Exemple #1
class JvmCompile(NailgunTask):
  """A common framework for JVM compilation.

  To subclass for a specific JVM language, implement the static values and methods
  mentioned below under "Subclasses must implement".

  def setup_parser(subcls, option_group, args, mkflag):
    NailgunTask.setup_parser(option_group, args, mkflag)

    option_group.add_option(mkflag('warnings'), mkflag('warnings', negate=True),
                            help='[%default] Compile with all configured warnings enabled.')

                            help='Roughly how many source files to attempt to compile together. '
                                 'Set to a large number to compile all sources together. Set this '
                                 'to 0 to compile target-by-target. Default is set in pants.ini.')

                            choices=['off', 'warn', 'fatal'],
                            help='[%default] One of off, warn, fatal. '
                                 'Check for missing dependencies in ' +  subcls._language + 'code. '
                                 'Reports actual dependencies A -> B where there is no '
                                 'transitive BUILD file dependency path from A to B.'
                                 'If fatal, missing deps are treated as a build error.')

                            choices=['off', 'warn', 'fatal'],
                            help='[%default] One of off, warn, fatal. '
                                 'Check for missing direct dependencies in ' + subcls._language +
                                 ' code. Reports actual dependencies A -> B where there is no '
                                 'direct BUILD file dependency path from A to B. This is a very '
                                 'strict check, as in practice it is common to rely on transitive, '
                                 'non-direct dependencies, e.g., due to type inference or when the '
                                 'main target in a BUILD file is modified to depend on other '
                                 'targets in the same BUILD file as an implementation detail. It '
                                 'may still be useful to set it to fatal temorarily, to detect '

                            choices=['off', 'warn', 'fatal'],
                            help='[%default] One of off, warn, fatal. Check for declared '
                                 'dependencies in ' +  subcls._language + ' code that are not '
                                 'needed. This is a very strict check. For example, generated code '
                                 'will often legitimately have BUILD dependencies that are unused '
                                 'in practice.')

    option_group.add_option(mkflag('delete-scratch'), mkflag('delete-scratch', negate=True),
                            help='[%default] Leave intermediate scratch files around, '
                                 'for debugging build problems.')

  # Subclasses must implement.
  # --------------------------

  _language = None
  _file_suffix = None
  _config_section = None

  def create_analysis_tools(self):
    """Returns an AnalysisTools implementation.

    Subclasses must implement.
    raise NotImplementedError()

  def compile(self, args, classpath, sources, classes_output_dir, analysis_file):
    """Invoke the compiler.

    Must raise TaskError on compile failure.

    Subclasses must implement."""
    raise NotImplementedError()

  # Subclasses may override.
  # ------------------------

  def extra_compile_time_classpath_elements(self):
    """Extra classpath elements common to all compiler invocations.

    E.g., jars for compiler plugins.
    return []

  def extra_products(self, target):
    """Any extra, out-of-band products created for a target.

    E.g., targets that produce scala compiler plugins produce an info file.
    Returns a list of pairs (root, [absolute paths of files under root]).
    return []

  def post_process(self, relevant_targets):
    """Any extra post-execute work."""

  # Common code.
  # ------------

  def _analysis_for_target(analysis_dir, target):
    return os.path.join(analysis_dir, target.id + '.analysis')

  def _portable_analysis_for_target(analysis_dir, target):
    return JvmCompile._analysis_for_target(analysis_dir, target) + '.portable'

  def __init__(self, context, minimum_version=None, jdk=False):
    # TODO(John Sirois): XXX plumb minimum_version via config or flags
    super(JvmCompile, self).__init__(context, minimum_version=minimum_version, jdk=jdk)
    concrete_class = type(self)
    config_section = concrete_class._config_section

    def get_lang_specific_option(opt):
      full_opt_name = self._language + '_' + opt
      return getattr(context.options, full_opt_name, None)

    # Global workdir.
    self._pants_workdir = context.config.getdefault('pants_workdir')

    # Various working directories.
    workdir = context.config.get(config_section, 'workdir')
    self._classes_dir = os.path.join(workdir, 'classes')
    self._resources_dir = os.path.join(workdir, 'resources')
    self._analysis_dir = os.path.join(workdir, 'analysis')

    self._delete_scratch = get_lang_specific_option('delete_scratch')


    self._analysis_file = os.path.join(self._analysis_dir, 'global_analysis.valid')
    self._invalid_analysis_file = os.path.join(self._analysis_dir, 'global_analysis.invalid')

    # A temporary, but well-known, dir in which to munge analysis/dependency files in before
    # caching. It must be well-known so we know where to find the files when we retrieve them from
    # the cache.
    self._analysis_tmpdir = os.path.join(self._analysis_dir, 'artifact_cache_tmpdir')

    # We can't create analysis tools until after construction.
    self._lazy_analysis_tools = None

    # Compiler options.
    self._args = context.config.getlist(config_section, 'args')
    if get_lang_specific_option('compile_warnings'):
      self._args.extend(context.config.getlist(config_section, 'warning_args'))
      self._args.extend(context.config.getlist(config_section, 'no_warning_args'))

    # The rough number of source files to build in each compiler pass.
    self._partition_size_hint = get_lang_specific_option('partition_size_hint')
    if self._partition_size_hint == -1:
      self._partition_size_hint = context.config.getint(config_section, 'partition_size_hint',

    # JVM options for running the compiler.
    self._jvm_options = context.config.getlist(config_section, 'jvm_args')

    # The ivy confs for which we're building.
    self._confs = context.config.getlist(config_section, 'confs', default=['default'])

    # Runtime dependencies.
    runtime_deps = context.config.getlist(config_section, 'runtime-deps', default=[])
    if runtime_deps:
      self._runtime_deps_key = self._language + '-runtime-deps'
      self.register_jvm_tool(self._runtime_deps_key, runtime_deps)
      self._runtime_deps_key = None

    # Set up dep checking if needed.
    def munge_flag(flag):
      return None if flag == 'off' else flag
    check_missing_deps = munge_flag(get_lang_specific_option('missing_deps'))
    check_missing_direct_deps = munge_flag(get_lang_specific_option('missing_direct_deps'))
    check_unnecessary_deps = munge_flag(get_lang_specific_option('unnecessary_deps'))

    if check_missing_deps or check_missing_direct_deps or check_unnecessary_deps:
      # Must init it here, so it can set requirements on the context.
      self._dep_analyzer = JvmDependencyAnalyzer(self.context,
      self._dep_analyzer = None

    self._class_to_jarfile = None  # Computed lazily as needed.


    # Sources (relative to buildroot) present in the last analysis that have since been deleted.
    # Generated lazily, so do not access directly. Call self._get_deleted_sources().
    self._lazy_deleted_sources = None

  def product_type(self):
    return 'classes'

  def can_dry_run(self):
    return True

  def move(self, src, dst):
    if self._delete_scratch:
      shutil.move(src, dst)
      shutil.copy(src, dst)

  # TODO(benjy): Break this monstrosity up? Previous attempts to do so
  #              turned out to be more trouble than it was worth.
  def execute(self, targets):
    # TODO(benjy): Add a pre-execute phase for injecting deps into targets, so e.g.,
    # we can inject a dep on the scala runtime library and still have it ivy-resolve.

