def extract_cap_handshakes(basedirs): """ Look for cap files with handshakes, and extract them to hccap files. Does not return anything. """ ########################################### # Look for cap/csv handshakes print "" print "*** "*30 print "*** "*30 print "*** "*30 print "*** "*30 print "" print "Beginning search for cap files with handshakes" print "" handshakes_found = 0 hccap_files = [] for basedir in basedirs: if basedir[-1] <> '/': basedir += '/' cap_files=[] csv_files=[] for f in os.listdir(basedir): name,ext = os.path.splitext(f) if ext==".cap": if os.path.isfile(basedir+name+".csv"): cap_files.append(basedir+name+".cap") csv_files.append(basedir+name+".csv") else: cap_files.append(basedir+name+".cap") print "" print "[ ] Looking for cap files with handshakes in",basedir for iic, cap_file in enumerate(cap_files): f = open(os.devnull, 'w') s = subprocess.Popen([WPACLEAN_BIN, '/tmp/cleaned.cap'] + [cap_file], stdout=f, stderr=f) s.wait() if os.stat('/tmp/cleaned.cap').st_size == 24: print '[-] No WPA/WPA2 handshakes captured from %s'%cap_file pass p = open_offline('/tmp/cleaned.cap') # filter beacons p.filter = 'link[0] == 0x80' def gotpacket(d, hdr, data): bssid = struct.unpack('6B', data[10:16]) bssid_str = ':'.join(format(x, '02x') for x in bssid) d.append(bssid_str) # Parameters are count, callback, user params bssid_list = [] p.loop(-1, gotpacket, bssid_list) ##############################33 # Our BSSID list from the cap file is a # short but interesting set of BSSIDs # whose handshakes have been captured. # for bssid in bssid_list: BSSID = bssid.upper() # this is a new bssid print '[+] Handshake found!' print ' pcap file = %s'%cap_file print ' BSSID = %s'%BSSID bssid_file = re.sub(r'\:','_',BSSID) # check if we have a csv file, # airodump-ng dumps a csv file # besside-ng does not if csv_files <> []: csv_file = csv_files[iic] # extract bssid/essid information stations_list, clients_list = csv2blob(csv_file) # stations stations_head, stations_data = parse_aps(stations_list) bssid_ix = stations_head.index("BSSID") essid_ix = stations_head.index("ESSID") essid = '' all_bssids = [station[bssid_ix].strip() for station in stations_data] all_essids = [station[essid_ix].strip() for station in stations_data] if BSSID in all_bssids: this_ix = all_bssids.index(BSSID) this_essid = all_essids[this_ix].strip() try: print ' ESSID = %s'%essid except: print ' ESSID N/A' print " Extracting BSSID handshakes to hccap file [%s] with Aircrack"%( '/tmp'+bssid_file ) if not DRYRUN: s =[AIRCRACK_BIN, '-J', '/tmp/'+bssid_file, '-b', BSSID, '/tmp/cleaned.cap'],stdout=f,stdin=f) src = "/tmp/"+bssid_file+".hccap" dest = basedir+bssid_file+".hccap" print " Moving hccap handshake file to [%s]"%(dest) if not DRYRUN: s2 =["cp","-f",src,dest],stdout=f,stdin=f) hccap_files.append(dest) handshakes_found += 1 print "" print "Found %d handshakes."%handshakes_found print "" print "*** "*30 print "*** "*30 print "*** "*30 print "*** "*30 print "" return hccap_files
import sys try: csvfile = sys.argv[1] except: usage() stations_list, clients_list = csv2blob(csvfile) ################################# # Data for # Stations # (Access Points) ################################# from parse_aps import parse_aps parse_aps(stations_list) ################################# # Data for # Clients # ################################# from parse_clients import parse_clients parse_clients(clients_list)