Exemple #1
    def genhash(cls, secret, config):
        if config is not None and not cls.identify(config):
            raise ValueError("not a mysql-3.2.3 hash")

        #FIXME: no idea if mysql has a policy about handling unicode passwords
        if isinstance(secret, unicode):
            secret = secret.encode("utf-8")

        MASK_32 = 0xffffffff
        MASK_31 = 0x7fffffff

        nr1 = 0x50305735
        nr2 = 0x12345671
        add = 7
        for c in secret:
            if c in b(' \t'):
            tmp = bord(c)
            nr1 ^= ((((nr1 & 63)+add)*tmp) + (nr1 << 8)) & MASK_32
            nr2 = (nr2+((nr2 << 8) ^ nr1)) & MASK_32
            add = (add+tmp) & MASK_32
        hash = u"%08x%08x" % (nr1 & MASK_31, nr2 & MASK_31)
        return to_hash_str(hash)
 def genhash(cls, secret, hash):
     if not cls.identify(hash):
         raise ValueError("not a unsalted-example hash")
     if isinstance(secret, unicode):
         secret = secret.encode("utf-8")
     data = b("boblious") + secret
     return to_hash_str(hashlib.sha1(data).hexdigest())
Exemple #3
 def to_string(self, native=True):
     if self.rounds == 5000 and self.implicit_rounds:
         hash = u"$6$%s$%s" % (self.salt, self.checksum or u'')
         hash = u"$6$rounds=%d$%s$%s" % (self.rounds, self.salt,
                                         self.checksum or u'')
     return to_hash_str(hash) if native else hash
 def to_string(self, withchk=True):
     out = u'$p5k2$%x$%s' % (self.rounds,
                             b64encode(self.salt, CTA_ALTCHARS).decode("ascii"))
     if withchk and self.checksum:
         out = u"%s$%s" % (out,
                           b64encode(self.checksum, CTA_ALTCHARS).decode("ascii"))
     return to_hash_str(out)
Exemple #5
def render_mc3(ident, rounds, salt, checksum, sep=u"$"):
    "format hash using 3-part modular crypt format; inverse of parse_mc3"
    if checksum:
        hash = u"%s%s%s%s%s%s" % (ident, rounds, sep, salt, sep, checksum)
        hash = u"%s%s%s%s" % (ident, rounds, sep, salt)
    return to_hash_str(hash)
Exemple #6
    def genhash(cls, secret, config, user):
        if config is not None and not cls.identify(config):
            raise ValueError("not an oracle-10g hash")
        if secret is None:
            raise TypeError("secret must be specified")
        if not user:
            raise ValueError("user keyword must be specified for this algorithm")

        #FIXME: not sure how oracle handles unicode.
        # online docs about 10g hash indicate it puts ascii chars
        # in a 2-byte encoding w/ the high bytenull.
        # they don't say how it handles other chars,
        # or what encoding.
        # so for now, encoding secret & user to utf-16-be,
        # since that fits,
        # and if secret/user is bytes, we assume utf-8, and decode first.
        # this whole mess really needs someone w/ an oracle system,
        # and some answers :)

        def encode(value):
            "encode according to guess at how oracle encodes strings (see note above)"
            #we can't trust what original encoding was.
            #user should have passed us unicode in the first place.
            #but try decoding as utf-8 just to work for most common case.
            value = to_unicode(value, "utf-8")
            return value.upper().encode("utf-16-be")