    # In case we have no relevant targets and return early.

    relevant_targets = [t for t in targets if t.has_sources(self._file_suffix)]

    if not relevant_targets:

    # Get the exclusives group for the targets to compile.
    # Group guarantees that they'll be a single exclusives key for them.
    egroups = self.context.products.get_data('exclusives_groups')
    group_id = egroups.get_group_key_for_target(relevant_targets[0])

    # Add resource dirs to the classpath for us and for downstream tasks.
    for conf in self._confs:
      egroups.update_compatible_classpaths(group_id, [(conf, self._resources_dir)])

    # Get the classpath generated by upstream JVM tasks (including previous calls to execute()).
    classpath = egroups.get_classpath_for_group(group_id)

    # Add any extra compile-time classpath elements.
    for conf in self._confs:
      for jar in self.extra_compile_time_classpath_elements():
        classpath.insert(0, (conf, jar))

    # Target -> sources (relative to buildroot).
    sources_by_target = self._compute_sources_by_target(relevant_targets)

    # Invalidation check. Everything inside the with block must succeed for the
    # invalid targets to become valid.
    with self.invalidated(relevant_targets,
                          partition_size_hint=self._partition_size_hint) as invalidation_check:
      if invalidation_check.invalid_vts and not self.dry_run:
        # The analysis for invalid and deleted sources is no longer valid.
        invalid_targets = [vt.target for vt in invalidation_check.invalid_vts]
        invalid_sources_by_target = {}
        for tgt in invalid_targets:
          invalid_sources_by_target[tgt] = sources_by_target[tgt]
        invalid_sources = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(invalid_sources_by_target.values()))
        deleted_sources = self._deleted_sources()

        # Work in a tmpdir so we don't stomp the main analysis files on error.
        # The tmpdir is cleaned up in a shutdown hook, because background work
        # may need to access files we create here even after this method returns.
        tmpdir = os.path.join(self._analysis_tmpdir, str(uuid.uuid4()))
        valid_analysis_tmp = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'valid_analysis')
        newly_invalid_analysis_tmp = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'newly_invalid_analysis')
        invalid_analysis_tmp = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'invalid_analysis')
        if self._analysis_parser.is_nonempty_analysis(self._analysis_file):
          with self.context.new_workunit(name='prepare-analysis'):
              [(invalid_sources + deleted_sources, newly_invalid_analysis_tmp)], valid_analysis_tmp)
            if self._analysis_parser.is_nonempty_analysis(self._invalid_analysis_file):
                [self._invalid_analysis_file, newly_invalid_analysis_tmp], invalid_analysis_tmp)
              invalid_analysis_tmp = newly_invalid_analysis_tmp

            # Now it's OK to overwrite the main analysis files with the new state.
            self.move(valid_analysis_tmp, self._analysis_file)
            self.move(invalid_analysis_tmp, self._invalid_analysis_file)

        # Register products for all the valid targets.
        # We register as we go, so dependency checking code can use this data.
        valid_targets = list(set(relevant_targets) - set(invalid_targets))
        self._register_products(valid_targets, sources_by_target, self._analysis_file)

        # Figure out the sources and analysis belonging to each partition.
        partitions = []  # Each element is a triple (vts, sources_by_target, analysis).
        for vts in invalidation_check.invalid_vts_partitioned:
          partition_tmpdir = os.path.join(tmpdir, Target.maybe_readable_identify(vts.targets))
          sources = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(
              [invalid_sources_by_target.get(t, []) for t in vts.targets]))
          de_duped_sources = list(OrderedSet(sources))
          if len(sources) != len(de_duped_sources):
            counts = [(src, len(list(srcs))) for src, srcs in groupby(sorted(sources))]
                'De-duped the following sources:\n\t%s' %
                '\n\t'.join(sorted('%d %s' % (cnt, src) for src, cnt in counts if cnt > 1)))
          analysis_file = os.path.join(partition_tmpdir, 'analysis')
          partitions.append((vts, de_duped_sources, analysis_file))

        # Split per-partition files out of the global invalid analysis.
        if self._analysis_parser.is_nonempty_analysis(self._invalid_analysis_file) and partitions:
          with self.context.new_workunit(name='partition-analysis'):
            splits = [(x[1], x[2]) for x in partitions]
            # We have to pass the analysis for any deleted files through zinc, to give it
            # a chance to delete the relevant class files.
            if splits:
              splits[0] = (splits[0][0] + deleted_sources, splits[0][1])
            self._analysis_tools.split_to_paths(self._invalid_analysis_file, splits)

        # Now compile partitions one by one.
        for partition in partitions:
          (vts, sources, analysis_file) = partition
          cp_entries = [entry for conf, entry in classpath if conf in self._confs]
          self._process_target_partition(partition, cp_entries)
          # No exception was thrown, therefore the compile succeded and analysis_file is now valid.
          if os.path.exists(analysis_file):  # The compilation created an analysis.
            # Merge the newly-valid analysis with our global valid analysis.
            new_valid_analysis = analysis_file + '.valid.new'
            if self._analysis_parser.is_nonempty_analysis(self._analysis_file):
              with self.context.new_workunit(name='update-upstream-analysis'):
                self._analysis_tools.merge_from_paths([self._analysis_file, analysis_file],
            else:  # We need to keep analysis_file around. Background tasks may need it.
              shutil.copy(analysis_file, new_valid_analysis)

            # Move the merged valid analysis to its proper location.
            # We do this before checking for missing dependencies, so that we can still
            # enjoy an incremental compile after fixing missing deps.
            self.move(new_valid_analysis, self._analysis_file)

            # Update the products with the latest classes. Must happen before the
            # missing dependencies check.
            self._register_products(vts.targets, sources_by_target, analysis_file)
            if self._dep_analyzer:
              # Check for missing dependencies.
              actual_deps = self._analysis_parser.parse_deps_from_path(analysis_file,
                  lambda: self._compute_classpath_elements_by_class(cp_entries))
              with self.context.new_workunit(name='find-missing-dependencies'):
                self._dep_analyzer.check(sources, actual_deps)

            # Kick off the background artifact cache write.
            if self.artifact_cache_writes_enabled():
              self._write_to_artifact_cache(analysis_file, vts, invalid_sources_by_target)

          if self._analysis_parser.is_nonempty_analysis(self._invalid_analysis_file):
            with self.context.new_workunit(name='trim-downstream-analysis'):
              # Trim out the newly-valid sources from our global invalid analysis.
              new_invalid_analysis = analysis_file + '.invalid.new'
              discarded_invalid_analysis = analysis_file + '.invalid.discard'
                [(sources, discarded_invalid_analysis)], new_invalid_analysis)
              self.move(new_invalid_analysis, self._invalid_analysis_file)

          # Now that all the analysis accounting is complete, and we have no missing deps,
          # we can safely mark the targets as valid.
        # Nothing to build. Register products for all the targets in one go.
        self._register_products(relevant_targets, sources_by_target, self._analysis_file)

    # Update the classpath for downstream tasks.
    runtime_deps = self._jvm_tool_bootstrapper.get_jvm_tool_classpath(self._runtime_deps_key) \
      if self._runtime_deps_key else []
    for conf in self._confs:
      egroups.update_compatible_classpaths(group_id, [(conf, self._classes_dir)])
      for dep in runtime_deps:
        # TODO(benjy): Make compile-time vs. runtime classpaths more explicit.
        egroups.update_compatible_classpaths(group_id, [(conf, dep)])


  def _process_target_partition(self, partition, classpath):
    """Needs invoking only on invalid targets.

    partition - a triple (vts, sources_by_target, analysis_file).
    classpath - a list of classpath entries.

