Exemple #1
def test_to_script(index):
    """Test writing DataFrameSchema to a script."""
    schema_to_write = _create_schema(index)
    script = io.to_script(schema_to_write)

    local_dict = {}
    # pylint: disable=exec-used
    exec(script, globals(), local_dict)

    schema = local_dict["schema"]

    # executing script should result in a variable `schema`
    assert schema == schema_to_write
Exemple #2
def test_to_script(index):
    """Test writing DataFrameSchema to a script."""
    schema_to_write = _create_schema(index)

    for script in [io.to_script(schema_to_write), schema_to_write.to_script()]:

        local_dict = {}
        # pylint: disable=exec-used
        exec(script, globals(), local_dict)

        schema = local_dict["schema"]

        # executing script should result in a variable `schema`
        assert schema == schema_to_write

    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w+") as f:
        # pylint: disable=exec-used
        exec(f.read(), globals(), local_dict)
        schema = local_dict["schema"]
        assert schema == schema_to_write