Exemple #1
def compare_opts(opt_path_1: str, opt_path_2: str, load_raw: bool = False) -> str:
    Super simple script to compare the contents of two .opt files.

    Return the formatted text comparing the two .opts, for printing.

    # Loading opt files
    if load_raw:
        with open(opt_path_1) as f1:
            opt1 = json.load(f1)
        with open(opt_path_2) as f2:
            opt2 = json.load(f2)
        opt1 = Opt.load(opt_path_1)
        opt2 = Opt.load(opt_path_2)

    outputs = list()

    outputs.append('\nArgs only found in opt 1:')
    opt1_only_keys = sorted([k for k in opt1.keys() if k not in opt2.keys()])
    for key in opt1_only_keys:
        outputs.append(f'{key}: {opt1[key]}')

    outputs.append('\nArgs only found in opt 2:')
    opt2_only_keys = sorted([k for k in opt2.keys() if k not in opt1.keys()])
    for key in opt2_only_keys:
        outputs.append(f'{key}: {opt2[key]}')

    outputs.append('\nArgs that are different in both opts:')
    keys_with_conflicting_values = sorted(
        [k for k, v in opt1.items() if k in opt2.keys() and v != opt2[k]]
    for key in keys_with_conflicting_values:
        if isinstance(opt1[key], dict) and isinstance(opt2[key], dict):
            outputs.append(f'{key} (printing only non-matching values in each dict):')
            all_inner_keys = sorted(
            for inner_key in all_inner_keys:
                if (
                    inner_key not in opt1[key]
                    or inner_key not in opt2[key]
                    or opt1[key][inner_key] != opt2[key][inner_key]
                        f'\t\tIn opt 1: {opt1[key].get(inner_key, "<MISSING>")}'
                        f'\t\tIn opt 2: {opt2[key].get(inner_key, "<MISSING>")}'
            outputs.append(f'\tIn opt 1: {opt1[key]}')
            outputs.append(f'\tIn opt 2: {opt2[key]}')

    return '\n'.join(outputs)
Exemple #2
def compare_init_model_opts(opt: Opt, curr_opt: Opt):
    Print loud warning when `init_model` opts differ from previous configuration.
    if opt.get('init_model') is None:
    opt['init_model'] = modelzoo_path(opt['datapath'], opt['init_model'])
    optfile = opt['init_model'] + '.opt'
    if not os.path.isfile(optfile):
    init_model_opt = Opt.load(optfile)

    extra_opts = {}
    different_opts = {}
    exempt_opts = [

    # search through init model opts
    for k, v in init_model_opt.items():
        if (k not in exempt_opts and k in init_model_opt
                and init_model_opt[k] != curr_opt.get(k)):
            if isinstance(v, list):
                if init_model_opt[k] != list(curr_opt[k]):
                    different_opts[k] = ','.join([str(x) for x in v])
                different_opts[k] = v

    # search through opts to load
    for k, v in curr_opt.items():
        if k not in exempt_opts and k not in init_model_opt:
            if isinstance(v, list):
                extra_opts[k] = ','.join([str(x) for x in v])
                extra_opts[k] = v

    # print warnings
    extra_strs = ['{}: {}'.format(k, v) for k, v in extra_opts.items()]
    if extra_strs:
        print('\n' + '*' * 75)
        print('[ WARNING ] : your model is being loaded with opts that do not '
              'exist in the model you are initializing the weights with: '

    different_strs = [
        '--{} {}'.format(k, v).replace('_', '-')
        for k, v in different_opts.items()
    if different_strs:
        print('\n' + '*' * 75)
        print('[ WARNING ] : your model is being loaded with opts that differ '
              'from the model you are initializing the weights with. Add the '
              'following args to your run command to change this: \n'
              '\n{}'.format(' '.join(different_strs)))
        print('*' * 75)
Exemple #3
    def _get_build_options(cls, opt: Opt):
        Return build options for DprEncoders.

