def inbound_sms():
    Function that receives an SMS and returns necessary information
    response = MessagingResponse()
    # Get the SMS message from the request
    inbound_message = request.form.get("Body")

    # Parse the response based on new lines or period,
    # Returns a list of arguments
    message = parse_inbound(inbound_message)

    # Convert message arguments to be url ready
    ready_message = convert_spaces(message)

    # Create API call
    # Only for Meme related calls
    if len(ready_message) < 3:
        for i in range(3 - len(ready_message)):
    meme_url = "/Users/Jennie/Desktop/text_meme/testing/marked_image.png"

    # Responds with the meme with the img 
    msg = Message().body("Here is your {} meme".format(message[0])).media(meme_url)

    return Response(str(response), mimetype="application/xml"), 200
Exemple #2
def inbound_sms():
    Function that receives an SMS and returns necessary information
    account_sid = os.environ['account_sid']
    auth_token = os.environ['auth_token']

    client = Client(account_sid, auth_token)
    caller_ids = client.outgoing_caller_ids.list()

    response = MessagingResponse()
    # Get the SMS message from the request
    inbound_message = request.form.get("Body")

    # Gets the incoming SMS phone number
    inbound_number = request.form.get("From")
    number_list = [caller.phone_number for caller in caller_ids]
    if inbound_number not in number_list:
        msg = Message().body(
            "Looks like you havent signed up for TextMeme. You can sign up via this link:"
        # Parse inbound message
        message = parse_inbound(inbound_message)
        meme = message[0]
        top = message[1]
        bot = message[2]

        # Spelling Error Check for Memes

        # Check for START command
        if "Start" == meme:
            msg = Message().body(
                "Welcome to TextMeme! To make a meme, text me the meme name and the top and bottom text you want, seperated by a period."
            # Check if meme exists, if not let user know
            if meme not in open('meme_list').read():
                msg = Message().body(
                    "Having trouble? Text START to learn how to use or Check our our available memes here: INSERT"
                # Responds with the meme with the img
                url = '' + meme + ':' + top + ':' + bot
                msg = Message().body("Here is your meme").media(url)

    return Response(str(response), mimetype="application/xml"), 200
Exemple #3
def inbound_sms():
    Function that receives an SMS and returns necessary information
    response = MessagingResponse()
    # Get the SMS message from the request
    inbound_message = request.form.get("Body")

    # Parse the response based on new lines or period,
    # Returns a list of arguments
    message = parse_inbound(inbound_message)

    # Opens the image, determine width & height for font resizing
    imgFile = "images" + message[0] + ".jpg"
    img =
    W, H = img.size

    # Variables for message and font
    msg_top = message[1]
    fontsize = 1
    img_fraction = 0.75

    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)

    # Loop to determine fontsize
    font = ImageFont.truetype("/Library/Font/Impact.ttf", fontsize)
    while font.getsize(msg)[0] < img_fraction * img.size[0]:
        fontsize += 1
        font = ImageFont.truetype("/Library/Font/Impact.ttf", fontsize)

    # Draw the new meme with given fontsize
    w, h = draw.textsize(msg, font)
    draw.text(((W - w) / 2, 0), msg, font=font)
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)"temporary_image.png")

    # Responds with the meme with the img
    msg = Message().body("Here is your {} meme".format(

    return Response(str(response), mimetype="application/xml"), 200
Exemple #4
def handle_command(command, channel):
        Receives commands directed at the bot and determines if they
        are valid commands. If so, then acts on the commands. If not,
        returns back what it needs for clarification.
    message = parse_inbound(command)
    ready_message = convert_spaces(message)
    if len(ready_message) < 3:
        for i in range(3 - len(ready_message)):
    meme_url = "{}&top={}&bottom={}".format(
        ready_message[0], ready_message[1], ready_message[2])
    r = requests.get(meme_url)
    if 'No meme found' not in r.text:
        response = meme_url
        response = ""