Exemple #1
 def test_publish_with_multiple_urls(self, mock):
     data = MultiDict({'hub.mode': 'publish'})
     data.add('hub.url', 'http://www.example.com/')
     data.add('hub.url', 'http://www.site.com/')
     request = self.r('/publish', self.valid_headers, POST=data)
     info = publish(None, request)
     self.assertEqual(info.status_code, 204)
Exemple #2
 def parse_path(self):
     # parse path and parameters
     path = self.path.split('?')[0]
     params = self.path[len(path) + 1:].split('&')
     param_dict = MultiDict()
     for param in params:
         key = param.split('=')[0]
         value = param[len(key) + 1:]
         param_dict.add(key, value)
     return path, param_dict
 def parse_path(self):
     # parse path and parameters
     path = self.path.split('?')[0]
     params = self.path[len(path)+1:].split('&')
     param_dict = MultiDict()
     for param in params:
         key = param.split('=')[0]
         value = param[len(key)+1:]
         param_dict.add(key, value)
     return path, param_dict
Exemple #4
    def test_publish_fetches_topic_content(self, mock):
        data = MultiDict({'hub.mode': 'publish'})
        data.add('hub.url', 'http://www.example.com/')
        data.add('hub.url', 'http://www.site.com/')
        request = self.r('/publish', self.valid_headers, POST=data)
        hub = request.root
        info = publish(None, request)

        first = hub.topics.get('http://www.example.com/')
        second = hub.topics.get('http://www.site.com/')

        self.assertEqual(info.status_code, 204)
        self.assertTrue(first.timestamp is not None)
        self.assertTrue(second.timestamp is not None)
Exemple #5
def test_dict():
    d = MultiDict({'a': 1})
    assert list(d.items()) == [('a', 1)]

    d['b'] = 2
    d['c'] = 3
    assert list(d.items()) == [('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)]

    d['b'] = 4
    assert list(d.items()) == [('a', 1), ('c', 3), ('b', 4)]

    d.add('b', 5)
    assert_raises(KeyError, d.getone, "b")
    assert d.getall('b') == [4, 5]
    assert list(d.items()) == [('a', 1), ('c', 3), ('b', 4), ('b', 5)]

    del d['b']
    assert list(d.items()) == [('a', 1), ('c', 3)]
    assert d.pop('xxx', 5) == 5
    assert d.getone('a') == 1
    assert d.popitem() == ('c', 3)
    assert list(d.items()) == [('a', 1)]

    item = []
    assert d.setdefault('z', item) is item
    assert list(d.items()) == [('a', 1), ('z', item)]

    assert d.setdefault('y', 6) == 6

    assert d.mixed() == {'a': 1, 'y': 6, 'z': item}
    assert d.dict_of_lists() == {'a': [1], 'y': [6], 'z': [item]}

    assert 'a' in d
    dcopy = d.copy()
    assert dcopy is not d
    assert dcopy == d
    d['x'] = 'x test'
    assert dcopy != d

    d[(1, None)] = (None, 1)
    assert list(d.items()) == [('a', 1), ('z', []), ('y', 6), ('x', 'x test'),
                         ((1, None), (None, 1))]
Exemple #6
    def copy(self):
        """ Creates a copy of this ConfigStore. All configuration data is copied
        over except for SQL connections.
        config_store = ConfigStore()

        # Grab all ConfigDicts - even if they're actually ZATO_NONE - and make their copies
        for attr_name in dir(self):
            attr = getattr(self, attr_name)
            if isinstance(attr, ConfigDict):
                copy_func = getattr(attr, 'copy')
                setattr(config_store, attr_name, copy_func())
            elif attr is ZATO_NONE:
                setattr(config_store, attr_name, ZATO_NONE)

        http_soap = MultiDict()
        dict_of_lists = self.http_soap.dict_of_lists()
        for url_path, lists in dict_of_lists.items():
            _info = Bunch()
            for elem in lists:
                for soap_action, item in elem.items():
                    _info[soap_action] = Bunch()
                    _info[soap_action].id = item.id
                    _info[soap_action].name = item.name
                    _info[soap_action].is_active = item.is_active
                    _info[soap_action].is_internal = item.is_internal
                    _info[soap_action].url_path = item.url_path
                    _info[soap_action].method = item.method
                    _info[soap_action].soap_version = item.soap_version
                    _info[soap_action].service_id = item.service_id
                    _info[soap_action].service_name = item.service_name
                    _info[soap_action].impl_name = item.impl_name
                    _info[soap_action].transport = item.transport
                    _info[soap_action].connection = item.connection
            http_soap.add(url_path, _info)

        config_store.http_soap = http_soap
        config_store.url_sec = self.url_sec
        config_store.broker_config = self.broker_config
        config_store.odb_data = deepcopy(self.odb_data)

        return config_store
Exemple #7
    def copy(self):
        """ Creates a copy of this ConfigStore. All configuration data is copied
        over except for SQL connections.
        config_store = ConfigStore()