        :return (query_model, query_path, document_model, document_path):
            query_model: dpr query model type
            query_path: path to pre-trained DPR model
            document_model: dpr document model type
            document_path: path to pre-trained document model
        query_model = 'bert'
        document_model = 'bert'
        query_path = opt['model_file']
        document_path = opt['model_file']
            # determine if loading a RAG model
            loaded_opt = Opt.load(f"{query_path}.opt")
            if loaded_opt['model'] == 'rag' and loaded_opt['query_model'] in [
                query_model = 'bert_from_parlai_rag'
            # document model is always frozen
            document_path = loaded_opt.get('dpr_model_file', document_path)

        except FileNotFoundError:

        return query_model, query_path, document_model, document_path
Exemple #4
 def test_save_load(self):
     o = Opt({'a': 3, 'b': 'foo'})
     with testing_utils.tempdir() as tmpdir:
         fn = os.path.join(tmpdir, "opt")
         o2 = Opt.load(fn)
         assert o == o2
Exemple #5
def create_agent_from_opt_file(opt: Opt):
    Load agent options and module from file if opt file exists.

    Checks to see if file exists opt['model_file'] + ".opt"; if so, load up the
    options from the file and use that to create an agent, loading the model
    type from that file and overriding any options specified in that file when
    instantiating the agent.

    If that file does not exist, return None.
    model_file = opt['model_file']
    optfile = model_file + '.opt'
    if os.path.isfile(optfile):
        new_opt = Opt.load(optfile)
        # TODO we need a better way to say these options are never copied...
        if 'datapath' in new_opt:
            # never use the datapath from an opt dump
            del new_opt['datapath']
        if 'batchindex' in new_opt:
            # This saved variable can cause trouble if we switch to BS=1 at test time
            del new_opt['batchindex']
        # only override opts specified in 'override' dict
        if opt.get('override'):
            for k, v in opt['override'].items():
                if k in new_opt and str(v) != str(new_opt.get(k)):
                        f"overriding opt['{k}'] to {v} (previously: {new_opt.get(k)})"
                new_opt[k] = v

        model_class = load_agent_module(new_opt['model'])

        if hasattr(model_class, 'upgrade_opt'):
            new_opt = model_class.upgrade_opt(new_opt)

        # add model arguments to new_opt if they aren't in new_opt already
        for k, v in opt.items():
            if k not in new_opt:
                new_opt[k] = v
        new_opt['model_file'] = model_file
        if not new_opt.get('dict_file'):
            new_opt['dict_file'] = model_file + '.dict'
        elif new_opt.get('dict_file') and not os.path.isfile(
            old_dict_file = new_opt['dict_file']
            new_opt['dict_file'] = model_file + '.dict'
        if not os.path.isfile(new_opt['dict_file']):
                'WARNING: Neither the specified dict file ({}) nor the '
                '`model_file`.dict file ({}) exists, check to make sure either '
                'is correct. This may manifest as a shape mismatch later '
                'on.'.format(old_dict_file, new_opt['dict_file']))

        # if we want to load weights from --init-model, compare opts with
        # loaded ones
        compare_init_model_opts(opt, new_opt)
        return model_class(new_opt)
        return None
Exemple #6
    def _build_model(self, opt: Opt) -> Tuple[PolyEncoderModule, DictionaryAgent]:
        Build poly-encoder module.

        :param opt:
            options from base RAG Model

        :return dropout poly-encoder:
            return dropout poly agent.
        model_file = modelzoo_path(opt['datapath'], opt['poly_faiss_model_file'])
        model_opt = Opt.load(f'{model_file}.opt')

