def parse_metadata_file(cls, filename):
     "Parse <filename> and return list of parsed metadata headers"
     # Read all lines of the file at once
     mheaders = list()
     with open(filename, 'r') as file:
         fin_lines = file.readlines()
         for index in range(len(fin_lines)):
             fin_lines[index] = fin_lines[index].rstrip('\n')
         # End for
     # End with
     # Look for a header start
     parse_obj = ParseObject(filename, fin_lines)
     curr_line, curr_line_num = parse_obj.curr_line()
     while curr_line is not None:
         if MetadataHeader.table_start(curr_line):
             if '[ccpp-table-properties]' in curr_line:
                     MetadataHeader(parse_obj, property_table=True))
             curr_line, curr_line_num = parse_obj.curr_line()
             curr_line, curr_line_num = parse_obj.next_line()
         # End if
     # End while
     return mheaders
Exemple #2
def add_constituent_vars(cap, host_model, suite_list, logger):
    """Create a DDT library containing array reference variables
    for each constituent field for all suites in <suite_list>.
    Create and return a dictionary containing an index variable for each of the
    constituents as well as the variables from the DDT object.
    Also, write declarations for these variables to <cap>.
    Since the constituents are in a DDT (ccpp_constituent_properties_t),
    create a metadata table with the required information, then parse it
    to create the dictionary.
    # First create a MetadataTable for the constituents DDT
    stdname_layer = "ccpp_constituents_num_layer_consts"
    stdname_interface = "ccpp_constituents_num_interface_consts"
    stdname_2d = "ccpp_constituents_num_2d_consts"
    horiz_dim = "horizontal_dimension"
    vert_layer_dim = "vertical_layer_dimension"
    vert_interface_dim = "vertical_interface_dimension"
    array_layer = "vars_layer"
    array_interface = "vars_interface"
    array_2d = "vars_2d"
    # Table preamble (leave off ccpp-table-properties header)
    ddt_mdata = [
        " name = {}".format(CONST_DDT_NAME), " type = ddt",
        " name = {}".format(CONST_DDT_NAME), " type = ddt",
        "[ num_layer_vars ]",
        " standard_name = {}".format(stdname_layer),
        " units = count", " dimensions = ()", " type = integer",
        "[ num_interface_vars ]",
        " standard_name = {}".format(stdname_interface),
        " units = count", " dimensions = ()", " type = integer",
        "[ num_2d_vars ]",
        " standard_name = {}".format(stdname_2d),
        " units = count", " dimensions = ()", " type = integer",
        "[ {} ]".format(array_layer),
        " standard_name = ccpp_constituents_array_of_layer_consts",
        " units = none",
        " dimensions = ({}, {}, {})".format(horiz_dim, vert_layer_dim,
        " type = real", " kind = kind_phys",
        "[ {} ]".format(array_interface),
        " standard_name = ccpp_constituents_array_of_interface_consts",
        " units = none",
        " dimensions = ({}, {}, {})".format(horiz_dim,
        " type = real", " kind = kind_phys",
        "[ {} ]".format(array_2d),
        " standard_name = ccpp_constituents_array_of_2d_consts",
        " units = none",
        " dimensions = ({}, {})".format(horiz_dim, stdname_2d),
        " type = real", " kind = kind_phys"]
    # Add entries for each constituent (once per standard name)
    const_stdnames = set()
    for suite in suite_list:
        if logger is not None:
            lmsg = "Adding constituents from {} to {}"
        # end if
        scdict = suite.constituent_dictionary()
        for cvar in scdict.variable_list():
            std_name = cvar.get_prop_value('standard_name')
            if std_name not in const_stdnames:
                # Add a metadata entry for this constituent
                # Check dimensions and figure vertical dimension
                # Currently, we only support variables with first dimension,
                #   horizontal_dimension, and second (optional) dimension,
                #   vertical_layer_dimension or vertical_interface_dimension
                dims = cvar.get_dimensions()
                if (len(dims) < 1) or (len(dims) > 2):
                    emsg = "Unsupported constituent dimensions, '{}'"
                    dimstr = "({})".format(", ".join(dims))
                    raise CCPPError(emsg.format(dimstr))
                # end if
                hdim = dims[0].split(':')[-1]
                if hdim != 'horizontal_dimension':
                    emsg = "Unsupported first constituent dimension, '{}', "
                    emsg += "must be 'horizontal_dimension'"
                    raise CCPPError(emsg.format(hdim))
                # end if
                if len(dims) > 1:
                    vdim = dims[1].split(':')[-1]
                    if vdim == vert_layer_dim:
                        cvar_array_name = array_layer