        input = encode(user) + encode(secret)
        hash = des_cbc_encrypt(ORACLE10_MAGIC, input)
        hash = des_cbc_encrypt(hash, input)
        return to_hash_str(hexlify(hash)).upper()
 def genhash(cls, secret, hash):
     if not cls.identify(hash):
         raise ValueError("not a unsalted-example hash")
     if isinstance(secret, unicode):
         secret = secret.encode("utf-8")
     data = b("boblious") + secret
     return to_hash_str(hashlib.sha1(data).hexdigest())
Exemple #8
 def to_string(self, withchk=True):
     out = u'$p5k2$%x$%s' % (self.rounds, b64encode(
         self.salt, CTA_ALTCHARS).decode("ascii"))
     if withchk and self.checksum:
         out = u"%s$%s" % (out, b64encode(self.checksum,
     return to_hash_str(out)
Exemple #9
 def to_string(self):
     chk = self.checksum
     if not chk: #fill in stub checksum
         chk = b('\x00') * self._info[1]
     salt = self.salt
     data = b64encode(salt+chk).decode("ascii")
     hash = u"{FSHP%d|%d|%d}%s" % (self.variant, len(salt), self.rounds, data)
     return to_hash_str(hash)
Exemple #10
 def to_string(self, withchk=True, native=True):
     if self.rounds == 400:
         out = u'$p5k2$$%s' % (self.salt,)
         out = u'$p5k2$%x$%s' % (self.rounds, self.salt)
     if withchk and self.checksum:
         out = u"%s$%s" % (out,self.checksum)
     return to_hash_str(out) if native else out
Exemple #11
 def genhash(cls, secret, hash):
     if hash is not None and not cls.identify(hash):
         raise ValueError("not a %s hash" % (cls.name, ))
     if secret is None:
         raise TypeError("no secret provided")
     if isinstance(secret, unicode):
         secret = secret.encode("utf-8")
     return to_hash_str(cls._hash_func(secret).hexdigest())
Exemple #12
 def to_string(self, withchk=True, native=True):
     if self.rounds == 400:
         out = u'$p5k2$$%s' % (self.salt, )
         out = u'$p5k2$%x$%s' % (self.rounds, self.salt)
     if withchk and self.checksum:
         out = u"%s$%s" % (out, self.checksum)
     return to_hash_str(out) if native else out
 def genhash(cls, secret, hash):
     if hash is not None and not cls.identify(hash):
         raise ValueError("not a %s hash" % (cls.name,))
     if secret is None:
         raise TypeError("no secret provided")
     if isinstance(secret, unicode):
         secret = secret.encode("utf-8")
     return to_hash_str(cls._hash_func(secret).hexdigest())
Exemple #14
 def to_string(self, withchk=True):
     salt = adapted_b64_encode(self.salt).decode("ascii")
     if withchk and self.checksum:
         chk = adapted_b64_encode(self.checksum).decode("ascii")
         hash = u'%s%d$%s$%s' % (self.ident, self.rounds, salt, chk)
         hash = u'%s%d$%s' % (self.ident, self.rounds, salt)
     return to_hash_str(hash)
Exemple #15
 def to_string(self, withchk=True):
     salt = hexlify(self.salt).decode("ascii").upper()
     if withchk and self.checksum:
         chk = hexlify(self.checksum).decode("ascii").upper()
         hash = u'%s%d.%s.%s' % (self.ident, self.rounds, salt, chk)
         hash = u'%s%d.%s' % (self.ident, self.rounds, salt)
     return to_hash_str(hash)
Exemple #16
 def to_string(self, withchk=True):
     salt = hexlify(self.salt).decode("ascii").upper()
     if withchk and self.checksum:
         chk = hexlify(self.checksum).decode("ascii").upper()
         hash = u'%s%d.%s.%s' % (self.ident, self.rounds, salt, chk)
         hash = u'%s%d.%s' % (self.ident, self.rounds, salt)
     return to_hash_str(hash)
Exemple #17
 def to_string(self, withchk=True):
     salt = adapted_b64_encode(self.salt).decode("ascii")
     if withchk and self.checksum:
         chk = adapted_b64_encode(self.checksum).decode("ascii")
         hash = u'%s%d$%s$%s' % (self.ident, self.rounds, salt, chk)
         hash = u'%s%d$%s' % (self.ident, self.rounds, salt)
     return to_hash_str(hash)
Exemple #18
def _yhsmto_string(base, self):
    hash = self.ident

    inner_str = super(base, self).to_string()
    inner_str = inner_str[len(self.ident):].rsplit('$', 1)[0]

    chk = b64encode(self.checksum).decode('ascii')

    hash += u'%s%s$%s$%s' % (_UKH, self.key_handle, inner_str, chk)

    return to_hash_str(hash)
 def genhash(cls, secret, config, user):
     if config is not None and not cls.identify(config):
         raise ValueError("not a postgres-md5 hash")
     if not user:
         raise ValueError("user keyword must be specified for this algorithm")
     if isinstance(secret, unicode):
         secret = secret.encode("utf-8")
     if isinstance(user, unicode):
         user = user.encode("utf-8")
     hash = u"md5" + to_unicode(md5(secret + user).hexdigest())
     return to_hash_str(hash)
Exemple #20
 def _wrap_hash(self, hash):
     "given orig hash; return one belonging to wrapper"
     #NOTE: should usually be native string.
     # (which does mean extra work under py2, but not py3)
     if isinstance(hash, bytes):
         hash = hash.decode('ascii')
     orig_prefix = self.orig_prefix
     if not hash.startswith(orig_prefix):
         raise ValueError("not a valid %s hash" % (self.wrapped.name,))
     wrapped = self.prefix + hash[len(orig_prefix):]
     return to_hash_str(wrapped)
    def test_00_static_handler(self):
        "test StaticHandler helper class"

        class d1(uh.StaticHandler):
            name = "d1"
            context_kwds = ("flag",)

            def genhash(cls, secret, hash, flag=False):
                if isinstance(hash, bytes):
                    hash = hash.decode("ascii")
                if hash not in (u"a", u"b"):
                    raise ValueError
                return to_hash_str(u"b" if flag else u"a")