    May be invoked concurrently on independent target sets.

    Postcondition: The individual targets in vts are up-to-date, as if each were
                   compiled individually.
    (vts, sources, analysis_file) = partition

    if not sources:
      self.context.log.warn('Skipping %s compile for targets with no sources:\n  %s'
                            % (self._language, vts.targets))
      # Do some reporting.
        'Compiling a partition containing ',
        items_to_report_element(sources, 'source'),
        ' in ',
        items_to_report_element([t.address.reference() for t in vts.targets], 'target'), '.')
      with self.context.new_workunit('compile'):
        # The compiler may delete classfiles, then later exit on a compilation error. Then if the
        # change triggering the error is reverted, we won't rebuild to restore the missing
        # classfiles. So we force-invalidate here, to be on the safe side.
        self.compile(self._args, classpath, sources, self._classes_dir, analysis_file)

  def check_artifact_cache(self, vts):
    # Special handling for scala analysis files. Class files are retrieved directly into their
    # final locations in the global classes dir.

    def post_process_cached_vts(cached_vts):
      # Merge the localized analysis with the global one (if any).
      analyses_to_merge = []
      for vt in cached_vts:
        for target in vt.targets:
          analysis_file = JvmCompile._analysis_for_target(self._analysis_tmpdir, target)
          portable_analysis_file = JvmCompile._portable_analysis_for_target(self._analysis_tmpdir,
          if os.path.exists(portable_analysis_file):
            self._analysis_tools.localize(portable_analysis_file, analysis_file)
          if os.path.exists(analysis_file):

      if len(analyses_to_merge) > 0:
        if os.path.exists(self._analysis_file):
        with contextutil.temporary_dir() as tmpdir:
          tmp_analysis = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'analysis')
          with self.context.new_workunit(name='merge_analysis'):
            self._analysis_tools.merge_from_paths(analyses_to_merge, tmp_analysis)
          self.move(tmp_analysis, self._analysis_file)

    return Task.do_check_artifact_cache(self, vts, post_process_cached_vts=post_process_cached_vts)

  def _write_to_artifact_cache(self, analysis_file, vts, sources_by_target):
    vt_by_target = dict([(vt.target, vt) for vt in vts.versioned_targets])

    split_analysis_files = [
        JvmCompile._analysis_for_target(self._analysis_tmpdir, t) for t in vts.targets]
    portable_split_analysis_files = [
        JvmCompile._portable_analysis_for_target(self._analysis_tmpdir, t) for t in vts.targets]

    # Set up args for splitting the analysis into per-target files.
    splits = zip([sources_by_target.get(t, []) for t in vts.targets], split_analysis_files)
    splits_args_tuples = [(analysis_file, splits)]

    # Set up args for rebasing the splits.
    relativize_args_tuples = zip(split_analysis_files, portable_split_analysis_files)

    # Set up args for artifact cache updating.
    vts_artifactfiles_pairs = []
    classes_by_source = self._compute_classes_by_source(analysis_file)
    for target, sources in sources_by_target.items():
      artifacts = []
      for source in sources:
        artifacts.extend(classes_by_source.get(source, []))
      vt = vt_by_target.get(target)
      if vt is not None:
        # NOTE: analysis_file doesn't exist yet.
             artifacts + [JvmCompile._portable_analysis_for_target(self._analysis_tmpdir, target)]))

    update_artifact_cache_work = self.get_update_artifact_cache_work(vts_artifactfiles_pairs)
    if update_artifact_cache_work:
      work_chain = [
        Work(self._analysis_tools.split_to_paths, splits_args_tuples, 'split'),
        Work(self._analysis_tools.relativize, relativize_args_tuples, 'relativize'),
      self.context.submit_background_work_chain(work_chain, parent_workunit_name='cache')

  def _compute_classes_by_source(self, analysis_file=None):
    """Compute src->classes.

    Srcs are relative to buildroot. Classes are absolute paths.
    if analysis_file is None:
      analysis_file = self._analysis_file

    if not os.path.exists(analysis_file):
      return {}
    buildroot = get_buildroot()
    products = self._analysis_parser.parse_products_from_path(analysis_file)
    classes_by_src = {}
    for src, classes in products.items():
      relsrc = os.path.relpath(src, buildroot)
      classes_by_src[relsrc] = classes
    return classes_by_src

  def _deleted_sources(self):
    """Returns the list of sources present in the last analysis that have since been deleted.

    This is a global list. We have no way of associating them to individual targets.
    Paths are relative to buildroot.
    # We compute the list lazily.
    if self._lazy_deleted_sources is None:
      with self.context.new_workunit('find-deleted-sources'):
        if os.path.exists(self._analysis_file):
          products = self._analysis_parser.parse_products_from_path(self._analysis_file)
          buildroot = get_buildroot()
          old_sources = products.keys()  # Absolute paths.
          self._lazy_deleted_sources = [os.path.relpath(src, buildroot) for src in old_sources
                                        if not os.path.exists(src)]
          self._lazy_deleted_sources = []
    return self._lazy_deleted_sources

  def _compute_sources_by_target(self, targets):
    """Returns map target -> list of sources (relative to buildroot)."""
    def calculate_sources(target):
      sources = [s for s in target.sources_relative_to_buildroot() if s.endswith(self._file_suffix)]
      # TODO: Make this less hacky. Ideally target.java_sources will point to sources, not targets.
      if hasattr(target, 'java_sources') and target.java_sources:
        sources.extend(self._resolve_target_sources(target.java_sources, '.java'))
      return sources
    return dict([(t, calculate_sources(t)) for t in targets])

  def _resolve_target_sources(self, target_sources, extension=None, relative_to_target_base=False):
    """Given a list of pants targets, extract their sources as a list.

    Filters against the extension if given and optionally returns the paths relative to the target
    resolved_sources = []
    for resolved in Target.resolve_all(target_sources):
      if hasattr(resolved, 'sources'):
          source if relative_to_target_base else os.path.join(resolved.target_base, source)
          for source in resolved.sources if not extension or source.endswith(extension)
    return resolved_sources

  def _compute_classpath_elements_by_class(self, classpath):
    # Don't consider loose classes dirs in our classpath. Those will be considered
    # separately, by looking at products.
    def non_product(path):
      return not (path.startswith(self._pants_workdir) and os.path.isdir(path))
    classpath_jars = filter(non_product, classpath)
    if self._class_to_jarfile is None:
      self._class_to_jarfile = {}
      for jarpath in self.find_all_bootstrap_jars() + classpath_jars:
        # Per the classloading spec, a 'jar' in this context can also be a .zip file.
        if os.path.isfile(jarpath) and ((jarpath.endswith('.jar') or jarpath.endswith('.zip'))):
          with open_zip(jarpath, 'r') as jar:
            for cls in jar.namelist():
              # First jar with a given class wins, just like when classloading.
              if cls.endswith('.class') and not cls in self._class_to_jarfile:
                self._class_to_jarfile[cls] = jarpath
        elif os.path.isdir(jarpath):
          for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(jarpath, followlinks=True):
            for f in filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.class'), filenames):
              cls = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(dirpath, f), jarpath)
              if not cls in self._class_to_jarfile:
                self._class_to_jarfile[cls] = jarpath
    return self._class_to_jarfile

  def find_all_bootstrap_jars(self):
    def get_path(key):
      return self.context.java_sysprops.get(key, '').split(':')

    def find_jars_in_dirs(dirs):
      ret = []
      for d in dirs:
        if os.path.isdir(d):
          ret.extend(filter(lambda s: s.endswith('.jar'), os.listdir(d)))
      return ret

