Exemple #1
    def test_init_arrays_returns_the_right_unitary_size_nparrays(self):
        # Given
        class_num = 1
        sample_num_per_class = 1
        batch_num_per_class = 1

        # When
        _, query_images, query_labels, support_images, support_labels, zeros = init_arrays(
            class_num, sample_num_per_class, batch_num_per_class)
        # Then

        expected_query_images = np.zeros((1, 3, 224, 224))
        expected_query_labels = np.zeros((1, 1, 224, 224))
        expected_support_images = np.zeros((1, 3, 224, 224))
        expected_support_labels = np.zeros((1, 1, 224, 224))
        zeros = np.zeros((1, 1, 224, 224))

Exemple #2
def gen_ans(dataX, dataY, maxTimes):
    costList = list()
    dataSamples, dataFeatures = dataX.shape  # 63 3
    yita = 0.01  # 学习率
    hiddenLayerNum = 4  # 第二层数量
    thetaJ = 0  # theta J
    gamaH = np.zeros((1, hiddenLayerNum))
    vh = np.zeros((dataFeatures, hiddenLayerNum))
    wh = np.zeros((hiddenLayerNum, 1))
    for time in range(maxTimes):
        coooost = 0
        for i in range(len((dataX))):
            y = calNNY(dataX[i], vh, wh, gamaH, thetaJ)
            cost = calCost(y, dataY[i])
            coooost += cost
            dertaWh, dertaThetaj, dertaVih, dertaGameH = calDertaGd(
                dataX[i], y, dataY[i], vh, wh, gamaH, thetaJ, yita)
            wh = wh + dertaWh
            thetaJ = thetaJ + dertaThetaj
            vh = vh + dertaVih
            gamaH = gamaH + dertaGameH
            # print(wh, thetaJ, vh, gamaH)

    return costList, wh, thetaJ, vh, gamaH
Exemple #3
    def fit_linear(self, features, y):
        data = {
            'T': y.shape[0],
            'K': features.shape[1],
            'y': y,
            'X': features,

            params = self.stan_model.optimizing(
                init=lambda: {
                    'beta': np.zeros(features.shape[1]),
                    'sigma_obs': 1
        except RuntimeError:
            params = self.stan_model.optimizing(
                init=lambda: {
                    'beta': np.zeros(features.shape[1]),
                    'sigma_obs': 1

        return params['beta']
Exemple #4
    def fit(self, X_train, Y_train, kernel, param, C):  # arrays: X; Y =-1,1
        Lk = 0
        self._alphas = np.zeros(len(Y_train))
        self._alphas.fill(C / 1000)

        print("We are before iteration:")
        for iteration in range(self._iterations):

            batch_size = 10
            for k in range(0, (len(X_train) - 1) // batch_size +
                           1):  # Calculate the amount of butches in the Dt
                cur_batch_size = min(
                    len(X_train) - 1 -
                    k * batch_size)  # Choose the butch or remaining number
                L_diff = np.zeros(len(self._alphas))
                L_butch = 0

                gradient_rate = 0.0006 / (k + 1)
                alpha = 0.05
                for i in range(cur_batch_size):
                    L_diff += self.diffF(
                        X_train, Y_train, X_train[k * batch_size + i][:],
                        Y_train[k * batch_size + i], kernel, param, C,
                        k * batch_size + i) * gradient_rate
                    L_butch += self.F(X_train, Y_train,
                                      X_train[k * batch_size + i],
                                      Y_train[k * batch_size + i], kernel,
                                      param, k * batch_size + i)

                sumai = 0
                for i in range(len(self._alphas) - 1):
                    sumai += Y_train[i] * self._alphas[i]

                self._alphas[len(self._alphas) -
                             1] = -sumai / Y_train[len(self._alphas) - 1]

                alpha_k = self._alphas

                self._alphas = alpha_k - L_diff / batch_size

                for i in range(len(self._alphas)):
                    if self._alphas[i] > C:
                        self._alphas = alpha_k

                Lk_previous = Lk
                Lk = (1 - alpha) * Lk + alpha * L_butch

                if (np.linalg.norm(alpha_k - self._alphas < 0.00001)) and (
                        np.linalg.norm(Lk - Lk_previous < 0.00001)):

        w = np.zeros(len(X_train[0]))

