def command(_=None):
    Exchanges the public keys between all VMs to allow direct ssh connections
    between them without user input.
    local, remote = settings.PATHS['configuration']
    local = os.path.join(local, 'authorized_keys')
    remote = os.path.join(remote, 'authorized_keys')

    with shell.ignore_warnings():
        shell.local('rm {0}'.format(local))

    # Collect all keys in one file
    shell.remote('cat $HOME/.ssh/ >>{0}'.format(remote))

    # Copy first authorized key (host machine) to temp location
    shell.remote('head -1 $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys ' \

    # Append all other keys
    shell.remote('cat {0} >>$HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys.tmp'.format(remote))

    # Move to the original location
    shell.remote('mv $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys.tmp ' \

    # Add all hosts to the known_hosts file
    shell.remote('cat $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys | '\
                 'awk -F \' \' \'{print $3}\' | ' \
                 'grep -E \'[0-9.]{7,15}\' | ' \
                 'ssh-keyscan -f - -H -t rsa >$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts')

    shell.local('rm {0}'.format(local))
Exemple #2
def compile(name, localdir=None, remotedir=None):
    Compiles the given test case on all the hosts in the system.

    The building details and the respect of the convention are enforced by the
    Makefile and not further explained here.
    # Read the defaults from the settings if the arguments are not provided
    if not localdir or not remotedir:
        paths = settings.PATHS['test-cases']

        if not localdir:
            localdir = paths[0]

        if not remotedir:
            remotedir = paths[1]

    local = os.path.join(localdir, name)
    remote = os.path.join(remotedir, name)

    shell.local('rm -f {0}/build/'.format(local))

    base = os.path.dirname(settings.PATHS['configuration'][1])

    with shell.workon(all_hosts()):
            shell.remote('ENV_BASE={0} make -e clean'.format(base))
            shell.remote('ENV_BASE={0} make -e build'.format(base))
def collect(name, overwrite=False):
    Moves the relevant files to the shared directory by asking to empty the
    destination directory if needed.

    ipaddr = "$(getip eth1)"
    name = "{0}_{1}".format(name,"%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M"))

    guest_local = settings.PATHS["local-measures"][1]
    host_shared, guest_shared = settings.PATHS["shared-measures"]
    destination = os.path.join(guest_shared, name, ipaddr)
    local = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(host_shared, name))

        if os.listdir(local):
            print "A directory with the same name ({0}) already " "exists.".format(name)

            if overwrite or shell.confirm("Would you like to replace it?"):
                shell.local("rm -rf {0}/*".format(local))
                raise OSError(errno.ENOTEMPTY, "Directory not empty")
    except OSError as e:
        # If the file or directory don't exist, consume the exception
        if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:

    shell.remote("chown -R {0}:{0} {1}".format(settings.VM_USER, guest_local), sudo=True)
    shell.remote('mkdir -p "{0}/logs"'.format(destination))
    shell.remote('cp {0}/* "{1}"'.format(guest_local, destination))

    # Copy log files
    for logfile in settings.LOG_FILES:
        shell.remote('chown {0}:{0} "{1}" || true'.format(settings.VM_USER, logfile), sudo=True)
        shell.remote('cp "{0}" "{1}/logs" || true'.format(logfile, destination))
Exemple #4
def command(options):
    Exchanges the public keys between all VMs to allow direct ssh connections
    between them without user input.
    local, _ = settings.PATHS['test-cases']

    shell.local("ENV_BASE='{2}' EXEC={0[1]} make -e -f {0[0]}/Makefile " \
                "{1}".format(, " ".join(options.targets), settings.ENV_BASE))
def report(name, measure_case):
    Assembles all the acquired resources (such as source code, measures and
    log files) and generates an html page suitable for human interaction and
    host_shared = settings.PATHS["shared-measures"][0]

    trans = xml.Transformation(stylesheet("report.xsl"))

    def sources(_):
        els = etree.Element("files")