        # Grab all ConfigDicts - even if they're actually ZATO_NONE - and make their copies
        for attr_name in dir(self):
            attr = getattr(self, attr_name)
            if isinstance(attr, ConfigDict):
                copy_func = getattr(attr, 'copy')
                setattr(config_store, attr_name, copy_func())
            elif attr is ZATO_NONE:
                setattr(config_store, attr_name, ZATO_NONE)

        http_soap = MultiDict()
        dict_of_lists = self.http_soap.dict_of_lists()
        for url_path, lists in dict_of_lists.items():
            _info = Bunch()
            for elem in lists:
                for soap_action, item in elem.items():
                    _info[soap_action] = Bunch()
                    _info[soap_action].id = item.id
                    _info[soap_action].name = item.name
                    _info[soap_action].is_active = item.is_active
                    _info[soap_action].is_internal = item.is_internal
                    _info[soap_action].url_path = item.url_path
                    _info[soap_action].method = item.method
                    _info[soap_action].soap_version = item.soap_version
                    _info[soap_action].service_id = item.service_id
                    _info[soap_action].service_name = item.service_name
                    _info[soap_action].impl_name = item.impl_name
                    _info[soap_action].transport = item.transport
                    _info[soap_action].connection = item.connection
            http_soap.add(url_path, _info)

        config_store.http_soap = http_soap
        config_store.url_sec = self.url_sec
        config_store.broker_config = self.broker_config
        config_store.odb_data = deepcopy(self.odb_data)

        return config_store
Exemple #8
def test_dict():
    d = MultiDict({'a': 1})
    assert d.items() == [('a', 1)]

    d['b'] = 2
    d['c'] = 3
    assert d.items() == [('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)]

    d['b'] = 4
    assert d.items() == [('a', 1), ('c', 3), ('b', 4)]

    d.add('b', 5)
    raises(KeyError, 'd.getone("b")')
    assert d.getall('b') == [4, 5]
    assert d.items() == [('a', 1), ('c', 3), ('b', 4), ('b', 5)]

    del d['b']
    assert d.items() == [('a', 1), ('c', 3)]
    assert d.pop('xxx', 5) == 5
    assert d.getone('a') == 1
    assert d.popitem() == ('c', 3)
    assert d.items() == [('a', 1)]

    item = []
    assert d.setdefault('z', item) is item
    assert d.items() == [('a', 1), ('z', item)]

    assert d.setdefault('y', 6) == 6

    assert d.mixed() == {'a': 1, 'y': 6, 'z': item}
    assert d.dict_of_lists() == {'a': [1], 'y': [6], 'z': [item]}

    assert 'a' in d
    dcopy = d.copy()
    assert dcopy is not d
    assert dcopy == d
    d['x'] = 'x test'
    assert dcopy != d

    d[(1, None)] = (None, 1)
    assert d.items() == [('a', 1), ('z', []), ('y', 6), ('x', 'x test'),
                         ((1, None), (None, 1))]
    def _get_params(self, request):
        Returns the parameter from request, regardless their type
        (GET OR POST) and returns a MultiDict containg the values.
        params = MultiDict()
        if request.method == 'POST':
            # this is required by aiohttp. without this,
            # request.POST is empty
            _ = [f for f in request.post()]
            for k, v in request.POST.items():
               # when data is transfered via POST, array names are
               # appended a '[]'.
               params.add(k.replace('[]', ''), v)
        elif request.method == 'GET':
            for k, v in request.GET.items():
               params.add(k, v)
           raise TypeError('You need to pass a Request obj')

        return params
Exemple #10
class MimeHeaders(object):
    """Dictionary-like object that preserves the order and
    supports multiple values for the same key, knows
    whether it has been changed after the creation
    def __init__(self, items=()):
        self.v = MultiDict([(normalize(key), val) for (key, val) in items])
        self.changed = False

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.v.get(normalize(key), None)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.v)

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.v)

    def __contains__(self, key):
        return normalize(key) in self.v

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        self.v[normalize(key)] = _remove_newlines(value)
        self.changed = True

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        del self.v[normalize(key)]
        self.changed = True

    def __nonzero__(self):
        return len(self.v) > 0

    def prepend(self, key, val):
        self.v._items.insert(0, (key, _remove_newlines(val)))
        self.changed = True

    def add(self, key, value):
        """Adds header without changing the
        existing headers with same name"""

        self.v.add(normalize(key), _remove_newlines(value))
        self.changed = True

    def keys(self):
        Returns the keys. (message header names)
        It remembers the order in which they were added, what
        is really important
        return self.v.keys()

    def transform(self, fn):
        """Accepts a function, getting a key, val and returning
        a new pair of key, val and applies the function to all
        header, value pairs in the message.