        X_extended = X_train
        for i in range(len(X_extended)):
            w += self._alphas[i] * X_train[i]
        self._w = w
def levenshtein_ratio_and_distance(s, t, ratio_calc=False):
    # Initialize matrix of zeros
    rows = len(s) + 1
    cols = len(t) + 1
    distance = np.zeros((rows, cols), dtype=int)

    for i in range(1, rows):
        for k in range(1, cols):
            distance[i][0] = i
            distance[0][k] = k

    # Iterate over the matrix
    for col in range(1, cols):
        for row in range(1, rows):
            if s[row - 1] == t[col - 1]:
                cost = 0  # If the characters are the same in the two strings in a given position [i,j] then the cost is 0
                # the cost of a substitution is 2. If we calculate just distance, then the cost of a substitution is 1.
                if ratio_calc == True:
                    cost = 2
                    cost = 1
            distance[row][col] = min(distance[row - 1][col] + 1,
                                     distance[row][col - 1] + 1,
                                     distance[row - 1][col - 1] + cost)
    if ratio_calc == True:
        # Computation of the Levenshtein Distance Ratio
        Ratio = ((len(s) + len(t)) - distance[row][col]) / (len(s) + len(t))
        return Ratio
        return None
Exemple #6
    def sequential_evaluation(self):

        for index in range(len(self.encoded_sequence_to_evaluate) - 1):
            self.is_trivial_prediction = False
            self.is_only_catalog_prediction = False

            self.prm = np.zeros(len(self.metrics.values()))
            self.ndcg = 0

            clicked_item = self.encoded_sequence_to_evaluate[index]
            self.evaluate_sequence(clicked_item, self.decoded_sequence)

                              sequence=' '.join(map(str, self.decoded_sequence)),
                              predictions=' '.join(map(str, self.recommendation)))

            self.increment_by += 1

            if self.increment_by == len(self.decoded_sequence):
Exemple #7
def getUnseenData(images_dir, max_num, input_shape):
    for root, dirs, _ in os.walk(images_dir):
        num_of_images = min(max_num, len(dirs))

        unseen_images = np.zeros([num_of_images, 3, 100, 100])
        index = 0
        for folder in dirs:
            g_img_path = get_pkg_data_filename('%s/g_norm.fits' %
                                               (os.path.join(root, folder)))
            r_img_path = get_pkg_data_filename('%s/r_norm.fits' %
                                               (os.path.join(root, folder)))
            i_img_path = get_pkg_data_filename('%s/i_norm.fits' %
                                               (os.path.join(root, folder)))

            g_data = fits.open(g_img_path)[0].data[0:100, 0:100]
            r_data = fits.open(r_img_path)[0].data[0:100, 0:100]
            i_data = fits.open(i_img_path)[0].data[0:100, 0:100]

            img_data = [g_data, r_data, i_data]
            unseen_images[index] = img_data
            index += 1

            if index >= num_of_images:
        return unseen_images.reshape(num_of_images, input_shape[0],
                                     input_shape[1], input_shape[2])
Exemple #8
def find_missing_seat(seats_data: List[Tuple[int, int]]) -> Tuple[int, int]:
    Given a list of seat coordinates taken, return the only one with previous and after
    seats occupied

    :param seats_data: Occupied seats data coordinates
    # Create seats matrix
    ar = np.array(seats_data)
    res = np.zeros((PLANE_ROW_NUMBER, PLANE_COLUMN_NUMBER), dtype=int)
    res[ar[:, 0], ar[:, 1]] = 1

    # Find all empty seats
    empty_seats_raw = np.where(res == 0)
    empty_seats = list(zip(empty_seats_raw[0], empty_seats_raw[1]))

    # Find the only valid empty seat
    for empty_seat in empty_seats:
        before_seat, after_seat = get_adjacent_seats(*empty_seat)