        create_model_opt = {
            **{k: model_opt[k] for k in TRANSFORMER_RANKER_BASE_OPT},
            **{k: model_opt[k] for k in POLYENCODER_OPT_KEYS},
            'model': 'transformer/dropout_poly',
            'init_model': model_file,
            'dict_file': f'{model_file}.dict',
            # necessary opt args
            'multitask_weights': [1],
            # dropout_poly args
            'poly_dropout_reduction_type': model_opt['poly_dropout_reduction_type'],
            'poly_dropout_use_codes': model_opt.get('poly_dropout_use_codes', True),
        agent = create_agent(Opt(create_model_opt))
        assert isinstance(agent, DropoutPolyAgent)
        return agent.model, agent.dict
Exemple #7
 def __init__(self, opt: Opt):
     self.model, self.dict = self._build_model(opt)
     model_file = modelzoo_path(opt['datapath'], opt['poly_faiss_model_file'])
     model_opt = Opt.load(f"{model_file}.opt")
     self.reduction_type = model_opt['poly_dropout_reduction_type']
     self.use_codes = model_opt.get('poly_dropout_use_codes', True)
Exemple #8
    def _init_attributes(self, opt: Opt):
        Given opt dictionary, initialize relevant attributes for the predictor.

        :param opt:
            options dict
        optfile = f"{self.predictor_model_file}.opt"
        opt_from_file = Opt.load(optfile)
        overrides = opt.get('override')

        assert 'num_utterances' in opt_from_file, opt_from_file
        self.num_utterances = opt_from_file['num_utterances']
        self.annotate_speaker = opt_from_file['annotate_speaker']
        self.speaker_annotation_position = opt_from_file[
        self.speaker_label_type = opt_from_file['speaker_label_type']
        self.speaker_separator = opt_from_file['speaker_separator']
        self.include_context = opt_from_file['include_light_context']

        if opt_from_file.get('exclude_from_context'):
            self.exclude_from_context = opt_from_file[
            self.exclude_from_context = []
Exemple #9
    def build_regret_model(self) -> RagModel:
        Build and return regret RagModel.

        Assume dictionary is the same.
        model_file = self.opt['regret_model_file']
        if model_file:
            assert os.path.exists(
                model_file), 'specify correct path for --regret-model-file'
            regret_opt = Opt.load(f'{model_file}.opt')
            regret_opt['n_docs'] = self.opt[
                'n_docs']  # Urgent that this is the same
            # add keys that were not in this model when originally trained
                {k: v
                 for k, v in self.opt.items() if k not in regret_opt})
            retriever_shared = None
            if all([
                    regret_opt[k] == self.opt[k] for k in [
                    'Sharing retrievers between model and regret model!')
                retriever_shared = self.model.encoder.retriever.share()

            model = RagModel(regret_opt,
            with PathManager.open(self.opt['regret_model_file'], 'rb') as f:
                states = torch.load(
                    map_location=lambda cpu, _: cpu,
            assert 'model' in states
            if self.model_parallel:
                ph = PipelineHelper()
                self.regret_model = ph.make_parallel(self.regret_model)
            if self.fp16:
                self.regret_model = self.regret_model.half()

            train_params = trainable_parameters(self.regret_model)
            total_params = total_parameters(self.regret_model)
                f"Total regret parameters: {total_params:,d} ({train_params:,d} trainable)"
            model = self.model

        return model
Exemple #10
 def test_save_withignore(self):
     o = Opt({'a': 3, 'b': 'foo', 'override': {'a': 3}})
     with testing_utils.tempdir() as tmpdir:
         fn = os.path.join(tmpdir, "opt")
         o2 = Opt.load(fn)
         assert o != o2
         assert 'override' not in o2
Exemple #11
def create_agent_from_opt_file_and_model_class(opt, model_class):
    model_file = opt['model_file']
    optfile = model_file + '.opt'

    if not PathManager.exists(optfile):
        return None

    opt_from_file = Opt.load(optfile)

    # delete args that we do not want to copy over when loading the model
    for arg in NOCOPY_ARGS:
        if arg in opt_from_file:
            del opt_from_file[arg]

    # only override opts specified in 'override' dict
    if opt.get('override'):
        for k, v in opt['override'].items():
            if k in opt_from_file and str(v) != str(opt_from_file.get(k)):
                    f'Overriding opt["{k}"] to {v} (previously: {opt_from_file.get(k)})'
            opt_from_file[k] = v

    if hasattr(model_class, 'upgrade_opt'):
        opt_from_file = model_class.upgrade_opt(opt_from_file)

