Exemple #1
 def calc_fitness_one(
         self, image_path
 ):  #function for calculating fitness of one particular image
     orig_image = pc.rel_path(
         self.orig_image)  #composing absolute path name for original image
     art_image = pc.rel_path(
         image_path)  #composing absolute path name for current child
     orig_pixels = Image.open(
         orig_image).load()  #getting array of pixels of original image
     art_pixels = Image.open(
         art_image).load()  #getting array of pixels of current child image
     fitness = 0  #initially, fitness is 0
         height, width
     ) = self.image_size  #writing down height and width of images in pixels
     for i in range(height):  #considering every possible pixel coordinates
         for j in range(width):
             orig_pixel = orig_pixels[
                 i, j]  #writing down pixels of original image
             art_pixel = art_pixels[
                 i, j]  #writing down pixels of current children image
             x = math.sqrt(((orig_pixel[0] - art_pixel[0])**2) +
                           ((orig_pixel[1] - art_pixel[1])**2) +
                           ((orig_pixel[2] - art_pixel[2])**
                            2))  #first of all writing down constant x as
             #square root of sum of squares of RGB values differences
             var = 30  #then define variance value for NORMAL DISTRIBUTION
             fitness += (1 / (var * math.sqrt(math.pi * 2))) * (math.e**((
                 (x / var)**2) * (-0.5)))
             #adding to fitness score NORMAL DISTRIBUTION value of x
             #I decided to choose NORMAL DISTRIBUTION because when pixels
             #difference is very small it is not so critical. Otherwise, our eyes
             #cannot build illusion of similarity.
     return fitness
Exemple #2
    def crossover(self, child_id,
                  parents):  #function for making crossover between parents
        child = Image.new(
            "RGB", self.image_size, "white"
        )  #creating child with undetermined pixels, let them be white
        child_pixels = child.load()  #getting pixels of the child
        parents_pixels = []  #array of arrays of pixels of parents
        for i in range(self.parents_cnt):  #traversing parents paths
            cur_path = pc.rel_path(
                parents[i])  #composing absolute path of some parent
            cur_pixels = Image.open(
                cur_path).load()  #getting pixels of some parent
                cur_pixels)  #appending this array of pixels into one array
            height, width
        ) = self.image_size  #writing down height and width of images in pixels
        figure_size = random.randint(
            self.min_figure_size, self.max_figure_size
        )  #we divide pixels into small squares and put into the
        #child this square of random parent
        #so we take random square side between pre-defined values
        for i in range(0, height,
                       figure_size):  #traversing all pixels coordinates
            for j in range(
                    0, width, figure_size
            ):  #with period of square side value, because we will color
                #not one pixel, but a bunch of pixels of the child
                parent_id = random.randint(0, self.parents_cnt -
                                           1)  #taking random parent
                for k in range(i, min(
                        height, i +
                        figure_size)):  #traversing current square coordinates
                    for l in range(j, min(width, j + figure_size)):
                        child_pixels[k, l] = parents_pixels[parent_id][
                            l]  #coloring this square of randomly taken parent into child

        incomplete_path = "image" + str((self.generation + 1) * self.size +
        #we accumulate all images, because perodically
        #'permission denied' issue arises, so we calculate
        #image number of next generation, which will newborn child
        complete_path = pc.rel_path(
            incomplete_path)  #compose absolute path for newborn child
        child.save(complete_path, "png")  #save child image into that path
        return incomplete_path
Exemple #3
def init_population():  #function for creating initial images
    paths = []  #array for defining absolute paths to initial images
    for i in range(len(initial_population)):
        cur_path = pc.rel_path(
        )  #composing absolute path to the initial image number i (numbering from 0)
            cur_path)  #insert composed path into array of absolute paths
        cur_color = initial_population[
            i]  #taking pre-defined color for initial image number i
        new_image = Image.new(
            "RGB", image_size,
            cur_color)  #creating new image with pre-defined size and color
                       "png")  #saving created image with the composed path
    return paths
Exemple #4
    def mutate_one(self, image, max_disturbance
                   ):  #function for making mutation of one particular child
        path = pc.rel_path(
            image)  #getting absolute path to the current child image
        to_be_mutated_image = Image.open(path)
        image_pixels = to_be_mutated_image.load(
        )  #getting array of pixels of the current child image
            height, width
        ) = self.image_size  #getting height and width in pixels of child image
        rand_pixel_x = random.randint(0,
                                      height - 1)  #taking random coordinates
        rand_pixel_y = random.randint(0, width - 1)
        (red, green, blue) = image_pixels[
            rand_pixel_y]  #taking pixel of current child at random coordinates
        rand_red = random.randint(
            max(0, red - max_disturbance),
            min(255, red + max_disturbance))  #calculating new color RGB values
        rand_green = random.randint(max(0, green - max_disturbance),
                                    min(255, green +
                                        max_disturbance))  #as explained in
        rand_blue = random.randint(
            max(0, blue - max_disturbance),
            min(255, blue + max_disturbance))  #TODO max_disturbance CONSTANT
        #TODO IN main.py
        figure_size = random.randint(
            self.min_figure_size, self.max_figure_size
        )  #TODO SEE EXPLANATION OF max_figure_size CONSTANT IN
        figure_center_x = random.randint(figure_size, height - figure_size -
                                         1)  #TODO main.py
        figure_center_y = random.randint(figure_size, width - figure_size - 1)
        figure_pixels = Figure(figure_center_x, figure_center_y, figure_size,
        #getting array of pixels of figure with the help of 'Figure' class

        for coordinates in figure_pixels:
            image_pixels[coordinates] = (
                rand_red, rand_green, rand_blue
            )  #painting figure on top of children (mutation)

                                 "png")  #saving mutated child to its path
Exemple #5
def resize_image(
):  #function for compressing or stretching original image till the size with which we will work
    path = pc.rel_path(orig_image)  #taking absolute path of the original image
    image = Image.open(path)
    image = image.resize(image_size)  #changing size of the original image
    image.save(path)  #saving changes into the file system