        if (before_seat is not None and after_seat is not None
                and res[before_seat[0]][before_seat[1]]
                and res[after_seat[0]][after_seat[1]]):
            return empty_seat
Exemple #9
 def __init__(self,
              legend_place: str,
              a_float: float,
              p_stats: PortfolioStats,
              portfolio_data: DataFrame = DataFrame()):
     self._legend_place = legend_place
     self._a_float = a_float
     self._portfolio_data = portfolio_data
     # Creating an empty array to store portfolio weights
     self._weight_matrix = np.zeros(
         (self._threshold, len(portfolio_data.columns)))
     # Creating an empty array to store portfolio returns
     self._annual_weighted_log_return_matrix = np.zeros(self._threshold)
     # Creating an empty array to store portfolio risks
     self._risk_matrix = np.zeros(self._threshold)
     # Creating an empty array to store portfolio sharpe ratio
     self._sharpe_ratio_matrix = np.zeros(self._threshold)
     self._setMatrices(portfolio_data, p_stats.LogDailyReturns,
     print('portfolio_risk.min', self._risk_matrix.min())
     print('sharpe_ratio.max', self._sharpe_ratio_matrix.max())
     self._min_risk_series = \
         self._getMinimalRisk(self._weight_matrix[self._risk_matrix.argmin()], portfolio_data.columns)
     self._max_sharpe_ratio_series = \
         self._getMaximalSharpeRatio(self._weight_matrix[self._sharpe_ratio_matrix.argmax()], portfolio_data.columns)
     #mu: Series = expected_returns.mean_historical_return(portfolio_data)  # returns.mean() * 252
     #S: DataFrame = risk_models.sample_cov(portfolio_data)  # Get the sample covariance matrix
     #ef: EfficientFrontier = EfficientFrontier(mu, S)
     self._efficient_frontier = self._getEfficientFrontier(portfolio_data)
     # Maximize the Sharpe ratio, and get the raw weights
     max_weights = self._efficient_frontier.max_sharpe()
     # Note the weights may have some rounding error, meaning they may not add up exactly to 1 but should be close
     cleaned_weights = self._efficient_frontier.clean_weights()
     latest_prices_series: Series = get_latest_prices(portfolio_data)
     max_weights = cleaned_weights
     self._discrete_allocation = DiscreteAllocation(
         max_weights, latest_prices_series, total_portfolio_value=10000)
     allocation, leftover = self._discrete_allocation.lp_portfolio()
     print("Discrete allocation:", allocation)
     print("Funds remaining: ${:.2f}".format(leftover))
    def transform(self, X, **transform_params):
        numpy_table = np.zeros((len(X), len(self.user_names)))

        for row_index,tweet in enumerate(X):
            for name_index,name in enumerate(self.user_names):
                if name==tweet.screen_name:
                    numpy_table[row_index,name_index] = 1

        table = DataFrame(numpy_table,columns=self.user_names)
        return table
    def transform(self, X, **transform_params):
        numpy_table = np.zeros((len(X), len(self.punctuations)))

        for row_index,tweet in enumerate(X):
            for punct_index, punct in enumerate(self.punctuations):
                if punct in tweet.text:
                    numpy_table[row_index, punct_index] = 1

        table = DataFrame(numpy_table,columns=self.punctuations)
        return table
 def addRatings(self, ISBNS, ratings, user_id=88888888):
     :param ISBNS:新用户的评价的书籍 列表
     :param ratings:新用户给书籍的评价 列表
     :param user_id:分配给新用户的id,存在默认值
     zers = np.zeros(shape=(1, self.R.shape[1]))
     for i in range(len(ratings)):
         zers[0][self.ISBN_list.index(ISBNS[i])] = ratings[i]
     self.R = np.append(self.R, zers, axis=0)
Exemple #13
    def predict(self, X, Y, X_train, Y_train):
        y_pred = np.zeros(len(Y))

        for j in range(len(X)):
            pr = 0
            for i in range(len(X_train)):
                pr += self._alphas[i] * np.dot(
                    X[j], X_train[i]) * Y_train[i] - (
                        np.dot(self._w, X_train[i]) - Y_train[i])

            y_pred[j] = np.sign(pr)