    # Note: assumes HotSpot, or some JVM that supports sun.boot.class.path.
    # TODO: Support other JVMs? Not clear if there's a standard way to do so.
    # May include loose classes dirs.
    boot_classpath = get_path('sun.boot.class.path')

    # Note that per the specs, overrides and extensions must be in jars.
    # Loose class files will not be found by the JVM.
    override_jars = find_jars_in_dirs(get_path('java.endorsed.dirs'))
    extension_jars = find_jars_in_dirs(get_path('java.ext.dirs'))

    # Note that this order matters: it reflects the classloading order.
    bootstrap_jars = filter(os.path.isfile, override_jars + boot_classpath + extension_jars)
    return bootstrap_jars  # Technically, may include loose class dirs from boot_classpath.

  def _analysis_tools(self):
    if self._lazy_analysis_tools is None:
      self._lazy_analysis_tools = self.create_analysis_tools()
    return self._lazy_analysis_tools

  def _analysis_parser(self):
    return self._analysis_tools.parser

  def _ensure_analysis_tmpdir(self):
    # Do this lazily, so we don't trigger creation of a worker pool unless we need it.
    if not os.path.exists(self._analysis_tmpdir):
      if self._delete_scratch:
            lambda: safe_rmtree(self._analysis_tmpdir))

  def _create_empty_products(self):
    make_products = lambda: defaultdict(MultipleRootedProducts)
    if self.context.products.is_required_data('classes_by_source'):
      self.context.products.safe_create_data('classes_by_source', make_products)
    if self.context.products.is_required_data('classes_by_target'):
      self.context.products.safe_create_data('classes_by_target', make_products)
    if self.context.products.is_required_data('resources_by_target'):
      self.context.products.safe_create_data('resources_by_target', make_products)

  def _register_products(self, targets, sources_by_target, analysis_file):
    classes_by_source = self.context.products.get_data('classes_by_source')
    classes_by_target = self.context.products.get_data('classes_by_target')
    resources_by_target = self.context.products.get_data('resources_by_target')

    if classes_by_source is not None or classes_by_target is not None:
      computed_classes_by_source = self._compute_classes_by_source(analysis_file)
      for target in targets:
        target_products = classes_by_target[target] if classes_by_target is not None else None
        for source in sources_by_target[target]:  # Source is relative to buildroot.
          classes = computed_classes_by_source.get(source, [])  # Classes are absolute paths.
          if classes_by_target is not None:
            target_products.add_abs_paths(self._classes_dir, classes)
          if classes_by_source is not None:
            classes_by_source[source].add_abs_paths(self._classes_dir, classes)

    if resources_by_target is not None:
      for target in targets:
        target_resources = resources_by_target[target]
        for root, abs_paths in self.extra_products(target):
          target_resources.add_abs_paths(root, abs_paths)
Exemple #2
class JvmCompile(NailgunTask, JvmToolTaskMixin):
    """A common framework for JVM compilation.

  To subclass for a specific JVM language, implement the static values and methods
  mentioned below under "Subclasses must implement".
    def setup_parser(subcls, option_group, args, mkflag):
        NailgunTask.setup_parser(option_group, args, mkflag)

            mkflag('warnings', negate=True),
            dest=subcls._language + '_compile_warnings',
            help='[%default] Compile with all configured warnings enabled.')

            dest=subcls._language + '_partition_size_hint',
            help='Roughly how many source files to attempt to compile together. '
            'Set to a large number to compile all sources together. Set this '
            'to 0 to compile target-by-target. Default is set in pants.ini.')

            dest=subcls._language + '_missing_deps',
            choices=['off', 'warn', 'fatal'],
            help='[%default] One of off, warn, fatal. '
            'Check for missing dependencies in ' + subcls._language + 'code. '
            'Reports actual dependencies A -> B where there is no '
            'transitive BUILD file dependency path from A to B.'
            'If fatal, missing deps are treated as a build error.')

            dest=subcls._language + '_missing_direct_deps',
            choices=['off', 'warn', 'fatal'],
            help='[%default] One of off, warn, fatal. '
            'Check for missing direct dependencies in ' + subcls._language +
            ' code. Reports actual dependencies A -> B where there is no '
            'direct BUILD file dependency path from A to B. This is a very '
            'strict check, as in practice it is common to rely on transitive, '
            'non-direct dependencies, e.g., due to type inference or when the '
            'main target in a BUILD file is modified to depend on other '
            'targets in the same BUILD file as an implementation detail. It '
            'may still be useful to set it to fatal temorarily, to detect '

            dest=subcls._language + '_unnecessary_deps',
            choices=['off', 'warn', 'fatal'],
            help='[%default] One of off, warn, fatal. Check for declared '
            'dependencies in ' + subcls._language + ' code that are not '
            'needed. This is a very strict check. For example, generated code '
            'will often legitimately have BUILD dependencies that are unused '
            'in practice.')

            mkflag('delete-scratch', negate=True),
            dest=subcls._language + '_delete_scratch',
            help='[%default] Leave intermediate scratch files around, '
            'for debugging build problems.')

    # Subclasses must implement.
    # --------------------------
    _language = None
    _file_suffix = None
    _config_section = None

    def create_analysis_tools(self):
        """Returns an AnalysisTools implementation.

    Subclasses must implement.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def compile(self, args, classpath, sources, classes_output_dir,
        """Invoke the compiler.

    Must raise TaskError on compile failure.

    Subclasses must implement."""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    # Subclasses may override.
    # ------------------------
    def extra_compile_time_classpath_elements(self):
        """Extra classpath elements common to all compiler invocations.

    E.g., jars for compiler plugins.
        return []

    def extra_products(self, target):
        """Any extra, out-of-band products created for a target.

    E.g., targets that produce scala compiler plugins produce an info file.
    Returns a list of pairs (root, [absolute paths of files under root]).
        return []

    def post_process(self, relevant_targets):
        """Any extra post-execute work."""

