def calculate(start: tuple, goal: tuple, grid: utils.Grid = utils.Grid()):
    """ Finds path from start to goal using the Bidirectional Search algorithm.


    Starts to search from both start and goal simultaneously, performing Breadth-First search at both ends,
    until the two searches intersect.

    :param start: A tuple representing the starting point, e.g. (0, 0).
    :param goal: A tuple representing the goal point, e.g. (10, 10).
    :param grid: A Grid object representing the space where start and goal are located, optional.

    queue_start, queue_goal = deque([start]), deque([goal])

    visited = [start, goal]

    child_parent_pairs = dict()

    found_path = False

    intersect_point = None

    while queue_start and queue_goal and not found_path:

        for i, [q, q_other] in enumerate(
                zip([queue_start, queue_goal], [queue_goal, queue_start])):
            if q:
                x = q.pop()
                if x == [goal, start][i] or x in q_other:
                    # success
                    found_path = True
                    intersect_point = x
                    print("intersect_point", intersect_point, flush=True)
                    # break
                for neighbor in grid.get_point_neighbors(x):
                    if neighbor not in visited:
                        child_parent_pairs[neighbor] = x

                        # if i == 0:
                        #     child_parent_pairs[neighbor] = x
                        # else:
                        #     child_parent_pairs[x] = neighbor

    start_to_intersect = utils.calculate_path(intersect_point, start,
    goal_to_intersect = utils.calculate_path(goal, intersect_point,

    path = start_to_intersect.extend(reversed(goal_to_intersect[:-1]))
    return {
        "path": path,
        "visited": visited,
        "grid": grid.to_ndarray(),
        "start": start,
        "goal": goal
Exemple #2
def calculate(start: tuple, goal: tuple, grid: utils.Grid = utils.Grid()):
    """ Finds path from start to goal using Dijkstra's algorithm.

    Implementation of this algorithm was based on the example provided in Wikipedia:

    :param start: A tuple representing the starting point, e.g. (0, 0).
    :param goal: A tuple representing the goal point, e.g. (10, 10).
    :param grid: A Grid object representing the space where start and goal are located, optional.

    pq = utils.PriorityQueue()
    distances = dict()
    child_parent_pairs = dict()
    visited = []

    # add all points in grid to priority queue with infinite distances and no parents
    for y, x in np.ndindex(grid.to_ndarray().shape):
        distances[(y, x)] = math.inf
        child_parent_pairs[(y, x)] = ""
        pq.add_point((y, x), math.inf)

    # update starting point's distance and priority to 0
    distances[start] = 0
    pq.add_point(start, priority=0)

    while pq.has_points():
        # get point with lowest priority and remove from queue
        current_point = pq.get_lowest_priority_point()

        if current_point == goal:
            # goal has been reached

        for neighbor in grid.get_point_neighbors(current_point):
            if pq.contains_point(neighbor):

                # neighbors always 1 step away from current
                alt_distance = distances[current_point] + 1

                if alt_distance < distances[neighbor]:
                    distances[neighbor] = alt_distance
                    # update neighbor's priority with new distance
                    pq.add_point(neighbor, alt_distance)
                    child_parent_pairs[neighbor] = current_point

    path = utils.calculate_path(start, goal, child_parent_pairs)

    return {
        "path": path,
        "visited": visited,
        "grid": grid.to_ndarray(),
        "start": start,
        "goal": goal
def calculate(start: tuple, goal: tuple, grid: utils.Grid = utils.Grid()):
    """ Finds path from start to goal using the Depth-First Search algorithm.

    Works by creating a double ended queue (deque) - by always appending to the **right** of the queue,
    and then considering the **right-most** points in the queue first, the deque essentially works as a LIFO

    :param start: A tuple representing the starting point, e.g. (0, 0).
    :param goal: A tuple representing the goal point, e.g. (10, 10).
    :param grid: A Grid object representing the space where start and goal are located, optional.

    queue = deque([start])

    visited = []

    child_parent_pairs = dict()

    while queue:  # stops when all points have been considered or when goal is reached

        current_point = queue.pop()  # get right-most point in queue

        visited.append(current_point)  # mark point as visited

        if current_point == goal:
            # goal has been reached
            # do not return from here, by returning below the case where no path is found is captured

        for neighbor in grid.get_point_neighbors(current_point):
            if neighbor not in visited:  # check if already visited this point
                queue.append(neighbor)  # append to the right of the queue
                child_parent_pairs[neighbor] = current_point

    path = utils.calculate_path(start, goal, child_parent_pairs)

    return {
        "path": path,
        "visited": visited,
        "grid": grid.to_ndarray(),
        "start": start,
        "goal": goal
def calculate(start: tuple, goal: tuple, grid: utils.Grid = utils.Grid(), heuristic: str = "manhattan"):
    """ Finds path from start to goal using the A* algorithm.

    Implementation of this algorithm was based on the example provided in Wikipedia:*_search_algorithm#Pseudocode

    :param start: A tuple representing the starting point, e.g. (0, 0).
    :param goal: A tuple representing the goal point, e.g. (10, 10).
    :param grid: A Grid object representing the space where start and goal are located, optional.
    :param heuristic: The heuristic the algorithm will use, defaults to the Manhattan distance. Currently options
     "manhattan" and "euclidean" are supported.

    if heuristic == "manhattan":
        h_score = heuristics.manhattan_distance
    elif heuristic == "euclidean":
        h_score = heuristics.euclidean_distance
        raise NameError("Heuristic name provided not applicable/erroneous.")

    visited = []

    child_parent_pairs = dict()

    g_scores = dict()
    g_scores[start] = 0

    f_scores = dict()  # the f_score is calculated by f(n) = g(n) + h(n)
    f_scores[start] = g_scores[start] + \
                      h_score(start, goal)  # the g_score of start is 0

    # create a priority queue, and add start to it; priority in A* corresponds to the fScore, and the points with
    # lowest fScores are considered first
    pq = utils.PriorityQueue()
    pq.add_point(start, f_scores[start])

    while pq.has_points():
        # get point with lowest priority and remove from queue
        current_point = pq.get_lowest_priority_point()


        if current_point == goal:
            # goal has been reached
            # do not return from here, by returning below the case where no path is found is captured

        for neighbor in grid.get_point_neighbors(current_point):
            # neighbors always 1 step away from current
            tentative_g_score = g_scores[current_point] + 1
            if neighbor in g_scores and g_scores[neighbor] < tentative_g_score:
                # neighbor already reached from another point that resulted in a lower g_score, so skip it

            # path to this neighbor is better than any previous, so record it
            child_parent_pairs[neighbor] = current_point
            g_scores[neighbor] = tentative_g_score
            f_scores[neighbor] = tentative_g_score + h_score(neighbor, goal)
            pq.add_point(neighbor, f_scores[neighbor])

    path = utils.calculate_path(start, goal, child_parent_pairs)

    return {"path": path, "visited": visited, "grid": grid.to_ndarray(), "start": start, "goal": goal}