        accuracy = accuracy_score(Y, y_pred, normalize=True)
        return accuracy
Exemple #14
 def getblock(self, xco, y):
     last = np.zeros((3, 3))
     if xco <= 2:
         if y <= 2:
             for i in range(0, 3):
                 for j in range(0, 3):
                     last[i, j] = self.getrow(i)[j]
             return last
         elif 2 < y <= 5:
             for i in range(0, 3):
                 for j in range(0, 3):
                     last[i, j] = self.getrow(i)[j + 3]
             return last
         elif 5 < y <= 8:
             for i in range(0, 3):
                 for j in range(0, 3):
                     last[i, j] = self.getrow(i)[j + 6]
             return last
     elif 2 < xco <= 5:
         if y <= 2:
             for i in range(0, 3):
                 for j in range(0, 3):
                     last[i, j] = self.getrow(i + 3)[j]
             return last
         elif 2 < y <= 5:
             for i in range(0, 3):
                 for j in range(0, 3):
                     last[i, j] = self.getrow(i + 3)[j + 3]
             return last
         elif 5 < y <= 8:
             for i in range(0, 3):
                 for j in range(0, 3):
                     last[i, j] = self.getrow(i + 3)[j + 6]
             return last
     elif 5 < xco <= 8:
         if y <= 2:
             for i in range(0, 3):
                 for j in range(0, 3):
                     last[i, j] = self.getrow(i + 6)[j]
             return last
         elif 2 < y <= 5:
             for i in range(0, 3):
                 for j in range(0, 3):
                     last[i, j] = self.getrow(i + 6)[j + 3]
             return last
         elif 5 < y <= 8:
             for i in range(0, 3):
                 for j in range(0, 3):
                     last[i, j] = self.getrow(i + 6)[j + 6]
             return last
Exemple #15
    def diffF(self, diffX_train, diffY_train, diffX, diffY, kernel, param, C,

        new_alphas = np.zeros(len(self._alphas))
        sum1 = 0
        sum2 = 0

        sum1 += 1
        for j in range(len(self._alphas)):
            sum2 += self._alphas[index] * diffY * diffY_train[j] * Kernel(
                kernel, diffX, diffX_train[j], param)

        new_alphas[index] = sum2 + sum1

        return new_alphas
Exemple #16
    def F(self, FX_train, FY_train, FX, FY, kernel, param, index):

        new_alphas = np.zeros(len(self._alphas))
        sum1 = 0
        sum2 = 0
        sum1 += -self._alphas[index]

        for j in range(len(self._alphas)):
            sum2 += self._alphas[index] * self._alphas[j] * FY * FY_train[
                j] * Kernel(kernel, FX, FX_train[j], param)

        sum2 = sum2 * (1 / 2)

        new_alphas[index] = sum1 + sum2

        return new_alphas
Exemple #17
 def __init__(self, user_id, model_name, predictor, item_dictionary, session_id, encoded_sequence_to_evaluate, decoded_sequence, top_k):
     self.user_id = user_id
     self.model_name = model_name
     self.predictor = predictor
     self.item_dictionary = item_dictionary
     self.session_id = session_id
     self.encoded_sequence_to_evaluate = encoded_sequence_to_evaluate
     self.decoded_sequence = decoded_sequence
     self.top_k = top_k
     self.increment_by = 1
     self.ndcg = 0.
     self.real = 0.
     self.real_index = 0
     self.metrics = {'precision': precision, 'recall': recall, 'mrr': mrr}
     self.prm = np.zeros(len(self.metrics.values()))
     self.recommendation = None
     self.is_trivial_prediction = False
     self.is_only_catalog_prediction = False
    def transform(self, X, **transform_params):

        numpy_table = np.zeros((len(X), len(self.allTags)))

        for row_num, tweet in enumerate(X):
            tokens = nltk.wordpunct_tokenize(tweet.text)
            word_tags = self._tagger.tag(tokens)
            tag_fd = nltk.FreqDist(tag for (word, tag) in word_tags)
            for tag in tag_fd:
                if tag in self.allTags:
                    indexOfTag = self.allTags.index(tag)
                    if indexOfTag > -1:
                        # Proportion, how much part of speech appears in the text.
                        numpy_table[row_num, indexOfTag] = (tag_fd[tag]/(len(tokens)*1.0))

        data_table = DataFrame(numpy_table, columns=self.allTags)

        return data_table
Exemple #19
def get_sample_map(delta_fname, x_coverage, average_read_length, rate_param):
    lengthdb = read_pickle(lengthdbpath)
    bin_size = int(rate_param / float(x_coverage))
    with open(delta_fname) as inf:
        delta = ujson.load(inf, precise_float=True)
    bacid_maps = dict()
    for _, mapngs in delta:
        for dest_id, pos1, pos2, used_koef, _ in mapngs:
            if dest_id not in bacid_maps:
                bacid_maps[dest_id] = np.zeros(
                    int(lengthdb[dest_id] / bin_size) + 1)
            ind1 = int((pos1 + (average_read_length / 2)) / bin_size)
            if pos2 >= 0:
                used_koef = used_koef / 2.0
                ind2 = int((pos2 + (average_read_length / 2)) / bin_size)
                bacid_maps[dest_id][ind2] += used_koef
            bacid_maps[dest_id][ind1] += used_koef
    return {dest_id:cov_map for dest_id, cov_map in bacid_maps.iteritems()\
                           if np.median(cov_map) >= rate_param}
    def sequential_evaluation(self):
            Method iterates through the user sequences (not including the last item) and evaluates the next-item
            predictions for the given item visit.
            1. Get the clicked item
            2. Call the evaluate_sequence method by giving the clicked item and the sequence information to get
               recommendations and its evaluation.
            3. Insert the evaluation data to the database
        for index in range(len(self.encoded_sequence_to_evaluate) - 1):
            self.is_trivial_prediction = False
            self.is_only_catalog_prediction = False

