Exemple #1
def replace_attrtables(key, value, fmt, meta):
    """Replaces attributed tables while storing reference labels."""

    if is_attrtable(key, value):

        # Parse the table
        content, caption, label = parse_attrtable(value)

        # Bail out if the label does not conform
        if not label or not LABEL_PATTERN.match(label):
            return None

        # Save the reference
        references[label] = len(references) + 1

        # Adjust caption depending on the output format
        if fmt == 'latex':
            caption = list(caption) + [RawInline('tex', r'\label{%s}' % label)]
            caption = ast('Table %d. ' % references[label]) + list(caption)

        # Return the replacement
        # pylint: disable=star-args
        args = [
        ] + content
        if fmt in ('html', 'html5'):
            anchor = RawInline('html', '<a name="%s"></a>' % label)
            return [Plain([anchor]), Table(*args)]
            return Table(*args)
Exemple #2
def insert_table_labels(key, val, fmt, meta):
    Insert "Table 3:" style prefixes before table captions
    and wrap in span with id=table-3 etc.
    if key == 'Table':
        caption = val[0]
        for i, obj in enumerate(caption):
            if obj['t'] == 'Span':
                span_val = obj['c'][0][2]
                if (len(span_val) == 1 and len(span_val[0]) == 2
                        and span_val[0][0] == 'data-label'):
                    label = span_val[0][1]
                    index = incr_latest_index('table')
                    ref_index = 'table-%d' % index

                    label_map[label] = Label(
                        ref_string='Table %d' % index,
                        prev_strings=['table', 'tab.'],

                    span_index = i
                    caption.insert(0, Str('Table %d: ' % index))
                    return Div([ref_index, ['engrafo-table'], []],
Exemple #3
def process_tables(key, value, fmt, meta):
    """Processes the attributed tables."""

    global has_unnumbered_tables  # pylint: disable=global-statement

    # Process block-level Table elements
    if key == 'Table':

        # Inspect the table
        if len(value) == 5:  # Unattributed, bail out
            has_unnumbered_tables = True
            if fmt in ['latex']:
                return [
                    RawBlock('tex', r'\begin{no-prefix-table-caption}'),
                    RawBlock('tex', r'\end{no-prefix-table-caption}')
            return None

        # Process the table
        table = _process_table(value, fmt)

        # Context-dependent output
        attrs = table['attrs']
        if table['is_unnumbered']:
            if fmt in ['latex']:
                return [
                    RawBlock('tex', r'\begin{no-prefix-table-caption}'),
                    RawBlock('tex', r'\end{no-prefix-table-caption}')

        elif fmt in ['latex']:
            if table['is_tagged']:  # Code in the tags
                tex = '\n'.join([r'\let\oldthetable=\thetable',
                pre = RawBlock('tex', tex)
                tex = '\n'.join([
                    r'\let\thetable=\oldthetable', r'\addtocounter{table}{-1}'
                post = RawBlock('tex', tex)
                return [pre, AttrTable(*value), post]
        elif table['is_unreferenceable']:
            attrs[0] = ''  # The label isn't needed any further
        elif fmt in ('html', 'html5') and LABEL_PATTERN.match(attrs[0]):
            # Insert anchor
            anchor = RawBlock('html', '<a name="%s"></a>' % attrs[0])
            return [anchor, AttrTable(*value)]
        elif fmt == 'docx':
            # As per http://officeopenxml.com/WPhyperlink.php
            bookmarkstart = \
                       '<w:bookmarkStart w:id="0" w:name="%s"/>'
            bookmarkend = \
              RawBlock('openxml', '<w:bookmarkEnd w:id="0"/>')
            return [bookmarkstart, AttrTable(*value), bookmarkend]

    return None
Exemple #4
def table(v):
    os.system('pandoc -t json {0} > {0}.json'.format(v))
    with open('{0}.json'.format(v), 'r+') as f:
        table_json = json.load(f)
    arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 = table_json['blocks'][0]['c']
    os.system('rm {0}.json'.format(v))
    return Table(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)
Exemple #5
def process_tables(key, value, fmt, meta):
    # pylint: disable=global-statement
    global num_refs  # Global references counter
    global references
    if fmt == "docx" and key == "Table":
        for i, x in enumerate(value):
            if re.match(r'.*label.*', str(x).replace('\n', ' ')):
                num_refs += 1
                m = re.match(r".*label.*\'(.*?)\'\]",
                             str(x[0]).replace('\n', ' '))
                label = m.group(1)
                references[label] = num_refs
                replace_table_label(x[0], num_refs)
                value[i] = x
        return Table(*value)
def _add_markup(fmt, table, value):
    """Adds markup to the output."""

    # pylint: disable=global-statement
    global has_tagged_tables  # Flags a tagged tables was found

    if table['is_unnumbered']:
        if fmt in ['latex', 'beamer']:
            # Use the no-prefix-table-caption environment
            return [
                RawBlock('tex', r'\begin{tablenos:no-prefix-table-caption}'),
                Table(*(value if len(value) == 5 else value[1:])),
                RawBlock('tex', r'\end{tablenos:no-prefix-table-caption}')
        return None  # Nothing to do

    attrs = table['attrs']
    ret = None

    if fmt in ['latex', 'beamer']:
        if table['is_tagged']:  # A table cannot be tagged if it is unnumbered
            has_tagged_tables = True
            ret = [RawBlock('tex', r'\begin{tablenos:tagged-table}[%s]' % \
                   RawBlock('tex', r'\end{tablenos:tagged-table}')]
    elif fmt in ('html', 'html5', 'epub', 'epub2', 'epub3'):
        if LABEL_PATTERN.match(attrs.id):
            # Enclose table in hidden div
            pre = RawBlock('html', '<div id="%s" class="tablenos">' % attrs.id)
            post = RawBlock('html', '</div>')
            ret = [pre, AttrTable(*value), post]
    elif fmt == 'docx':
        # As per http://officeopenxml.com/WPhyperlink.php
        bookmarkstart = \
                   '<w:bookmarkStart w:id="0" w:name="%s"/>'
        bookmarkend = \
          RawBlock('openxml', '<w:bookmarkEnd w:id="0"/>')
        ret = [bookmarkstart, AttrTable(*value), bookmarkend]
    return ret
Exemple #7
def process_tables(key, value, fmt, meta):
    # pylint: disable=global-statement
    global num_refs  # Global references counter
    global references
    global supp_enabled
    global supp_str
    if fmt == "docx" and key == "Header":
        sys.stderr.write('KEY: %s, VALUE: %s\n' % (key, value))
        for i, x in enumerate(value):
            if re.match(r'.*supplement.*', str(x).replace('\n', ' ')):
                supp_enabled = True
                supp_str = 'S'
                num_refs = 0
    if fmt == "docx" and key == "Table":
        for i, x in enumerate(value):
            if re.match(r'.*label.*', str(x).replace('\n', ' ')):
                num_refs += 1
                m = re.match(r".*label.*\'(.*?)\'\]",
                             str(x[0]).replace('\n', ' '))
                label = m.group(1)
                references[label] = '%s%d' % (supp_str, num_refs)
                replace_table_label(x[0], '%s%d' % (supp_str, num_refs))
                value[i] = x
        return Table(*value)
Exemple #8
def f(key, val, fmt, meta):
    if key == 'Table':
        rows = val[4]
        new_rows = walk(rows, g, fmt, meta)
        return Table(*val[0:4], new_rows)
def f(key, val, fmt, meta):
    if key == 'Table':
        rows = val[4]
        new_rows = walk(rows, g, fmt, meta)
        return Table(val[0], val[1], val[2], val[3], new_rows)