    # Common code.
    # ------------
    def _analysis_for_target(analysis_dir, target):
        return os.path.join(analysis_dir, target.id + '.analysis')

    def _portable_analysis_for_target(analysis_dir, target):
        return JvmCompile._analysis_for_target(analysis_dir,
                                               target) + '.portable'

    def __init__(self, context, workdir, minimum_version=None, jdk=False):
        # TODO(John Sirois): XXX plumb minimum_version via config or flags
        super(JvmCompile, self).__init__(context,
        concrete_class = type(self)
        config_section = concrete_class._config_section

        def get_lang_specific_option(opt):
            full_opt_name = self._language + '_' + opt
            return getattr(context.options, full_opt_name, None)

        # Global workdir.
        self._pants_workdir = context.config.getdefault('pants_workdir')

        # Various working directories.
        self._classes_dir = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'classes')
        self._resources_dir = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'resources')
        self._analysis_dir = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'analysis')
        self._target_sources_dir = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'target_sources')

        self._delete_scratch = get_lang_specific_option('delete_scratch')


        self._analysis_file = os.path.join(self._analysis_dir,
        self._invalid_analysis_file = os.path.join(self._analysis_dir,

        # A temporary, but well-known, dir in which to munge analysis/dependency files in before
        # caching. It must be well-known so we know where to find the files when we retrieve them from
        # the cache.
        self._analysis_tmpdir = os.path.join(self._analysis_dir,

        # We can't create analysis tools until after construction.
        self._lazy_analysis_tools = None

        # Compiler options.
        self._args = context.config.getlist(config_section, 'args')
        if get_lang_specific_option('compile_warnings'):
                context.config.getlist(config_section, 'warning_args'))
                context.config.getlist(config_section, 'no_warning_args'))

        # The rough number of source files to build in each compiler pass.
        self._partition_size_hint = get_lang_specific_option(
        if self._partition_size_hint == -1:
            self._partition_size_hint = context.config.getint(
                config_section, 'partition_size_hint', default=1000)

        # JVM options for running the compiler.
        self._jvm_options = context.config.getlist(config_section, 'jvm_args')

        # The ivy confs for which we're building.
        self._confs = context.config.getlist(config_section,

        # Runtime dependencies.
        runtime_deps = context.config.getlist(config_section,
        if runtime_deps:
            self._runtime_deps_key = self._language + '-runtime-deps'
            self.register_jvm_tool(self._runtime_deps_key, runtime_deps)
            self._runtime_deps_key = None

        # Set up dep checking if needed.
        def munge_flag(flag):
            return None if flag == 'off' else flag

        check_missing_deps = munge_flag(
        check_missing_direct_deps = munge_flag(
        check_unnecessary_deps = munge_flag(

        if check_missing_deps or check_missing_direct_deps or check_unnecessary_deps:
            # Must init it here, so it can set requirements on the context.
            self._dep_analyzer = JvmDependencyAnalyzer(
                self.context, check_missing_deps, check_missing_direct_deps,
            self._dep_analyzer = None

        # If non-zero, and we have fewer than this number of locally-changed targets,
        # then we partition them separately, to preserve stability in the face of repeated
        # compilations.
        self._locally_changed_targets_heuristic_limit = context.config.getint(
            config_section, 'locally_changed_targets_heuristic_limit', 0)

        self._class_to_jarfile = None  # Computed lazily as needed.


        # Sources (relative to buildroot) present in the last analysis that have since been deleted.
        # Generated lazily, so do not access directly. Call self._get_deleted_sources().
        self._lazy_deleted_sources = None

    def product_type(self):
        return 'classes'

    def move(self, src, dst):
        if self._delete_scratch:
            shutil.move(src, dst)
            shutil.copy(src, dst)

    # TODO(benjy): Break this monstrosity up? Previous attempts to do so
    #              turned out to be more trouble than it was worth.
    def execute(self, targets):
        # TODO(benjy): Add a pre-execute phase for injecting deps into targets, so e.g.,
        # we can inject a dep on the scala runtime library and still have it ivy-resolve.

        # In case we have no relevant targets and return early.

        relevant_targets = [
            t for t in targets if t.has_sources(self._file_suffix)

        if not relevant_targets:

        # Get the exclusives group for the targets to compile.
        # Group guarantees that they'll be a single exclusives key for them.
        egroups = self.context.products.get_data('exclusives_groups')
        group_id = egroups.get_group_key_for_target(relevant_targets[0])

        # Add resource dirs to the classpath for us and for downstream tasks.
        for conf in self._confs:
                                                 [(conf, self._resources_dir)])

        # Get the classpath generated by upstream JVM tasks (including previous calls to execute()).
        classpath = egroups.get_classpath_for_group(group_id)

        # Add any extra compile-time classpath elements.
        for conf in self._confs:
            for jar in self.extra_compile_time_classpath_elements():
                classpath.insert(0, (conf, jar))

        # TODO(benjy): Should sources_by_target and locally_changed_targets be on all Tasks?

        # Target -> sources (relative to buildroot).
        sources_by_target = self._compute_current_sources_by_target(

        # If needed, find targets that we've changed locally (as opposed to
        # changes synced in from the SCM).
        locally_changed_targets = None
        if self._locally_changed_targets_heuristic_limit:
            locally_changed_targets = self._find_locally_changed_targets(
            if locally_changed_targets and \
                    len(locally_changed_targets) > self._locally_changed_targets_heuristic_limit:
                locally_changed_targets = None

        # Invalidation check. Everything inside the with block must succeed for the
        # invalid targets to become valid.
        with self.invalidated(relevant_targets,
                              ) as invalidation_check:
            if invalidation_check.invalid_vts:
                # The analysis for invalid and deleted sources is no longer valid.
                invalid_targets = [
                    vt.target for vt in invalidation_check.invalid_vts
                invalid_sources_by_target = {}
                for tgt in invalid_targets:
                    invalid_sources_by_target[tgt] = sources_by_target[tgt]
                invalid_sources = list(
                deleted_sources = self._deleted_sources()

                # Work in a tmpdir so we don't stomp the main analysis files on error.
                # The tmpdir is cleaned up in a shutdown hook, because background work
                # may need to access files we create here even after this method returns.
                tmpdir = os.path.join(self._analysis_tmpdir, str(uuid.uuid4()))
                valid_analysis_tmp = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'valid_analysis')
                newly_invalid_analysis_tmp = os.path.join(
                    tmpdir, 'newly_invalid_analysis')
                invalid_analysis_tmp = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'invalid_analysis')
                if self._analysis_parser.is_nonempty_analysis(
                    with self.context.new_workunit(name='prepare-analysis'):
                            [(invalid_sources + deleted_sources,
                              newly_invalid_analysis_tmp)], valid_analysis_tmp)
                        if self._analysis_parser.is_nonempty_analysis(
                            ], invalid_analysis_tmp)
                            invalid_analysis_tmp = newly_invalid_analysis_tmp

                        # Now it's OK to overwrite the main analysis files with the new state.
                        self.move(valid_analysis_tmp, self._analysis_file)

                # Register products for all the valid targets.
                # We register as we go, so dependency checking code can use this data.
                valid_targets = list(
                    set(relevant_targets) - set(invalid_targets))
                self._register_products(valid_targets, sources_by_target,

                # Figure out the sources and analysis belonging to each partition.
                partitions = [
                ]  # Each element is a triple (vts, sources_by_target, analysis).
                for vts in invalidation_check.invalid_vts_partitioned:
                    partition_tmpdir = os.path.join(
                        tmpdir, Target.maybe_readable_identify(vts.targets))
                    sources = list(
                            invalid_sources_by_target.get(t, [])
                            for t in vts.targets
                    de_duped_sources = list(OrderedSet(sources))
                    if len(sources) != len(de_duped_sources):
                        counts = [(src, len(list(srcs)))
                                  for src, srcs in groupby(sorted(sources))]
                            'De-duped the following sources:\n\t%s' %
                                sorted('%d %s' % (cnt, src)
                                       for src, cnt in counts if cnt > 1)))
                    analysis_file = os.path.join(partition_tmpdir, 'analysis')
                    partitions.append((vts, de_duped_sources, analysis_file))