            self.prm = np.zeros(len(self.metrics.values()))
            self.ndcg = 0

            clicked_item = self.encoded_sequence_to_evaluate[index]
            self.evaluate_sequence(clicked_item, self.decoded_sequence)

                sequence=' '.join(map(str, self.decoded_sequence)),
                predictions=' '.join(map(str, self.recommendation)))

            self.increment_by += 1

            if self.increment_by == len(self.decoded_sequence):
def dice(img1, img2, labels=None, nargout=1):
 Dice [1] volume overlap metric

 The default is to *not* return a measure for the background layer (label = 0)

 [1] Dice, Lee R. "Measures of the amount of ecologic association between species."
 Ecology 26.3 (1945): 297-302.

 vol1 : nd array. The first volume (e.g. predicted volume)
 vol2 : nd array. The second volume (e.g. "true" volume)
 labels : optional vector of labels on which to compute Dice.
     If this is not provided, Dice is computed on all non-background (non-0) labels
 nargout : optional control of output arguments. if 1, output Dice measure(s).
     if 2, output tuple of (Dice, labels)

 if nargout == 1 : dice : vector of dice measures for each labels
 if nargout == 2 : (dice, labels) : where labels is a vector of the labels on which
     dice was computed
 if labels is None:
  labels = np.unique(np.concatenate((img1, img2)))  # 输出一维数组
  labels = np.delete(labels, np.where(labels == 0))  # remove background

 dicem = np.zeros(len(labels))
 for idx, lab in enumerate(labels):
  top = 2 * np.sum(np.logical_and(img1 == lab, img2 == lab))
  bottom = np.sum(img1 == lab) + np.sum(img2 == lab)
  bottom = np.maximum(bottom, np.finfo(float).eps)  # add epsilon. 机器最小的正数
  dicem[idx] = top / bottom

 if nargout == 1:
  return dicem
  return (dicem, labels)
 def __init__(self, user_id, model_name, session_id,
              encoded_sequence_to_evaluate, decoded_sequence, top_k,
              increment_by, content_dataframe, cosine_similarity_matrix,
     self.user_id = user_id
     self.model_name = model_name
     self.session_id = session_id
     self.encoded_sequence_to_evaluate = encoded_sequence_to_evaluate
     self.decoded_sequence = decoded_sequence
     self.top_k = top_k
     self.increment_by = increment_by
     self.ndcg = 0.
     self.real = 0.
     self.real_index = 0
     self.metrics = {'precision': precision, 'recall': recall, 'mrr': mrr}
     self.prm = np.zeros(len(self.metrics.values()))
     self.recommendation = None
     self.content_dataframe = content_dataframe
     self.cosine_similarity_matrix = cosine_similarity_matrix
     self.tour_ids = tour_ids
     self.is_trivial_prediction = False
     self.is_only_catalog_prediction = False
Exemple #23
def converge_to_0_dvh(raw_dvh):
    :param raw_dvh: Dictionary produced by calc_dvhs(..) function.
    :return: Dictionary of bincenters and counts (x and y of DVH)
    res = {}
    zeros = np.zeros(3)
    for roi in raw_dvh:
        res[roi] = {}
        dvh = raw_dvh[roi]

        # The last value of DVH is not equal to 0
        if len(dvh.counts) > 0:
            if dvh.counts[-1] != 0:
                tmp_bincenters = []
                for i in range(3):
                    tmp_bincenters.append(dvh.bincenters[-1] + i)

                tmp_bincenters = np.array(tmp_bincenters)
                tmp_bincenters = np.concatenate(
                    (dvh.bincenters.flatten(), tmp_bincenters))
                bincenters = np.array(tmp_bincenters)
                counts = np.concatenate(
                    (dvh.counts.flatten(), np.array(zeros)))