        changed = [False]

        def tracking_fn(key, val):
            new_key, new_val = fn(key, val)
            if new_val != val or new_key != key:
                changed[0] = True
            return new_key, new_val

        v = MultiDict(tracking_fn(key, val) for key, val in self.v.iteritems())
        if changed[0]:
            self.v = v
            self.changed = True

    def items(self):
        Returns header,val pairs in the preserved order.
        return list(self.iteritems())

    def iteritems(self):
        Returns iterator header,val pairs in the preserved order.
        return self.v.iteritems()

    def get(self, key, default=None):
        Returns header value (case-insensitive).
        return self.v.get(normalize(key), default)

    def getall(self, key):
        Returns all header values by the given header name
        return self.v.getall(normalize(key))

    def have_changed(self):
        """Tells whether someone has altered the headers
        after creation"""
        return self.changed

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.v)

    def from_stream(cls, stream):
        """Takes a stream and reads the headers,
        decodes headers to unicode dict like object"""
        return cls(parse_stream(stream))

    def to_stream(self, stream):
        """Takes a stream and serializes headers
        in a mime format"""

        for h, v in self.v.iteritems():
                h = h.encode('ascii')
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                raise EncodingError("Non-ascii header name")
            stream.write("{0}: {1}\r\n".format(h, to_mime(h, v)))
Exemple #11
def parse_formvars(environ, include_get_vars=True):
    """Parses the request, returning a MultiDict of form variables.

    If ``include_get_vars`` is true then GET (query string) variables
    will also be folded into the MultiDict.

    All values should be strings, except for file uploads which are
    left as ``FieldStorage`` instances.

    If the request was not a normal form request (e.g., a POST with an
    XML body) then ``environ['wsgi.input']`` won't be read.
    source = environ['wsgi.input']
    if 'paste.parsed_formvars' in environ:
        parsed, check_source = environ['paste.parsed_formvars']
        if check_source == source:
            if include_get_vars:
            return parsed
    # @@: Shouldn't bother FieldStorage parsing during GET/HEAD and
    # fake_out_cgi requests
    type = environ.get('CONTENT_TYPE', '').lower()
    if ';' in type:
        type = type.split(';', 1)[0]
    fake_out_cgi = type not in ('', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
    # FieldStorage assumes a default CONTENT_LENGTH of -1, but a
    # default of 0 is better:
    if not environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH'):
        environ['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = '0'
    # Prevent FieldStorage from parsing QUERY_STRING during GET/HEAD
    # requests
    old_query_string = environ.get('QUERY_STRING','')
    environ['QUERY_STRING'] = ''
    if fake_out_cgi:
        input = StringIO('')
        old_content_type = environ.get('CONTENT_TYPE')
        old_content_length = environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH')
        environ['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = '0'
        environ['CONTENT_TYPE'] = ''    
        input = environ['wsgi.input']
    fs = cgi.FieldStorage(fp=input,
    environ['QUERY_STRING'] = old_query_string
    if fake_out_cgi:
        environ['CONTENT_TYPE'] = old_content_type
        environ['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = old_content_length
    formvars = MultiDict()
    if isinstance(fs.value, list):
        for name in fs.keys():
            values = fs[name]
            if not isinstance(values, list):
                values = [values]
            for value in values:
                if not value.filename:
                    value = value.value
                formvars.add(name, value)
    environ['paste.parsed_formvars'] = (formvars, source)
    if include_get_vars:
    return formvars
Exemple #12
    def search(self, ver=None, register=None):

        log.debug('search %s params: %r', register, request.params)
        if register == 'revision':
            since_time = None
            if 'since_id' in request.params:
                id = request.params['since_id']
                if not id:
                    return self._finish_bad_request(
                        _(u'No revision specified'))
                rev = model.Session.query(model.Revision).get(id)
                if rev is None:
                    return self._finish_not_found(
                        _(u'There is no revision with id: %s') % id)
                since_time = rev.timestamp
            elif 'since_time' in request.params:
                since_time_str = request.params['since_time']
                    since_time = h.date_str_to_datetime(since_time_str)
                except ValueError as inst:
                    return self._finish_bad_request('ValueError: %s' % inst)
                return self._finish_bad_request(
                    _("Missing search term ('since_id=UUID' or " +
                      " 'since_time=TIMESTAMP')"))
            revs = model.Session.query(model.Revision) \
                .filter(model.Revision.timestamp > since_time) \
                .order_by(model.Revision.timestamp) \
                .limit(50)  # reasonable enough for a page
            return self._finish_ok([rev.id for rev in revs])
        elif register in ['dataset', 'package', 'resource']:
                params = MultiDict(self._get_search_params(request.params))
            except ValueError as e:
                return self._finish_bad_request(
                    _('Could not read parameters: %r' % e))

            # if using API v2, default to returning the package ID if
            # no field list is specified
            if register in ['dataset', 'package'] and not params.get('fl'):
                params['fl'] = 'id' if ver == 2 else 'name'

                if register == 'resource':
                    query = search.query_for(model.Resource)