                # Split per-partition files out of the global invalid analysis.
                if self._analysis_parser.is_nonempty_analysis(
                        self._invalid_analysis_file) and partitions:
                    with self.context.new_workunit(name='partition-analysis'):
                        splits = [(x[1], x[2]) for x in partitions]
                        # We have to pass the analysis for any deleted files through zinc, to give it
                        # a chance to delete the relevant class files.
                        if splits:
                            splits[0] = (splits[0][0] + deleted_sources,
                            self._invalid_analysis_file, splits)

                # Now compile partitions one by one.
                for partition in partitions:
                    (vts, sources, analysis_file) = partition
                    cp_entries = [
                        entry for conf, entry in classpath
                        if conf in self._confs
                    self._process_target_partition(partition, cp_entries)
                    # No exception was thrown, therefore the compile succeded and analysis_file is now valid.
                    if os.path.exists(
                    ):  # The compilation created an analysis.
                        # Merge the newly-valid analysis with our global valid analysis.
                        new_valid_analysis = analysis_file + '.valid.new'
                        if self._analysis_parser.is_nonempty_analysis(
                            with self.context.new_workunit(
                                    [self._analysis_file, analysis_file],
                        else:  # We need to keep analysis_file around. Background tasks may need it.
                            shutil.copy(analysis_file, new_valid_analysis)

                        # Move the merged valid analysis to its proper location.
                        # We do this before checking for missing dependencies, so that we can still
                        # enjoy an incremental compile after fixing missing deps.
                        self.move(new_valid_analysis, self._analysis_file)

                        # Update the products with the latest classes. Must happen before the
                        # missing dependencies check.
                        self._register_products(vts.targets, sources_by_target,
                        if self._dep_analyzer:
                            # Check for missing dependencies.
                            actual_deps = self._analysis_parser.parse_deps_from_path(
                                analysis_file, lambda: self.
                            with self.context.new_workunit(
                                self._dep_analyzer.check(sources, actual_deps)

                        # Kick off the background artifact cache write.
                        if self.artifact_cache_writes_enabled():
                                analysis_file, vts, invalid_sources_by_target)

                    if self._analysis_parser.is_nonempty_analysis(
                        with self.context.new_workunit(
                            # Trim out the newly-valid sources from our global invalid analysis.
                            new_invalid_analysis = analysis_file + '.invalid.new'
                            discarded_invalid_analysis = analysis_file + '.invalid.discard'
                                [(sources, discarded_invalid_analysis)],

                    # Record the built target -> sources mapping for future use.
                    for target in vts.targets:
                            target, sources_by_target.get(target, []))

                    # Now that all the analysis accounting is complete, and we have no missing deps,
                    # we can safely mark the targets as valid.
                # Nothing to build. Register products for all the targets in one go.
                self._register_products(relevant_targets, sources_by_target,

        # Update the classpath for downstream tasks.
        runtime_deps = self.tool_classpath(self._runtime_deps_key) \
          if self._runtime_deps_key else []
        for conf in self._confs:
                                                 [(conf, self._classes_dir)])
            for dep in runtime_deps:
                # TODO(benjy): Make compile-time vs. runtime classpaths more explicit.
                egroups.update_compatible_classpaths(group_id, [(conf, dep)])


    def _process_target_partition(self, partition, classpath):
        """Needs invoking only on invalid targets.

    partition - a triple (vts, sources_by_target, analysis_file).
    classpath - a list of classpath entries.

    May be invoked concurrently on independent target sets.

    Postcondition: The individual targets in vts are up-to-date, as if each were
                   compiled individually.
        (vts, sources, analysis_file) = partition

        if not sources:
                'Skipping %s compile for targets with no sources:\n  %s' %
                (self._language, vts.targets))
            # Do some reporting.
                'Compiling a partition containing ',
                items_to_report_element(sources, 'source'), ' in ',
                    [t.address.reference() for t in vts.targets], 'target'),
            with self.context.new_workunit('compile'):
                # The compiler may delete classfiles, then later exit on a compilation error. Then if the
                # change triggering the error is reverted, we won't rebuild to restore the missing
                # classfiles. So we force-invalidate here, to be on the safe side.
                self.compile(self._args, classpath, sources, self._classes_dir,

    def check_artifact_cache(self, vts):
        # Special handling for scala analysis files. Class files are retrieved directly into their
        # final locations in the global classes dir.

        def post_process_cached_vts(cached_vts):
            # Get all the targets whose artifacts we found in the cache.
            cached_targets = []
            for vt in cached_vts:
                for target in vt.targets:

            # The current global analysis may contain old data for modified targets for
            # which we got cache hits. We need to strip out this old analysis, to ensure
            # that the new data incoming from the cache doesn't collide with it during the merge.
            sources_to_strip = []
            if os.path.exists(self._analysis_file):
                for target in cached_targets:

            # Localize the cached analyses.
            analyses_to_merge = []
            for target in cached_targets:
                analysis_file = JvmCompile._analysis_for_target(
                    self._analysis_tmpdir, target)
                portable_analysis_file = JvmCompile._portable_analysis_for_target(
                    self._analysis_tmpdir, target)
                if os.path.exists(portable_analysis_file):
                if os.path.exists(analysis_file):

            # Merge them into the global analysis.
            if analyses_to_merge:
                with temporary_dir() as tmpdir:
                    if sources_to_strip:
                        throwaway = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'throwaway')
                        trimmed_analysis = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'trimmed')
                            [(sources_to_strip, throwaway)], trimmed_analysis)
                        trimmed_analysis = self._analysis_file
                    if os.path.exists(trimmed_analysis):
                    tmp_analysis = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'analysis')
                    with self.context.new_workunit(name='merge_analysis'):
                            analyses_to_merge, tmp_analysis)

                    # TODO: We've already computed this for all targets, but can't easily plumb that into
                    # this callback. This shouldn't be a performance hit, but if it is - revisit.
                    sources_by_cached_target = self._compute_current_sources_by_target(

                    # Record the cached target -> sources mapping for future use.
                    for target, sources in sources_by_cached_target.items():
                        self._record_sources_by_target(target, sources)

                    # Everything's good so move the merged analysis to its final location.
                    if os.path.exists(tmp_analysis):
                        self.move(tmp_analysis, self._analysis_file)

        return Task.do_check_artifact_cache(
            self, vts, post_process_cached_vts=post_process_cached_vts)

    def _write_to_artifact_cache(self, analysis_file, vts, sources_by_target):
        vt_by_target = dict([(vt.target, vt) for vt in vts.versioned_targets])

        split_analysis_files = [
            JvmCompile._analysis_for_target(self._analysis_tmpdir, t)
            for t in vts.targets
        portable_split_analysis_files = [
            JvmCompile._portable_analysis_for_target(self._analysis_tmpdir, t)
            for t in vts.targets

        # Set up args for splitting the analysis into per-target files.
        splits = zip([sources_by_target.get(t, []) for t in vts.targets],
        splits_args_tuples = [(analysis_file, splits)]

        # Set up args for rebasing the splits.
        relativize_args_tuples = zip(split_analysis_files,

        # Set up args for artifact cache updating.
        vts_artifactfiles_pairs = []
        classes_by_source = self._compute_classes_by_source(analysis_file)
        for target, sources in sources_by_target.items():
            artifacts = []
            for source in sources:
                artifacts.extend(classes_by_source.get(source, []))
            vt = vt_by_target.get(target)
            if vt is not None:
                # NOTE: analysis_file doesn't exist yet.
                vts_artifactfiles_pairs.append((vt, artifacts + [
                        self._analysis_tmpdir, target)

        update_artifact_cache_work = self.get_update_artifact_cache_work(
        if update_artifact_cache_work:
            work_chain = [
                Work(self._analysis_tools.split_to_paths, splits_args_tuples,
                Work(self._analysis_tools.relativize, relativize_args_tuples,
                     'relativize'), update_artifact_cache_work
                work_chain, parent_workunit_name='cache')

    def _compute_classes_by_source(self, analysis_file=None):
        """Compute src->classes.