            # The last value of DVH is equal to 0
                bincenters = dvh.bincenters
                counts = dvh.counts
            bincenters = dvh.bincenters
            counts = dvh.counts

        res[roi]['bincenters'] = bincenters
        res[roi]['counts'] = counts

    return res
Exemple #24
def returnMatrix(jsonStr):
    jsonObject = demjson.decode(jsonStr)
    # print(jsonObject)
    # print(jsonObject["root"]["text"])
    treeData = jsonObject['root']  # 树节点  不包含例子和横向节点
    summariesData = jsonObject['summaries']
    summariesIdNode = {}  # 储存sunmary
    for i in summariesData:
        summariesIdNode[i['trees'][0]] = i['text']
    linksData = jsonObject['links']  # 横向链接
    linksIdNode = {}  # 储存links 其中两个id 以&分割
    for i in linksData:
        inAndOut = i['input'] + '&' + i['output']
        linksIdNode[inAndOut] = i['text']
    idNodeDic = {}  # 储存id和节点的对应关系
    idTemp = []  # 储存变量的临时ID,存到字典
    listTree = []  # 储存节点层数和文本
    nodeLevelNum = 0  # 储存不包含sunmmay的层数
    for i in dict_generator(treeData):
        # print(i)
        if i.__contains__('text') and not i.__contains__('connectText'):
            if i.__len__() - 1 > nodeLevelNum:
                nodeLevelNum = i.__len__() - 1
        if i.__contains__('id'):
    for i in range(0, idTemp.__len__()):
        idNodeDic[idTemp[i]] = listTree[i][-1]
    # print(idNodeDic)  # 储存了id和node的对应关系
    # print('.'.join(i[0:-1]), ':', i[-1])
    # print(listTree)
    indexText = []  # 储存树的索引  不包括summary节点
    for i in listTree:
    nodes = list(set(list(indexText +
                          list(summariesIdNode.values()))))  # 节点个数和重复节点处理
    mapMatrix = np.zeros((nodes.__len__(), nodes.__len__()))  # 建立全部节点矩阵
    mapMatrixIndex = pd.DataFrame(mapMatrix, index=nodes,
                                  columns=nodes)  # 建立所有节点矩阵,以节点内容为索引

    for i in range(0, listTree.__len__() - 1):  # 纵向节点关系存入
        if len(listTree[i]) < len(listTree[i + 1]):
            mapMatrixIndex.at[listTree[i][-1], listTree[i + 1][-1]] = 1
            indexNode = listTree[i][-1]
        if len(listTree[i]) == len(listTree[i + 1]):
            mapMatrixIndex.at[[indexNode], listTree[i + 1][-1]] = 1
            # print(indexNode+'--------'+listTree[i + 1][-1])
        if len(listTree[i + 1]) == 3:  # 第一层节点数
            mapMatrixIndex.at[listTree[0][-1], listTree[i + 1][-1]] = 1
        if len(listTree[i]) > len(listTree[i + 1]):
            j = i
            while 1:
                if listTree[j].__len__() == listTree[
                        i + 1].__len__() - 1 or listTree[j].__len__() == 2:
                j = j - 1
            mapMatrixIndex.at[listTree[j][-1], listTree[i + 1][-1]] = 1
            indexNode = listTree[j][-1]

    for i in summariesIdNode.keys():
            summariesIdNode.get(i)] = 1  # 纵向节点关系存储结束  返回1:树结构矩阵mapMatrixIndex

