is_period(1.0)
Exemple #51
    def astype(self, dtype, copy=True):
        # TODO: Figure out something better here...
        # We have DatetimeLikeArrayMixin ->
        #     super(...), which ends up being... DatetimeIndexOpsMixin?
        # this is complicated.
        # need a pandas_astype(arr, dtype).
        from pandas import Categorical

        dtype = pandas_dtype(dtype)

        if is_object_dtype(dtype):
            return np.asarray(self, dtype=object)
        elif is_string_dtype(dtype) and not is_categorical_dtype(dtype):
            return self._format_native_types()
        elif is_integer_dtype(dtype):
            values = self._data

            if values.dtype != dtype:
                # int32 vs. int64
                values = values.astype(dtype)

            elif copy:
                values = values.copy()

            return values
        elif (is_datetime_or_timedelta_dtype(dtype) and
              not is_dtype_equal(self.dtype, dtype)) or is_float_dtype(dtype):
            # disallow conversion between datetime/timedelta,
            # and conversions for any datetimelike to float
            msg = 'Cannot cast {name} to dtype {dtype}'
            raise TypeError(msg.format(name=type(self).__name__, dtype=dtype))
        elif is_categorical_dtype(dtype):
            return Categorical(self, dtype=dtype)
        elif is_period_dtype(dtype):
            return self.asfreq(dtype.freq)
            return np.asarray(self, dtype=dtype)
Exemple #52
def as_json_table_type(x) -> str:
    if is_integer_dtype(x):
        return 'integer'
    elif is_bool_dtype(x):
        return 'boolean'
    elif is_numeric_dtype(x):
        return 'number'
    elif (is_datetime64_dtype(x) or is_datetime64tz_dtype(x)
          or is_period_dtype(x)):
        # TODO: fix this
        # return 'datetime'
        return 'string'
    elif is_timedelta64_dtype(x):
        # TODO: fix this
        # return 'duration'
        return 'string'
    elif is_categorical_dtype(x):
        # TODO: fix this
        # return 'any'
        return 'string'
    elif is_string_dtype(x):
        return 'string'
        return 'any'
Exemple #53
    def _get_insert_freq(self, loc: int, item):
        Find the `freq` for self.insert(loc, item).
        value = self._data._validate_scalar(item)
        item = self._data._box_func(value)

        freq = None
        if is_period_dtype(self.dtype):
            freq = self.freq
        elif self.freq is not None:
            # freq can be preserved on edge cases
            if self.size:
                if item is NaT:
                elif (loc == 0 or loc == -len(self)) and item + self.freq == self[0]:
                    freq = self.freq
                elif (loc == len(self)) and item - self.freq == self[-1]:
                    freq = self.freq
                # Adding a single item to an empty index may preserve freq
                if self.freq.is_on_offset(item):
                    freq = self.freq
        return freq
Exemple #54
    def test_basic(self):
        assert is_period_dtype(self.dtype)

        pidx = pd.period_range('2013-01-01 09:00', periods=5, freq='H')

        assert is_period_dtype(pidx.dtype)
        assert is_period_dtype(pidx)
        with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning):
            assert is_period(pidx)

        s = Series(pidx, name='A')

        assert is_period_dtype(s.dtype)
        assert is_period_dtype(s)
        with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning):
            assert is_period(s)

        assert not is_period_dtype(np.dtype('float64'))
        assert not is_period_dtype(1.0)
        with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning):
            assert not is_period(np.dtype('float64'))
        with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning):
            assert not is_period(1.0)
Exemple #55
    def __new__(cls,

        if periods is not None:
            if is_float(periods):
                periods = int(periods)
            elif not is_integer(periods):
                msg = 'periods must be a number, got {periods}'
                raise TypeError(msg.format(periods=periods))

        if name is None and hasattr(data, 'name'):
            name = data.name

        if dtype is not None:
            dtype = pandas_dtype(dtype)
            if not is_period_dtype(dtype):
                raise ValueError('dtype must be PeriodDtype')
            if freq is None:
                freq = dtype.freq
            elif freq != dtype.freq:
                msg = 'specified freq and dtype are different'
                raise IncompatibleFrequency(msg)

        # coerce freq to freq object, otherwise it can be coerced elementwise
        # which is slow
        if freq:
            freq = Period._maybe_convert_freq(freq)

        if data is None:
            if ordinal is not None:
                data = np.asarray(ordinal, dtype=np.int64)
                data, freq = cls._generate_range(start, end, periods, freq,
            return cls._from_ordinals(data, name=name, freq=freq)

        if isinstance(data, PeriodIndex):
            if freq is None or freq == data.freq:  # no freq change
                freq = data.freq
                data = data._values
                base1, _ = _gfc(data.freq)
                base2, _ = _gfc(freq)
                data = period.period_asfreq_arr(data._values, base1, base2, 1)
            return cls._simple_new(data, name=name, freq=freq)

