def claim_filter(key, value, format, meta):
  if key == 'Link':
    (identifier, classes, attributes_list), content, target = value
    attributes = dict(attributes_list)
    if 'claim' in attributes:
      claim_test_command = attributes['claim']
      if, shell=True) == 0:
        return pandocfilters.Span((identifier, classes, attributes_list), content)
        return pandocfilters.Span((identifier, classes, attributes_list), [pandocfilters.Strong([pandocfilters.Strikeout(content)])])
def blockquote2div(key, value, format, meta):
    """Convert a blockquote into a div if it begins with a header
    that has attributes containing a single class that is in the
    allowed classes.

    This function can be passed directly to toJSONFilter
    from pandocfilters.
    if key == 'BlockQuote':
        blockquote = value

        header = find_header(blockquote)
        if not header:
            level, attr, inlines = header

        id, classes, kvs = attr

        if len(classes) == 1 and classes[0] in SPECIAL_CLASSES:
            panel_kind, glyphicon_kind = SPECIAL_CLASSES[classes[0]]

            h_level, h_attr, h_inlines = blockquote[0]['c']

            # insert an icon as the first sub-item of the header
            span = pf.Span(["", ["glyphicon", glyphicon_kind], []], [])
            h_inlines.insert(0, span)

            # only the header goes into panel-heading
            # WARNING: pandoc doesn't preserve header attributes when the
            #          header is nested under blockquote.  This makes it
            #          impossible to alter header's "class" attribute, for
            #          example.
            header = pf.Header(h_level, h_attr, h_inlines)
            panel_header = pf.Div(("", ["panel-heading"], []), [header])

            # the rest of the blockquote goes into panel-body
            panel_body = pf.Div(("", ["panel-body"], []), blockquote[1:])

            # apply Bootstrap panel classes to the div

            # a blockquote is just a list of blocks, so it can be
            # passed directly to Div, which expects Div(attr, blocks)
            return pf.Div((id, classes, kvs), [panel_header, panel_body])
Exemple #3
    def math_replacement(self, key, value, format, metadata):
        """Create our own links to equations instead of relying on
        mathtype, math = value
        label = re.findall(math_label, math)[-1]

        attr = PandocAttributes() = '#' + label

        if format == 'latex' or format == 'beamer':
            return pf.Math(mathtype, math)

            return pf.Span(attr.to_pandoc(), [pf.Math(mathtype, math)])
def blockquote2div(key, value, format, meta):
    """Convert a blockquote into a div if it begins with a header
    that has attributes containing a single class that is in the
    allowed classes.

    This function can be passed directly to toJSONFilter
    from pandocfilters.
    if key == 'BlockQuote':
        blockquote = value

        header = find_header(blockquote)
        if not header:
            level, attr, inlines = header

        id, classes, kvs = attr

        if len(classes) == 1 and classes[0] in SPECIAL_CLASSES:
            panel_kind, glyphicon_kind = SPECIAL_CLASSES[classes[0]]

            h_level, h_attr, h_inlines = blockquote[0]['c']

            # insert an icon as the first sub-item of the header
            span = pf.Span(["", ["glyphicon", glyphicon_kind], []], [])
            h_inlines.insert(0, span)

            # only the header goes into panel-heading
            header = pf.Header(h_level, [h_attr[0], [], []], h_inlines)
            panel_header = pf.Div(("", ["panel-heading"], []), [header])

            # the rest of the blockquote goes into panel-body
            panel_body = pf.Div(("", ["panel-body"], []), blockquote[1:])

            # apply Bootstrap panel classes to the div

            # a blockquote is just a list of blocks, so it can be
            # passed directly to Div, which expects Div(attr, blocks)
            if classes[0] == "callout":
                return [{
                    "c": [
                        "<aside class=\"{0}\">".format(' '.join(classes))
                }, panel_header, panel_body, {
                    "t": "RawBlock",
                    "c": ["html", "</aside>"]
                return [{
                    "c": [
                        "<section class=\"{0}\">".format(' '.join(classes))
                }, panel_header, panel_body, {
                    "t": "RawBlock",
                    "c": ["html", "</section>"]