Exemple #1
def test_select_disabled_options_init(options, size, document, comm):
    select = Select(options=options, disabled_options=[20], size=size)

    widget = select.get_root(document, comm=comm)

    assert isinstance(widget, select._widget_type)
    assert widget.disabled_options == [20]
Exemple #2
def test_embed_select_str_link_two_steps(document, comm):
    select = Select(options=['A', 'B', 'C'])
    string1 = Str()
    select.link(string1, value='object')
    string2 = Str()
    string1.link(string2, object='object')
    panel = Row(select, string1, string2)
    with config.set(embed=True):
        model = panel.get_root(document, comm)
    embed_state(panel, model, document)
    _, state = document.roots
    assert set(state.state) == {'A', 'B', 'C'}
    for k, v in state.state.items():
        content = json.loads(v['content'])
        assert 'events' in content
        events = content['events']
        assert len(events) == 2
        event = events[0]
        assert event['kind'] == 'ModelChanged'
        assert event['attr'] == 'text'
        assert event['model'] == model.children[1].ref
        assert event['new'] == '<pre>%s</pre>' % k

        event = events[1]
        assert event['kind'] == 'ModelChanged'
        assert event['attr'] == 'text'
        assert event['model'] == model.children[2].ref
        assert event['new'] == '<pre>%s</pre>' % k
Exemple #3
def test_select_float_option_with_equality():
    opts = {'A': 3.14, '1': 2.0}
    select = Select(options=opts, value=3.14, name='Select')
    assert select.value == 3.14

    select.value = 2
    assert select.value == 2.0

    select.value = 3.14
    assert select.value == 3.14
Exemple #4
def test_select_text_option_with_equality():
    opts = {'A': 'ABC', '1': 'DEF'}
    select = Select(options=opts, value='DEF', name='Select')
    assert select.value == 'DEF'

    select.value = 'ABC'
    assert select.value == 'ABC'

    select.value = 'DEF'
    assert select.value == 'DEF'
Exemple #5
def test_select_disabled_options_set_value_and_disabled_options(
        options, size, document, comm):
    select = Select(options=options, disabled_options=[20], size=size)
    select.param.set_param(value=20, disabled_options=[10])

    widget = select.get_root(document, comm=comm)

    assert widget.value == '20'
    assert select.value == 20
    assert widget.disabled_options == [10]
Exemple #6
def test_embed_select_str_explicit_values_not_found(document, comm):
    select = Select(options=['A', 'B', 'C'])
    string = Str()

    def link(target, event):
        target.object = event.new

    select.link(string, callbacks={'value': link})
    panel = Row(select, string)
    with config.set(embed=True):
        model = panel.get_root(document, comm)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        embed_state(panel, model, document, states={select: ['A', 'D']})
Exemple #7
def test_select_change_options(document, comm):
    opts = {'A': 'a', '1': 1}
    select = Select(options=opts, value=opts['1'], name='Select')

    widget = select.get_root(document, comm=comm)

    select.options = {'A': 'a'}
    assert select.value == opts['A']
    assert widget.value == as_unicode(opts['A'])

    select.options = {}
    assert select.value == None
    assert widget.value == ''
Exemple #8
def test_select_non_hashable_options(document, comm):
    opts = {'A': np.array([1, 2, 3]), '1': np.array([3, 4, 5])}
    select = Select(options=opts, value=opts['1'], name='Select')

    widget = select.get_root(document, comm=comm)

    select.value = opts['A']
    assert select.value is opts['A']
    assert widget.value == as_unicode(opts['A'])

    select.options = opts
    assert select.value is opts['1']
    assert widget.value == as_unicode(opts['1'])
Exemple #9
def test_select_change_options_on_watch(document, comm):
    select = Select(options=OrderedDict([('A', 'A'), ('1', 1), ('C', object)]),
                         value='A', name='Select')

