Exemple #1
    def test_tweetsec_numerical_strength(self):
        #test that password_eval module function numerical_strength_value returns the proper value,
        numerical_strength_value = password_eval.numerical_strength_value("password1")
        self.assertEqual(numerical_strength_value, 4)

        numerical_strength_value = password_eval.numerical_strength_value("goat m4n")
        self.assertEqual(numerical_strength_value, 15)

        numerical_strength_value = password_eval.numerical_strength_value("s0_0per 5nak3")
        self.assertEqual(numerical_strength_value, 44)
Exemple #2
    def test_tweetsec_numerical_strength(self):
        #test that password_eval module function numerical_strength_value returns the proper value,
        numerical_strength_value = password_eval.numerical_strength_value(
        self.assertEqual(numerical_strength_value, 4)

        numerical_strength_value = password_eval.numerical_strength_value(
            "goat m4n")
        self.assertEqual(numerical_strength_value, 15)

        numerical_strength_value = password_eval.numerical_strength_value(
            "s0_0per 5nak3")
        self.assertEqual(numerical_strength_value, 44)
Exemple #3
def evaluator():
    if "password" in request.vars:
        password = request.vars.password
        password_strength = password_eval.numerical_strength_value(password)
        if password_strength >= 50:
            return "Congrats on the strong password"
        elif 10< password_strength <50:
            #return a modified version of the password that is strong
            if len(password)>=13:
                #replacing the first 4 chars with 4 different char types will ensure that the pw strength is strong IF there are >= 13 chars
                password = "******" + password[4:len(password)]
                #add 4 different char types to the beginning of the password, and add spaces at the end as necessary to reach required # of chars for strong pw
                password = "******" + password + (" "* (13 - (4+len(password))))

            return password

        elif password_strength <= 10:
            return "Please try a better password"
