order = order[inds + 1]                #list the score(delete scores the over thresh)

    return keep              #the score list

#dataset = 'hinterstoisser'
# dataset = 'tless'
# dataset = 'tudlight'
# dataset = 'rutgers'
# dataset = 'tejani'
dataset = 'doumanoglou'
# dataset = 'toyotalight'

#mode = 'render_train'
mode = 'test'

dp = get_dataset_params(dataset)
detector = linemodLevelup_pybind.Detector(16, [4, 8], 8)  # min features; pyramid strides; num clusters

obj_ids = []  # for each obj
obj_ids_curr = range(1, dp['obj_count'] + 1)
if obj_ids:
    obj_ids_curr = set(obj_ids_curr).intersection(obj_ids)

scene_ids = []  # for each obj
im_ids = []  # obj's img
gt_ids = []  # multi obj in one img
scene_ids_curr = range(1, dp['scene_count'] + 1)
if scene_ids:
    scene_ids_curr = set(scene_ids_curr).intersection(scene_ids)

# mm
Exemple #2
    test_type = info[2] if len(info) > 2 else ''

    # Select data type
    if dataset == 'tless':
        cam_type = test_type
        if error_type in ['adi', 'add']:
            model_type = 'cad_subdivided'
            model_type = 'cad'
        model_type = ''
        cam_type = ''

    # Load dataset parameters
    dp = get_dataset_params(dataset,

    # Load object models
    if error_type in ['vsd', 'add', 'adi', 'cou']:
        print('Loading object models...')
        models = {}
        for obj_id in range(1, dp['obj_count'] + 1):
            models[obj_id] = inout.load_ply(dp['model_mpath'].format(obj_id))

    # Directories with results for individual scenes
    scene_dirs = sorted([
        d for d in glob.glob(os.path.join(result_path, '*'))
        if os.path.isdir(d)
Exemple #3
import os
import sys
import glob
import math

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import yaml

from pysixd import inout, misc, transform, renderer
import hinter_flip

from params.dataset_params import get_dataset_params

par = get_dataset_params('hinterstoisser')

base_path = '/local/datasets/tlod/hinterstoisser/'
rgb_mpath = base_path + 'test/02/rgb/{:04d}.png'
model_mpath = base_path + 'models/obj_{:02d}.ply'  # Already transformed
pose_mpath = '/local/datasets/tlod/dresden/occlusion/poses/{}/info_{:05d}.txt'
scene_gt_path = base_path + 'test/02/scene_gt_brachmann.yml'

obj_names_id_map = {
    'Ape': 1,
    'Can': 5,
    'Cat': 6,
    'Driller': 8,
    'Duck': 9,
    'Eggbox': 10,
    'Glue': 11,
    azimuth_range = (0, 2 * math.pi)
    elev_range = (-0.4363, 0.5 * math.pi) # (-25, 90) [deg]

elif dataset == 'tless':
    # Range of object distances in test images: 649.89 - 940.04 mm
    radii = [650] # Radii of the view sphere [mm]
    # radii = range(500, 1101, 100) # [mm]

    azimuth_range = (0, 2 * math.pi)
    elev_range = (-0.5 * math.pi, 0.5 * math.pi)

    model_type = 'reconst'
    cam_type = 'primesense'

par = get_dataset_params(dataset, model_type=model_type, cam_type=cam_type)

# Objects to render
obj_ids = range(1, par['obj_count'] + 1)

# Minimum required number of views on the whole view sphere. The final number of
# views depends on the sampling method.
min_n_views = 1000

clip_near = 10 # [mm]
clip_far = 10000 # [mm]
ambient_weight = 0.8 # Weight of ambient light [0, 1]
shading = 'phong' # 'flat', 'phong'

# Super-sampling anti-aliasing (SSAA)
# https://github.com/vispy/vispy/wiki/Tech.-Antialiasing
Exemple #5
# Calculates distances of objects from camera in test images of the selected
# dataset.