        # not array / index
        if not isinstance(
                data, (np.ndarray, PeriodIndex, DatetimeIndex, Int64Index)):
            if is_scalar(data) or isinstance(data, Period):

            # other iterable of some kind
            if not isinstance(data, (list, tuple)):
                data = list(data)

            data = np.asarray(data)

        # datetime other than period
        if is_datetime64_dtype(data.dtype):
            data = dt64arr_to_periodarr(data, freq, tz)
            return cls._from_ordinals(data, name=name, freq=freq)

        # check not floats
        if infer_dtype(data) == 'floating' and len(data) > 0:
            raise TypeError("PeriodIndex does not allow "
                            "floating point in construction")

        # anything else, likely an array of strings or periods
        data = _ensure_object(data)
        freq = freq or period.extract_freq(data)
        data = period.extract_ordinals(data, freq)
        return cls._from_ordinals(data, name=name, freq=freq)
Exemple #56
    def __sub__(self, other):
        other = lib.item_from_zerodim(other)
        if isinstance(other, (ABCSeries, ABCDataFrame)):
            return NotImplemented

        # scalar others
        elif other is NaT:
            result = self._sub_nat()
        elif isinstance(other, (Tick, timedelta, np.timedelta64)):
            result = self._add_delta(-other)
        elif isinstance(other, DateOffset):
            # specifically _not_ a Tick
            result = self._add_offset(-other)
        elif isinstance(other, (datetime, np.datetime64)):
            result = self._sub_datetimelike_scalar(other)
        elif lib.is_integer(other):
            # This check must come after the check for np.timedelta64
            # as is_integer returns True for these
            if not is_period_dtype(self):
            result = self._time_shift(-other)

        elif isinstance(other, Period):
            result = self._sub_period(other)

        # array-like others
        elif is_timedelta64_dtype(other):
            # TimedeltaIndex, ndarray[timedelta64]
            result = self._add_delta(-other)
        elif is_offsetlike(other):
            # Array/Index of DateOffset objects
            result = self._addsub_offset_array(other, operator.sub)
        elif is_datetime64_dtype(other) or is_datetime64tz_dtype(other):
            # DatetimeIndex, ndarray[datetime64]
            result = self._sub_datetime_arraylike(other)
        elif is_period_dtype(other):
            # PeriodIndex
            result = self._sub_period_array(other)
        elif is_integer_dtype(other):
            if not is_period_dtype(self):
            result = self._addsub_int_array(other, operator.sub)
        elif isinstance(other, ABCIndexClass):
            raise TypeError("cannot subtract {cls} and {typ}"
        elif is_float_dtype(other):
            # Explicitly catch invalid dtypes
            raise TypeError("cannot subtract {dtype}-dtype from {cls}"
        elif is_extension_array_dtype(other):
            # Categorical op will raise; defer explicitly
            return NotImplemented
        else:  # pragma: no cover
            return NotImplemented

        if is_timedelta64_dtype(result) and isinstance(result, np.ndarray):
            from pandas.core.arrays import TimedeltaArrayMixin
            # TODO: infer freq?
            return TimedeltaArrayMixin(result)
        return result
Exemple #57
    def __init__(
        orient: str | None,
        date_format: str,
        double_precision: int,
        ensure_ascii: bool,
        date_unit: str,
        index: bool,
        default_handler: Callable[[Any], JSONSerializable] | None = None,
        indent: int = 0,
        Adds a `schema` attribute with the Table Schema, resets
        the index (can't do in caller, because the schema inference needs
        to know what the index is, forces orient to records, and forces
        date_format to 'iso'.

        if date_format != "iso":
            msg = (
                "Trying to write with `orient='table'` and "
                f"`date_format='{date_format}'`. Table Schema requires dates "
                "to be formatted with `date_format='iso'`")
            raise ValueError(msg)

        self.schema = build_table_schema(obj, index=self.index)

        # NotImplemented on a column MultiIndex
        if obj.ndim == 2 and isinstance(obj.columns, MultiIndex):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "orient='table' is not supported for MultiIndex columns")

        # TODO: Do this timedelta properly in objToJSON.c See GH #15137
        if ((obj.ndim == 1) and (obj.name in set(obj.index.names))
                or len(obj.columns.intersection(obj.index.names))):
            msg = "Overlapping names between the index and columns"
            raise ValueError(msg)

        obj = obj.copy()
        timedeltas = obj.select_dtypes(include=["timedelta"]).columns
        if len(timedeltas):
            obj[timedeltas] = obj[timedeltas].applymap(lambda x: x.isoformat())
        # Convert PeriodIndex to datetimes before serializing
        if is_period_dtype(obj.index.dtype):
            obj.index = obj.index.to_timestamp()

