Exemple #1
    def _simple_new(cls, left, right, closed=None,
                    copy=False, dtype=None, verify_integrity=True):
        result = IntervalMixin.__new__(cls)

        closed = closed or 'right'
        left = ensure_index(left, copy=copy)
        right = ensure_index(right, copy=copy)

        if dtype is not None:
            # GH 19262: dtype must be an IntervalDtype to override inferred
            dtype = pandas_dtype(dtype)
            if not is_interval_dtype(dtype):
                msg = 'dtype must be an IntervalDtype, got {dtype}'
                raise TypeError(msg.format(dtype=dtype))
            elif dtype.subtype is not None:
                left = left.astype(dtype.subtype)
                right = right.astype(dtype.subtype)

        # coerce dtypes to match if needed
        if is_float_dtype(left) and is_integer_dtype(right):
            right = right.astype(left.dtype)
        elif is_float_dtype(right) and is_integer_dtype(left):
            left = left.astype(right.dtype)

        if type(left) != type(right):
            msg = ('must not have differing left [{ltype}] and right '
                   '[{rtype}] types')
            raise ValueError(msg.format(ltype=type(left).__name__,
        elif is_categorical_dtype(left.dtype) or is_string_dtype(left.dtype):
            # GH 19016
            msg = ('category, object, and string subtypes are not supported '
                   'for IntervalArray')
            raise TypeError(msg)
        elif isinstance(left, ABCPeriodIndex):
            msg = 'Period dtypes are not supported, use a PeriodIndex instead'
            raise ValueError(msg)
        elif (isinstance(left, ABCDatetimeIndex) and
                str(left.tz) != str(right.tz)):
            msg = ("left and right must have the same time zone, got "
                   "'{left_tz}' and '{right_tz}'")
            raise ValueError(msg.format(left_tz=left.tz, right_tz=right.tz))

        result._left = left
        result._right = right
        result._closed = closed
        if verify_integrity:
        return result
Exemple #2
    def get_indexer(self, target, method=None, limit=None, tolerance=None):
        from pandas.core.arrays.categorical import _recode_for_categories

        method = missing.clean_reindex_fill_method(method)
        target = ibase.ensure_index(target)

        if self.is_unique and self.equals(target):
            return np.arange(len(self), dtype='intp')

        if method == 'pad' or method == 'backfill':
            raise NotImplementedError("method='pad' and method='backfill' not "
                                      "implemented yet for CategoricalIndex")
        elif method == 'nearest':
            raise NotImplementedError("method='nearest' not implemented yet "
                                      'for CategoricalIndex')

        if (isinstance(target, CategoricalIndex) and
            if self.values.equals(target.values):
                # we have the same codes
                codes = target.codes
                codes = _recode_for_categories(target.codes,
            if isinstance(target, CategoricalIndex):
                code_indexer = self.categories.get_indexer(target.categories)
                codes = take_1d(code_indexer, target.codes, fill_value=-1)
                codes = self.categories.get_indexer(target)

        indexer, _ = self._engine.get_indexer_non_unique(codes)
        return ensure_platform_int(indexer)
Exemple #3
    def get_indexer(self, target, method=None, limit=None, tolerance=None):

        target = ensure_index(target)
        target = self._maybe_cast_indexed(target)

        if self.equals(target):
            return np.arange(len(self), dtype='intp')

        if self.is_non_overlapping_monotonic:
            start, stop = self._find_non_overlapping_monotonic_bounds(target)

            start_plus_one = start + 1
            if not ((start_plus_one < stop).any()):
                return np.where(start_plus_one == stop, start, -1)

        if not self.is_unique:
            raise ValueError("cannot handle non-unique indices")

        # IntervalIndex
        if isinstance(target, IntervalIndex):
            indexer = self._get_reindexer(target)

        # non IntervalIndex
            indexer = np.concatenate([self.get_loc(i) for i in target])

        return ensure_platform_int(indexer)
Exemple #4
        def func(self, other, sort=sort):
            other = ensure_index(other)
            if not isinstance(other, IntervalIndex):
                result = getattr(self.astype(object), op_name)(other)
                if op_name in ('difference',):
                    result = result.astype(self.dtype)
                return result
            elif self.closed != other.closed:
                msg = ('can only do set operations between two IntervalIndex '
                       'objects that are closed on the same side')
                raise ValueError(msg)

