Exemple #1
def readRecords(filePath):
    facts = getFactories()
    assert facts is not None
    with open(filePath, 'r') as fi:
        txt = fi.read()

    if txt is not None and len(txt.rstrip().lstrip()) > 0:
        records = parser.parseTextBlock(txt, facts)
        return None

    return records['Record']
Exemple #2
def readRecords(filePath):
    facts = getFactories()
    assert facts is not None
    with open(filePath, 'r') as fi:
        txt = fi.read()

    if txt is not None and len(txt.rstrip().lstrip()) > 0:
        records = parser.parseTextBlock(txt, facts)
        return None

    return records['Record']
Exemple #3
def _listEntries(match, factories, records):
        listed = _findEntries(match, factories, records, defaultAll = True)
    except Exception as e:
        return (False, str(e))

    if listed is None or len(listed) == 0:
        return (True, None)

    allList = parser.parseTextBlock(match, factories, False)
    # Sorting
    if allList is not None and 'Modifier' in allList and len(allList['Modifier']) > 0:
        modifiers = allList['Modifier']
        fields = None
        for i in modifiers:
            sortresult = re.match(r'\s*sort\s+(?P<Type>\w+)\s+by\s+(?P<Fields>.*)', i)
            if sortresult is None:
                return (False, "Could not interpret modifier '" + i + "'")
                results = sortresult.groups()
                if results[0] not in factories:
                    return (False, results[0] + ' is not a valid record')

                unsorted_records = [i[1] for i in listed if i[0] == results[0]]
                listed = [x for x in listed if x[0] != results[0]]

                if len(unsorted_records) == 0:

                sortby = []
                for a in results[1].split(','):
                    a = a.lstrip().rstrip()
                    if not unsorted_records[0].hasAttribute(a):
                        return (False, 'asking to sort by invalid attribute ' + a + ' from ' + results[0])
                # Now sort from least to most important (most important first)
                while len(sortby) > 0:
                    x = sortby.pop()
                    unsorted_records = sorted(unsorted_records, key = lambda z: z.getAttribute(x))

                listed += [(results[0], x) for x in unsorted_records]

    # Making string of [potentially sorted] keys...
    result = ""
    for k, r in listed:
        result += "{0}: {1}\n".format(k, str(r))

    return (True, result)
Exemple #4
def _toRecords(recStr, factories, isMatch = False, justRecords = True):
    if recStr is None:
        return None
    x = parser.parseTextBlock(recStr, factories, isMatch)

    if x is None:
        return None

    if justRecords:
        if not "Record" in x:
            return None

        return x["Record"]

    return x