                    elif vdim == vert_interface_dim:
                        cvar_array_name = array_interface
                        emsg = "Unsupported vertical constituent dimension, "
                        emsg += "'{}', must be '{}' or '{}'"
                        raise CCPPError(emsg.format(vdim, vert_layer_dim,
                    # end if
                    cvar_array_name = array_2d
                # end if
                # First, create an index variable for <cvar>
                ind_std_name = "index_of_{}".format(std_name)
                loc_name = "{}(:,:,{})".format(cvar_array_name, ind_std_name)
                ddt_mdata.append("[ {} ]".format(loc_name))
                ddt_mdata.append(" standard_name = {}".format(std_name))
                units = cvar.get_prop_value('units')
                ddt_mdata.append(" units = {}".format(units))
                dimstr = "({})".format(", ".join(dims))
                ddt_mdata.append(" dimensions = {}".format(dimstr))
                vtype = cvar.get_prop_value('type')
                vkind = cvar.get_prop_value('kind')
                ddt_mdata.append(" type = {} | kind = {}".format(vtype, vkind))
            # end if
        # end for
    # end for
    # Parse this table using a fake filename
    parse_obj = ParseObject("{}_constituent_mod.meta".format(,
    ddt_table = MetadataTable(parse_object=parse_obj, logger=logger)
    ddt_name = ddt_table.sections()[0].title
    ddt_lib = DDTLibrary('{}_constituent_ddtlib'.format(,
                         ddts=ddt_table.sections(), logger=logger)
    # A bit of cleanup
    del parse_obj
    del ddt_mdata
    # Now, create the "host constituent module" dictionary
    const_dict = VarDictionary("{}_constituents".format(,
    # Add in the constituents object
    prop_dict = {'standard_name' : "ccpp_model_constituents_object",
                 'local_name' : constituent_model_object_name(host_model),
                 'dimensions' : '()', 'units' : "None", 'ddt_type' : ddt_name}
    const_var = Var(prop_dict, _API_SOURCE)
    const_var.write_def(cap, 1, const_dict)
    ddt_lib.collect_ddt_fields(const_dict, const_var)
    # Declare variable for the constituent standard names array
    max_csname = max([len(x) for x in const_stdnames]) if const_stdnames else 0
    num_const_fields = len(const_stdnames)
    cs_stdname = constituent_model_const_stdnames(host_model)
    const_list = sorted(const_stdnames)
    if const_list:
        const_strs = ['"{}{}"'.format(x, ' '*(max_csname - len(x)))
                      for x in const_list]
        cs_stdame_initstr = " = (/ " + ", ".join(const_strs) + " /)"
        cs_stdame_initstr = ""
    # end if
    cap.write("character(len={}) :: {}({}){}".format(max_csname, cs_stdname,
                                                     cs_stdame_initstr), 1)
    # Declare variable for the constituent standard names array
    array_name = constituent_model_const_indices(host_model)
    cap.write("integer :: {}({}) = -1".format(array_name, num_const_fields), 1)
    # Add individual variables for each index var to the const_dict
    for index, std_name in enumerate(const_list):
        ind_std_name = "index_of_{}".format(std_name)
        ind_loc_name = "{}({})".format(array_name, index + 1)
        prop_dict = {'standard_name' : ind_std_name,
                     'local_name' : ind_loc_name, 'dimensions' : '()',
                     'units' : 'index', 'protected' : "True",
                     'type' : 'integer', 'kind' : ''}
        ind_var = Var(prop_dict, _API_SOURCE)
    # end for
    # Add vertical dimensions for DDT call strings
    pver = host_model.find_variable(standard_name=vert_layer_dim,
    if pver is not None:
        prop_dict = {'standard_name' : vert_layer_dim,
                     'local_name' : pver.get_prop_value('local_name'),
                     'units' : 'count', 'type' : 'integer',
                     'protected' : 'True', 'dimensions' : '()'}
        if const_dict.find_variable(standard_name=vert_layer_dim,
                                    any_scope=False) is None:
            ind_var = Var(prop_dict, _API_SOURCE)
        # end if
    # end if
    pver = host_model.find_variable(standard_name=vert_interface_dim,
    if pver is not None:
        prop_dict = {'standard_name' : vert_interface_dim,
                     'local_name' : pver.get_prop_value('local_name'),
                     'units' : 'count', 'type' : 'integer',
                     'protected' : 'True', 'dimensions' : '()'}
        if const_dict.find_variable(standard_name=vert_interface_dim,
                                    any_scope=False) is None:
            ind_var = Var(prop_dict, _API_SOURCE)
        # end if
    # end if

    return const_dict
Exemple #3
def read_file(filename, preproc_defs=None, logger=None):
    """Read a file into an array of lines.
