def makeNnzDist(): import parseXYZ matD = getAtomMatrix("/Volumes/s/matrices/matrixmarket/") matW = getAtomMatrix("/Volumes/s/matrices/matrixmarket/") nnzD = matD.nnz nnzW = matW.nnz distD = np.array([0.0] * nnzD) distW = np.array([0.0] * nnzW) xyzD = parseXYZ.getXYZ("") xyzW = parseXYZ.getXYZ("") for i in range(matW.nnz): if i < matD.nnz: atom1 = matD.row[i] atom2 = matD.col[i] distD[i] = parseXYZ.getdistance( xyzD[1][atom1], xyzD[2][atom1], xyzD[3][atom1], xyzD[1][atom2], xyzD[2][atom2], xyzD[3][atom2] ) atom1 = matW.row[i] atom2 = matW.col[i] distW[i] = parseXYZ.getdistance( xyzW[1][atom1], xyzW[2][atom1], xyzW[3][atom1], xyzW[1][atom2], xyzW[2][atom2], xyzW[3][atom2] ) print "done" plt.figure() plt.hist(distD, bins=1000, cumulative=False, normed=True, histtype=u"step", color="red", edgecolor="red", alpha=0.7) plt.hist( distW, bins=1000, cumulative=False, normed=True, histtype=u"step", color="green", edgecolor="green", alpha=0.7 ) return
def makeCouplingAtomPlot(n, tag): import parseXYZ from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D mmdir = "/Volumes/s/matrices/matrixmarket/" mmfile = mmdir + tag + "" xyzdir = "/Volumes/s/keceli/Dropbox/work/SEMO/xyz/" xyzfile = xyzdir + tag + ".xyz" mat = getAtomMatrix(mmfile) nnz = mat.nnz distW = np.array([0.0] * nnz) xyz = parseXYZ.getXYZ(xyzfile) matD = getDistMat(xyz, 5.6) makeNnzHist(mat, xyz) xyzW = np.asarray(xyz[1:4]) myrow = np.asarray(mat.row) mycol = np.asarray(mat.col) listofAtoms1 = myrow[mycol == n] listofAtoms2 = mycol[myrow == n] listofAtoms = np.unique(np.concatenate((listofAtoms1, listofAtoms2))) print "focused atom number and its coordinates:", n + 1, xyzW[:, n] print "number of atoms interacting with this atom:", len(listofAtoms) print "list of interacting atoms:", listofAtoms + 1 print "jmol command:", str(["C" + str(listofAtoms[i] + 1) for i in range(len(listofAtoms))]).replace( "[", "" ).replace("]", "").replace("'", "") print "coordinates of interacting atoms", xyzW[:, listofAtoms] fig = plt.figure() plt.spy(mat, markersize=1) fig = plt.figure() plt.spy(matD, markersize=1) fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(listofAtoms, linestyle="None", marker="s") fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d") plt.plot(xyzW[0, :], xyzW[1, :], xyzW[2, :], linestyle="None", marker=".", color="black", markersize=2) plt.plot( xyzW[0, listofAtoms], xyzW[1, listofAtoms], xyzW[2, listofAtoms], linestyle="None", marker="o", color="red", markersize=3, ) plt.plot([xyzW[0, n]], [xyzW[1, n]], [xyzW[2, n]], linestyle="None", marker="s", color="blue", markersize=4) plt.grid(which="major", axis="all") plt.gca().set_aspect("equal", adjustable="box") # ax.auto_scale_xyz() # plt.axis('equal') ax.set_xlim([-5, 25]) ax.set_ylim([-5, 25]) ax.set_zlim([0, 45]) ax.set_xlabel("x") ax.set_ylabel("y") ax.set_zlabel("z") return