            # GH 19016: ensure set op will not return a prohibited dtype
            subtypes = [self.dtype.subtype, other.dtype.subtype]
            common_subtype = find_common_type(subtypes)
            if is_object_dtype(common_subtype):
                msg = ('can only do {op} between two IntervalIndex '
                       'objects that have compatible dtypes')
                raise TypeError(msg.format(op=op_name))

            result = getattr(self._multiindex, op_name)(other._multiindex,
            result_name = get_op_result_name(self, other)

            # GH 19101: ensure empty results have correct dtype
            if result.empty:
                result = result.values.astype(self.dtype.subtype)
                result = result.values

            return type(self).from_tuples(result, closed=self.closed,
Exemple #5
 def _as_like_interval_index(self, other):
     other = ensure_index(other)
     if not isinstance(other, IntervalIndex):
         msg = ('the other index needs to be an IntervalIndex too, but '
                'was type {}').format(other.__class__.__name__)
         raise TypeError(msg)
     elif self.closed != other.closed:
         msg = ('can only do set operations between two IntervalIndex '
                'objects that are closed on the same side')
         raise ValueError(msg)
     return other
Exemple #6
    def _maybe_convert_i8(self, key):
        Maybe convert a given key to it's equivalent i8 value(s). Used as a
        preprocessing step prior to IntervalTree queries (self._engine), which
        expects numeric data.

        key : scalar or list-like
            The key that should maybe be converted to i8.

        key: scalar or list-like
            The original key if no conversion occured, int if converted scalar,
            Int64Index if converted list-like.
        original = key
        if is_list_like(key):
            key = ensure_index(key)

        if not self._needs_i8_conversion(key):
            return original

        scalar = is_scalar(key)
        if is_interval_dtype(key) or isinstance(key, Interval):
            # convert left/right and reconstruct
            left = self._maybe_convert_i8(key.left)
            right = self._maybe_convert_i8(key.right)
            constructor = Interval if scalar else IntervalIndex.from_arrays
            return constructor(left, right, closed=self.closed)

        if scalar:
            # Timestamp/Timedelta
            key_dtype, key_i8 = infer_dtype_from_scalar(key, pandas_dtype=True)
            # DatetimeIndex/TimedeltaIndex
            key_dtype, key_i8 = key.dtype, Index(key.asi8)
            if key.hasnans:
                # convert NaT from it's i8 value to np.nan so it's not viewed
                # as a valid value, maybe causing errors (e.g. is_overlapping)
                key_i8 = key_i8.where(~key._isnan)

        # ensure consistency with IntervalIndex subtype
        subtype = self.dtype.subtype
        msg = ('Cannot index an IntervalIndex of subtype {subtype} with '
               'values of dtype {other}')
        if not is_dtype_equal(subtype, key_dtype):
            raise ValueError(msg.format(subtype=subtype, other=key_dtype))

        return key_i8
Exemple #7
    def get_indexer_non_unique(self, target):
        target = ibase.ensure_index(target)

        if isinstance(target, CategoricalIndex):
            # Indexing on codes is more efficient if categories are the same:
            if target.categories is self.categories:
                target = target.codes
                indexer, missing = self._engine.get_indexer_non_unique(target)
                return ensure_platform_int(indexer), missing
            target = target.values

        codes = self.categories.get_indexer(target)
        indexer, missing = self._engine.get_indexer_non_unique(codes)
        return ensure_platform_int(indexer), missing
Exemple #8
    def get_indexer(self, target, method=None, limit=None, tolerance=None):
        target = ensure_index(target)

        if hasattr(target, 'freq') and target.freq != self.freq:
            msg = DIFFERENT_FREQ_INDEX.format(self.freqstr, target.freqstr)
            raise IncompatibleFrequency(msg)

