def compute_and_add_rhythm_feats(db_cursor):
    print "............... Computing and Adding Rhythm Features To DB ...................."
    p = open(song_id_pkl, "rb")
    song_ids = pickle.load(p)

    song_id_chunks = chunks(song_ids, CHUNK_SIZE)
    chunk_count = 0

    # get all song_ids
    sql_query = "SELECT song_id FROM songs1m_rhythm;"
    all_songs = db_cursor.fetchall()
    all_songs_list = []
    for s in all_songs:
        s = s[0]

    total_time = time.time()
    for chunk in song_id_chunks:
        if chunk_count > 2908:
            print "==== CHUNK: ", chunk_count, " ===="
            st = time.time()

            songs = pardora_db.get_timbre_features_for_song_ids(
                chunk, db_cursor)

            for s in songs:
                t_feats = np.ndarray((s[2], s[3]), buffer=s[0])
                segments = np.ndarray((s[4], ), buffer=s[1])
                song_id = s[5]

                #compute rhythm features
                onset_coefs, onset_pattern = msdtools.rhythm_features(
                    t_feats, segments)

                if onset_coefs is not None:
                    if song_id not in all_songs_list:
                            conn, c, song_id, onset_coefs, db_cursor)

            print "INFO: chunk rhythm compute time:", time.time() - st

        chunk_count += 1

    print "================================"
    print "INFO: TOTAL TIME FOR RHYTHM COMP TIME: ", time.time() - total_time
    print "================================"

def compute_and_add_rhythm_feats(db_cursor):
    print "............... Computing and Adding Rhythm Features To DB ...................."
    p = open(song_id_pkl, "rb")
    song_ids = pickle.load(p)

    song_id_chunks = chunks(song_ids, CHUNK_SIZE)
    chunk_count = 0

    # get all song_ids
    sql_query = "SELECT song_id FROM songs1m_rhythm;"
    all_songs = db_cursor.fetchall()
    all_songs_list = []
    for s in all_songs:
        s = s[0]

    total_time = time.time()
    for chunk in song_id_chunks:
        if chunk_count > 2908:
            print "==== CHUNK: ", chunk_count, " ===="
            st = time.time()

            songs = pardora_db.get_timbre_features_for_song_ids(chunk, db_cursor)

            for s in songs:
                t_feats = np.ndarray((s[2], s[3]), buffer=s[0])
                segments = np.ndarray((s[4],), buffer=s[1])
                song_id = s[5]

                # compute rhythm features
                onset_coefs, onset_pattern = msdtools.rhythm_features(t_feats, segments)

                if onset_coefs is not None:
                    if song_id not in all_songs_list:
                        pardora_db.add_rhythm_feats_to_db(conn, c, song_id, onset_coefs, db_cursor)

            print "INFO: chunk rhythm compute time:", time.time() - st

        chunk_count += 1

    print "================================"
    print "INFO: TOTAL TIME FOR RHYTHM COMP TIME: ", time.time() - total_time
    print "================================"

def compute_and_add_song_svs(timbre_ubm_params, rhythm_ubm_params, db_cursor):
    print "............... Computing and Adding Supervectors To DB ...................."
    p = open(song_id_pkl, "rb")
    song_ids = pickle.load(p)

    song_id_chunks = chunks(song_ids, CHUNK_SIZE)
    chunk_count = 0

    t_mean_to_use = np.zeros(1)
    t_sv = np.zeros(1)
    r_mean_to_use = np.zeros(1)
    r_sv = np.zeros(1)

    all_songs_list = []

    total_time = time.time()
    for chunk in song_id_chunks:
        song_id_list = []
        timbre_sv_arr = []
        rhythm_sv_arr = []
        print "==== CHUNK: ", chunk_count, "===="
        chunk_count += 1

        chunk_time = time.time()

        songs = pardora_db.get_rhythm_features_for_song_ids(chunk, db_cursor)

        for s in songs:
            if s[1] is not None and s[2] is not None:
                feats = np.array(np.ndarray((s[1], s[2]), buffer=s[0]), dtype=np.float32)
                feats_t = feats.T
                rhythm_sv = pardora_ubm.adapt_model(feats_t, rhythm_ubm_params, M)

        print "INFO: Rhythm SV comp time: ", time.time() - st

        st = time.time()
        songs = pardora_db.get_timbre_features_for_song_ids(chunk, db_cursor)

        for s in songs:
            if s[3] in song_id_list:
                feats = np.array(np.ndarray((s[1], s[2]), buffer=s[0]), dtype=np.float32)
                timbre_sv = pardora_ubm.adapt_model(feats, timbre_ubm_params, M)

        print "INFO: Timbre SV comp time: ", time.time() - st

        st = time.time()
        t_sv = np.vstack(timbre_sv_arr)
        del timbre_sv_arr
        r_sv = np.vstack(rhythm_sv_arr)
        del rhythm_sv_arr

        if chunk_count == 1:
            t_mean_to_use = np.mean(t_sv, axis=0)
            r_mean_to_use = np.mean(r_sv, axis=0)

        t_sv = msdtools.mcs_norm(t_sv.T, t_mean_to_use).T
        r_sv = msdtools.mcs_norm(r_sv.T, r_mean_to_use).T