    Srcs are relative to buildroot. Classes are absolute paths.
        if analysis_file is None:
            analysis_file = self._analysis_file

        if not os.path.exists(analysis_file):
            return {}
        buildroot = get_buildroot()
        products = self._analysis_parser.parse_products_from_path(
        classes_by_src = {}
        for src, classes in products.items():
            relsrc = os.path.relpath(src, buildroot)
            classes_by_src[relsrc] = classes
        return classes_by_src

    def _deleted_sources(self):
        """Returns the list of sources present in the last analysis that have since been deleted.

    This is a global list. We have no way of associating them to individual targets.
    Paths are relative to buildroot.
        # We compute the list lazily.
        if self._lazy_deleted_sources is None:
            with self.context.new_workunit('find-deleted-sources'):
                if os.path.exists(self._analysis_file):
                    products = self._analysis_parser.parse_products_from_path(
                    buildroot = get_buildroot()
                    old_sources = products.keys()  # Absolute paths.
                    self._lazy_deleted_sources = [
                        os.path.relpath(src, buildroot) for src in old_sources
                        if not os.path.exists(src)
                    self._lazy_deleted_sources = []
        return self._lazy_deleted_sources

    def _get_previous_sources_by_target(self, target):
        """Returns the target's sources as recorded on the last successful build of target.

    Returns a list of absolute paths.
        path = os.path.join(self._target_sources_dir, target.identifier)
        if os.path.exists(path):
            with open(path, 'r') as infile:
                return [s.rstrip() for s in infile.readlines()]
            return []

    def _record_sources_by_target(self, target, sources):
        # Record target -> source mapping for future use.
        with open(os.path.join(self._target_sources_dir, target.identifier),
                  'w') as outfile:
            for src in sources:
                outfile.write(os.path.join(get_buildroot(), src))

    def _compute_current_sources_by_target(self, targets):
        """Returns map target -> list of sources (relative to buildroot)."""
        def calculate_sources(target):
            sources = [
                s for s in target.sources_relative_to_buildroot()
                if s.endswith(self._file_suffix)
            # TODO: Make this less hacky. Ideally target.java_sources will point to sources, not targets.
            if hasattr(target, 'java_sources') and target.java_sources:
                    self._resolve_target_sources(target.java_sources, '.java'))
            return sources

        return dict([(t, calculate_sources(t)) for t in targets])

    def _find_locally_changed_targets(self, sources_by_target):
        """Finds the targets whose sources have been modified locally.

    Returns a list of targets, or None if no SCM is available.
        # Compute the src->targets mapping. There should only be one target per source,
        # but that's not yet a hard requirement, so the value is a list of targets.
        # TODO(benjy): Might this inverse mapping be needed elsewhere too?
        targets_by_source = defaultdict(list)
        for tgt, srcs in sources_by_target.items():
            for src in srcs:

        ret = OrderedSet()
        scm = get_scm()
        if not scm:
            return None
        changed_files = scm.changed_files(include_untracked=True)
        for f in changed_files:
            ret.update(targets_by_source.get(f, []))
        return list(ret)

    def _resolve_target_sources(self, target_sources, extension=None):
        """Given a list of pants targets, extract their sources as a list.

    Filters against the extension if given and optionally returns the paths relative to the target
        resolved_sources = []
        for target in target_sources:
            if target.has_sources():
        return resolved_sources

    def _compute_classpath_elements_by_class(self, classpath):
        # Don't consider loose classes dirs in our classpath. Those will be considered
        # separately, by looking at products.
        def non_product(path):
            return not (path.startswith(self._pants_workdir)
                        and os.path.isdir(path))

        classpath_jars = filter(non_product, classpath)
        if self._class_to_jarfile is None:
            self._class_to_jarfile = {}
            for jarpath in self.find_all_bootstrap_jars() + classpath_jars:
                # Per the classloading spec, a 'jar' in this context can also be a .zip file.
                if os.path.isfile(jarpath) and ((jarpath.endswith('.jar')
                                                 or jarpath.endswith('.zip'))):
                    with open_zip(jarpath, 'r') as jar:
                        for cls in jar.namelist():
                            # First jar with a given class wins, just like when classloading.
                            if cls.endswith(
                            ) and not cls in self._class_to_jarfile:
                                self._class_to_jarfile[cls] = jarpath
                elif os.path.isdir(jarpath):
                    for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(jarpath,
                        for f in filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.class'),
                            cls = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(dirpath, f),
                            if not cls in self._class_to_jarfile:
                                self._class_to_jarfile[cls] = jarpath
        return self._class_to_jarfile

    def find_all_bootstrap_jars(self):
        def get_path(key):
            return self.context.java_sysprops.get(key, '').split(':')

        def find_jars_in_dirs(dirs):
            ret = []
            for d in dirs:
                if os.path.isdir(d):
                        filter(lambda s: s.endswith('.jar'), os.listdir(d)))
            return ret

        # Note: assumes HotSpot, or some JVM that supports sun.boot.class.path.
        # TODO: Support other JVMs? Not clear if there's a standard way to do so.
        # May include loose classes dirs.
        boot_classpath = get_path('sun.boot.class.path')

        # Note that per the specs, overrides and extensions must be in jars.
        # Loose class files will not be found by the JVM.
        override_jars = find_jars_in_dirs(get_path('java.endorsed.dirs'))
        extension_jars = find_jars_in_dirs(get_path('java.ext.dirs'))

        # Note that this order matters: it reflects the classloading order.
        bootstrap_jars = filter(
            os.path.isfile, override_jars + boot_classpath + extension_jars)
        return bootstrap_jars  # Technically, may include loose class dirs from boot_classpath.