import os
import sys
import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from pysixd import inout

from params.dataset_params import get_dataset_params
# par = get_dataset_params('hinterstoisser')
# par = get_dataset_params('tejani')
par = get_dataset_params('rutgers')
# par = get_dataset_params('tudlight')

scene_ids = range(1, par['scene_count'] + 1)
obj_dists = []
azimuths = []
elevs = []
ims_count = 0
for scene_id in scene_ids:
    print('Processing scene: ' + str(scene_id))
    scene_gt = inout.load_gt(par['scene_gt_mpath'].format(scene_id))
    ims_count += len(scene_gt)

    for im_id, im_gts in scene_gt.items():
        for im_gt in im_gts:
            if scene_id == 2 and im_gt['obj_id'] != 2:
# Author: Tomas Hodan ([email protected])
# Center for Machine Perception, Czech Technical University in Prague

import os
import sys
import glob

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import yaml

from pysixd import inout, misc, renderer

from params.dataset_params import get_dataset_params
par = get_dataset_params('tejani')

base_path = '/local/datasets/tlod/imperial/tejani/'

rgb_in_mpath = base_path + 'orig/test/scene_{:02d}/RGB/img_{:03d}.png'
depth_in_mpath = base_path + 'orig/test/scene_{:02d}/Depth/img_{:03d}.png'
pose_mpath = base_path + 'orig/annotation_new_models/scene_{:02d}/poses{}.txt'
model_mpath = base_path + 'models/obj_{:02d}.ply'
bbox_cens_path = base_path + 'bbox_cens.yml'

scene_info_mpath = base_path + 'test/{:02d}/info.yml'
scene_gt_mpath = base_path + 'test/{:02d}/gt.yml'
rgb_out_mpath = base_path + 'test/{:02d}/rgb/{:04d}.png'
depth_out_mpath = base_path + 'test/{:02d}/depth/{:04d}.png'

# scene_ids = range(1, 7)
Exemple #7
# Matching estimated poses to the GT poses
for error_path in error_paths:
    print('Processing: ' + error_path)

    # Parse info about the errors from the folder names
    error_sign = os.path.basename(error_path)
    error_type = error_sign.split('_')[0].split('=')[1]
    n_top = int(error_sign.split('_')[1].split('=')[1])
    res_sign = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(error_path)).split('_')
    method = res_sign[0]
    dataset = res_sign[1]
    test_type = res_sign[2] if len(res_sign) > 3 else ''

    # Load dataset parameters
    dp = get_dataset_params(dataset, test_type=test_type)
    obj_ids = range(1, dp['obj_count'] + 1)
    scene_ids = range(1, dp['scene_count'] + 1)

    # Set threshold of correctness (might be different for each object)
    error_threshs = {}
    if error_type in ['add', 'adi']:
        # Relative to object diameter
        models_info = inout.load_yaml(dp['models_info_path'])
        for obj_id in obj_ids:
            obj_diameter = models_info[obj_id]['diameter']
                obj_id] = error_thresh_fact[error_type] * obj_diameter
        # The same threshold for all objects
        for obj_id in obj_ids:
Exemple #8
    dataset = info[1]
    test_type = info[2] if len(info) > 2 else ''

    # Select data type
    if dataset == 'tless':
        cam_type = test_type
        if error_type in ['adi', 'add']:
            model_type = 'cad_subdivided'
            model_type = 'cad'
        model_type = ''
        cam_type = ''

    # Load dataset parameters
    dp = get_dataset_params(dataset, model_type=model_type, test_type=test_type,

    # Load object models
    if error_type in ['vsd', 'add', 'adi', 'cou']:
        print('Loading object models...')
        models = {}
        for obj_id in range(1, dp['obj_count'] + 1):
            models[obj_id] = inout.load_ply(dp['model_mpath'].format(obj_id))