    # add model arguments to opt_from_file if they aren't in opt_from_file already
    for k, v in opt.items():
        if k not in opt_from_file:
            opt_from_file[k] = v

    # update model file path to the one set by opt
    opt_from_file['model_file'] = model_file
    # update init model path to the one set by opt
    # NOTE: this step is necessary when for example the 'init_model' is
    # set by the Train Loop (as is the case when loading from checkpoint)
    if opt.get('init_model') is not None:
        opt_from_file['init_model'] = opt['init_model']

    # update dict file path
    if not opt_from_file.get('dict_file'):
        old_dict_file = None
        opt_from_file['dict_file'] = model_file + '.dict'
    elif opt_from_file.get('dict_file') and not PathManager.exists(
        old_dict_file = opt_from_file['dict_file']
        opt_from_file['dict_file'] = model_file + '.dict'
    if not PathManager.exists(opt_from_file['dict_file']):
            'WARNING: Neither the specified dict file ({}) nor the '
            '`model_file`.dict file ({}) exists, check to make sure either '
            'is correct. This may manifest as a shape mismatch later '
            'on.'.format(old_dict_file, opt_from_file['dict_file']))

    # if we want to load weights from --init-model, compare opts with
    # loaded ones
    compare_init_model_opts(opt, opt_from_file)
    return model_class(opt_from_file)
Exemple #12
 def _get_model_name_from_model_file(self, key, opt):
     Get the model name from either `--model` or `--model-file`.
     # try to get model name from model opt file
     model_file = opt.get(key, None)
     optfile = model_file + ".opt"
     new_opt = Opt.load(optfile)
     model = new_opt.get("model", None)
     return model
Exemple #13
 def _load_opts(self, opt):
     optfile = opt.get('init_opt')
     new_opt = Opt.load(optfile)
     for key, value in new_opt.items():
         # existing command line parameters take priority.
         if key not in opt:
             raise RuntimeError(
                 'Trying to set opt from file that does not exist: ' +
         if key not in opt['override']:
             opt[key] = value
             opt['override'][key] = value
Exemple #14
    def _load_known_opts(self, optfile, parsed):
        Pull in CLI args for proper models/tasks/etc.

        Called before args are parsed; ``_load_opts`` is used for actually overriding
        opts after they are parsed.
        new_opt = Opt.load(optfile)
        for key, value in new_opt.items():
            # existing command line parameters take priority.
            if key not in parsed or parsed[key] is None:
                parsed[key] = value
Exemple #15
def get_model_name(opt):
    Get the model name from either `--model` or `--model-file`.
    model = opt.get('model', None)
    if model is None:
        # try to get model name from model opt file
        model_file = opt.get('model_file', None)
        if model_file is not None:
            model_file = modelzoo_path(opt.get('datapath'), model_file)
            optfile = model_file + '.opt'
            if os.path.isfile(optfile):
                new_opt = Opt.load(optfile)
                model = new_opt.get('model', None)
    return model
Exemple #16
 def _load_opts(self, opt):
     optfile = opt.get('init_opt')
     new_opt = Opt.load(optfile)
     for key, value in new_opt.items():
         # existing command line parameters take priority.
         if key not in opt:
             if opt.get('allow_missing_init_opts', False):
                     f'The "{key}" key in {optfile} will not be loaded, because it '
                     f'does not exist in the target opt.')
                 raise RuntimeError(
                     'Trying to set opt from file that does not exist: ' +
         if key not in opt['override']:
             opt[key] = value
             opt['override'][key] = value
Exemple #17
    def _get_subagent_opt(
        filename: str,
        specific_override_args: Dict[str, Any],
        general_override_args: Dict[str, Any],
    ) -> Opt:
        Given an agent opt, construct the new opt for the agent.

