Exemple #1
def transfer(src, dst, creds, upstream=True,\
    tries=3, include=None, parallelism=10, extract=False):
    @extract: boolean - whether to extract tar or zip files after transfer
    @parallelism(default=10): number of parallel processes to use
    if isinstance(creds, dict):
        creds = Bunch(creds)
        if 'key' in creds:
            creds.key = os.path.expanduser(creds.key)
        if 'key_filename' in creds:
            creds.key = os.path.expanduser(creds.key_filename[0])

    if upstream:
        srcs = executor.find_files(src, None, include=include)
        srcs = executor.find_files(src, creds, include=include)

    if len(srcs) < 1:
        print('No source files found to transfer.')

    src_dirs = set([os.path.dirname(path) for path in srcs])
    dst_dirs = [path.replace(src, dst) for path in src_dirs]
    dst_dirs = [path for path in dst_dirs if path not in ['', '/']]

    if upstream:
        executor.make_dirs(dst_dirs, creds=creds)

    dests = []
    for path in srcs:
        if path[:len(src)].endswith('/'):
            path = os.path.join(dst, path[len(src):])
            path = os.path.join(dst, path[len(src) + 1:])

    rsync = "rsync -raz -e 'ssh"\
            " -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"\
            " -o ServerAliveInterval=100"\
            " -i {}'".format(creds.key)

    cmds = []
    for ind, path in enumerate(srcs):
        cmd = "{} {}@{}:{} {}".format(rsync, creds.user, creds.host, path, dests[ind])
        if upstream:
            cmd = "{} {} {}@{}:{}".format(rsync, path, creds.user, creds.host, dests[ind])
    pool = Pool(parallelism, init_worker)
    func = partial(executor._local, None, tries)
    pool.map(func, cmds)
    if extract:
        compression.extract(dst, creds=creds)
def extract(target_path, creds=None):
    unzipps or untars a files or multiple files under a directory
        either locally or on a remote host
    @target_path: string - directory or file path
    @creds: a dictionary or Bunch object used for remote execution
    if not executor.path_exists(target_path, creds):
        logging.warn("Invalid path: %s" % target_path)

    cmds = []
    if executor.is_file(target_path, creds):
        target_dir = os.path.dirname(target_path)
        filename = os.path.basename(target_path)
        cmd = get_unzip_cmd(filename)
        if cmd is not None:
            cmds.append("cd {}; {} {}".format(target_dir, get_unzip_cmd(filename), filename))

    else:  # directory
        files = executor.find_files(target_path, creds, include=["*.gz", "*.zip"])
        for path in files:
            target_dir = os.path.dirname(path)
            filename = os.path.basename(path)
            unzip_cmd = get_unzip_cmd(filename)
            if unzip_cmd is not None:
                cmds.append("cd {}; {} {}".format(target_dir, unzip_cmd, filename))

    executor.run(cmds, creds)
def extract(target_path, creds=None):
    unzipps or untars a files or multiple files under a directory
        either locally or on a remote host
    @target_path: string - directory or file path
    @creds: a dictionary or Bunch object used for remote execution
    if not executor.path_exists(target_path, creds):
        logging.warn('Invalid path: %s' % target_path)

    cmds = []
    if executor.is_file(target_path, creds):
        target_dir = os.path.dirname(target_path)
        filename = os.path.basename(target_path)
        cmd = get_unzip_cmd(filename)
        if cmd is not None:
            cmds.append('cd {}; {} {}'\

    else: # directory
        files = executor.find_files(target_path, creds, include=['*.gz', '*.zip'])
        for path in files:
            target_dir = os.path.dirname(path)
            filename = os.path.basename(path)
            unzip_cmd = get_unzip_cmd(filename)
            if unzip_cmd is not None:
                cmds.append('cd {}; {} {}'\
                    .format(target_dir, unzip_cmd, filename))

    executor.run(cmds, creds)
def transfer(src, dst, creds, upstream=True,\
    tries=3, include=[], exclude=[], parallelism=10, extract=False,\
    validate=False, additional_params='-c'):
    @src, @dst: source and destination directories
    @creds: dict of credentials
    @extract: boolean - whether to extract tar or zip files after transfer
    @parallelism(default=10): number of parallel processes to use
    @additional_params: str - additional parameters to pass on to rsync
    if isinstance(creds, dict):
        creds = Bunch(creds)
        if 'key' in creds:
            creds.key = os.path.expanduser(creds.key)
        if 'key_filename' in creds:
            path = creds.key_filename
            if isinstance(path, list):
                path = path[0]
            creds.key = os.path.expanduser(path)

    if upstream:
        srcs = executor.find_files(src, None, include=include, exclude=exclude)
        srcs = executor.find_files(src,

    if len(srcs) < 1:
        logging.warn('No source files found to transfer.')

    paths = []
    for path in srcs:
        dst_path = path[len(src):]
        if dst_path.startswith('/'):
            dst_path = dst_path[1:]
        if dst.endswith('/'):
            dst = dst[:-1]
        dst_path = os.path.join(dst, dst_path)
        paths.append((path, dst_path))

    transfer_paths(paths, creds, upstream,\
        tries=tries, parallelism=parallelism, extract=extract,\
        validate=validate, additional_params=additional_params)