    def set_options(event):
        if event.new == 1:
            select.options = OrderedDict([('D', 2), ('E', 'a')])
    select.param.watch(set_options, 'value')

    model = select.get_root(document, comm=comm)

    select.value = 1
    assert model.value == as_unicode(list(select.options.values())[0])
    assert model.options == [(as_unicode(v),k) for k,v in select.options.items()]
Exemple #10
def test_select_mutables(document, comm):
    opts = OrderedDict([('A', [1, 2, 3]), ('B', [2, 4, 6]),
                        ('C', dict(a=1, b=2))])
    select = Select(options=opts, value=opts['B'], name='Select')

    box = select._get_model(document, comm=comm)

    assert isinstance(box, WidgetBox)

    widget = box.children[0]
    assert isinstance(widget, select._widget_type)
    assert widget.title == 'Select'
    assert widget.value == 'B'
    assert widget.options == ['A', 'B', 'C']

    widget.value = 'B'
    select._comm_change({'value': 'A'})
    assert select.value == opts['A']

    widget.value = 'B'
    select._comm_change({'value': 'B'})
    assert select.value == opts['B']

    select.value = opts['A']
    assert widget.value == 'A'
Exemple #11
def test_select_change_groups(document, comm):
    groups = dict(A=dict(a=1, b=2), B=dict(c=3))
    select = Select(value=groups['A']['a'], groups=groups, name='Select')

    widget = select.get_root(document, comm=comm)

    new_groups = dict(C=dict(d=4), D=dict(e=5, f=6))
    select.groups = new_groups
    assert select.value == new_groups['C']['d']
    assert widget.value == str(new_groups['C']['d'])
    assert widget.options == {'C': [('4', 'd')], 'D': [('5', 'e'), ('6', 'f')]}

    select.groups = {}
    assert select.value == None
    assert widget.value == ''
Exemple #12
def test_holoviews_widgets_explicit_widget_instance_override():
    hmap = hv.HoloMap({(i, chr(65+i)): hv.Curve([i]) for i in range(3)}, kdims=['X', 'Y'])

    widget = Select(options=[1, 2, 3], value=3)
    widgets, _ = HoloViews.widgets_from_dimensions(hmap, widget_types={'X': widget})

    assert widgets[0] is widget
Exemple #13
def test_embed_param_jslink(document, comm):
    select = Select(options=['A', 'B', 'C'])
    params = Param(select, parameters=['disabled']).layout
    panel = Row(select, params)
    with config.set(embed=True):
        model = panel.get_root(document, comm)
    embed_state(panel, model, document)
    assert len(document.roots) == 1

    ref = model.ref['id']
    cbs = list(model.select({'type': CustomJS}))
    assert len(cbs) == 2
    cb1, cb2 = cbs
    cb1, cb2 = (cb1,
                cb2) if select._models[ref][0] is cb1.args['target'] else (cb2,
    assert cb1.code == """
    var value = source['active'];
    value = value.indexOf(0) >= 0;
    value = value;
    try {
      var property = target.properties['disabled'];
      if (property !== undefined) { property.validate(value); }
    } catch(err) {
      console.log('WARNING: Could not set disabled on target, raised error: ' + err);
    try {
      target['disabled'] = value;
    } catch(err) {

    assert cb2.code == """
Exemple #14
def test_select_change_options_on_watch(document, comm):
    select = Select(options=OrderedDict([('A', 'A'), ('1', 1), ('C', object)]),

    def set_options(event):
        if event.new == 1:
            select.options = OrderedDict([('D', 2), ('E', 'a')])

    select.param.watch(set_options, 'value')

    model = select._get_root(document, comm=comm)