        if isinstance(target, PeriodIndex):
            target = target.asi8

        if tolerance is not None:
            tolerance = self._convert_tolerance(tolerance, target)
        return Index.get_indexer(self._int64index, target, method,
                                 limit, tolerance)
Exemple #9
def _get_combined_index(indexes, intersect=False, sort=False):
    # TODO: handle index names!
    indexes = _get_distinct_objs(indexes)
    if len(indexes) == 0:
        index = Index([])
    elif len(indexes) == 1:
        index = indexes[0]
    elif intersect:
        index = indexes[0]
        for other in indexes[1:]:
            index = index.intersection(other)
        index = _union_indexes(indexes, sort=sort)
        index = ensure_index(index)

    if sort:
            index = index.sort_values()
        except TypeError:
    return index
Exemple #10
    def get_indexer_non_unique(
            self, target: AnyArrayLike) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
        target_as_index = ensure_index(target)

        # check that target_as_index IntervalIndex is compatible
        if isinstance(target_as_index, IntervalIndex):
            common_subtype = find_common_type(
                [self.dtype.subtype, target_as_index.dtype.subtype])
            if self.closed != target_as_index.closed or is_object_dtype(
                # different closed or incompatible subtype -> no matches
                return (
                    np.repeat(-1, len(target_as_index)),

        if is_object_dtype(target_as_index) or isinstance(
                target_as_index, IntervalIndex):
            # target_as_index might contain intervals: defer elementwise to get_loc
            indexer, missing = [], []
            for i, key in enumerate(target_as_index):
                    locs = self.get_loc(key)
                    if isinstance(locs, slice):
                        locs = np.arange(locs.start,
                    locs = np.array(locs, ndmin=1)
                except KeyError:
                    locs = np.array([-1])
            indexer = np.concatenate(indexer)
            target_as_index = self._maybe_convert_i8(target_as_index)
            indexer, missing = self._engine.get_indexer_non_unique(

        return ensure_platform_int(indexer), ensure_platform_int(missing)
Exemple #11
    def difference(self, other, sort=None):
        res_name = get_op_result_name(self, other)
        other = ensure_index(other)

        if self.equals(other):
            # pass an empty PeriodArray with the appropriate dtype
            return self._shallow_copy(self._data[:0])

        if is_object_dtype(other):
            return self.astype(object).difference(other).astype(self.dtype)

        elif not is_dtype_equal(self.dtype, other.dtype):
            return self

        i8self = Int64Index._simple_new(self.asi8)
        i8other = Int64Index._simple_new(other.asi8)
        i8result = i8self.difference(i8other, sort=sort)

        result = self._shallow_copy(np.asarray(i8result, dtype=np.int64), name=res_name)
        return result
Exemple #12
    def get_indexer_non_unique(self,
                               target: Index) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
        target = ensure_index(target)

        if isinstance(target,
                      IntervalIndex) and not self._should_compare(target):
            # different closed or incompatible subtype -> no matches
            return self._get_indexer_non_comparable(target, None, unique=False)

        elif is_object_dtype(target.dtype) or isinstance(
                target, IntervalIndex):
            # target might contain intervals: defer elementwise to get_loc
            return self._get_indexer_pointwise(target)

            # Note: this case behaves differently from other Index subclasses
            #  because IntervalIndex does partial-int indexing
            target = self._maybe_convert_i8(target)
            indexer, missing = self._engine.get_indexer_non_unique(

        return ensure_platform_int(indexer), ensure_platform_int(missing)
Exemple #13
    def wrapped(self, other, sort=False):
        other = ensure_index(other)

        if not isinstance(other, IntervalIndex):
            result = getattr(self.astype(object), op_name)(other)
            if op_name in ("difference", ):
                result = result.astype(self.dtype)
            return result
        elif self.closed != other.closed:
            raise ValueError(
                "can only do set operations between two IntervalIndex "
                "objects that are closed on the same side")