        # exclude index from obj if index=False
        if not self.index:
            self.obj = obj.reset_index(drop=True)
            self.obj = obj.reset_index(drop=False)
        self.date_format = "iso"
        self.orient = "records"
        self.index = index
Exemple #58
 def repeat(self, repeats, axis=None):
     nv.validate_repeat(tuple(), dict(axis=axis))
     freq = self.freq if is_period_dtype(self) else None
     return self._shallow_copy(self.asi8.repeat(repeats), freq=freq)
Exemple #59
def infer_freq(index, warn: bool = True) -> Optional[str]:
    Infer the most likely frequency given the input index. If the frequency is
    uncertain, a warning will be printed.

    index : DatetimeIndex or TimedeltaIndex
      If passed a Series will use the values of the series (NOT THE INDEX).
    warn : bool, default True

    str or None
        None if no discernible frequency.

        If the index is not datetime-like.
        If there are fewer than three values.
    import pandas as pd

    if isinstance(index, ABCSeries):
        values = index._values
        if not (
            or is_timedelta64_dtype(values)
            or values.dtype == object
            raise TypeError(
                "cannot infer freq from a non-convertible dtype "
                f"on a Series of {index.dtype}"
        index = values

    inferer: _FrequencyInferer

    if not hasattr(index, "dtype"):
    elif is_period_dtype(index.dtype):
        raise TypeError(
            "PeriodIndex given. Check the `freq` attribute "
            "instead of using infer_freq."
    elif is_timedelta64_dtype(index.dtype):
        # Allow TimedeltaIndex and TimedeltaArray
        inferer = _TimedeltaFrequencyInferer(index, warn=warn)
        return inferer.get_freq()

    if isinstance(index, pd.Index) and not isinstance(index, pd.DatetimeIndex):
        if isinstance(index, (pd.Int64Index, pd.Float64Index)):
            raise TypeError(
                f"cannot infer freq from a non-convertible index type {type(index)}"
        index = index._values

    if not isinstance(index, pd.DatetimeIndex):
        index = pd.DatetimeIndex(index)

    inferer = _FrequencyInferer(index, warn=warn)
    return inferer.get_freq()
Exemple #60
        def __sub__(self, other):
            from pandas import Index

            other = lib.item_from_zerodim(other)
            if isinstance(other, (ABCSeries, ABCDataFrame)):
                return NotImplemented

            # scalar others
            elif other is NaT:
                result = self._sub_nat()
            elif isinstance(other, (Tick, timedelta, np.timedelta64)):
                result = self._add_delta(-other)
            elif isinstance(other, DateOffset):
                # specifically _not_ a Tick
                result = self._add_offset(-other)
            elif isinstance(other, (datetime, np.datetime64)):
                result = self._sub_datelike(other)
            elif is_integer(other):
                # This check must come after the check for np.timedelta64
                # as is_integer returns True for these
                result = self.shift(-other)
            elif isinstance(other, Period):
                result = self._sub_period(other)

            # array-like others
            elif is_timedelta64_dtype(other):
                # TimedeltaIndex, ndarray[timedelta64]
                result = self._add_delta(-other)
            elif is_offsetlike(other):
                # Array/Index of DateOffset objects
                result = self._addsub_offset_array(other, operator.sub)
            elif is_datetime64_dtype(other) or is_datetime64tz_dtype(other):
                # DatetimeIndex, ndarray[datetime64]
                result = self._sub_datelike(other)
            elif is_period_dtype(other):
                # PeriodIndex
                result = self._sub_period_array(other)
            elif is_integer_dtype(other):
                result = self._addsub_int_array(other, operator.sub)
            elif isinstance(other, Index):
                raise TypeError("cannot subtract {cls} and {typ}".format(
                    cls=type(self).__name__, typ=type(other).__name__))
            elif is_float_dtype(other):
                # Explicitly catch invalid dtypes
                raise TypeError(
                    "cannot subtract {dtype}-dtype from {cls}".format(
                        dtype=other.dtype, cls=type(self).__name__))
            elif is_categorical_dtype(other):
                # Categorical op will raise; defer explicitly
                return NotImplemented
            else:  # pragma: no cover
                return NotImplemented

            if result is NotImplemented:
                return NotImplemented
            elif not isinstance(result, Index):
                # Index.__new__ will choose appropriate subclass for dtype
                result = Index(result)
            res_name = ops.get_op_result_name(self, other)
            result.name = res_name
            return result