        :param filename:
            opt path
        :param specific_override_args:
            args for the specific agent
        :param general_override_args:
            args specified for all agents
        if not filename.endswith('.opt'):
            filename += '.opt'
        opt = Opt.load(modelzoo_path(self.opt['datapath'], filename))
        opt['override'] = {}
        blocklist_general = ['model', 'model_file', 'init_model']
        general_override_args['skip_generation'] = False

        # Remove the prefix for the model for the specific override args.
        specific_override_args = {
            '_'.join(k.split('_')[1:]): v for k, v in specific_override_args.items()

        override_args = {**general_override_args, **specific_override_args}

        for k, v in override_args.items():
            if k not in blocklist_general and k in opt:
                logging.warning(f'Overriding {k} to {v} (old val: {opt[k]})')
                opt['override'][k] = v
            elif k in specific_override_args:
                logging.warning(f'Key {k} not originally in opt, setting to {v}')
                opt['override'][k] = v

        return opt
Exemple #18
    def get_bot_agents(
        args: DictConfig,
        active_models: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        model_opts: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
    ) -> Dict[str, dict]:
        Return shared bot agents.

        Pass in model opts in one of two ways: (1) With the `model_opts` arg, where
        `model_opts` is a dictionary whose keys are   model names and whose values are
        strings that specify model params (i.e.   `--model image_seq2seq`). (2) With the
        `active_models` arg, a list of model names: those models' opts will   be read
        from args.blueprint.base_model_folder.
        # NOTE: in the future we may want to deprecate the `active_models` arg, to move
        #  away from the paradigm of having all models in one folder

        model_overrides = {
            'model_parallel': args.blueprint.task_model_parallel
        if no_cuda:
            # If we load many models at once, we have to keep it on CPU
            model_overrides['no_cuda'] = no_cuda
                'WARNING: MTurk task has no_cuda FALSE. Models will run on GPU. Will not work if loading many models at once.'

        if active_models is not None:

                'datatype': 'valid',  # So we don't have to load the optimizer
                True,  # For pulling from fixed list cands
                'interactive_mode': True,
                'skip_generation': False,
            # Add overrides that were historically used when reading models from a
            # static folder

            # Get the model nicknames from common folder and use them to load opts
            # from file
            base_model_folder = os.path.expanduser(
            models_available = []
            for obj in os.listdir(base_model_folder):
                if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(base_model_folder, obj)):
                f'Found {len(models_available)} models available for Mturk task in {base_model_folder}: {models_available}'

            all_model_opts = {}
            logging.info(f'Active models to use are: {active_models}')
            for model_nickname in active_models:
                model_overrides_copy = copy.deepcopy(model_overrides)
                model_path = os.path.join(base_model_folder, model_nickname,
                if os.path.isfile(model_path):
                    model_opt = {
                        'model_file': model_path,
                        'override': model_overrides_copy,
                    # Sometimes the model file is downloaded, like
                    # `-m hugging_face/dialogpt`
                    model_opt_path = model_path + '.opt'
                        f'Model file for model {model_nickname} does not exist! Instead, '
                        f'loading opt from {model_opt_path}.')
                    model_opt = Opt.load(model_opt_path)
                    if 'override' not in model_opt:
                        model_opt['override'] = {}
                all_model_opts[model_nickname] = model_opt

            final_model_opts = {m: all_model_opts[m] for m in active_models}

        elif model_opts is not None:

            parser = ParlaiParser(True, True)

            final_model_opts = {}
            for name, opt in model_opts.items():
                final_model_opts[name] = parser.parse_args(opt.split())


            raise ValueError(
                'Either active_models or model_opts must be supplied!')