        # GH 19016: ensure set op will not return a prohibited dtype
        subtypes = [self.dtype.subtype, other.dtype.subtype]
        common_subtype = find_common_type(subtypes)
        if is_object_dtype(common_subtype):
            raise TypeError(f"can only do {op_name} between two IntervalIndex "
                            "objects that have compatible dtypes")

        return method(self, other, sort)
Exemple #14
    def intersection(self, other, sort=False):
        res_name = get_op_result_name(self, other)
        other = ensure_index(other)

        if self.equals(other):
            return self._get_reconciled_name_object(other)

        if not is_dtype_equal(self.dtype, other.dtype):
            # TODO: fastpath for if we have a different PeriodDtype
            this = self.astype("O")
            other = other.astype("O")
            return this.intersection(other, sort=sort)

        i8self = Int64Index._simple_new(self.asi8)
        i8other = Int64Index._simple_new(other.asi8)
        i8result = i8self.intersection(i8other, sort=sort)

        result = self._shallow_copy(np.asarray(i8result, dtype=np.int64),
        return result
Exemple #15
    def get_indexer(self, target, method=None, limit=None, tolerance=None):
        target = ensure_index(target)

        if isinstance(target, PeriodIndex):
            if not self._is_comparable_dtype(target.dtype):
                # i.e. target.freq != self.freq
                # No matches
                no_matches = -1 * np.ones(self.shape, dtype=np.intp)
                return no_matches

            target = target._get_engine_target()  # i.e. target.asi8
            self_index = self._int64index
            self_index = self

        if tolerance is not None:
            tolerance = self._convert_tolerance(tolerance, target)
            if self_index is not self:
                # convert tolerance to i8
                tolerance = self._maybe_convert_timedelta(tolerance)

        return Index.get_indexer(self_index, target, method, limit, tolerance)
Exemple #16
def _get_combined_index(indexes, intersect=False, sort=False):
    Return the union or intersection of indexes.

    indexes : list of Index or list objects
        When intersect=True, do not accept list of lists.
    intersect : bool, default False
        If True, calculate the intersection between indexes. Otherwise,
        calculate the union.
    sort : bool, default False
        Whether the result index should come out sorted or not.


    # TODO: handle index names!
    indexes = _get_distinct_objs(indexes)
    if len(indexes) == 0:
        index = Index([])
    elif len(indexes) == 1:
        index = indexes[0]
    elif intersect:
        index = indexes[0]
        for other in indexes[1:]:
            index = index.intersection(other)
        index = _union_indexes(indexes, sort=sort)
        index = ensure_index(index)

    if sort:
            index = index.sort_values()
        except TypeError:
    return index
Exemple #17
def _get_combined_index(indexes, intersect=False, sort=False):
    Return the union or intersection of indexes.

    indexes : list of Index or list objects
        When intersect=True, do not accept list of lists.
    intersect : bool, default False
        If True, calculate the intersection between indexes. Otherwise,
        calculate the union.
    sort : bool, default False
        Whether the result index should come out sorted or not.


    # TODO: handle index names!
    indexes = _get_distinct_objs(indexes)
    if len(indexes) == 0:
        index = Index([])
    elif len(indexes) == 1:
        index = indexes[0]
    elif intersect:
        index = indexes[0]
        for other in indexes[1:]:
            index = index.intersection(other)
        index = union_indexes(indexes, sort=sort)
        index = ensure_index(index)

    if sort:
            index = index.sort_values()
        except TypeError:
    return index
Exemple #18
        def func(intvidx_self, other, sort=False):
            other = ensure_index(other)

            if not isinstance(other, IntervalIndex):
                result = getattr(intvidx_self.astype(object),
                if self.op_name in ('difference',):
                    result = result.astype(intvidx_self.dtype)
                return result
            elif intvidx_self.closed != other.closed:
                msg = ('can only do set operations between two IntervalIndex '
                       'objects that are closed on the same side')
                raise ValueError(msg)

