def test_update_passwordmatch_nomatch_field(self, fields, mock_get): """ password that doesnt need updating """ value = [{ "Password": "******", "Title": "bar", "UserName": "******", "GenericField1": "123", "PasswordID": 999 }] mock_get.return_value = mock.Mock(status_code=200, json=lambda: value) module = mock.Mock() module.exit_json = mock.MagicMock() url = "http://passwordstate" api_key = "abc123xyz" api = PasswordState(module, url, api_key) password = Password(api, '123', { 'id': None, 'field': 'GenericField1', 'field_id': '123' }) password.update(fields) module.exit_json.assert_called_with(changed=True)
def test_merge_dicts_2(self): """ test merge dicts """ dict1 = {'Foo': 'bar', 'Bar': 'foo'} dict2 = {'Foo': 'foobar', 'Foobar': 'Baz'} actual = PasswordState._merge_dicts(dict1, dict2) expected = {'Foo': 'foobar', 'Bar': 'foo', 'Foobar': 'Baz'} self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_filter_passwords(self): """ test filter passwords """ passwords = [{'GenericField1': 'alpha', 'GenericField2': 'beta'}, {'GenericField1': 'charlie', 'GenericField2': 'delta'}, {'GenericField1': 'echo', 'GenericField2': 'alpha'}] filtered = PasswordState._filter_passwords(passwords, 'GenericField1', 'alpha') self.assertEqual(len(filtered), 1) self.assertEqual(filtered[0]['GenericField1'], 'alpha')
def test_init(self): """ test constructor """ module = mock.Mock() url = "http://passwordstate" api_key = "abc123xyz" passwordstate = PasswordState(module, url, api_key) self.assertEqual(passwordstate.module, module) self.assertEqual(passwordstate.url, url) self.assertEqual(passwordstate.api_key, api_key)
def test_update_newpassword_withtitle(self, mock_urlopen): """ password that doesnt need updating """ = '[]' module = mock.Mock() module.exit_json = mock.MagicMock() url = "http://passwordstate" api_key = "abc123xyz" api = PasswordState(module, url, api_key) password = Password(api, '123', {'id': None, 'field': 'GenericField1', 'field_id': '123'}) fields = {'password': '******', 'Title': 'mytitle'} password.update(fields) module.exit_json.assert_called_with(changed=True)
def test_update_passwordmatch_nomatch_id(self, fields, mock_urlopen): """ password that doesnt need updating """ value = '[{"Password": "******", "Title": "bar", ' \ '"UserName": "******", "GenericField1": "123", ' \ '"PasswordID": 999}]' = value module = mock.Mock() module.exit_json = mock.MagicMock() url = "http://passwordstate" api_key = "abc123xyz" api = PasswordState(module, url, api_key) password = Password(api, '123', {'id': '999', 'field': None, 'field_id': None}) password.update(fields) module.exit_json.assert_called_with(changed=True)
def test_update_newpassword_notitle(self, mock_get): """ password that doesnt need updating """ mock_get.return_value = mock.Mock(status_code=200, json=lambda: []) module = mock.Mock() module.fail_json = mock.MagicMock() url = "http://passwordstate" api_key = "abc123xyz" api = PasswordState(module, url, api_key) password = Password(api, '123', { 'id': None, 'field': 'GenericField1', 'field_id': '123' }) fields = {'password': '******'} password.update(fields) module.fail_json.assert_called_with( msg='Title is required when creating passwords')