            f'Got {len(list(final_model_opts.keys()))} active models with keys: {final_model_opts.keys()}.'
        shared_bot_agents = {}
        for model_name, model_opt in final_model_opts.items():
            logging.info(f'model_name: {model_name}, opt_dict: {model_opt}')
            copied_opt_dict = copy.deepcopy(model_opt)
            model_agent = create_agent(model_opt, requireModelExists=True)

            if active_models is not None:
                # have to check that the options are set properly
                for k, v in copied_opt_dict.items():
                    if k != 'override':
                        assert model_agent.opt[k] == v

            shared_bot_agents[model_name] = model_agent.share()
        return shared_bot_agents
Exemple #19
    def get_bot_agents(opt: dict, active_models: list, no_cuda=False):
        model_overrides = {
            'datatype': 'valid',  # So we don't have to load the optimizer
            'encode_candidate_vecs': True,  # For pulling from fixed list cands
            'interactive_mode': True,
            'model_parallel': opt['task_model_parallel'],
        if no_cuda:
            # If we load many models at once, we have to keep it on CPU
            model_overrides['no_cuda'] = no_cuda
                'WARNING: MTurk task has no_cuda FALSE. Models will run on GPU. Will not work if loading many models at once.'

        # Get the model nicknames from common folder and use them to load opts
        # from file, and add options specified in MODEL_CONFIGS
        base_model_folder = opt.get('base_model_folder', None)
        models_available = []
        for obj in os.listdir(base_model_folder):
            if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(base_model_folder, obj)):
            f'Found {len(models_available)} models available for Mturk task in {base_model_folder}: {models_available}'

        all_model_opts = {}
        print(f'Active models to use are: {active_models}')
        for model_nickname in active_models:
            model_overrides_copy = copy.deepcopy(model_overrides)
            model_path = os.path.join(base_model_folder, model_nickname,
            if os.path.isfile(model_path):
                model_opt = {
                    'model_file': model_path,
                    'override': model_overrides_copy
                model_opt_path = model_path + '.opt'
                    f'Model file for model {model_nickname} does not exist! Instead, '
                    f'loading opt from {model_opt_path}.')
                model_opt = Opt.load(model_opt_path)
                if 'override' not in model_opt:
                    model_opt['override'] = {}
            all_model_opts[model_nickname] = model_opt

        active_model_opt_dicts = {m: all_model_opts[m] for m in active_models}

            f'Got {len(list(active_model_opt_dicts.keys()))} active models with keys: {active_model_opt_dicts.keys()}.'
        shared_bot_agents = {}
        for model_name, model_opt in active_model_opt_dicts.items():
            print(f'model_name: {model_name}, opt_dict: {model_opt}')
            copied_opt_dict = copy.deepcopy(model_opt)
            model_agent = create_agent(model_opt, requireModelExists=True)

            # have to check that the options are set properly
            for k, v in copied_opt_dict.items():
                if k != 'override':
                    assert model_agent.opt[k] == v

            shared_bot_agents[model_name] = model_agent.share()
        return shared_bot_agents
Exemple #20
def create_agent_from_opt_file(opt: Opt):
    Load agent options and module from file if opt file exists.

    Checks to see if file exists opt['model_file'] + ".opt"; if so, load up the
    options from the file and use that to create an agent, loading the model
    type from that file and overriding any options specified in that file when
    instantiating the agent.

    If that file does not exist, return None.
    model_file = opt['model_file']
    optfile = model_file + '.opt'

    if not os.path.isfile(optfile):
        return None

    opt_from_file = Opt.load(optfile)

    # delete args that we do not want to copy over when loading the model
    for arg in NOCOPY_ARGS:
        if arg in opt_from_file:
            del opt_from_file[arg]

    # only override opts specified in 'override' dict
    if opt.get('override'):
        for k, v in opt['override'].items():
            if k in opt_from_file and str(v) != str(opt_from_file.get(k)):
                    f'Overriding opt["{k}"] to {v} (previously: {opt_from_file.get(k)})'
            opt_from_file[k] = v

    model_class = load_agent_module(opt_from_file['model'])

    if hasattr(model_class, 'upgrade_opt'):
        opt_from_file = model_class.upgrade_opt(opt_from_file)