                    # resource search still uses ckan query parser
                    options = search.QueryOptions()
                    for k, v in params.items():
                        if (k in search.DEFAULT_OPTIONS.keys()):
                            options[k] = v
                    options.username = c.user
                    options.search_tags = False
                    options.return_objects = False
                    query_fields = MultiDict()
                    for field, value in params.items():
                        field = field.strip()
                        if field in search.DEFAULT_OPTIONS.keys() or \
                                field in IGNORE_FIELDS:
                        values = [value]
                        if isinstance(value, list):
                            values = value
                        for v in values:
                            query_fields.add(field, v)

                    results = query.run(
                    # For package searches in API v3 and higher, we can pass
                    # parameters straight to Solr.
                    if ver in [1, 2]:
                        # Otherwise, put all unrecognised ones into the q
                        # parameter
                        params = search.\
                    query = search.query_for(model.Package)

                    # Remove any existing fq param and set the capacity to
                    # public
                    if 'fq' in params:
                        del params['fq']
                    params['fq'] = '+capacity:public'
                    # if callback is specified we do not want to send that to
                    # the search
                    if 'callback' in params:
                        del params['callback']
                    results = query.run(params)
                return self._finish_ok(results)
            except search.SearchError as e:
                return self._finish_bad_request(
                    _('Bad search option: %s') % e)
            return self._finish_not_found(
                _('Unknown register: %s') % register)
Exemple #13
def parse_formvars(environ, include_get_vars=True):
    """Parses the request, returning a MultiDict of form variables.

    If ``include_get_vars`` is true then GET (query string) variables
    will also be folded into the MultiDict.

    All values should be strings, except for file uploads which are
    left as ``FieldStorage`` instances.

    If the request was not a normal form request (e.g., a POST with an
    XML body) then ``environ['wsgi.input']`` won't be read.
    source = environ['wsgi.input']
    if 'paste.parsed_formvars' in environ:
        parsed, check_source = environ['paste.parsed_formvars']
        if check_source == source:
            if include_get_vars:
            return parsed
    # @@: Shouldn't bother FieldStorage parsing during GET/HEAD and
    # fake_out_cgi requests
    type = environ.get('CONTENT_TYPE', '').lower()
    if ';' in type:
        type = type.split(';', 1)[0]
    fake_out_cgi = type not in ('', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
    # FieldStorage assumes a default CONTENT_LENGTH of -1, but a
    # default of 0 is better:
    if not environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH'):
        environ['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = '0'
    # Prevent FieldStorage from parsing QUERY_STRING during GET/HEAD
    # requests
    old_query_string = environ.get('QUERY_STRING','')
    environ['QUERY_STRING'] = ''
    if fake_out_cgi:
        input = six.BytesIO(b'')
        old_content_type = environ.get('CONTENT_TYPE')
        old_content_length = environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH')
        environ['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = '0'
        environ['CONTENT_TYPE'] = ''
        input = environ['wsgi.input']
    fs = cgi.FieldStorage(fp=input,
    environ['QUERY_STRING'] = old_query_string
    if fake_out_cgi:
        environ['CONTENT_TYPE'] = old_content_type
        environ['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = old_content_length
    formvars = MultiDict()
    if isinstance(fs.value, list):
        for name in fs.keys():
            values = fs[name]
            if not isinstance(values, list):
                values = [values]
            for value in values:
                if not value.filename:
                    value = value.value
                formvars.add(name, value)
    environ['paste.parsed_formvars'] = (formvars, source)
    if include_get_vars:
    return formvars
Exemple #14
class QueryParser(object):
    The query parser will take any incoming query specifications and turn 
    them into field-specific and general query parts. 
    def __init__(self, query, terms, fields):
        self._query = query
        self._terms = terms
        self._fields = MultiDict(fields)
    def query(self):
        if not hasattr(self, '_combined_query'):
            parts = [self._query if self._query is not None else '']
            for term in self._terms:
                if term.find(u' ') != -1:
                    term = u"\"%s\"" % term
            for field, value in self._fields.items():
                if value.find(' ') != -1:
                    value = u"\"%s\"" % value
                parts.append(u"%s:%s" % (field.strip(), value.strip()))
            self._combined_query = u' '.join(parts)
        return self._combined_query
    def _query_tokens(self):
        """ Split the query string, leaving quoted strings intact. """
        if self._query:
            inside_quote = False
            buf = u''
            for ch in self._query:
                if ch == u' ' and not inside_quote:
                    if len(buf):
                        yield buf.strip()
                    buf = u''
                elif ch == inside_quote:
                    inside_quote = False
                elif ch in [u"\"", u"'"]:
                    inside_quote = ch
                    buf += ch
            if len(buf):
                yield buf.strip()
    def _parse_query(self):
        """ Decompose the query string into fields and terms. """
        self._combined_fields = MultiDict(self._fields)
        self._combined_terms = list(self._terms)
        for token in self._query_tokens():
            colon_pos = token.find(u':')
            if colon_pos != -1:
                field = token[:colon_pos]
                value = token[colon_pos+1:]
                value = value.strip('"').strip("'").strip()
                self._combined_fields.add(field, value)
    def fields(self):
        if not hasattr(self, '_combined_fields'):
        return self._combined_fields
    def terms(self):
        if not hasattr(self, '_combined_terms'):
        return self._combined_terms
    def validate(self):
        """ Check that this is a valid query. """
        if not len(self.query):
            raise SearchError("No query has been specified")
    def __str__(self):
        return self.query
    def __repr__(self):
        return "Query(%s)" % self
Exemple #15
class MimeHeaders(object):
    """Dictionary-like object that preserves the order and
    supports multiple values for the same key, knows
    whether it has been changed after the creation

    def __init__(self, items=()):
        self._v = MultiDict([(normalize(key), remove_newlines(val))
                             for (key, val) in items])
        self.changed = False