        # check default identify method

        # check default genconfig method
        self.assertIs(d1.genconfig(), None)
        d1._stub_config = u"b"
        self.assertEqual(d1.genconfig(), to_hash_str("b"))

        # check default verify method
        self.assertTrue(d1.verify("s", "a"))
        self.assertTrue(d1.verify("s", u"a"))
        self.assertFalse(d1.verify("s", "b"))
        self.assertFalse(d1.verify("s", u"b"))
        self.assertTrue(d1.verify("s", "b", flag=True))
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, d1.verify, "s", "c")

        # check default encrypt method
        self.assertEqual(d1.encrypt("s"), to_hash_str("a"))
        self.assertEqual(d1.encrypt("s"), to_hash_str("a"))
        self.assertEqual(d1.encrypt("s", flag=True), to_hash_str("b"))
    def test_00_static_handler(self):
        "test StaticHandler helper class"

        class d1(uh.StaticHandler):
            name = "d1"
            context_kwds = ("flag",)

            def genhash(cls, secret, hash, flag=False):
                if isinstance(hash, bytes):
                    hash = hash.decode("ascii")
                if hash not in (u'a',u'b'):
                    raise ValueError
                return to_hash_str(u'b' if flag else u'a')

        #check default identify method

        #check default genconfig method
        self.assertIs(d1.genconfig(), None)
        d1._stub_config = u'b'
        self.assertEqual(d1.genconfig(), to_hash_str('b'))

        #check default verify method
        self.assertTrue(d1.verify('s', 'b', flag=True))
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, d1.verify, 's', 'c')

        #check default encrypt method
        self.assertEqual(d1.encrypt('s'), to_hash_str('a'))
        self.assertEqual(d1.encrypt('s'), to_hash_str('a'))
        self.assertEqual(d1.encrypt('s', flag=True), to_hash_str('b'))
 def to_string(self, withchk=True, native=True):
     ss = u"" if self.bare_salt else u"$"
     rounds = self.rounds
     if rounds > 0:
         out = u"$md5,rounds=%d$%s%s" % (rounds, self.salt, ss)
         out = u"$md5$%s%s" % (self.salt, ss)
     if withchk:
         chk = self.checksum
         if chk:
             out = u"%s$%s" % (out, chk)
     return to_hash_str(out) if native else out
Exemple #24
 def genhash(cls, secret, config, user):
     if config is not None and not cls.identify(config):
         raise ValueError("not a postgres-md5 hash")
     if not user:
         raise ValueError(
             "user keyword must be specified for this algorithm")
     if isinstance(secret, unicode):
         secret = secret.encode("utf-8")
     if isinstance(user, unicode):
         user = user.encode("utf-8")
     hash = u"md5" + to_unicode(md5(secret + user).hexdigest())
     return to_hash_str(hash)
Exemple #25
 def to_string(self, withchk=True, native=True):
     ss = u'' if self.bare_salt else u'$'
     rounds = self.rounds
     if rounds > 0:
         out = u"$md5,rounds=%d$%s%s" % (rounds, self.salt, ss)
         out = u"$md5$%s%s" % (self.salt, ss)
     if withchk:
         chk = self.checksum
         if chk:
             out = u"%s$%s" % (out, chk)
     return to_hash_str(out) if native else out
Exemple #26
def _yhsmto_string(base, self):
    hash = self.ident

    inner_str = super(base, self).to_string()
    inner_str = inner_str[len(self.ident):].rsplit('$', 1)[0]

    chk = b64encode(self.checksum).decode('ascii')

    hash += u'%s%s$%s$%s' % (

    return to_hash_str(hash)
Exemple #27
    def genhash(cls, secret, config):
        if config is not None and not cls.identify(config):
            raise ValueError("not a mysql-3.2.3 hash")

        #FIXME: no idea if mysql has a policy about handling unicode passwords
        if isinstance(secret, unicode):
            secret = secret.encode("utf-8")