        print "INFO: MCS norm computation time: ", time.time() - st

        st = time.time()
        p_means_t = np.zeros(len(song_id_list))
        p_sigmas_t = p_means_t.copy()
        p_means_t = p_means_t.copy()
        p_sigmas_t = p_means_t.copy()

        st = time.time()

        p_means_t, p_sigmas_t = msdtools.p_norm_params_chunk(t_sv.T, t_sv.T, NORM_CHUNK_SIZE)
        p_means_r, p_sigmas_r = msdtools.p_norm_params_chunk(r_sv.T, r_sv.T, NORM_CHUNK_SIZE)

        print "INFO: P-means computation time: ", time.time() - st

        st = time.time()
        idx = 0
        for s_id in song_id_list:
            t = np.array(t_sv[idx])
            r = np.array(r_sv[idx])
            if s_id not in all_songs_list:
                    conn, c, s_id, t, r, p_means_t[idx], p_sigmas_t[idx], p_means_r[idx], p_sigmas_r[idx], db_cursor
            idx += 1


        print "INFO: Database update time: ", time.time() - st

        print "INFO: TOTAL CHUNK TIME:", time.time() - chunk_time

    print "=============================================="
    print "INFO: TOTAL TIME FOR SV COMP TIME: ", time.time() - total_time
    print "=============================================="
    d = {}
    d["t_sv_mean"] = t_mean_to_use
    d["t_sv_sample"] = t_sv
    d["r_sv_mean"] = r_mean_to_use
    d["r_sv_sample"] = r_sv

    p = open(norm_param_pkl, "wb")
    pickle.dump(d, p, True)

def compute_and_add_song_svs(timbre_ubm_params, rhythm_ubm_params, db_cursor):
    print "............... Computing and Adding Supervectors To DB ...................."
    p = open(song_id_pkl, "rb")
    song_ids = pickle.load(p)

    song_id_chunks = chunks(song_ids, CHUNK_SIZE)
    chunk_count = 0

    t_mean_to_use = np.zeros(1)
    t_sv = np.zeros(1)
    r_mean_to_use = np.zeros(1)
    r_sv = np.zeros(1)

    all_songs_list = []

    total_time = time.time()
    for chunk in song_id_chunks:
        song_id_list = []
        timbre_sv_arr = []
        rhythm_sv_arr = []
        print "==== CHUNK: ", chunk_count, "===="
        chunk_count += 1

        chunk_time = time.time()

        songs = pardora_db.get_rhythm_features_for_song_ids(chunk, db_cursor)

        for s in songs:
            if s[1] is not None and s[2] is not None:
                feats = np.array(np.ndarray((s[1], s[2]), buffer=s[0]),
                feats_t = feats.T
                rhythm_sv = pardora_ubm.adapt_model(feats_t, rhythm_ubm_params,

        print "INFO: Rhythm SV comp time: ", time.time() - st

        st = time.time()
        songs = pardora_db.get_timbre_features_for_song_ids(chunk, db_cursor)

        for s in songs:
            if s[3] in song_id_list:
                feats = np.array(np.ndarray((s[1], s[2]), buffer=s[0]),
                timbre_sv = pardora_ubm.adapt_model(feats, timbre_ubm_params,

        print "INFO: Timbre SV comp time: ", time.time() - st

        st = time.time()
        t_sv = np.vstack(timbre_sv_arr)
        del timbre_sv_arr
        r_sv = np.vstack(rhythm_sv_arr)
        del rhythm_sv_arr

        if chunk_count == 1:
            t_mean_to_use = np.mean(t_sv, axis=0)
            r_mean_to_use = np.mean(r_sv, axis=0)

        t_sv = msdtools.mcs_norm(t_sv.T, t_mean_to_use).T
        r_sv = msdtools.mcs_norm(r_sv.T, r_mean_to_use).T

        print "INFO: MCS norm computation time: ", time.time() - st

        st = time.time()
        p_means_t = np.zeros(len(song_id_list))
        p_sigmas_t = p_means_t.copy()
        p_means_t = p_means_t.copy()
        p_sigmas_t = p_means_t.copy()

        st = time.time()

        p_means_t, p_sigmas_t = msdtools.p_norm_params_chunk(
            t_sv.T, t_sv.T, NORM_CHUNK_SIZE)
        p_means_r, p_sigmas_r = msdtools.p_norm_params_chunk(
            r_sv.T, r_sv.T, NORM_CHUNK_SIZE)

        print "INFO: P-means computation time: ", time.time() - st

        st = time.time()
        idx = 0
        for s_id in song_id_list:
            t = np.array(t_sv[idx])
            r = np.array(r_sv[idx])
            if s_id not in all_songs_list:
                pardora_db.add_sv_and_p_vals_to_db(conn, c, s_id, t, r, \
                                                   p_means_t[idx], p_sigmas_t[idx],\
                                                   p_means_r[idx], p_sigmas_r[idx],\
            idx += 1


        print "INFO: Database update time: ", time.time() - st

        print "INFO: TOTAL CHUNK TIME:", time.time() - chunk_time

    print "=============================================="
    print "INFO: TOTAL TIME FOR SV COMP TIME: ", time.time() - total_time
    print "=============================================="
    d = {}
    d['t_sv_mean'] = t_mean_to_use
    d['t_sv_sample'] = t_sv
    d['r_sv_mean'] = r_mean_to_use
    d['r_sv_sample'] = r_sv

    p = open(norm_param_pkl, "wb")
    pickle.dump(d, p, True)
