Exemple #1
def modify_parse(parse):
     # modify parsetree
     modparse = regex_replace_phrases(parse, regex_replacement_phrases)
     # listify parsetrees
     lparse = to_list(parse)
     lmodparse = to_list(modparse)
     # extract relation and landmark chunks of the parsetree
     rel_chunk = ['REL'] + lmodparse[1][1:-1]
     lmk_chunk = ['LMK'] + [lmodparse[1][-1]]
     rel_words = get_words(rel_chunk)
     lmk_words = get_words(lmk_chunk)
     rel_phrases = get_phrases(rel_chunk)
     lmk_phrases = get_phrases(lmk_chunk)
     return(rel_words, lmk_words, rel_phrases, lmk_phrases)
Exemple #2
 counts = {}
 location = 0.5
 countbys = zip( *compute_landmark_posteriors(location) )
 for landmark,landmarkname in ((0.1,'beginning'),(0.5,'middle'),(0.9,'end')):
     reldeg, posterior = compute_rel_posteriors(location,landmark)
     reldeg = [landmarkname+"-"+rel+""+str(deg) for rel,deg in reldeg]
     posterior = posterior.reshape((12,))
     countbys += zip(reldeg,posterior)
 for key, trash in countbys:
     counts[key] = {}
 for row in reader:
     location, region, nearfar, precise, phrase = row
     parse = parse_sentence(phrase)['parsetree']
     parse = regex_replace_phrases(parse,regex_replacement_phrases)
     print phrase
     print parse
     listified = listify(parse.encode('utf-8').split())
     print listified
     location = float(location)/100.0
     countbys = zip( *compute_landmark_posteriors(location) )
     for landmark,landmarkname in ((0.1,'beginning'),(0.5,'middle'),(0.9,'end')):
         reldeg, posterior = compute_rel_posteriors(location,landmark)
         reldeg = [landmarkname+"-"+rel+""+str(deg) for rel,deg in reldeg]
         posterior = posterior.reshape((12,))
         countbys += zip(reldeg,posterior)
     count(  listified[0],None,countbys )
     print ('-' * 50)+str(rownum)
Exemple #3
            rel_scores = []
            for relation in relations:
                    relation.probability(location, sampled_landmark))
            rel_scores = array(rel_scores)
            rel_probabilities = rel_scores / sum(rel_scores)
            index = rel_probabilities.cumsum().searchsorted(
            sampled_relation = relations[index]

            #lmk_name, lmk_loc = sample_landmark(location/100)
            #relation, degree = sample_reldeg(location/100, lmk_loc)
            # parse sentence
            #parse = parse_sentence(phrase)['parsetree']
            # modify parsetree
            modparse = regex_replace_phrases(parse, regex_replacement_phrases)
            # listify parsetrees
            lparse = to_list(parse)
            lmodparse = to_list(modparse)

            # extract relation and landmark chunks of the parsetree
            rel_chunk = lmodparse[1][1:-1]
            lmk_chunk = lmodparse[1][-1][1:]

            if args.verbose:
                print '-' * 70
                print 'Phrase: %r' % phrase
                print 'Location: %s' % location
                print 'Landmark: %s (%s)' % (int(lmk_loc * 100), lmk_name)
                print 'Relation: %s' % relation
                print 'Degree: %s' % degree