    nodeSummaryLevel = []  # 储存层次关系  每个节点的层次  每个层数的节点
    for i in range(0, nodeLevelNum):
        nodeSummaryLevel.append([])  # 构造储存结构
    # print(listTree)
    for i in listTree:
        nodeSummaryLevel[i.__len__() - 2].append(i[-1])
    levelTemp = []  # 储存summary扩展的节点
    for i in summariesIdNode.values():
        for j in nodes:  # 遍历找到summary节点链接的普通节点
            if mapMatrixIndex.at[j, i] == 1:
                for k in range(0, len(nodeSummaryLevel)):
                    if nodeSummaryLevel[k].__contains__(
                            j) and k < len(nodeSummaryLevel) - 1:
                        nodeSummaryLevel[k + 1].append(i)  # 如果上一层包含  则下一层增加例子
                    if nodeSummaryLevel[k].__contains__(
                            j) and k == len(nodeSummaryLevel) - 1:
    if levelTemp.__len__() != 0:
        nodeSummaryLevel.append(levelTemp)  # 层次关系  返回2:nodeSummaryLevel
    # print(nodeSummaryLevel)
    # print(nodeSummaryLevel)
    # print(nodeLevelNum)  #层数波包括summary
    nodeLinksSummaryMatrix = np.zeros(
        (nodes.__len__() + linksIdNode.__len__(),
         nodes.__len__() + linksIdNode.__len__()))
    nodeLinksSummaryMatrixIndex = pd.DataFrame(nodeLinksSummaryMatrix,
                                               index=nodes + list(linksIdNode),
                                               columns=nodes +
    for i in nodes:  # 将原有的不包括横向连接的复制进来
        for j in nodes:
            nodeLinksSummaryMatrixIndex.at[i, j] = mapMatrixIndex.loc[i][j]
    for i in linksIdNode.keys():  # 将横向链接情况输入
        inputAndOutSplit = i.split('&')
                                       linksIdNode.get(i)] = 1  # 横向连接的输入节点
            idNodeDic.get(inputAndOutSplit[1])] = 1  # 横向连接的输出节点
    # 返回3:横向链接矩阵  nodeLinksSummaryMatrixIndex
    return mapMatrixIndex.fillna(
        0), nodeSummaryLevel, nodeLinksSummaryMatrixIndex.fillna(0)
iterations = 10000
batch_size = 20
save_dir = 'output'
start = 0

for step in range(iterations):
    random_latent_vectors = np.random.normal(size=(batch_size, latent_dim))
    generated_images = generator.predict(random_latent_vectors)

    stop = start + batch_size
    real_images = x_train[start:stop]
    combined_images = np.concatenate([generated_images, real_images])
    labels = np.concatenate(
        [np.ones((batch_size, 1)),
         np.zeros((batch_size, 1))])
    labels += 0.05 * np.random.random(labels.shape)
    d_loss = discriminator.train_on_batch(combined_images, labels)
    random_latent_vectors = np.random.normal(size=(batch_size, latent_dim))
    misleading_targets = np.zeros((batch_size, 1))
    a_loss = gan.train_on_batch(random_latent_vectors, misleading_targets)
    start += batch_size
    if start > len(x_train) - batch_size:
        start = 0
    if step % 100 == 0:
        img = image.array_to_img(generated_images[0] * 255., scale=False)
        img.save(os.path.join(save_dir, 'generated_frog' + str(step) + '.png'))
        img = image.array_to_img(real_images[0] * 255., scale=False)
        img.save(os.path.join(save_dir, 'real_frog' + str(step) + '.png'))
Exemple #26
from pandas import np

h1 = [
    14.53, 14.93, 14.10, 14.83, 14.48, 14.08, 13.39, 14.36, 12.76, 13.00,
    12.29, 12.00, 10.43, 12.61, 11.16, 11.76, 12.07, 9.18, 11.69, 10.59, 12.22,
    11.25, 9.59, 9.83, 8.94, 11.09, 8.63, 10.57, 9.87, 8.77, 7.60, 8.48, 10.57,
    10.66, 11.84, 12.71, 11.42, 11.33, 13.12, 12.64, 12.75, 12.63, 13.03,
    13.09, 13.91, 12.59, 13.21, 7.54, 10.67, 9.63, 9.00, 8.78, 8.17, 11.40,
    8.18, 9.51, 13.49, 13.76, 15.58, 10.83, 11.77, 12.11, 11.09, 11.77, 9.85,
    10.69, 9.11, 10.18, 9.52, 8.52, 9.20, 11.51, 12.53, 11.27, 5.83, 10.58

h2 = [
    11.98, 12.85, 11.04, 12.64, 11.88, 11.00, 9.50, 11.61, 8.14, 8.66, 11.41,
    10.75, 7.19, 12.13, 8.86, 10.20, 10.91, 4.36, 10.06, 7.57, 11.24, 9.05,
    5.29, 8.81, 6.80, 11.67, 6.08, 10.49, 8.91, 6.41, 3.75, 5.75, 10.50, 5.22,
    7.78, 9.66, 6.87, 6.68, 14.09, 12.95, 13.21, 12.94, 13.88, 14.02, 15.96,
    12.83, 14.31, 6.27, 13.11, 10.83, 9.46, 8.97, 7.64, 14.70, 7.66, 10.58,
    14.36, 14.95, 18.91, 8.60, 10.65, 11.39, 9.17, 10.64, 11.30, 12.98, 9.81,
    11.95, 10.62, 8.62, 9.98, 14.62, 16.66, 14.14, 3.23, 12.76
h = np.zeros(76)

for i in range(76):
    h[i] = 0.3 * h1[i] + 0.7 * h2[i]

