Exemple #1
def recoverMeanAndCovar(
):  # I think there is an issue recovering the mean around theta = pi b/c average between -pi and pi is 0
    mu = np.mean(Chi, axis=1)
    temp_x = Chi - mu.reshape((3, 1))
    temp_x[2] = unwrap(temp_x[2])
    Sigma = np.cov(temp_x)

    return mu, Sigma
Exemple #2
def getMeasurements(state):
    ds = params.lms - state[0:2].reshape((2, 1))
    r = np.sqrt(np.sum(ds**2, axis=0)) + np.random.normal(
        0, params.sigma_r, size=(params.lms.shape[1]))
    theta = (np.arctan2(ds[1, :], ds[0, :]) - state[2]) + np.random.normal(
        0, params.sigma_theta, size=(params.lms.shape[1]))
    theta = unwrap(theta)

    z = np.array([[r.flatten()], [theta.flatten()]]).reshape((2, 3))

    return z
Exemple #3
def getMeasurements(state):  #Will need to change if using not 360 deg vision
    z = np.zeros_like(params.lms, dtype=float)

    ds = params.lms - state[0:2].reshape(2, 1)
    r = np.sqrt(np.sum(ds**2, axis=0))
    theta = np.arctan2(ds[1], ds[0]) - state[2]

    z[0] = r + np.random.normal(
        0, params.sigma_r, size=r.size
    )  #Measurement noise seems to be what is making everything do really bad
    z[1] = theta + np.random.normal(0, params.sigma_theta, size=theta.size)
    z[1] = unwrap(z[1])

    ind = np.argwhere(np.abs(z[1]) < params.fov)
    z = z[:, ind][:, :, 0]

    return z, ind.squeeze()
Exemple #4
    phi0 = params.theta0

    state = np.array([x0, y0, phi0])
    dead_reckon = np.array([x0, y0, phi0])
    Chi = np.zeros((3, params.M))
    Chi[0:2, :] = np.random.uniform(-10.0, 10.0, size=(2, params.M))
    Chi[2, :] = np.random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi, size=(params.M))
    mu = np.mean(Chi, axis=1)
    Sigma = np.cov(mu.reshape((3, 1)) - Chi)

    for i in range(t.size):
        #stuff for plotting
        err = state - mu
        err[2] = unwrap(err[2])
        x_covar_hist.append(Sigma[0, 0])
        y_covar_hist.append(Sigma[1, 1])
        psi_covar_hist.append(Sigma[2, 2])

        Car.animateCar(state, mu, dead_reckon, Chi)

        state = filter.propagateState(state, v[i], w[i])
        zt = getMeasurements(state)
        mu, Sigma, Chi = filter.update(mu, Sigma, Chi, zt, vc[i], wc[i])
        dead_reckon = filter.propagateState(dead_reckon, vc[i], wc[i])

    fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=1, sharex=True)
    x_hist = np.array(x_hist).T
Exemple #5
    psi_covar_hist = []

    state = np.zeros(3)
    dead_reckon = np.zeros(3)
    Chi = np.zeros((3, params.M))
    wp = np.ones(params.M)  #Evenly distributed weights
    mu = np.mean(Chi, axis=1)
    Sigma = np.cov(mu.reshape((3, 1)) - Chi)
    j = 0  #Index of the best particle

    for i in range(t.size):
        #stuff for plotting
        err = state - mu
        err[2] = unwrap(err[2])
        x_covar_hist.append(Sigma[0, 0])
        y_covar_hist.append(Sigma[1, 1])
        psi_covar_hist.append(Sigma[2, 2])

        Car.animateCar(state, mu, dead_reckon, Chi, filter.lm_filters[j])

        state = filter.propagateState(state, v[i], w[i])
        dead_reckon = filter.propagateState(dead_reckon, vc[i], wc[i])
        zt, ind = getMeasurements(state)
        Chi, j, wp = filter.update(Chi, wp, zt, ind, vc[i], wc[i])
        mu, Sigma = recoverMeanAndCovar(Chi)
        mu[2] = unwrap(mu[2])