Exemple #1
def test__can_insert_row():
    """ I can insert a new row into a bitemp ts and it comes back when selecting the latest data
    df = get_bitemporal_test_data()
    df = insert_at(df, dt('2014-01-03'), [[9, 90]])
    assert len(df) == 9
    df = groupby_asof(df)
    assert len(df) == 4
    assert df.loc[dt('2014-01-03')]['OPEN'] == 9
    assert df.loc[dt('2014-01-03')]['CLOSE'] == 90
def test__can_insert_row():
    """ I can insert a new row into a bitemp ts and it comes back when selecting the latest data
    df = get_bitemporal_test_data()
    df = insert_at(df, dt('2014-01-03'), [[9, 90]])
    assert len(df) == 9
    df = groupby_asof(df)
    assert len(df) == 4
    assert df.loc[dt('2014-01-03')]['OPEN'] == 9
    assert df.loc[dt('2014-01-03')]['CLOSE'] == 90
Exemple #3
def test__get_ts__asof_datetime():
    """  I can get a timeseries as-of a particular point in time
    df = groupby_asof(get_bitemporal_test_data(), as_of=dt('2015-01-05'))
    assert len(df) == 3
    assert all(df['OPEN'] == [1.1, 2.1, 3.0])
    assert all(df['CLOSE'] == [10.1, 20.1, 30.0])
def test__get_ts__asof_datetime():
    """  I can get a timeseries as-of a particular point in time
    df = groupby_asof(get_bitemporal_test_data(), as_of=dt('2015-01-05'))
    assert len(df) == 3
    assert all(df['OPEN'] == [1.1, 2.1, 3.0])
    assert all(df['CLOSE'] == [10.1, 20.1, 30.0])
Exemple #5
def insert_at(df, sample_date, values):
    """ Insert some values into a bi-temporal dataframe.
        This is like what would happen when we get a price correction.
    observed_dt = dt(datetime.now())
    return multi_index_insert_row(df, [sample_date, observed_dt], values)
Exemple #6
def get_datetime_index_test_data():
    sample_dates = pd.DatetimeIndex(4 * [dt('1/1/2014 21:30')] +
                                    4 * [dt('2/1/2014 21:30')] +
                                    4 * [dt('3/1/2014 21:30')])
    observed_dates = [
        dt('1/1/2014 22:00'),
        dt('1/1/2014 22:30'),
        dt('2/1/2014 00:00'),
        dt('1/1/2015 21:30'),
        dt('2/1/2014 23:00'),
        dt('2/1/2014 23:30'),
        dt('3/1/2014 00:00'),
        dt('2/1/2015 21:30'),
        dt('3/1/2014 21:30'),
        dt('3/1/2014 22:30'),
        dt('4/1/2014 00:00'),
        dt('3/1/2015 21:30'),
    index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([sample_dates, observed_dates],
                                      names=['sample_dt', 'observed_dt'])

    prices = np.arange(24).reshape(12, 2) * 10
    df = pd.DataFrame(prices, index=index, columns=['OPEN', 'CLOSE'])

    #                                          OPEN  CLOSE
    # sample_dt           observed_dt
    # 2014-01-01 21:30:00 2014-01-01 22:00:00     0     10
    #                     2014-01-01 22:30:00    20     30
    #                     2014-02-01 00:00:00    40     50
    #                     2015-01-01 21:30:00    60     70
    # 2014-02-01 21:30:00 2014-02-01 23:00:00    80     90
    #                     2014-02-01 23:30:00   100    110
    #                     2014-03-01 00:00:00   120    130
    #                     2015-02-01 21:30:00   140    150
    # 2014-03-01 21:30:00 2014-03-01 21:30:00   160    170
    #                     2014-03-01 22:30:00   180    190
    #                     2014-04-01 00:00:00   200    210
    #                     2015-03-01 21:30:00   220    230
    return df
def get_datetime_index_test_data():
    sample_dates = pd.DatetimeIndex(4 * [dt('1/1/2014 21:30')] +
                                    4 * [dt('2/1/2014 21:30')] +
                                    4 * [dt('3/1/2014 21:30')])
    observed_dates = [dt('1/1/2014 22:00'), dt('1/1/2014 22:30'), dt('2/1/2014 00:00'), dt('1/1/2015 21:30'),
                      dt('2/1/2014 23:00'), dt('2/1/2014 23:30'), dt('3/1/2014 00:00'), dt('2/1/2015 21:30'),
                      dt('3/1/2014 21:30'), dt('3/1/2014 22:30'), dt('4/1/2014 00:00'), dt('3/1/2015 21:30'),
    index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([sample_dates, observed_dates], names=['sample_dt', 'observed_dt'])

    prices = np.arange(24).reshape(12, 2) * 10
    df = pd.DataFrame(prices, index=index, columns=['OPEN', 'CLOSE'])

    #                                          OPEN  CLOSE
    # sample_dt           observed_dt                     
    # 2014-01-01 21:30:00 2014-01-01 22:00:00     0     10
    #                     2014-01-01 22:30:00    20     30
    #                     2014-02-01 00:00:00    40     50
    #                     2015-01-01 21:30:00    60     70
    # 2014-02-01 21:30:00 2014-02-01 23:00:00    80     90
    #                     2014-02-01 23:30:00   100    110
    #                     2014-03-01 00:00:00   120    130
    #                     2015-02-01 21:30:00   140    150
    # 2014-03-01 21:30:00 2014-03-01 21:30:00   160    170
    #                     2014-03-01 22:30:00   180    190
    #                     2014-04-01 00:00:00   200    210
    #                     2015-03-01 21:30:00   220    230
    return df