            # GH 19016: ensure set op will not return a prohibited dtype
            subtypes = [intvidx_self.dtype.subtype, other.dtype.subtype]
            common_subtype = find_common_type(subtypes)
            if is_object_dtype(common_subtype):
                msg = ('can only do {op} between two IntervalIndex '
                       'objects that have compatible dtypes')
                raise TypeError(msg.format(op=self.op_name))

            return setop(intvidx_self, other, sort)
Exemple #19
        def func(intvidx_self, other, sort=False):
            other = ensure_index(other)

            if not isinstance(other, IntervalIndex):
                result = getattr(intvidx_self.astype(object),
                if self.op_name in ('difference', ):
                    result = result.astype(intvidx_self.dtype)
                return result
            elif intvidx_self.closed != other.closed:
                msg = ('can only do set operations between two IntervalIndex '
                       'objects that are closed on the same side')
                raise ValueError(msg)

            # GH 19016: ensure set op will not return a prohibited dtype
            subtypes = [intvidx_self.dtype.subtype, other.dtype.subtype]
            common_subtype = find_common_type(subtypes)
            if is_object_dtype(common_subtype):
                msg = ('can only do {op} between two IntervalIndex '
                       'objects that have compatible dtypes')
                raise TypeError(msg.format(op=self.op_name))

            return setop(intvidx_self, other, sort)
Exemple #20
    def _maybe_convert_i8(self, key):
        Maybe convert a given key to its equivalent i8 value(s). Used as a
        preprocessing step prior to IntervalTree queries (self._engine), which
        expects numeric data.

        key : scalar or list-like
            The key that should maybe be converted to i8.

        scalar or list-like
            The original key if no conversion occurred, int if converted scalar,
            Int64Index if converted list-like.
        original = key
        if is_list_like(key):
            key = ensure_index(key)

        if not self._needs_i8_conversion(key):
            return original

        scalar = is_scalar(key)
        if is_interval_dtype(key) or isinstance(key, Interval):
            # convert left/right and reconstruct
            left = self._maybe_convert_i8(key.left)
            right = self._maybe_convert_i8(key.right)
            constructor = Interval if scalar else IntervalIndex.from_arrays
            # error: "object" not callable
            return constructor(left, right,
                               closed=self.closed)  # type: ignore[operator]

        if scalar:
            # Timestamp/Timedelta
            key_dtype, key_i8 = infer_dtype_from_scalar(key, pandas_dtype=True)
            if lib.is_period(key):
                key_i8 = key.ordinal
            elif isinstance(key_i8, Timestamp):
                key_i8 = key_i8.value
            elif isinstance(key_i8, (np.datetime64, np.timedelta64)):
                key_i8 = key_i8.view("i8")
            # DatetimeIndex/TimedeltaIndex
            key_dtype, key_i8 = key.dtype, Index(key.asi8)
            if key.hasnans:
                # convert NaT from its i8 value to np.nan so it's not viewed
                # as a valid value, maybe causing errors (e.g. is_overlapping)
                key_i8 = key_i8.where(~key._isnan)

        # ensure consistency with IntervalIndex subtype
        # error: Item "ExtensionDtype"/"dtype[Any]" of "Union[dtype[Any],
        # ExtensionDtype]" has no attribute "subtype"
        subtype = self.dtype.subtype  # type: ignore[union-attr]

        if not is_dtype_equal(subtype, key_dtype):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Cannot index an IntervalIndex of subtype {subtype} with "
                f"values of dtype {key_dtype}")

        return key_i8
Exemple #21
 def get_indexer_non_unique(self, target):
     target = self._maybe_cast_indexed(ensure_index(target))
     return super(IntervalIndex, self).get_indexer_non_unique(target)
Exemple #22
    def reindex(
        self, target, method=None, level=None, limit=None, tolerance=None
    ) -> tuple[Index, npt.NDArray[np.intp] | None]:
        Create index with target's values (move/add/delete values as necessary)

        new_index : pd.Index
            Resulting index
        indexer : np.ndarray[np.intp] or None
            Indices of output values in original index