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self._v.get(normalize(key), None)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._v)

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self._v)

    def __contains__(self, key):
        return normalize(key) in self._v

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        self._v[normalize(key)] = remove_newlines(value)
        self.changed = True

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        del self._v[normalize(key)]
        self.changed = True

    def __nonzero__(self):
        return len(self._v) > 0

    def prepend(self, key, value):
        self._v._items.insert(0, (normalize(key), remove_newlines(value)))
        self.changed = True

    def add(self, key, value):
        """Adds header without changing the
        existing headers with same name"""

        self._v.add(normalize(key), remove_newlines(value))
        self.changed = True

    def keys(self):
        Returns the keys. (message header names)
        It remembers the order in which they were added, what
        is really important
        return self._v.keys()

    def transform(self, fn):
        """Accepts a function, getting a key, val and returning
        a new pair of key, val and applies the function to all
        header, value pairs in the message.

        changed = [False]

        def tracking_fn(key, val):
            new_key, new_val = fn(key, val)
            if new_val != val or new_key != key:
                changed[0] = True
            return new_key, new_val

        v = MultiDict(tracking_fn(key, val) for key, val in self._v.iteritems())
        if changed[0]:
            self._v = v
            self.changed = True

    def items(self):
        Returns header,val pairs in the preserved order.
        return list(self.iteritems())

    def iteritems(self):
        Returns iterator header,val pairs in the preserved order.
        return self._v.iteritems()

    def get(self, key, default=None):
        Returns header value (case-insensitive).
        return self._v.get(normalize(key), default)

    def getall(self, key):
        Returns all header values by the given header name
        return self._v.getall(normalize(key))

    def have_changed(self):
        """Tells whether someone has altered the headers
        after creation"""
        return self.changed

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self._v)

    def from_stream(cls, stream):
        """Takes a stream and reads the headers,
        decodes headers to unicode dict like object"""
        return cls(parse_stream(stream))

    def to_stream(self, stream):
        """Takes a stream and serializes headers
        in a mime format"""

        for h, v in self._v.iteritems():
                h = h.encode('ascii')
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                raise EncodingError("Non-ascii header name")
            stream.write("{0}: {1}\r\n".format(h, to_mime(h, v)))
Exemple #16
                            options[k] = v
                    options.username = c.user
                    options.search_tags = False
                    options.return_objects = False
                    query_fields = MultiDict()
                    for field, value in params.items():
                        field = field.strip()
                        if field in search.DEFAULT_OPTIONS.keys() or \
                                field in IGNORE_FIELDS:
                        values = [value]
                        if isinstance(value, list):
                            values = value
                        for v in values:
                            query_fields.add(field, v)

                    results = query.run(
                    # For package searches in API v3 and higher, we can pass
                    # parameters straight to Solr.
                    if ver in [1, 2]:
                        # Otherwise, put all unrecognised ones into the q
                        # parameter
                        params = search.\
                    query = search.query_for(model.Package)
Exemple #17
    def get_url_security(self, cluster_id, connection=None):
        """ Returns the security configuration of HTTP URLs.

        # What DB class to fetch depending on the string value of the security type.
        sec_type_db_class = {
            'tech_acc': TechnicalAccount,
            'basic_auth': HTTPBasicAuth,
            'wss': WSSDefinition

        result = MultiDict()

        query = http_soap_security_list(self._session, cluster_id, connection)
        columns = Bunch()

        # So ConfigDict has its data in the format it expects
        for c in query.statement.columns:
            columns[c.name] = None

        for item in query.all():

            _info = Bunch()
            _info[item.soap_action] = Bunch()
            _info[item.soap_action].is_active = item.is_active
            _info[item.soap_action].transport = item.transport
            _info[item.soap_action].data_format = item.data_format

            if item.security_id:
                _info[item.soap_action].sec_def = Bunch()

                # Will raise KeyError if the DB gets somehow misconfigured.
                db_class = sec_type_db_class[item.sec_type]

                sec_def = self._session.query(db_class).\

                # Common things first
                _info[item.soap_action].sec_def.name = sec_def.name
                _info[item.soap_action].sec_def.password = sec_def.password
                _info[item.soap_action].sec_def.sec_type = item.sec_type