    # add model arguments to opt_from_file if they aren't in opt_from_file already
    for k, v in opt.items():
        if k not in opt_from_file:
            opt_from_file[k] = v

    opt_from_file['model_file'] = model_file  # update model file path

    # update dict file path
    if not opt_from_file.get('dict_file'):
        opt_from_file['dict_file'] = model_file + '.dict'
    elif opt_from_file.get('dict_file') and not os.path.isfile(
        old_dict_file = opt_from_file['dict_file']
        opt_from_file['dict_file'] = model_file + '.dict'
    if not os.path.isfile(opt_from_file['dict_file']):
            'WARNING: Neither the specified dict file ({}) nor the '
            '`model_file`.dict file ({}) exists, check to make sure either '
            'is correct. This may manifest as a shape mismatch later '
            'on.'.format(old_dict_file, opt_from_file['dict_file']))

    # if we want to load weights from --init-model, compare opts with
    # loaded ones
    compare_init_model_opts(opt, opt_from_file)
    return model_class(opt_from_file)
Exemple #21
def create_agent_from_opt_file(opt: Opt):
    Load agent options and module from file if opt file exists.

    Checks to see if file exists opt['model_file'] + ".opt"; if so, load up the
    options from the file and use that to create an agent, loading the model
    type from that file and overriding any options specified in that file when
    instantiating the agent.

    If that file does not exist, return None.
    model_file = opt['model_file']
    optfile = model_file + '.opt'
    if os.path.isfile(optfile):
        new_opt = Opt.load(optfile)
        # TODO we need a better way to say these options are never copied...
        if 'datapath' in new_opt:
            # never use the datapath from an opt dump
            del new_opt['datapath']
        if 'batchindex' in new_opt:
            # This saved variable can cause trouble if we switch to BS=1 at test time
            del new_opt['batchindex']
        # only override opts specified in 'override' dict
        if opt.get('override'):
            for k, v in opt['override'].items():
                if str(v) != str(new_opt.get(k, None)):
                        "[ warning: overriding opt['{}'] to {} ("
                        "previously: {} )]".format(k, v, new_opt.get(k, None))
                new_opt[k] = v

        model_class = load_agent_module(new_opt['model'])

        # check for model version
        if hasattr(model_class, 'model_version'):
            curr_version = new_opt.get('model_version', 0)
            if curr_version != model_class.model_version():
                model = new_opt['model']
                m = (
                    'It looks like you are trying to load an older version of'
                    ' the selected model. Change your model argument to use '
                    'the old version from parlai/agents/legacy_agents: for '
                    'example: `-m legacy:{m}:{v}` or '
                    '`--model parlai.agents.legacy_agents.{m}.{m}_v{v}:{c}`'
                if '.' not in model:
                    # give specific error message if it's easy
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        m.format(m=model, v=curr_version, c=model_class.__name__)
                    # otherwise generic one
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        m.format(m='modelname', v=curr_version, c='ModelAgent')

        if hasattr(model_class, 'upgrade_opt'):
            new_opt = model_class.upgrade_opt(new_opt)

        # add model arguments to new_opt if they aren't in new_opt already
        for k, v in opt.items():
            if k not in new_opt:
                new_opt[k] = v
        new_opt['model_file'] = model_file
        if not new_opt.get('dict_file'):
            new_opt['dict_file'] = model_file + '.dict'
        elif new_opt.get('dict_file') and not os.path.isfile(new_opt['dict_file']):
            old_dict_file = new_opt['dict_file']
            new_opt['dict_file'] = model_file + '.dict'
        if not os.path.isfile(new_opt['dict_file']):
                'WARNING: Neither the specified dict file ({}) nor the '
                '`model_file`.dict file ({}) exists, check to make sure either '
                'is correct. This may manifest as a shape mismatch later '
                'on.'.format(old_dict_file, new_opt['dict_file'])

        # if we want to load weights from --init-model, compare opts with
        # loaded ones
        compare_init_model_opts(opt, new_opt)
        return model_class(new_opt)
        return None
Exemple #22
def initialize():
    opt = Opt.load('opt')
    global root_agent
    root_agent = create_agent(opt, requireModelExists=True)