    # Directories with results for individual scenes
    scene_dirs = sorted([d for d in glob.glob(os.path.join(result_path, '*'))
                         if os.path.isdir(d)])

    for scene_dir in scene_dirs:
        scene_id = int(os.path.basename(scene_dir))
Exemple #9
def main():
    # Paths to pose errors (calculated using eval_calc_errors.py)
    top_level_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(

    dataset = 'hinterstoisser'
    # dataset = 'tless'
    # dataset = 'tudlight'
    # dataset = 'rutgers'
    # dataset = 'tejani'
    # dataset = 'doumanoglou'
    # dataset = 'toyotalight'

    error_bpath = pjoin(top_level_path, 'eval')
    error_paths = [
        pjoin(error_bpath, 'patch-linemod_' + dataset),
        # pjoin(error_bpath, 'hodan-iros15_tless_primesense'),

    error_dir = 'error=vsd_ntop=1_delta=15_tau=20_cost=step'
    for i in range(len(error_paths)):
        error_paths[i] = os.path.join(error_paths[i], error_dir)

    # Other paths
    # Mask of path to the input file with calculated errors
    errors_mpath = pjoin('{error_path}', 'errors_{scene_id:02d}.yml')

    # Mask of path to the output file with established matches and calculated scores
    matches_mpath = pjoin('{error_path}', 'matches_{eval_sign}.yml')
    scores_mpath = pjoin('{error_path}', 'scores_{eval_sign}.yml')

    # Parameters
    use_image_subset = True  # Whether to use the specified subset of images
    require_all_errors = True  # Whether to break if some errors are missing
    visib_gt_min = 0.1  # Minimum visible surface fraction of valid GT pose
    visib_delta = 15  # [mm]

    # Threshold of correctness
    error_thresh = {
        'vsd': 0.3,
        'cou': 0.5,
        'te': 5.0,  # [cm]
        're': 5.0  # [deg]

    # Factor k; threshold of correctness = k * d, where d is the object diameter
    error_thresh_fact = {'add': 0.1, 'adi': 0.1}

    # Evaluation
    for error_path in error_paths:

        # Parse info about the errors from the folder names
        error_sign = os.path.basename(error_path)
        error_type = error_sign.split('_')[0].split('=')[1]
        n_top = int(error_sign.split('_')[1].split('=')[1])
        res_sign = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(error_path)).split('_')
        method = res_sign[0]
        dataset = res_sign[1]
        test_type = res_sign[2] if len(res_sign) > 3 else ''

        # Evaluation signature
        if error_type in ['add', 'adi']:
            eval_sign = 'thf=' + str(error_thresh_fact[error_type])
            eval_sign = 'th=' + str(error_thresh[error_type])
        eval_sign += '_min-visib=' + str(visib_gt_min)

        print('--- Processing: {}, {}, {}'.format(method, dataset, error_type))

        # Load dataset parameters
        dp = get_dataset_params(dataset, test_type=test_type)
        obj_ids = range(1, dp['obj_count'] + 1)
        scene_ids = range(1, dp['scene_count'] + 1)

        # Subset of images to be considered
        if use_image_subset:
            im_ids_sets = inout.load_yaml(dp['test_set_fpath'])
            im_ids_sets = None

        # Set threshold of correctness (might be different for each object)
        error_threshs = {}
        if error_type in ['add', 'adi']:

            # Relative to object diameter
            models_info = inout.load_yaml(dp['models_info_path'])
            for obj_id in obj_ids:
                obj_diameter = models_info[obj_id]['diameter']
                error_threshs[obj_id] = error_thresh_fact[error_type] *\
            # The same threshold for all objects
            for obj_id in obj_ids:
                error_threshs[obj_id] = error_thresh[error_type]

        # Go through the test scenes and match estimated poses to GT poses
        matches = []  # Stores info about the matching estimate for each GT
        for scene_id in scene_ids:

            # Load GT poses
            gts = inout.load_gt(dp['scene_gt_mpath'].format(scene_id))

            # Load statistics (e.g. visibility fraction) of the GT poses
            gt_stats_path = dp['scene_gt_stats_mpath'].format(
                scene_id, visib_delta)
            gt_stats = inout.load_yaml(gt_stats_path)

            # Keep the GT poses and their stats only for the selected images
            if im_ids_sets is not None:
                im_ids = im_ids_sets[scene_id]
                gts = {im_id: gts[im_id] for im_id in im_ids}
                gt_stats = {im_id: gt_stats[im_id] for im_id in im_ids}