        if method is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "argument method is not implemented for CategoricalIndex.reindex"
        if level is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "argument level is not implemented for CategoricalIndex.reindex"
        if limit is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "argument limit is not implemented for CategoricalIndex.reindex"

        target = ibase.ensure_index(target)

        if self.equals(target):
            indexer = None
            missing = np.array([], dtype=np.intp)
            indexer, missing = self.get_indexer_non_unique(target)
            if not self.is_unique:
                # GH#42568
                    "reindexing with a non-unique Index is deprecated and will "
                    "raise in a future version.",

        if len(self) and indexer is not None:
            new_target = self.take(indexer)
            new_target = target

        # filling in missing if needed
        if len(missing):
            cats = self.categories.get_indexer(target)

            if not isinstance(target, CategoricalIndex) or (cats == -1).any():
                new_target, indexer, _ = super()._reindex_non_unique(target)

                codes = new_target.codes.copy()
                codes[indexer == -1] = cats[missing]
                cat = self._data._from_backing_data(codes)
                new_target = type(self)._simple_new(cat, name=self.name)

        # we always want to return an Index type here
        # to be consistent with .reindex for other index types (e.g. they don't
        # coerce based on the actual values, only on the dtype)
        # unless we had an initial Categorical to begin with
        # in which case we are going to conform to the passed Categorical
        if is_categorical_dtype(target):
            cat = Categorical(new_target, dtype=target.dtype)
            new_target = type(self)._simple_new(cat, name=self.name)
            # e.g. test_reindex_with_categoricalindex, test_reindex_duplicate_target
            new_target = np.asarray(new_target)
            new_target = Index._with_infer(new_target, name=self.name)

        return new_target, indexer
Exemple #23
    def reindex(self,
        Create index with target's values (move/add/delete values as necessary)

        new_index : pd.Index
            Resulting index
        indexer : np.ndarray or None
            Indices of output values in original index


        if method is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError("argument method is not implemented for "
        if level is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError("argument level is not implemented for "
        if limit is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError("argument limit is not implemented for "

        target = ibase.ensure_index(target)

        if not is_categorical_dtype(target) and not target.is_unique:
            raise ValueError("cannot reindex with a non-unique indexer")

        indexer, missing = self.get_indexer_non_unique(np.array(target))

        if len(self.codes):
            new_target = self.take(indexer)
            new_target = target

        # filling in missing if needed
        if len(missing):
            cats = self.categories.get_indexer(target)

            if (cats == -1).any():
                # coerce to a regular index here!
                result = Index(np.array(self), name=self.name)
                new_target, indexer, _ = result._reindex_non_unique(

                codes = new_target.codes.copy()
                codes[indexer == -1] = cats[missing]
                new_target = self._create_from_codes(codes)

        # we always want to return an Index type here
        # to be consistent with .reindex for other index types (e.g. they don't
        # coerce based on the actual values, only on the dtype)
        # unless we had an initial Categorical to begin with
        # in which case we are going to conform to the passed Categorical
        new_target = np.asarray(new_target)
        if is_categorical_dtype(target):
            new_target = target._shallow_copy(new_target, name=self.name)
            new_target = Index(new_target, name=self.name)

        return new_target, indexer
Exemple #24
 def get_indexer_non_unique(self, target):
     target = ibase.ensure_index(target)
     return self._get_indexer_non_unique(target._values)
Exemple #25
 def get_indexer_non_unique(self, target):
     target = self._maybe_cast_indexed(ensure_index(target))
     return super().get_indexer_non_unique(target)
Exemple #26
    def _simple_new(
        cls, left, right, closed=None, copy=False, dtype=None, verify_integrity=True
        result = IntervalMixin.__new__(cls)

        closed = closed or "right"
        left = ensure_index(left, copy=copy)
        right = ensure_index(right, copy=copy)

        if dtype is not None:
            # GH 19262: dtype must be an IntervalDtype to override inferred
            dtype = pandas_dtype(dtype)
            if not is_interval_dtype(dtype):
                msg = f"dtype must be an IntervalDtype, got {dtype}"
                raise TypeError(msg)
            elif dtype.subtype is not None:
                left = left.astype(dtype.subtype)
                right = right.astype(dtype.subtype)

