Exemple #1
 def register_options(cls, register):
     super(ScalaCompile, cls).register_options(register)
     # Note: Used in ZincUtils.
     # TODO: Revisit this. It's unintuitive for ZincUtils to reach back into the task for options.
              help='Use these scalac plugins.')
     ZincUtils.register_options(register, cls.register_jvm_tool)
Exemple #2
 def register_options(cls, register):
   super(ScalaCompile, cls).register_options(register)
   # Note: Used in ZincUtils.
   # TODO: Revisit this. It's unintuitive for ZincUtils to reach back into the task for options.
   register('--plugins', action='append', help='Use these scalac plugins.')
   register('--plugin-args', advanced=True, type=Options.dict, default={},
            help='Map from plugin name to list of arguments for that plugin.')
   register('--name-hashing', action='store_true', default=False, help='Use zinc name hashing.')
   ZincUtils.register_options(register, cls.register_jvm_tool)
Exemple #3
 def register_options(cls, register):
   super(ScalaCompile, cls).register_options(register)
   # Note: Used in ZincUtils.
   # TODO: Revisit this. It's unintuitive for ZincUtils to reach back into the task for options.
   register('--plugins', action='append', help='Use these scalac plugins.')
   ZincUtils.register_options(register, cls.register_jvm_tool)