            # Load pre-calculated errors of the pose estimates
            scene_errs_path = errors_mpath.format(error_path=error_path,

            if os.path.isfile(scene_errs_path):
                errs = inout.load_errors(scene_errs_path)

                matches += match_poses(gts, gt_stats, errs, scene_id,
                                       visib_gt_min, error_threshs, n_top)

            elif require_all_errors:
                raise IOError(
                    '{} is missing, but errors for all scenes are required'
                    ' (require_all_results = True).'.format(scene_errs_path))

        # Calculate the performance scores
        # Split the dataset of Hinterstoisser to the original LINEMOD dataset
        # and the Occlusion dataset by TUD (i.e. the extended GT for scene #2)
        if dataset == 'hinterstoisser':

            print('-- LINEMOD dataset')
            eval_sign_lm = 'linemod_' + eval_sign
            matches_lm = [m for m in matches if m['scene_id'] == m['obj_id']]
            scores_lm = calc_scores(scene_ids, obj_ids, matches_lm, n_top)

            # Save scores
            scores_lm_path = scores_mpath.format(error_path=error_path,
            inout.save_yaml(scores_lm_path, scores_lm)

            # Save matches
            matches_path = matches_mpath.format(error_path=error_path,
            inout.save_yaml(matches_path, matches_lm)

            print('-- Occlusion dataset')
            eval_sign_occ = 'occlusion_' + eval_sign
            matches_occ = [m for m in matches if m['scene_id'] == 2]
            scene_ids_occ = [2]
            obj_ids_occ = [1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
            scores_occ = calc_scores(scene_ids_occ, obj_ids_occ, matches_occ,
            # Save scores
            scores_occ_path = scores_mpath.format(error_path=error_path,
            inout.save_yaml(scores_occ_path, scores_occ)

            # Save matches
            matches_path = matches_mpath.format(error_path=error_path,
            inout.save_yaml(matches_path, matches_occ)
            scores = calc_scores(scene_ids, obj_ids, matches, n_top)

            # Save scores
            scores_path = scores_mpath.format(error_path=error_path,
            inout.save_yaml(scores_path, scores)

            # Save matches
            matches_path = matches_mpath.format(error_path=error_path,
            inout.save_yaml(matches_path, matches)

Home - view all objects

import os
import sys
import numpy as np

sixd_toolkit_path = '/home/tom/th_data/cmp/projects/sixd/sixd_toolkit'
from pysixd import inout, misc, transform

# Dataset parameters
from params.dataset_params import get_dataset_params
# par = get_dataset_params('hinterstoisser')
# par = get_dataset_params('tejani')
par = get_dataset_params('doumanoglou')
# par = get_dataset_params('tudlight')

# Path to a 3D model of the scene
#scene_model_mpath = None

ref_im_ind = 0
scene_gt = {}
scene_info = {}

bpy = None # pointer to blender's data structure
def init(bpy_in):
    Initializes Blender project.
    axisPoints, _ = cv2.projectPoints(points, rotV, t, K, (0, 0, 0, 0))
    img = cv2.line(img, tuple(axisPoints[3].ravel()), tuple(axisPoints[0].ravel()), (255,0,0), 3)
    img = cv2.line(img, tuple(axisPoints[3].ravel()), tuple(axisPoints[1].ravel()), (0,255,0), 3)
    img = cv2.line(img, tuple(axisPoints[3].ravel()), tuple(axisPoints[2].ravel()), (0,0,255), 3)
    return img

# dataset = 'hinterstoisser'
# dataset = 'tless'
# dataset = 'tudlight'
# dataset = 'rutgers'
# dataset = 'tejani'
dataset = 'doumanoglou'
# dataset = 'toyotalight'

# set ./params/dataset_params common_base_path correctly
dp = get_dataset_params(dataset)

obj_ids = [1]  # for each obj
obj_ids_curr = range(1, dp['obj_count'] + 1)
if obj_ids:
    obj_ids_curr = set(obj_ids_curr).intersection(obj_ids)

scene_ids = [1]  # for each obj
im_ids = []  # obj's img
gt_ids = []  # multi obj in one img

# Whether to consider only the specified subset of images
use_image_subset = True
Exemple #12
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from pysixd import inout, misc, renderer