                if item.sec_type == security_def_type.tech_account:
                    _info[item.soap_action].sec_def.salt = sec_def.salt
                elif item.sec_type == security_def_type.basic_auth:
                    _info[item.soap_action].sec_def.username = sec_def.username
                    _info[item.soap_action].sec_def.password = sec_def.password
                    _info[item.soap_action].sec_def.realm = sec_def.realm
                elif item.sec_type == security_def_type.wss:
                    _info[item.soap_action].sec_def.username = sec_def.username
                    _info[item.soap_action].sec_def.password = sec_def.password
                        soap_action].sec_def.password_type = sec_def.password_type
                        soap_action].sec_def.reject_empty_nonce_creat = sec_def.reject_empty_nonce_creat
                        soap_action].sec_def.reject_stale_tokens = sec_def.reject_stale_tokens
                        soap_action].sec_def.reject_expiry_limit = sec_def.reject_expiry_limit
                        soap_action].sec_def.nonce_freshness_time = sec_def.nonce_freshness_time
                _info[item.soap_action].sec_def = ZATO_NONE

            result.add(item.url_path, _info)

        return result, columns
Exemple #18
    def search(self, ver=None, register=None):

        log.debug('search %s params: %r', register, request.params)
        if register == 'revision':
            since_time = None
            if 'since_id' in request.params:
                id = request.params['since_id']
                if not id:
                    return self._finish_bad_request(
                        _(u'No revision specified'))
                rev = model.Session.query(model.Revision).get(id)
                if rev is None:
                    return self._finish_not_found(
                        _(u'There is no revision with id: %s') % id)
                since_time = rev.timestamp
            elif 'since_time' in request.params:
                since_time_str = request.params['since_time']
                    since_time = h.date_str_to_datetime(since_time_str)
                except ValueError as inst:
                    return self._finish_bad_request('ValueError: %s' % inst)
                return self._finish_bad_request(
                    _("Missing search term ('since_id=UUID' or " +
                      " 'since_time=TIMESTAMP')"))
            revs = model.Session.query(model.Revision) \
                .filter(model.Revision.timestamp > since_time) \
                .order_by(model.Revision.timestamp) \
                .limit(50)  # reasonable enough for a page
            return self._finish_ok([rev.id for rev in revs])
        elif register in ['dataset', 'package', 'resource']:
                params = MultiDict(self._get_search_params(request.params))
            except ValueError as e:
                return self._finish_bad_request(
                    _('Could not read parameters: %r' % e))

            # if using API v2, default to returning the package ID if
            # no field list is specified
            if register in ['dataset', 'package'] and not params.get('fl'):
                params['fl'] = 'id' if ver == 2 else 'name'

                if register == 'resource':
                    query = search.query_for(model.Resource)

                    # resource search still uses ckan query parser
                    options = search.QueryOptions()
                    for k, v in params.items():
                        if (k in search.DEFAULT_OPTIONS.keys()):
                            options[k] = v
                    options.username = c.user
                    options.search_tags = False
                    options.return_objects = False
                    query_fields = MultiDict()
                    for field, value in params.items():
                        field = field.strip()
                        if field in search.DEFAULT_OPTIONS.keys() or \
                                field in IGNORE_FIELDS:
                        values = [value]
                        if isinstance(value, list):
                            values = value
                        for v in values:
                            query_fields.add(field, v)

                    results = query.run(query=params.get('q'),
                    # For package searches in API v3 and higher, we can pass
                    # parameters straight to Solr.
                    if ver in [1, 2]:
                        # Otherwise, put all unrecognised ones into the q
                        # parameter
                        params = search.\
                    query = search.query_for(model.Package)

                    # Remove any existing fq param and set the capacity to
                    # public
                    if 'fq' in params:
                        del params['fq']
                    params['fq'] = '+capacity:public'
                    # if callback is specified we do not want to send that to
                    # the search
                    if 'callback' in params:
                        del params['callback']
                    results = query.run(params)
                return self._finish_ok(results)
            except search.SearchError as e:
                return self._finish_bad_request(_('Bad search option: %s') % e)
            return self._finish_not_found(_('Unknown register: %s') % register)
Exemple #19
    def _after_init_accepted(self, server):
        if self.singleton_server:
            for(_, name, is_active, job_type, start_date, extra, service,\
                _, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, repeats, cron_definition)\
                    in self.odb.get_job_list(server.cluster.id):
                if is_active:
                    job_data = Bunch({'name':name, 'is_active':is_active, 
                        'job_type':job_type, 'start_date':start_date, 
                        'extra':extra, 'service':service,  'weeks':weeks, 
                        'days':days, 'hours':hours, 'minutes':minutes, 
                        'seconds':seconds,  'repeats':repeats, 
                    self.singleton_server.scheduler.create_edit('create', job_data)

