def __init__(self,roomconfig): self.TARGET_FPS = 15 pygame.init() self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.roomlist = self.build_rooms(roomconfig) try: self.sound = Sound() except: print "Error initializing sound" sys.exit(1) try: = PanTiltNetwork([1,2]) # set to max speed except: print "Couldn't initialize pan-tilt unit" = None pass try: assert(options.objects is not None) except: print "Make sure you define 1 or more vicon objects through -o" sys.exit(1) if options.vicon_file is not None: self.simulation_mode = True else: self.simulation_mode = False print "Running in live mode. "\ "Game will hang here if you are not connected to a Vicon Proxy server" if self.simulation_mode: self.f = open(options.vicon_file,'r') # should we read ahead? for i in xrange(options.line): self.f.readline() else: # Initialize the object... print "Waiting for Vicon..." self.vp = ViconProxy() # set up balls self.balls = [] for o in options.objects: self.balls.append(Ball(self.f if self.simulation_mode else self.vp,o)) # initial targets self.targets = [None]*len(self.roomlist) # target for each room for t in xrange(len(self.targets)): self.set_target(t) print self.targets for tidx in xrange(len(self.targets)): self.show_target(tidx)
class Game: def __init__(self,roomconfig): self.TARGET_FPS = 15 pygame.init() self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.roomlist = self.build_rooms(roomconfig) try: self.sound = Sound() except: print "Error initializing sound" sys.exit(1) try: = PanTiltNetwork([1,2]) # set to max speed except: print "Couldn't initialize pan-tilt unit" = None pass try: assert(options.objects is not None) except: print "Make sure you define 1 or more vicon objects through -o" sys.exit(1) if options.vicon_file is not None: self.simulation_mode = True else: self.simulation_mode = False print "Running in live mode. "\ "Game will hang here if you are not connected to a Vicon Proxy server" if self.simulation_mode: self.f = open(options.vicon_file,'r') # should we read ahead? for i in xrange(options.line): self.f.readline() else: # Initialize the object... print "Waiting for Vicon..." self.vp = ViconProxy() # set up balls self.balls = [] for o in options.objects: self.balls.append(Ball(self.f if self.simulation_mode else self.vp,o)) # initial targets self.targets = [None]*len(self.roomlist) # target for each room for t in xrange(len(self.targets)): self.set_target(t) print self.targets for tidx in xrange(len(self.targets)): self.show_target(tidx) def run(self): done = False while not done: timeChange = self.clock.tick(self.TARGET_FPS) if self.simulation_mode: # read from file obj = get_now_file(self.f,debug=True) else: # read from vicon_proxy obj = get_now(self.vp) for j,b in enumerate(self.balls): b.set_pos(obj) print b.get_pos() # determine whether any of the balls have made the target for i,t in enumerate(self.targets): for j,b in enumerate(self.balls): pos = b.get_pos() vel = b.get_vel() if t.isin(pos[0],pos[1]): print "Ball %d: %d,%d in target %d" % (j,pos[0],pos[1],i) print self.targets[i] if vel<options.min_vel: # t.note print "MATCH" self.sound.play_note(t.note,self.roomlist[i].instrument) time.sleep(options.show_sleep) self.sound.note_off(t.note) # self.sound.play_applause() self.set_target(i) self.show_target(i) def show_target(self,tidx): """ Show a given target with pan-tilt and sound. """ t = self.targets[tidx] r = self.roomlist[tidx] pc = t.get_center() print "center: %d,%d" % (pc[0],pc[1]) ptmap = pan,tilt = ptmap[0] if # select appropriate pan-tilt for this room,tilt,True) self.sound.play_note(t.note,r.instrument) time.sleep(options.show_sleep) self.sound.note_off(t.note) def set_target(self,tidx): """ Choose targets (but do not choose partitions where balls are currently located). Specify target to set. """ r = self.roomlist[tidx] #print "Room %d" % i bad = [] # this is a list of partitions in which any of the balls are located for b in self.balls: for n,p in enumerate(r.partitions): pos = b.get_pos() if p.isin(pos[0],pos[1]): #print "Ball found in partition %d" % n bad.append(n) # set difference between all partitions and bad partitions valid_list = list(set(range(len(r.partitions)))-set(bad)) if len(valid_list)==0: # many balls, no valid partitions? current_partition = np.random.randint(len(r.partitions)) else: current_partition = valid_list[np.random.randint(len(valid_list))] self.targets[tidx] = r.partitions[current_partition] #print self.targets def build_rooms(self,roomconfig): """Build rooms based on text file.""" notes = [69, 81, 74, 79, 57, 62, 67, 93, 86, 91] roomlist = [] f = open(roomconfig,'r') while True: line = f.readline() if not line: break if not line.startswith('#'): # ignore comments xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,n,p,m,inst = line.split() # split on spaces #r = Room(*[int(n) for n in xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax]) # why is this so slow? r = Room(int(xmin),int(xmax),int(ymin),int(ymax)) print "Room created" #r = Room(-400,400,-200,200) r.partition(int(n),notes) r.pantilt=int(p) r.mapper = Mapper(m) # will be a mapper for this specific pan-tilt r.instrument = int(inst) roomlist.append(r) f.close() return roomlist