        MASK_32 = 0xffffffff
        MASK_31 = 0x7fffffff

        nr1 = 0x50305735
        nr2 = 0x12345671
        add = 7
        for c in secret:
            if c in b(' \t'):
            tmp = bord(c)
            nr1 ^= ((((nr1 & 63) + add) * tmp) + (nr1 << 8)) & MASK_32
            nr2 = (nr2 + ((nr2 << 8) ^ nr1)) & MASK_32
            add = (add + tmp) & MASK_32
        hash = u"%08x%08x" % (nr1 & MASK_31, nr2 & MASK_31)
        return to_hash_str(hash)
Exemple #28
 def to_string(self):
     hash = self.ident + (self.checksum or self._stub_checksum)
     return to_hash_str(hash)
Exemple #29
 def to_string(self):
     hash = u"%s%s%s%s" % (self.ident, h64.encode_int6(
         self.rounds).decode("ascii"), self.salt, self.checksum or u'')
     return to_hash_str(hash)
 def to_string(self):
     hash = u"@salt%s%s" % (self.salt, self.checksum or self._stub_checksum)
     return to_hash_str(hash)
 def genhash(cls, secret, hash, flag=False):
     if isinstance(hash, bytes):
         hash = hash.decode("ascii")
     if hash not in (u"a", u"b"):
         raise ValueError
     return to_hash_str(u"b" if flag else u"a")
 def to_string(self, native=True):
     if self.rounds == 5000 and self.implicit_rounds:
         hash = u"$6$%s$%s" % (self.salt, self.checksum or u'')
         hash = u"$6$rounds=%d$%s$%s" % (self.rounds, self.salt, self.checksum or u'')
     return to_hash_str(hash) if native else hash
Exemple #33
 def genhash(cls, secret, config):
     if secret is None:
         raise TypeError("no secret provided")
     return to_hash_str(u"!")
Exemple #34
 def genhash(cls, secret, hash, enable_wildcard=False):
     if secret is None:
         raise TypeError("secret must be string")
     if hash is None:
         raise ValueError("no hash provided")
     return to_hash_str(hash)
Exemple #35
 def to_string(self):
     return to_hash_str(u'%s$%s' % (self.salt, self.checksum or u''))
Exemple #36
 def genhash(cls, secret, hash):
     if secret is None:
         raise TypeError("secret must be string")
     return to_hash_str(secret, "utf-8")
Exemple #37
 def genhash(cls, secret, hash):
     if hash is not None and not cls.identify(hash):
         raise ValueError("not a valid ldap_plaintext hash")
     if secret is None:
         raise TypeError("secret must be string")
     return to_hash_str(secret, "utf-8")
Exemple #38
 def to_string(self):
     data = (self.checksum or self._stub_checksum) + self.salt
     hash = self.ident + b64encode(data).decode("ascii")
     return to_hash_str(hash)
Exemple #39
 def genhash(cls, secret, config):
     if secret is None:
         raise TypeError("no secret provided")
     return to_hash_str(u"!")
Exemple #40
 def to_string(self):
     hash = u"%s%s%s%s" % (self.ident,
                           self.checksum or u'')
     return to_hash_str(hash)
Exemple #41
 def to_string(self, native=True):
     hash = u"%s%s" % (self.salt, self.checksum or u'')
     return to_hash_str(hash) if native else hash
Exemple #42
 def to_string(self):
     chk = self.checksum or self._stub_checksum
     out = u"%s%s$%s" % (self.ident, self.salt, chk)
     return to_hash_str(out)
Exemple #43
 def to_string(self):
     chk = (self.checksum or self._stub_checksum)
     hash = u"S:%s%s" % (chk.upper(), self.salt.upper())
     return to_hash_str(hash)
Exemple #44
 def to_string(self):
     chk = self.checksum or self._stub_checksum
     out = u"%s%s$%s" % (self.ident, self.salt, chk)
     return to_hash_str(out)
 def genhash(cls, secret, hash, flag=False):
     if isinstance(hash, bytes):
         hash = hash.decode("ascii")
     if hash not in (u'a',u'b'):
         raise ValueError
     return to_hash_str(u'b' if flag else u'a')
 def to_string(self):
     hash = u"@salt%s%s" % (self.salt, self.checksum or self._stub_checksum)
     return to_hash_str(hash)
Exemple #47
 def to_string(self, native=True):
     out = u"$sha1$%d$%s" % (self.rounds, self.salt)
     if self.checksum:
         out += u"$" + self.checksum
     return to_hash_str(out) if native else out
Exemple #48
 def to_string(self, native=True):
     hash = u"_%s%s%s" % (h64.encode_int24(self.rounds).decode("ascii"),
                          self.salt, self.checksum or u'')
     return to_hash_str(hash) if native else hash
Exemple #49
 def genhash(cls, secret, hash, enable_wildcard=False):
     if secret is None:
         raise TypeError("secret must be string")
     if hash is None:
         raise ValueError("no hash provided")
     return to_hash_str(hash)
Exemple #50
 def genhash(cls, secret, hash):
     if secret is None:
         raise TypeError("secret must be string")
     return to_hash_str(secret, "utf-8")
Exemple #51
 def to_string(self):
     hash = self.ident + (self.checksum or self._stub_checksum)
     return to_hash_str(hash)