    def _analysis_tools(self):
        if self._lazy_analysis_tools is None:
            self._lazy_analysis_tools = self.create_analysis_tools()
        return self._lazy_analysis_tools

    def _analysis_parser(self):
        return self._analysis_tools.parser

    def _ensure_analysis_tmpdir(self):
        # Do this lazily, so we don't trigger creation of a worker pool unless we need it.
        if not os.path.exists(self._analysis_tmpdir):
            if self._delete_scratch:
                    lambda: safe_rmtree(self._analysis_tmpdir))

    def _create_empty_products(self):
        make_products = lambda: defaultdict(MultipleRootedProducts)
        if self.context.products.is_required_data('classes_by_source'):
        if self.context.products.is_required_data('classes_by_target'):
        if self.context.products.is_required_data('resources_by_target'):

    def _register_products(self, targets, sources_by_target, analysis_file):
        classes_by_source = self.context.products.get_data('classes_by_source')
        classes_by_target = self.context.products.get_data('classes_by_target')
        resources_by_target = self.context.products.get_data(

        if classes_by_source is not None or classes_by_target is not None:
            computed_classes_by_source = self._compute_classes_by_source(
            for target in targets:
                target_products = classes_by_target[
                    target] if classes_by_target is not None else None
                for source in sources_by_target[
                        target]:  # Source is relative to buildroot.
                    classes = computed_classes_by_source.get(
                        source, [])  # Classes are absolute paths.
                    if classes_by_target is not None:
                    if classes_by_source is not None:
                            self._classes_dir, classes)

        if resources_by_target is not None:
            for target in targets:
                target_resources = resources_by_target[target]
                for root, abs_paths in self.extra_products(target):
                    target_resources.add_abs_paths(root, abs_paths)
Exemple #3
  def __init__(self, context, minimum_version=None, jdk=False):
    # TODO(John Sirois): XXX plumb minimum_version via config or flags
    super(JvmCompile, self).__init__(context, minimum_version=minimum_version, jdk=jdk)
    concrete_class = type(self)
    config_section = concrete_class._config_section

    def get_lang_specific_option(opt):
      full_opt_name = self._language + '_' + opt
      return getattr(context.options, full_opt_name, None)

    # Global workdir.
    self._pants_workdir = context.config.getdefault('pants_workdir')

    # Various working directories.
    workdir = context.config.get(config_section, 'workdir')
    self._classes_dir = os.path.join(workdir, 'classes')
    self._resources_dir = os.path.join(workdir, 'resources')
    self._analysis_dir = os.path.join(workdir, 'analysis')

    self._delete_scratch = get_lang_specific_option('delete_scratch')


    self._analysis_file = os.path.join(self._analysis_dir, 'global_analysis.valid')
    self._invalid_analysis_file = os.path.join(self._analysis_dir, 'global_analysis.invalid')

    # A temporary, but well-known, dir in which to munge analysis/dependency files in before
    # caching. It must be well-known so we know where to find the files when we retrieve them from
    # the cache.
    self._analysis_tmpdir = os.path.join(self._analysis_dir, 'artifact_cache_tmpdir')

    # We can't create analysis tools until after construction.
    self._lazy_analysis_tools = None

    # Compiler options.
    self._args = context.config.getlist(config_section, 'args')
    if get_lang_specific_option('compile_warnings'):
      self._args.extend(context.config.getlist(config_section, 'warning_args'))
      self._args.extend(context.config.getlist(config_section, 'no_warning_args'))

    # The rough number of source files to build in each compiler pass.
    self._partition_size_hint = get_lang_specific_option('partition_size_hint')
    if self._partition_size_hint == -1:
      self._partition_size_hint = context.config.getint(config_section, 'partition_size_hint',

    # JVM options for running the compiler.
    self._jvm_options = context.config.getlist(config_section, 'jvm_args')

    # The ivy confs for which we're building.
    self._confs = context.config.getlist(config_section, 'confs', default=['default'])

    # Runtime dependencies.
    runtime_deps = context.config.getlist(config_section, 'runtime-deps', default=[])
    if runtime_deps:
      self._runtime_deps_key = self._language + '-runtime-deps'
      self.register_jvm_tool(self._runtime_deps_key, runtime_deps)
      self._runtime_deps_key = None

    # Set up dep checking if needed.
    def munge_flag(flag):
      return None if flag == 'off' else flag
    check_missing_deps = munge_flag(get_lang_specific_option('missing_deps'))
    check_missing_direct_deps = munge_flag(get_lang_specific_option('missing_direct_deps'))
    check_unnecessary_deps = munge_flag(get_lang_specific_option('unnecessary_deps'))

    if check_missing_deps or check_missing_direct_deps or check_unnecessary_deps:
      # Must init it here, so it can set requirements on the context.
      self._dep_analyzer = JvmDependencyAnalyzer(self.context,
      self._dep_analyzer = None

    self._class_to_jarfile = None  # Computed lazily as needed.


    # Sources (relative to buildroot) present in the last analysis that have since been deleted.
    # Generated lazily, so do not access directly. Call self._get_deleted_sources().
    self._lazy_deleted_sources = None
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self, context, workdir, minimum_version=None, jdk=False):
        # TODO(John Sirois): XXX plumb minimum_version via config or flags
        super(JvmCompile, self).__init__(context,
        concrete_class = type(self)
        config_section = concrete_class._config_section

        def get_lang_specific_option(opt):
            full_opt_name = self._language + '_' + opt
            return getattr(context.options, full_opt_name, None)

        # Global workdir.
        self._pants_workdir = context.config.getdefault('pants_workdir')

        # Various working directories.
        self._classes_dir = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'classes')
        self._resources_dir = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'resources')
        self._analysis_dir = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'analysis')
        self._target_sources_dir = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'target_sources')

        self._delete_scratch = get_lang_specific_option('delete_scratch')


        self._analysis_file = os.path.join(self._analysis_dir,
        self._invalid_analysis_file = os.path.join(self._analysis_dir,

        # A temporary, but well-known, dir in which to munge analysis/dependency files in before
        # caching. It must be well-known so we know where to find the files when we retrieve them from
        # the cache.
        self._analysis_tmpdir = os.path.join(self._analysis_dir,

        # We can't create analysis tools until after construction.
        self._lazy_analysis_tools = None

        # Compiler options.
        self._args = context.config.getlist(config_section, 'args')
        if get_lang_specific_option('compile_warnings'):
                context.config.getlist(config_section, 'warning_args'))
                context.config.getlist(config_section, 'no_warning_args'))

        # The rough number of source files to build in each compiler pass.
        self._partition_size_hint = get_lang_specific_option(
        if self._partition_size_hint == -1:
            self._partition_size_hint = context.config.getint(
                config_section, 'partition_size_hint', default=1000)

        # JVM options for running the compiler.
        self._jvm_options = context.config.getlist(config_section, 'jvm_args')

        # The ivy confs for which we're building.
        self._confs = context.config.getlist(config_section,

        # Runtime dependencies.
        runtime_deps = context.config.getlist(config_section,
        if runtime_deps:
            self._runtime_deps_key = self._language + '-runtime-deps'
            self.register_jvm_tool(self._runtime_deps_key, runtime_deps)
            self._runtime_deps_key = None

        # Set up dep checking if needed.
        def munge_flag(flag):
            return None if flag == 'off' else flag

        check_missing_deps = munge_flag(
        check_missing_direct_deps = munge_flag(
        check_unnecessary_deps = munge_flag(

        if check_missing_deps or check_missing_direct_deps or check_unnecessary_deps:
            # Must init it here, so it can set requirements on the context.
            self._dep_analyzer = JvmDependencyAnalyzer(
                self.context, check_missing_deps, check_missing_direct_deps,
            self._dep_analyzer = None

        # If non-zero, and we have fewer than this number of locally-changed targets,
        # then we partition them separately, to preserve stability in the face of repeated
        # compilations.
        self._locally_changed_targets_heuristic_limit = context.config.getint(
            config_section, 'locally_changed_targets_heuristic_limit', 0)

        self._class_to_jarfile = None  # Computed lazily as needed.


        # Sources (relative to buildroot) present in the last analysis that have since been deleted.
        # Generated lazily, so do not access directly. Call self._get_deleted_sources().
        self._lazy_deleted_sources = None