    select.value = 1
    assert model.value == 'D'
    assert model.options == ['D', 'E']
Exemple #15
def test_embed_discrete(document, comm):
    select = Select(options=['A', 'B', 'C'])
    string = Str()
    select.link(string, value='object')
    panel = Row(select, string)
    with config.set(embed=True):
        model = panel.get_root(document, comm)
    embed_state(panel, model, document)
    _, state = document.roots
    assert set(state.state) == {'A', 'B', 'C'}
    for k, v in state.state.items():
        content = json.loads(v['content'])
        assert 'events' in content
        events = content['events']
        assert len(events) == 1
        event = events[0]
        assert event['kind'] == 'ModelChanged'
        assert event['attr'] == 'text'
        assert event['model'] == model.children[1].ref
        assert event['new'] == '<pre>%s</pre>' % k
Exemple #16
def test_embed_select_str_jslink(document, comm):
    select = Select(options=['A', 'B', 'C'])
    string = Str()
    select.link(string, value='object')
    panel = Row(select, string)
    with config.set(embed=True):
        model = panel.get_root(document, comm)
    embed_state(panel, model, document)
    assert len(document.roots) == 1
    assert model is document.roots[0]

    ref = model.ref['id']
    cbs = list(model.select({'type': CustomJS}))
    assert len(cbs) == 2
    cb1, cb2 = cbs
    cb1, cb2 = (cb1,
                cb2) if select._models[ref][0] is cb1.args['source'] else (cb2,
    assert cb1.code == """
    var value = source['value'];
    value = value;
    value = JSON.stringify(value).replace(/,/g, ", ").replace(/:/g, ": ");
    try {
      var property = target.properties['text'];
      if (property !== undefined) { property.validate(value); }
    } catch(err) {
      console.log('WARNING: Could not set text on target, raised error: ' + err);
    try {
      target['text'] = value;
    } catch(err) {

    assert cb2.code == """
Exemple #17
def test_embed_select_str_link(document, comm):
    select = Select(options=['A', 'B', 'C'])
    string = Str()

    def link(target, event):
        target.object = event.new

    select.link(string, callbacks={'value': link})
    panel = Row(select, string)
    with config.set(embed=True):
        model = panel.get_root(document, comm)
    embed_state(panel, model, document)
    _, state = document.roots
    assert set(state.state) == {'A', 'B', 'C'}
    for k, v in state.state.items():
        content = json.loads(v['content'])
        assert 'events' in content
        events = content['events']
        assert len(events) == 1
        event = events[0]
        assert event['kind'] == 'ModelChanged'
        assert event['attr'] == 'text'
        assert event['model'] == model.children[1].ref
        assert event['new'] == '&lt;pre&gt;%s&lt;/pre&gt;' % k
Exemple #18
def test_select_groups_dict_options(document, comm):
    groups = dict(A=dict(a=1, b=2), B=dict(c=3))
    select = Select(value=groups['A']['a'], groups=groups, name='Select')

    widget = select.get_root(document, comm=comm)

    assert isinstance(widget, select._widget_type)
    assert widget.title == 'Select'
    assert widget.value == str(groups['A']['a'])
    assert widget.options == {'A': [('1', 'a'), ('2', 'b')], 'B': [('3', 'c')]}

    select._process_events({'value': str(groups['B']['c'])})
    assert select.value == groups['B']['c']

    select._process_events({'value': str(groups['A']['b'])})
    assert select.value == groups['A']['b']

    select.value = groups['A']['a']
    assert widget.value == str(groups['A']['a'])
Exemple #19
def test_select(document, comm):
    opts = {'A': 'a', '1': 1}
    select = Select(options=opts, value=opts['1'], name='Select')

    widget = select._get_root(document, comm=comm)

    assert isinstance(widget, select._widget_type)
    assert widget.title == 'Select'
    assert widget.value == '1'
    assert widget.options == ['A', '1']

    select._comm_change({'value': 'A'})
    assert select.value == opts['A']

    widget.value = '1'
    select._comm_change({'value': '1'})
    assert select.value == opts['1']

    select.value = opts['A']
    assert widget.value == 'A'
Exemple #20
def test_select_groups_error_with_options():
    # Instantiate with groups and options
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        Select(options=[1, 2], groups=dict(a=[1], b=[2]), name='Select')

    opts = [1, 2, 3]
    groups = dict(a=[1, 2], b=[3])