# Dataset parameters
from params.dataset_params import get_dataset_params
# par = get_dataset_params('hinterstoisser')
# par = get_dataset_params('tejani')
# par = get_dataset_params('doumanoglou')
# par = get_dataset_params('rutgers')
par = get_dataset_params('tudlight')

# Select IDs of scenes, images and GT poses to be processed.
# Empty list [] means that all IDs will be used.
scene_ids = []
im_ids = []
gt_ids = []

# Indicates whether to render RGB image
vis_rgb = True

# Indicates whether to resolve visibility in the rendered RGB image (using
# depth renderings). If True, only the part of object surface, which is not
# occluded by any other modeled object, is visible. If False, RGB renderings
# of individual objects are blended together.
vis_rgb_resolve_visib = False
Exemple #13
    # Range of object dist. in test images: 509.12 - 1120.41 mm
    radii = [500] # Radii of the view sphere [mm]
    # radii = range(500, 1101, 100)

    azimuth_range = (0, 2 * math.pi)
    elev_range = (0, 0.5 * math.pi)

elif dataset == 'doumanoglou':
    # Range of object dist. in test images: 454.56 - 1076.29 mm
    radii = [450] # Radii of the view sphere [mm]
    # radii = range(500, 1101, 100)

    azimuth_range = (0, 2 * math.pi)
    elev_range = (-1.0297, 0.5 * math.pi) # (-59, 90) [deg]

par = get_dataset_params(dataset, model_type=model_type, cam_type=cam_type)

# Objects to render
obj_ids = range(1, par['obj_count'] + 1)

# Minimum required number of views on the whole view sphere. The final number of
# views depends on the sampling method.
min_n_views = 1000

clip_near = 10 # [mm]
clip_far = 10000 # [mm]
ambient_weight = 0.8 # Weight of ambient light [0, 1]
shading = 'phong' # 'flat', 'phong'

# Super-sampling anti-aliasing (SSAA)
# https://github.com/vispy/vispy/wiki/Tech.-Antialiasing
Exemple #14
def main():
    # Paths to pose errors (calculated using eval_calc_errors.py)
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    error_bpath = "/path/to/eval/"
    error_paths = [
        pjoin(error_bpath, "hodan-iros15_hinterstoisser"),
        # pjoin(error_bpath, 'hodan-iros15_tless_primesense'),

    error_dir = "error:vsd_ntop:1_delta:15_tau:20_cost:step"
    for i in range(len(error_paths)):
        error_paths[i] = os.path.join(error_paths[i], error_dir)

    # Other paths
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Mask of path to the input file with calculated errors
    errors_mpath = pjoin("{error_path}", "errors_{scene_id:02d}.yml")

    # Mask of path to the output file with established matches and calculated scores
    matches_mpath = pjoin("{error_path}", "matches_{eval_sign}.yml")
    scores_mpath = pjoin("{error_path}", "scores_{eval_sign}.yml")

    # Parameters
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    use_image_subset = True  # Whether to use the specified subset of images
    require_all_errors = True  # Whether to break if some errors are missing
    visib_gt_min = 0.1  # Minimum visible surface fraction of valid GT pose
    visib_delta = 15  # [mm]

    # Threshold of correctness
    error_thresh = {
        "vsd": 0.3,
        "cou": 0.5,
        "te": 5.0,
        "re": 5.0
    }  # [cm]  # [deg]

    # Factor k; threshold of correctness = k * d, where d is the object diameter
    error_thresh_fact = {"add": 0.1, "adi": 0.1}

    # Evaluation
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    for error_path in error_paths:

        # Parse info about the errors from the folder names
        error_sign = os.path.basename(error_path)
        error_type = error_sign.split("_")[0].split(":")[1]
        n_top = int(error_sign.split("_")[1].split(":")[1])
        res_sign = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(error_path)).split("_")
        method = res_sign[0]
        dataset = res_sign[1]
        test_type = res_sign[2] if len(res_sign) > 3 else ""

