def main():

	global playing_stream
	global current_screen

	pandoraUtils.writeToLCD("Pandora Pi", "Starting")

	while True:

		# Default Page

		if ( GPIO.input(2) == False  and current_screen == "default"):
			pandoraUtils.log('Button 1 - Skip Song')
			pandoraUtils.writeToLCD("Skipping", "Song")
			os.system('echo "n" >> ' + fifo_folder_location)

		if ( GPIO.input(3) == False  and current_screen == "default"):

			pandoraUtils.log('Button 2 - Skip Station')
			pandoraUtils.writeToLCD("Next", "Station")
			current_station = randint(1,total_stations)
			os.system('echo "s' + str(current_station) + '" >> ' + fifo_folder_location)

			parseAndWrite(8, True)


		if ( GPIO.input(4)== False  and current_screen == "default"):

			pandoraUtils.log('Button 3 - Vol Down')
			pandoraUtils.writeToLCD("Volume", "Down")
			os.system('echo "((((" >> ' + fifo_folder_location)


		if ( GPIO.input(17)== False  and current_screen == "default"):

			pandoraUtils.log('Button 4 - Vol Up')
			pandoraUtils.writeToLCD("Volume", "Up")
			os.system('echo "))))" >> ' + fifo_folder_location)


		if ( GPIO.input(27)== False  and current_screen == "default"):

			pandoraUtils.log('Button 5 - Play/Pause')

			if playing_stream == "Playing":
				pandoraUtils.writeToLCD("Paused", "")
				playing_stream = "Paused"
				pandoraUtils.writeToLCD("Playing", "")
				playing_stream = "Playing"

			os.system('echo "p" >> ' + fifo_folder_location)

		if ( GPIO.input(22)== False  and current_screen == "default"):

			pandoraUtils.log('Button 6 - Menu')
			pandoraUtils.writeToLCD("Pandora Pi", "Menu")

			pandoraUtils.writeToLCD("1:Like 2:Dislike", "3:IP 4:Next Pg")
			current_screen = "menupg1"

		# Menu Page 1

		if ( GPIO.input(2) == False  and current_screen == "menupg1"):

			pandoraUtils.log('Button 6 - Menu - Sub 1 - Like')
			pandoraUtils.writeToLCD("Liking", pandoraUtils.getShared("song"))
			os.system('echo "+" >> ' + fifo_folder_location)


		if ( GPIO.input(3) == False  and current_screen == "menupg1"):

			pandoraUtils.log('Button 6 - Menu - Sub 2 - DisLike')
			pandoraUtils.writeToLCD("Disliking", pandoraUtils.getShared("song"))
			os.system('echo "-" >> ' + fifo_folder_location)


		if ( GPIO.input(4) == False  and current_screen == "menupg1"):

			pandoraUtils.log('Button 6 - Menu - Sub 3 - IP Address')


		if ( GPIO.input(17) == False  and current_screen == "menupg1"):

			pandoraUtils.writeToLCD("1:Prev Pg 2:Cur St", "3:Off 4:Next Pg")
			current_screen = "menupg2"

		# Menu Page 2

		if ( GPIO.input(2) == False  and current_screen == "menupg2"):

			pandoraUtils.log('Button 6 - Menu - Sub 1 - Menu Pg 1')
			pandoraUtils.writeToLCD("1:Like 2:Dislike", "3:IP 4:Next Pg")
			current_screen = "menupg1"

		if ( GPIO.input(3) == False  and current_screen == "menupg2"):

			pandoraUtils.log('Button 6 - Menu - Sub 2 - Station Name')
			pandoraUtils.writeToLCD(pandoraUtils.getShared("stationName"), "")


		# if ( GPIO.input(4) == False  and current_screen == "menupg2"):

		# 	pandoraUtils.log('Button 6 - Menu - Sub 3 - Shutdown')
		# 	pandoraUtils.writeToLCD("Shutting Down", "Thanks")
		# 	pianobarProcess.terminate()
		# 	# os.system('echo "q" >> ' + fifo_folder_location)

		# 	sleep(2)

		# 	pandoraUtils.writeToLCD("Pandora Pi: OFF", "1: Turn ON")
		# 	current_screen = "off"

		# if ( GPIO.input(2) == False  and current_screen == "off"):

		# 	pianobarProcess = Popen('sudo -u pi pianobar', shell=True)

		# 	PandoraUtils.writeToLCD("Pandora Pi", "Starting")
		# 	current_screen = "default"

		# 	sleep(4)
		# 	pandoraUtils.parseAndWrite()

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys, time, os, socket
import pickle
import pandoraUtils

if __name__ == "__main__":

	# Read event type from command arguments
	if len(sys.argv) < 2:
		pandoraUtils.log("Error reading event type from command arguments")

	event_type = sys.argv[1]

	# Read parameters from input
	params = {}
	for s in sys.stdin.readlines():
		param, value = s.split("=", 1)
		params[param.strip()] = value.strip()

	# Handle specific events
	if event_type == "songstart":

		info = {}
		info["song"] = params["title"]
		info["artist"] = params["artist"]
		info["album"] = params["album"]
		info["stationCount"] = params["stationCount"]
		info["stationName"] = params["stationName"]