# for i in range(len(h)):
# 	h[i] = h[i] / 2

print(h, "\n")
Exemple #27
                        classifier_array = np.array(classifier)
                        agent_array = np.array(agent)

                        min_cla = np.amin(classifier_array)
                        max_cla = np.amax(classifier_array)
                        unique_element_classifier = np.unique(classifier_array)
                        # print(unique_element_classifier)
                        # print(len(unique_element_classifier))
                        unique_element_agent = np.unique(agent_array)
                        # print(unique_element_agent)
                        # print(len(unique_element_agent))

                        dif_cla = max_cla - min_cla

                        real_classifier = np.zeros(

                        # (maxEnd - minEnd) * ((value - minStart) / (maxStart - minStart)) + minEnd;

                        value_agent = agent[0]
                        clax = []

                        final = []
                        for i in range(len(agent) + 1):
                            if i >= len(agent):
                                # sort the list of tuples
                                clax.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[0])

                                real_result_ordered = []
                                for el in clax:
Exemple #28
    import operator
    # |ri-rj|
    ri_rj = calculate_ri_rj(star_a, star_b)
    # G * Mj/(|rj-ri|^3)*(xj-xi)
    ax = G * star_b[0] / ri_rj**3 * (star_b[1][0] - star_a[1][0])
    ay = G * star_b[0] / ri_rj**3 * (star_b[1][1] - star_a[1][1])
    az = G * star_b[0] / ri_rj**3 * (star_b[1][2] - star_a[1][2])
    new_ac = tuple(map(operator.add, old_ac, (ax, ay, az)))
    return new_ac

stars = [[100000, (1, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1)], [1, (2, 2, 2), (2, 1000, 2)],
         [100000, (3, 3, 3), (3, 3, 3)], [1, (4, 4, 4), (4, 1000, 4)]]

accu = np.zeros((4),
                dtype=[('ax', np.double), ('ay', np.double),
                       ('az', np.double)])
print(f"accu: {accu}", flush=True)

for i in range(4):
    for j in range(4):
        if i == j:
        accu[i] = calculate_interactions(accu[i], stars[i], stars[j])


acc_t1_parallel = [(4.81146608e+03, 4.81146608e+03, 4.81146608e+03),
                   (4.81125224e-02, 4.81125224e-02, 4.81125224e-02),
                   (-4.81125224e+03, -4.81125224e+03, -4.81125224e+03),
                   (-2.13833914e+04, -2.13833914e+04, -2.13833914e+04)]
# train a random forest classifier
rfc = RandomForestClassifier(n_jobs=-1, n_estimators=300)
print('Training a random forest on the training set...')
t0 = cpu_time()
#  `train_features_tfidf` = 60k x 93 matrix of term frequencies normalized (divided by) document frequencies
#  `train_targets` = array(['Class_1', 'Class_1', 'Class_1', ..., 'Class_9', 'Class_9', 'Class_9'], dtype=object)

rfc.fit(train_features_tfidf, train_targets)
print("Random Forest took {} sec of the CPU's time.".format(cpu_time() - t0))

# predict on training set
print('Rerunning the predictor to predict the the labels for the {} training set records...'.format(len(train_features_tfidf)))
t0 = cpu_time()
rfc_preds = pd.DataFrame(rfc.predict_proba(train_features_tfidf), index=train_ids, columns=sample_label_set)
print('completed RFC predictions')
train_actual = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(rfc_preds.shape), index=train_ids, columns=sample_label_set)
for i in range(len(train_actual)):
    train_actual.iloc[i, train_targets_encoded[i]] = 1
ll_rfc = metrics.log_loss(train_actual.values, rfc_preds.values)
print('log loss for Random Forest: {}'.format(ll_rfc))
print("Predictions on training set features took {} sec of the CPU's time.".format(cpu_time() - t0))

print("Writing a Kaggle submission csv file")
t0 = cpu_time()
# create submission file
submission_df = pd.DataFrame(rfc.predict_proba(test), index=sample_ids, columns=sample_label_set)
submission_df.to_csv('random_forest_300_submission.csv', index_label='id')

### PCA