        # Evaluation signature
        if error_type in ["add", "adi"]:
            eval_sign = "thf:" + str(error_thresh_fact[error_type])
            eval_sign = "th:" + str(error_thresh[error_type])
        eval_sign += "_min-visib:" + str(visib_gt_min)

        print("--- Processing: {}, {}, {}".format(method, dataset, error_type))

        # Load dataset parameters
        dp = get_dataset_params(dataset, test_type=test_type)
        obj_ids = range(1, dp["obj_count"] + 1)
        scene_ids = range(1, dp["scene_count"] + 1)

        # Subset of images to be considered
        if use_image_subset:
            im_ids_sets = inout.load_yaml(dp["test_set_fpath"])
            im_ids_sets = None

        # Set threshold of correctness (might be different for each object)
        error_threshs = {}
        if error_type in ["add", "adi"]:

            # Relative to object diameter
            models_info = inout.load_yaml(dp["models_info_path"])
            for obj_id in obj_ids:
                obj_diameter = models_info[obj_id]["diameter"]
                    obj_id] = error_thresh_fact[error_type] * obj_diameter
            # The same threshold for all objects
            for obj_id in obj_ids:
                error_threshs[obj_id] = error_thresh[error_type]

        # Go through the test scenes and match estimated poses to GT poses
        # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
        matches = []  # Stores info about the matching estimate for each GT
        for scene_id in scene_ids:

            # Load GT poses
            gts = inout.load_gt(dp["scene_gt_mpath"].format(scene_id))

            # Load statistics (e.g. visibility fraction) of the GT poses
            gt_stats_path = dp["scene_gt_stats_mpath"].format(
                scene_id, visib_delta)
            gt_stats = inout.load_yaml(gt_stats_path)

            # Keep the GT poses and their stats only for the selected images
            if im_ids_sets is not None:
                im_ids = im_ids_sets[scene_id]
                gts = {im_id: gts[im_id] for im_id in im_ids}
                gt_stats = {im_id: gt_stats[im_id] for im_id in im_ids}

            # Load pre-calculated errors of the pose estimates
            scene_errs_path = errors_mpath.format(error_path=error_path,

            if os.path.isfile(scene_errs_path):
                errs = inout.load_errors(scene_errs_path)

                matches += match_poses(gts, gt_stats, errs, scene_id,
                                       visib_gt_min, error_threshs, n_top)

            elif require_all_errors:
                raise IOError(
                    "{} is missing, but errors for all scenes are required"
                    " (require_all_results = True).".format(scene_errs_path))

        # Calculate the performance scores
        # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Split the dataset of Hinterstoisser to the original LINEMOD dataset
        # and the Occlusion dataset by TUD (i.e. the extended GT for scene #2)
        if dataset == "hinterstoisser":

            print("-- LINEMOD dataset")
            eval_sign_lm = "linemod_" + eval_sign
            matches_lm = [m for m in matches if m["scene_id"] == m["obj_id"]]
            scores_lm = calc_scores(scene_ids, obj_ids, matches_lm, n_top)

            # Save scores
            scores_lm_path = scores_mpath.format(error_path=error_path,
            inout.save_yaml(scores_lm_path, scores_lm)

            # Save matches
            matches_path = matches_mpath.format(error_path=error_path,
            inout.save_yaml(matches_path, matches_lm)

            print("-- Occlusion dataset")
            eval_sign_occ = "occlusion_" + eval_sign
            matches_occ = [m for m in matches if m["scene_id"] == 2]
            scene_ids_occ = [2]
            obj_ids_occ = [1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
            scores_occ = calc_scores(scene_ids_occ, obj_ids_occ, matches_occ,
            # Save scores
            scores_occ_path = scores_mpath.format(error_path=error_path,
            inout.save_yaml(scores_occ_path, scores_occ)

            # Save matches
            matches_path = matches_mpath.format(error_path=error_path,
            inout.save_yaml(matches_path, matches_occ)
            scores = calc_scores(scene_ids, obj_ids, matches, n_top)

            # Save scores
            scores_path = scores_mpath.format(error_path=error_path,
            inout.save_yaml(scores_path, scores)

            # Save matches
            matches_path = matches_mpath.format(error_path=error_path,
            inout.save_yaml(matches_path, matches)