            # Start the connectors only once throughout the whole cluster
        # Mapping between SOAP actions and internal services.
        #for soap_action, service_name in self.odb.get_internal_channel_list(server.cluster.id):
        #    self.request_handler.soap_handler.soap_config[soap_action] = service_name
        # FTP
        ftp_conn_params = Bunch()
        for item in self.odb.get_out_ftp_list(server.cluster.id):
            ftp_conn_params[item.name] = Bunch()
            ftp_conn_params[item.name].is_active = item.is_active
            ftp_conn_params[item.name].name = item.name
            ftp_conn_params[item.name].host = item.host
            ftp_conn_params[item.name].user = item.user
            ftp_conn_params[item.name].password = item.password
            ftp_conn_params[item.name].acct = item.acct
            ftp_conn_params[item.name].timeout = item.timeout
            ftp_conn_params[item.name].port = item.port
            ftp_conn_params[item.name].dircache = item.dircache
        self.ftp = FTPFacade(ftp_conn_params)
        self.worker_config = Bunch()
        # Repo location so that AMQP subprocesses know how where to read
        # the server's configuration from.
        self.worker_config.repo_location = self.repo_location
        # The broker client for each of the worker threads.
        self.worker_config.broker_config = Bunch()
        self.worker_config.broker_config.name = 'worker-thread'
        self.worker_config.broker_config.broker_token = self.broker_token
        self.worker_config.broker_config.zmq_context = self.zmq_context
        self.worker_config.broker_config.broker_push_client_pull = self.broker_push_worker_pull
        self.worker_config.broker_config.client_push_broker_pull = self.worker_push_broker_pull
        self.worker_config.broker_config.broker_pub_client_sub = self.broker_pub_worker_sub
        # HTTP Basic Auth
        ba_config = Bunch()
        for item in self.odb.get_basic_auth_list(server.cluster.id):
            ba_config[item.name] = Bunch()
            ba_config[item.name].is_active = item.is_active
            ba_config[item.name].username = item.username
            ba_config[item.name].domain = item.domain
            ba_config[item.name].password = item.password
        # Technical accounts
        ta_config = Bunch()
        for item in self.odb.get_tech_acc_list(server.cluster.id):
            ta_config[item.name] = Bunch()
            ta_config[item.name].is_active = item.is_active
            ta_config[item.name].name = item.name
            ta_config[item.name].password = item.password
            ta_config[item.name].salt = item.salt
        wss_config = Bunch()
        for item in self.odb.get_wss_list(server.cluster.id):
            wss_config[item.name] = Bunch()
            wss_config[item.name].is_active = item.is_active
            wss_config[item.name].username = item.username
            wss_config[item.name].password = item.password
            wss_config[item.name].password_type = item.password_type
            wss_config[item.name].reject_empty_nonce_ts = item.reject_empty_nonce_ts
            wss_config[item.name].reject_stale_username = item.reject_stale_username
            wss_config[item.name].expiry_limit = item.expiry_limit
            wss_config[item.name].nonce_freshness = item.nonce_freshness

        # Security configuration of HTTP URLs.
        url_sec = self.odb.get_url_security(server)
        # All the HTTP/SOAP channels.
        http_soap = MultiDict()
        for item in self.odb.get_http_soap_list(server.cluster.id, 'channel'):
            _info = Bunch()
            _info[item.soap_action] = Bunch()
            _info[item.soap_action].id = item.id
            _info[item.soap_action].name = item.name
            _info[item.soap_action].is_internal = item.is_internal
            _info[item.soap_action].url_path = item.url_path
            _info[item.soap_action].method = item.method
            _info[item.soap_action].soap_version = item.soap_version
            _info[item.soap_action].service_id = item.service_id
            _info[item.soap_action].service_name = item.service_name
            _info[item.soap_action].impl_name = item.impl_name
            http_soap.add(item.url_path, _info)
        self.worker_config.basic_auth = ba_config
        self.worker_config.tech_acc = ta_config
        self.worker_config.wss = wss_config
        self.worker_config.url_sec = url_sec
        self.worker_config.http_soap = http_soap

        # The parallel server's broker client. The client's used to notify
        # all the server's AMQP subprocesses that they need to shut down.

        self.broker_client = BrokerClient()
        self.broker_client.name = 'parallel'
        self.broker_client.token = server.cluster.broker_token
        self.broker_client.zmq_context = self.zmq_context
        self.broker_client.client_push_broker_pull = self.parallel_push_broker_pull
Exemple #20
class QueryParser(object):
    The query parser will take any incoming query specifications and turn 
    them into field-specific and general query parts. 
    def __init__(self, query, terms, fields):
        self._query = query
        self._terms = terms
        self._fields = MultiDict(fields)

    def query(self):
        if not hasattr(self, '_combined_query'):
            parts = [self._query if self._query is not None else '']

            for term in self._terms:
                if term.find(u' ') != -1:
                    term = u"\"%s\"" % term

            for field, value in self._fields.items():
                if value.find(' ') != -1:
                    value = u"\"%s\"" % value
                parts.append(u"%s:%s" % (field.strip(), value.strip()))

            self._combined_query = u' '.join(parts)
        return self._combined_query

    def _query_tokens(self):
        """ Split the query string, leaving quoted strings intact. """
        if self._query:
            inside_quote = False
            buf = u''
            for ch in self._query:
                if ch == u' ' and not inside_quote:
                    if len(buf):
                        yield buf.strip()
                    buf = u''
                elif ch == inside_quote:
                    inside_quote = False
                elif ch in [u"\"", u"'"]:
                    inside_quote = ch
                    buf += ch
            if len(buf):
                yield buf.strip()