        # coerce dtypes to match if needed
        if is_float_dtype(left) and is_integer_dtype(right):
            right = right.astype(left.dtype)
        elif is_float_dtype(right) and is_integer_dtype(left):
            left = left.astype(right.dtype)

        if type(left) != type(right):
            msg = (
                f"must not have differing left [{type(left).__name__}] and "
                f"right [{type(right).__name__}] types"
            raise ValueError(msg)
        elif is_categorical_dtype(left.dtype) or is_string_dtype(left.dtype):
            # GH 19016
            msg = (
                "category, object, and string subtypes are not supported "
                "for IntervalArray"
            raise TypeError(msg)
        elif isinstance(left, ABCPeriodIndex):
            msg = "Period dtypes are not supported, use a PeriodIndex instead"
            raise ValueError(msg)
        elif isinstance(left, ABCDatetimeIndex) and str(left.tz) != str(right.tz):
            msg = (
                "left and right must have the same time zone, got "
                f"'{left.tz}' and '{right.tz}'"
            raise ValueError(msg)

        # For dt64/td64 we want DatetimeArray/TimedeltaArray instead of ndarray
        from pandas.core.ops.array_ops import maybe_upcast_datetimelike_array

        left = maybe_upcast_datetimelike_array(left)
        left = extract_array(left, extract_numpy=True)
        right = maybe_upcast_datetimelike_array(right)
        right = extract_array(right, extract_numpy=True)

        lbase = getattr(left, "_ndarray", left).base
        rbase = getattr(right, "_ndarray", right).base
        if lbase is not None and lbase is rbase:
            # If these share data, then setitem could corrupt our IA
            right = right.copy()

        result._left = left
        result._right = right
        result._closed = closed
        if verify_integrity:
        return result
Exemple #27
    def get_indexer_non_unique(self, target):
        target = ibase.ensure_index(target)

        codes = self._values._validate_listlike(target._values)
        indexer, missing = self._engine.get_indexer_non_unique(codes)
        return ensure_platform_int(indexer), missing
Exemple #28
 def get_indexer_non_unique(self, target) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
     # both returned ndarrays are np.intp
     target = ibase.ensure_index(target)
     return self._get_indexer_non_unique(target._values)
Exemple #29
    def reindex(self, target, method=None, level=None, limit=None,
        Create index with target's values (move/add/delete values as necessary)

        new_index : pd.Index
            Resulting index
        indexer : np.ndarray or None
            Indices of output values in original index


        if method is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError("argument method is not implemented for "
        if level is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError("argument level is not implemented for "
        if limit is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError("argument limit is not implemented for "

        target = ibase.ensure_index(target)

        if self.equals(target):
            indexer = None
            missing = []
            if not target.is_unique:
                raise ValueError("cannot reindex with a non-unique indexer")

            indexer, missing = self.get_indexer_non_unique(np.array(target))

        if len(self.codes) and indexer is not None:
            new_target = self.take(indexer)
            new_target = target

        # filling in missing if needed
        if len(missing):
            cats = self.categories.get_indexer(target)

            if (cats == -1).any():
                # coerce to a regular index here!
                result = Index(np.array(self), name=self.name)
                new_target, indexer, _ = result._reindex_non_unique(

                codes = new_target.codes.copy()
                codes[indexer == -1] = cats[missing]
                new_target = self._create_from_codes(codes)

        # we always want to return an Index type here
        # to be consistent with .reindex for other index types (e.g. they don't
        # coerce based on the actual values, only on the dtype)
        # unless we had an initial Categorical to begin with
        # in which case we are going to conform to the passed Categorical
        new_target = np.asarray(new_target)
        if is_categorical_dtype(target):
            new_target = target._shallow_copy(new_target, name=self.name)
            new_target = Index(new_target, name=self.name)

        return new_target, indexer