Exemple #1
def socket_command(sock, args, instance):
    """Create a socket to be used by processes.
You need to specify a name, followed by name=value pairs for the connection
options. The name must not contain spaces.

Family and type options are:
    family - should be unix, inet, inet6 (default is unix if path is specified,
             of inet if no path)
    type - should be stream, dgram, raw, rdm or seqpacket (default is stream)
    backlog - specifies the listen backlog (default is 5)

Options for family=unix
    path - must be an absolute path (required)
    umask - override the current umask when creating the socket file

Options for family=inet or family=inet6
    port - if left out, the system will assign a port
    interface - only bind to a single ethernet adaptor
    host - you will usually want the default, which will be if no
           interface it specified and otherwise
    reuseport - on systems that support it, papa will create and bind a new
                socket for each process that uses this socket

The url must start with "tcp:", "udp:" or "unix:".
    make socket uwsgi port=8080
    make socket chaussette path=/tmp/chaussette.sock
    if not args:
        raise Error('Socket requires a name')
    name = args.pop(0)
    kwargs = extract_name_value_pairs(args)
    p = PapaSocket(name, instance, **kwargs)
    with instance['globals']['lock']:
        return str(p.start())
Exemple #2
def socket_command(sock, args, instance):
    """Create a socket to be used by processes.
You need to specify a name, followed by name=value pairs for the connection
options. The name must not contain spaces.

Family and type options are:
    family - should be unix, inet, inet6 (default is unix if path is specified,
             of inet if no path)
    type - should be stream, dgram, raw, rdm or seqpacket (default is stream)
    backlog - specifies the listen backlog (default is 5)

Options for family=unix
    path - must be an absolute path (required)
    umask - override the current umask when creating the socket file

Options for family=inet or family=inet6
    port - if left out, the system will assign a port
    interface - only bind to a single ethernet adaptor
    host - you will usually want the default, which will be if no
           interface it specified and otherwise
    reuseport - on systems that support it, papa will create and bind a new
                socket for each process that uses this socket

The url must start with "tcp:", "udp:" or "unix:".
    make socket uwsgi port=8080
    make socket chaussette path=/tmp/chaussette.sock
    if not args:
        raise Error('Socket requires a name')
    name = args.pop(0)
    kwargs = extract_name_value_pairs(args)
    p = PapaSocket(name, instance, **kwargs)
    with instance['globals']['lock']:
        return str(p.start())
Exemple #3
def process_command(sock, args, instance):
    """Create a process.
You need to specify a name, followed by name=value pairs for the process
options, followed by the command and args to execute. The name must not contain

Process options are:
    uid - the username or user ID to use when starting the process
    gid - the group name or group ID to use when starting the process
    working_dir - must be an absolute path if specified
    output - size of each output buffer (default is 1m)

You can also specify environment variables by prefixing the name with 'env.' and
rlimits by prefixing the name with 'rlimit.'

    make process sf uid=1001 gid=2000 working_dir=/sf/bin/ output=1m /sf/bin/uwsgi --ini uwsgi-live.ini --socket fd://27 --stats
    make process nginx /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx
    if not args:
        raise Error('Process requires a name')
    name = args.pop(0)
    env = {}
    rlimits = {}
    kwargs = {}
    for key, value in extract_name_value_pairs(args).items():
        if key.startswith('env.'):
            env[key[4:]] = value
        elif key.startswith('rlimit.'):
            key = key[7:]
                                'RLIMIT_%s' % key.upper())] = int(value)
            except AttributeError:
                raise utils.Error('Unknown rlimit "%s"' % key)
            except ValueError:
                raise utils.Error(
                    'The rlimit value for "%s" must be an integer, not "%s"' %
                    (key, value))
            kwargs[key] = value
    watch = int(kwargs.pop('watch', 0))
    p = Process(name, args, env, rlimits, instance, **kwargs)
    with instance['globals']['lock']:
        result = p.spawn()
    if watch:
        send_with_retry(sock, cast_bytes('{0}\n'.format(result)))
        return _do_watch(sock, {name: {
            'p': result,
            't': 0,
            'closed': False
        }}, instance)

    return str(result)
Exemple #4
def process_command(sock, args, instance):
    """Create a process.
You need to specify a name, followed by name=value pairs for the process
options, followed by the command and args to execute. The name must not contain

Process options are:
    uid - the username or user ID to use when starting the process
    gid - the group name or group ID to use when starting the process
    working_dir - must be an absolute path if specified
    output - size of each output buffer (default is 1m)

You can also specify environment variables by prefixing the name with 'env.' and
rlimits by prefixing the name with 'rlimit.'

    make process sf uid=1001 gid=2000 working_dir=/sf/bin/ output=1m /sf/bin/uwsgi --ini uwsgi-live.ini --socket fd://27 --stats
    make process nginx /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx
    if not args:
        raise Error('Process requires a name')
    name = args.pop(0)
    env = {}
    rlimits = {}
    kwargs = {}
    for key, value in extract_name_value_pairs(args).items():
        if key.startswith('env.'):
            env[key[4:]] = value
        elif key.startswith('rlimit.'):
            key = key[7:]
                rlimits[getattr(resource, 'RLIMIT_%s' % key.upper())] = int(value)
            except AttributeError:
                raise utils.Error('Unknown rlimit "%s"' % key)
            except ValueError:
                raise utils.Error('The rlimit value for "%s" must be an integer, not "%s"' % (key, value))
            kwargs[key] = value
    watch = int(kwargs.pop('watch', 0))
    p = Process(name, args, env, rlimits, instance, **kwargs)
    with instance['globals']['lock']:
        result = p.spawn()
    if watch:
        send_with_retry(sock, cast_bytes('{0}\n'.format(result)))
        return _do_watch(sock, {name: {'p': result, 't': 0, 'closed': False}}, instance)

    return str(result)