        base = len(measure_case) + 1

        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(measure_case):
            print root

            for f in files:
                if f.endswith((".pyc", ".DS_Store", ".o")):

                path = os.path.join(root, f)
                name = path[base:]

                if name.startswith("build/"):

                element = etree.SubElement(els, "file")
                element.attrib["path"] = path
                element.attrib["name"] = name

        return els

    trans.register_function("", sources)

    def logs(_):
        els = etree.Element("files")
        basel = len(os.path.join(settings.ENV_BASE, host_shared, name))
        base = os.path.join(settings.ENV_BASE, host_shared, name, "*.*.*.*", "logs", "*")

        for log in glob.glob(base):
            element = etree.SubElement(els, "file")
            element.attrib["path"] = log
            element.attrib["name"] = log[basel + 1 :]

        return els

    trans.register_function("", logs)

    def format_stream(_, payload):
        Stream formatting xslt callback
        payload = "".join(payload)

        def chunks(seq, n):
            """ Yield successive n-sized chunks from l.
            for i in xrange(0, len(seq), n):
                yield seq[i : i + n]

        element = etree.Element("pre")

        payload = " ".join(chunks(payload, 2))
        payload = " ".join(chunks(payload, 12))
        payload = "\n".join(chunks(payload, 104))

        for chunk in chunks(payload, 420):
            etree.SubElement(element, "span").text = chunk

        return element

    trans.register_function("", format_stream)

    class Highlighter(etree.XSLTExtension):
        def execute(self, context, self_node, input_node, output_parent):
            from pygments import highlight
            from pygments import lexers
            from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter

            # Highlight source text with pygments
            source = input_node.attrib["path"]

            with open(source) as fh:
                code =

            # Chose a lexer
            name = os.path.split(source)[1]

            if name == "Makefile":
                lexer = lexers.BaseMakefileLexer()
            elif name.endswith(".py"):
                lexer = lexers.PythonLexer()
            elif name.endswith((".cc", ".ph", ".h")):
                lexer = lexers.CppLexer()
            elif name.endswith((".c",)):
                lexer = lexers.CLexer()
                lexer = lexers.TextLexer()

            # Highlight code
            highlighted = highlight(code, lexer, HtmlFormatter(cssclass="codehilite", style="pastie", linenos="table"))

            # Convert to xml
            root = etree.fromstring(highlighted)

            # Add to parent

    trans.register_element("", "highlighted", Highlighter())

    destination = os.path.join(host_shared, name, "report")

    shutil.rmtree(destination, True)
    shell.local("mkdir -p {0}".format(destination))

    pattern = os.path.join(host_shared, name, "*", "*.decoded.xml")

    for source in glob.glob(pattern):
        base, measure = os.path.split(source)
        interface = measure.rsplit(".", 3)[1]
        ip = os.path.basename(base).replace(".", "-")
        dest = os.path.join(destination, "{0}_{1}.html".format(ip, interface))
        trans.transform(source, dest)

        # Tidy
        tconf = "conf/tidy/tidy.conf"
        shell.local("tidy -config {1} -o {0} {0} || true".format(dest, tconf))

    # Copy resources
    htdocs = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(conf.__file__), "htdocs")

    # shell.local("ln -s {0} {1}".format(os.path.join(htdocs, 'styles'),
    #   os.path.join(destination, 'styles')))
    # shell.local("ln -s {0} {1}".format(os.path.join(htdocs, 'images'),
    #   os.path.join(destination, 'images')))
    # shell.local("ln -s {0} {1}".format(os.path.join(htdocs, 'scripts'),
    #   os.path.join(destination, 'scripts')))
    shutil.copytree(os.path.join(htdocs, "styles"), os.path.join(destination, "styles"))
    shutil.copytree(os.path.join(htdocs, "images"), os.path.join(destination, "images"))
    shutil.copytree(os.path.join(htdocs, "scripts"), os.path.join(destination, "scripts"))