    # Instamtiate with options and then update groups
    select = Select(options=opts, name='Select')
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        select.groups = groups

    # Instantiate with groups and then update options
    select = Select(groups=groups, name='Select')
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        select.options = opts
Exemple #21
def test_select_mutables(document, comm):
    opts = OrderedDict([('A', [1,2,3]), ('B', [2,4,6]), ('C', dict(a=1,b=2))])
    select = Select(options=opts, value=opts['B'], name='Select')

    widget = select.get_root(document, comm=comm)

    assert isinstance(widget, select._widget_type)
    assert widget.title == 'Select'
    assert widget.value == as_unicode(opts['B'])
    assert widget.options == [(as_unicode(v),k) for k,v in opts.items()]

    widget.value = as_unicode(opts['B'])
    select._comm_change({'value': as_unicode(opts['A'])})
    assert select.value == opts['A']

    widget.value = as_unicode(opts['B'])
    select._comm_change({'value': as_unicode(opts['B'])})
    assert select.value == opts['B']

    select.value = opts['A']
    assert widget.value == as_unicode(opts['A'])
Exemple #22
def test_select_groups_list_options(document, comm):
    groups = dict(a=[1, 2], b=[3])
    select = Select(value=groups['a'][0], groups=groups, name='Select')

    widget = select.get_root(document, comm=comm)

    assert isinstance(widget, select._widget_type)
    assert widget.title == 'Select'
    assert widget.value == str(groups['a'][0])
    assert widget.options == {
        gr: [(str(v), str(v)) for v in values]
        for gr, values in groups.items()

    select._process_events({'value': str(groups['a'][1])})
    assert select.value == groups['a'][1]

    select._process_events({'value': str(groups['a'][0])})
    assert select.value == groups['a'][0]

    select.value = groups['a'][1]
    assert widget.value == str(groups['a'][1])
Exemple #23
def test_select(document, comm):
    opts = {'A': 'a', '1': 1}
    select = Select(options=opts, value=opts['1'], name='Select')

    widget = select.get_root(document, comm=comm)

    assert isinstance(widget, select._widget_type)
    assert widget.title == 'Select'
    assert widget.value == as_unicode(opts['1'])
    assert widget.options == [(as_unicode(v), k) for k, v in opts.items()]

    select._process_events({'value': as_unicode(opts['A'])})
    assert select.value == opts['A']

    widget.value = as_unicode(opts['1'])
    select.value = opts['1']
    assert select.value == opts['1']

    select.value = opts['A']
    assert widget.value == as_unicode(opts['A'])
Exemple #24
def test_select_disabled_options_error_set_disabled_options(options, size):
    select = Select(value=20, options=options, size=size)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Cannot set disabled_options'):
        select.disabled_options = [20]
Exemple #25
def test_select_disabled_options_error_on_init(options, size):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError,
                       match='as it is one of the disabled options'):
        Select(options=options, disabled_options=[10])
Exemple #26
def test_select_list_constructor():
    select = Select(options=['A', 1], value=1)
    assert select.options == ['A', 1]
Exemple #27
def test_select_disabled_options_error_set_value(options, size):
    select = Select(options=options, disabled_options=[20], size=size)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='as it is a disabled option'):
        select.value = 20
Exemple #28
def test_select_disabled_options_all_raises_error_after_init(options, size):
    select = Select(options=options, size=size)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='All the options'):
        select.disabled_options = [10, 20]
Exemple #29
def test_select_disabled_options_error_disabled_options_not_in_options(
        options, size):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError,
                       match='Cannot disable non existing options'):
        Select(options=options, disabled_options=[30], size=size)