    def _parse_query(self):
        """ Decompose the query string into fields and terms. """
        self._combined_fields = MultiDict(self._fields)
        self._combined_terms = list(self._terms)
        for token in self._query_tokens():
            colon_pos = token.find(u':')
            if colon_pos != -1:
                field = token[:colon_pos]
                value = token[colon_pos + 1:]
                value = value.strip('"').strip("'").strip()
                self._combined_fields.add(field, value)

    def fields(self):
        if not hasattr(self, '_combined_fields'):
        return self._combined_fields

    def terms(self):
        if not hasattr(self, '_combined_terms'):
        return self._combined_terms

    def validate(self):
        """ Check that this is a valid query. """

    def __str__(self):
        return self.query

    def __repr__(self):
        return "Query(%r)" % self.query
Exemple #21
                        if k in search.DEFAULT_OPTIONS.keys():
                            options[k] = v
                    options.username = c.user
                    options.search_tags = False
                    options.return_objects = False
                    query_fields = MultiDict()
                    for field, value in params.items():
                        field = field.strip()
                        if field in search.DEFAULT_OPTIONS.keys() or field in IGNORE_FIELDS:
                        values = [value]
                        if isinstance(value, list):
                            values = value
                        for v in values:
                            query_fields.add(field, v)

                    results = query.run(query=params.get("q"), fields=query_fields, options=options)
                    # For package searches in API v3 and higher, we can pass
                    # parameters straight to Solr.
                    if ver in [1, 2]:
                        # Otherwise, put all unrecognised ones into the q
                        # parameter
                        params = search.convert_legacy_parameters_to_solr(params)
                    query = search.query_for(model.Package)

                    # Remove any existing fq param and set the capacity to
                    # public
                    if "fq" in params:
                        del params["fq"]
Exemple #22
    mainkey = ''
    d = MultiDict()
    DEBUG = 0
    for item in items:
        cleanitem = item
        thiskey = item.find('b') #, attrs={'img':'class bdtIcon'})
        if thiskey:
            value = str(item)
            value = value.replace(str(thiskey), '')
	    value = cleaner(value)
            if DEBUG:
                print "X %s" % value
            mainkey = thiskey
	    if value:
                d.add(thiskey.text, value)
            if mainkey:
                if DEBUG:
                    print mainkey.text
                    print item
                d.add(mainkey.text, item)

    # final result
    shown = {}

    xmlfile.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n")
    xmlfile.write("<entry xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom\"\n")
    xmlfile.write("       xmlns:dcterms=\"http://purl.org/dc/terms/\">\n")
    xmlfile.write("   <dcterms:source>%s</dcterms:source>\n" % inturl)
Exemple #23
    def get_url_security(self, cluster_id):
        """ Returns the security configuration of HTTP URLs.

        # What DB class to fetch depending on the string value of the security type.
        sec_type_db_class = {
            'tech_acc': TechnicalAccount,
            'basic_auth': HTTPBasicAuth,
            'wss': WSSDefinition

        result = MultiDict()

        query = http_soap_security_list(self._session, cluster_id)
        columns = Bunch()
        # So ConfigDict has its data in the format it expects
        for c in query.statement.columns:
            columns[c.name] = None
        for item in query.all():
            _info = Bunch()
            _info[item.soap_action] = Bunch()
            _info[item.soap_action].transport = item.transport
            _info[item.soap_action].data_format = item.data_format

            if item.security_id:
                _info[item.soap_action].sec_def = Bunch()
                # Will raise KeyError if the DB gets somehow misconfigured.
                db_class = sec_type_db_class[item.sec_type]
                sec_def = self._session.query(db_class).\

                # Common things first
                _info[item.soap_action].sec_def.name = sec_def.name    
                _info[item.soap_action].sec_def.password = sec_def.password
                _info[item.soap_action].sec_def.sec_type = item.sec_type
                if item.sec_type == security_def_type.tech_account:
                    _info[item.soap_action].sec_def.salt = sec_def.salt
                elif item.sec_type == security_def_type.basic_auth:
                    _info[item.soap_action].sec_def.username = sec_def.username
                    _info[item.soap_action].sec_def.password = sec_def.password
                    _info[item.soap_action].sec_def.realm = sec_def.realm
                elif item.sec_type == security_def_type.wss:
                    _info[item.soap_action].sec_def.username = sec_def.username
                    _info[item.soap_action].sec_def.password = sec_def.password
                    _info[item.soap_action].sec_def.password_type = sec_def.password_type
                    _info[item.soap_action].sec_def.reject_empty_nonce_creat = sec_def.reject_empty_nonce_creat
                    _info[item.soap_action].sec_def.reject_stale_tokens = sec_def.reject_stale_tokens
                    _info[item.soap_action].sec_def.reject_expiry_limit = sec_def.reject_expiry_limit
                    _info[item.soap_action].sec_def.nonce_freshness_time = sec_def.nonce_freshness_time
                _info[item.soap_action].sec_def = ZATO_NONE
            result.add(item.url_path, _info)

        return result, columns