    Preprocess lines to consolidate continuation lines.
    Remove preprocessor directives and code eliminated by #if statements
    Remvoved code results in blank lines, not removed lines
    preproc_status = PreprocStack()
    if not os.path.exists(filename):
        raise IOError("read_file: file, '{}', does not exist".format(filename))
        # We need special rules for fixed-form source
        fixed_form = filename[-2:].lower() == '.f'
        # Read all lines of the file at once
        with open(filename, 'r') as file:
            file_lines = file.readlines()
            for index in xrange(len(file_lines)):
                file_lines[index] = file_lines[index].rstrip('\n').rstrip()
            # End for
        # End with
        # create a parse object and context for this file
        pobj = ParseObject(filename, file_lines)
        continue_col = -1  # Active continue column
        in_schar = False  # Single quote character context
        in_dchar = False  # Double quote character context
        prev_line = None
        prev_line_num = -1
        curr_line, curr_line_num = pobj.curr_line()
        while curr_line is not None:
            # Skip empty lines and comment-only lines
            skip_line = False
            if len(curr_line.strip()) == 0:
                skip_line = True
            elif fixed_form and (fixed_comment_re.match(curr_line)
                                 is not None):
                skip_line = True
            elif curr_line.lstrip()[0] == '!':
                skip_line = True
            # End if
            if skip_line:
                curr_line, curr_line_num = pobj.next_line()
            # End if
            # Handle preproc issues
            if preproc_status.process_line(curr_line, preproc_defs, pobj,
                pobj.write_line(curr_line_num, "")
                curr_line, curr_line_num = pobj.next_line()
            # End if
            if not preproc_status.in_true_region():
                # Special case to allow CCPP comment statements in False
                # regions to find DDT and module table code
                if (curr_line[0:2] != '!!') and (curr_line[0:2] != '!>'):
                    pobj.write_line(curr_line_num, "")
                    curr_line, curr_line_num = pobj.next_line()
                # End if
            # End if
            # scan the line for properties
            if fixed_form:
                res = scan_fixed_line(curr_line, in_schar, in_dchar, pobj)
                cont_in_col, in_schar, in_dchar, comment_col = res
                continue_col = cont_in_col  # No warning in fixed form
                cont_out_col = -1
                if (comment_col < 0) and (continue_col < 0):
                    # Real statement, grab the line # in case is continued
                    prev_line_num = curr_line_num
                    prev_line = None
                # End if
                res = scan_free_line(curr_line, (continue_col >= 0), in_schar,
                                     in_dchar, pobj)
                cont_in_col, cont_out_col, in_schar, in_dchar, comment_col = res
            # End if
            # If in a continuation context, move this line to previous
            if continue_col >= 0:
                if fixed_form and (prev_line is None):
                    prev_line = pobj.peek_line(prev_line_num)[0:72]
                # End if
                if prev_line is None:
                    raise ParseInternalError("No prev_line to continue",
                # End if
                sindex = max(cont_in_col + 1, 0)
                if fixed_form:
                    sindex = 6
                    eindex = 72
                elif cont_out_col > 0:
                    eindex = cont_out_col
                    eindex = len(curr_line)
                # End if
                prev_line = prev_line + curr_line[sindex:eindex]
                if fixed_form:
                    prev_line = prev_line.rstrip()
                # End if
                # Rewrite the file's lines
                pobj.write_line(prev_line_num, prev_line)
                pobj.write_line(curr_line_num, "")
                if (not fixed_form) and (cont_out_col < 0):
                    # We are done with this line, reset prev_line
                    prev_line = None
                    prev_line_num = -1
                # End if
            # End if
            continue_col = cont_out_col
            if (continue_col >= 0) and (prev_line is None):
                # We need to set up prev_line as it is continued
                prev_line = curr_line[0:continue_col]
                if not (in_schar or in_dchar):
                    prev_line = prev_line.rstrip()
                # End if
                prev_line_num = curr_line_num
            # End if
            curr_line, curr_line_num = pobj.next_line()
        # End while
        return pobj